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Friday, October 19, 2012

Picture of beautiful brunette woman in the world

Picture of beautiful brunette woman in the world

صورة اجمل امراة سمراء العالم

Picture of beautiful brunette woman in the world

صورة اجمل امراة سمراء العالم

صور صبا مبارك وهي تلبس الفستان الاحمر الحرير

صور صبا مبارك وهي تلبس الفستان الاحمر الحرير
مبارك صورة مبارك اجمل 2013

مبارك صورة مبارك اجمل 2013 

 مبارك صورة مبارك اجمل 2013

صور صبا مبارك وهي تحمل السلاح وتلبس الزي العسكري

صور صبا مبارك وهي تحمل السلاح وتلبس الزي العسكري

مبارك صورة مبارك اجمل 2013
مبارك صورة مبارك اجمل 2013

صور صبا مبارك وهي تلبس كت فى عدد من الصور

صور صبا مبارك وهي تلبس كت فى عدد من الصور

مبارك خلفيات مبارك 2013

مبارك خلفيات مبارك 2013

مبارك خلفيات مبارك 2013

مبارك خلفيات مبارك 2013

مبارك خلفيات مبارك 2013

مبارك خلفيات مبارك 2013

Van Dam is exposed to a heart attack during filming and Van Damme denies news

Van Dam is exposed to a heart attack during filming and Van Damme denies news
اخبار الفن والمشاهير

After one day of the celebration of the fiftieth birthday last Monday, was Jean-Claude Van Damme to a minor heart attack while filming scenes of his new film "Weapon".
News has confirmed that Van Dam was getting ready to shoot a scene from the film in a studio city "New Orleans" which moved to America filming just three days ago.
Surprised Van Damme heart attack that hit him suddenly without warning and was transferred to the hospital for a short period during which he stressed doctors that Van Dam is in good health, but just needs to rest for a few days will depend which imaging to fully recover from the effects of a heart attack and that his house private in Belgium.
On the other hand assured the famous actor Van Damme fans on his health recently denied rumors about a heart attack sharply during the filming of the most recent film, "Respondents" Weapon or "arms."
Published official page Van Dam site FaceBook: "hours ago I read on the pages of Web sites for common my injury had a heart attack, but this news is not unfounded, do not believe any news published on the Dan except what is published on his official website."

Part IV of the resident evil in Egypt

Part IV of the resident evil in Egypt

اخبار الفن والمشاهيرBegins Wednesday Part IV of the resident evil series titled after life, which is the first part in the series that is displayed three-dimensional 3D.Film in Egypt from the distribution company "United Motion Pictures" the official agent for the company "Twentieth Century Fox" and "Warner Bros." Alomirkatien in Egypt, starring Milla Jovovich American heroine of all the parts.Revolves series about the spread of HIV stranger in town "Raccoon" Yamit all forms of life and then return after death after having been reduced to terata, following leak virus is sent Special Forces Group to investigate, these forces are a team, "Stars", who find themselves trapped inside a city of the dead neighborhoods "zombie" and alien monsters resulting from the injection of the virus directly into the tissue alive.With the start of the new part "after life" we find the company "Umbrella," which is not only interested interests own and that invented the deadly virus, which has the elimination of the whole of humanity, but of the survivors was the girl cloned "Alice" greatest hope and the latter for the continuation of humanity, facing the company and its attempts to eliminate them.The cost of the film reached $ 60 million, has been filmed at locations between the U.S., Canada and Toronto, as a lot of images see inside the studios to perform tricks and also digital display technology requirements the new stereo 3D.

عرض المسلسل المصري "الدالي 3" بعد عيد الأضحي

عرض "الدالي 3" بعد عيد الأضحي اخبار الفن والمشاهير
أخيراَ وبعد خلافات وتأجيلات تم الإتفاق بين المنتج محمد فوزي وبعض القنوات الفضائية علي عرض الجزء الثالث من مسلسل "الدالي" بعد عيد الأضحي بعد أن تأجل عرضه في رمضان الماضي.
كان المسلسل قد تأخر في التعاقد مع التليفزيون المصري قبل رمضان والذي كان قد إستكمل خريطة عرضه وتعاقداته، فأعرض عن شراء حق بث المسلسل، فسحب المنتج محمد فوزي المسلسل من العرض في رمضان بشكل كامل بعد أن سحب نسخة المسلسل من قنوات ال ART مفضلاَ أن يعرضه في وقت لاحق، وكان ذلك القرار الذي علمه حتي أبطال المسلسل أنفسهم قبل رمضان بأيام.
ليكون ذلك غياباَ نادراَ لنور الشريف عن شاشة رمضان بعد أعوام من المداومة علي المشاركة فيها، الأمر الذي جعله يتعاقد مبكراَ هذا العام علي بطولة مسلسل "بين الشوطين" مع المخرج محمد النقلي.
مسلسل "الدالي" الجزء الثالث من بطولة نور الشريف وسوسن بدر وصلاح عبدالله ووفاء عامر وأحمد صفوت ودينا فؤاد ومي نور الشريف، ومن تأليف وليد يوسف وإخراج يوسف شرف الدين.

قصه هروب ماريا من جمال مروان لمحسن جابر

قصه هروب ماريا من جمال مروان لمحسن جابر

اخبار الفن والمشاهير
وقعت ماريا عقداَ لمدة خمس سنوات مع "ميوزك هيتس" التي يرأسها عماد سالم وهي أحد الشركات التابعة لـ"مزيكا" لمالكها محسن جابر، ذلك بعد أن تركت جمال مروان وشركته "ميلودي".
تضمن العقد إنتاج 5 ألبومات لماريا خلال الخمس سنوات وتصوير ثلاثة أغاني من كل ألبوم، كما تضمن العقد إدارة الشركة لأعمال ماريا بشكل كامل وحصول الشركة علي نسبة من إيرادات الحفلات الخاصة بها.
جاء التعاقد بعد فترة من تجمد نشاط ماريا مع شركة ميلودي ومفاوضات بينها وبين محسن جابر، وأولي أعمال ماريا مع الشركة ستكون أغنية إنتهت من تسجيلها من ألحان محمد رحيم سيتم تصويرها خلال أسبوعين، كما أنها تقرأ سيناريو لفيلم تحضر له مع المنتج والمخرج هاني جرجس فوزي.
يذكر أن الفيلمين اللذين قدمتهما ماريا في السينما "أحاسيس" و"بدون رقابة" كانا أيضاَ مع هاني جرجس فوزي.

Study: thyme oil is effective in combating bacterial resistance to antibiotics

Study: thyme oil is effective in combating bacterial resistance to antibiotics

According to a recent scientific study on the severity of the effectiveness of essential oil of thyme in the fight against bacteria, thus herald the possibility to benefit from certain types of essential oils in the fight against resistant strains of bacteria to antibiotics.
The researchers from the Institute of Technical Education Oaonyan Islands, Greece conducted a study on eight varieties of plant essential oils, including essential oils in vegetarian thyme and cinnamon, with a view to assessing their impact on the number of strains of bacteria that belong to what is known as meningococcal cluster.
According to some sources; know rights to essential oils in plants, many centuries ago, where it was used in the field of traditional medicine to deal with many of the cases.
Although scientific studies revealed the effectiveness of essential oils of plants in the fight against many varieties of bacteria and fungi, but scientists still do not know a lot about its impact in the fight against bacteria in humans, according to specialists.
The recent study involved several types of staph bacteria group, some of which exist naturally in the skin, while others cause infections in people who suffer from low efficiency of their immune systems.
The researchers reviewed the results of their studies within the Institute events for General Microbiology meeting, held this week in the Scottish city of Edinburgh.
According to the results; show that the essential oil of thyme was the most effective in the fight against staph bacteria targeted by the study, has succeeded in killing almost all cells within one hour.
According to "Yanes Samaras", a researcher from the Institute of Learning technical islands Oaonyan, that the essential oils of some plant species can provide effective tools to fight the bacteria resistance to antibiotics.
From the point of view; advantage of essential oils as inexpensive, it also provides a therapeutic option for dealing with resistant strains of bacteria, as well as the whole reduce the use of antibiotics, to help reduce the risk of the emergence of resistant strains of bacteria.

Atalmoa why occurs when Sgodna in prayer???

Atalmoa why occurs when Sgodna in prayer???

We know that your body receives a great deal of electromagnetic radiation daily

Tahedaha Here are electrical devices that you use, and multiple machines

That does not dispense with them, and electric lighting that can not afford to

Extinguished hours of the day ..

You receiver for large amounts of electromagnetic radiation

Ie you are charged with electricity and you do not feel ..

You have a headache, and a feeling of malaise, laziness and lethargy, and different pain

Do not forget this important information and you feel something from it ..

So how salvation????

Western non-Muslim researcher concluded in his scientific research that

The best way to get rid of the human body from electric charges

Cation that hurt his body to put his forehead on the ground

More than once, because the land is negative pulls positive charges

As it happens in the electric wire that extends to the ground

In buildings to pull shipments of electricity from lightning strikes to the ground ..

Place your forehead on the ground until the cargo is unloaded harmful electrical ..

And increase you search a surprising statement when he says:

Better to put the front directly on the dirt!

And increase you more surprising when he says:

The best way in this matter to put your forehead on the ground

And you in the direction of the center of the earth, because in this case to get rid

Of electric charges better and stronger!!

And getting Andeasha when you know that the center of the earth scientifically:


And that the Kaaba is the Earth's axis, just as studies prove it

Geographic agreement specialists all!!

So the prostrate .... In your prayers - Dear Muslim -

Is the perfect situation to dump those shipments harmful ..

It is the perfect case for close you are to the Creator of the universe and creator

Scientists discover protein eye unable to resist bacteria

Scientists discover protein eye unable to resist bacteria

A team of researchers from the University of California Berkeley that proteins eye has a great ability to kill germs, a finding that may lead to the development of anti-microbial drugs is expensive.
The researchers found that small portions of the keratin protein found in the eye could play a key role in warding off pathogens.
In order to reach this conclusion, the researchers tested the ability of these small proteins to combat a range of pathogens.
Been able to small molecules that resist effectively the bacteria that lead to disease erosion of human flesh, inflammation or sore throat (strep Streptococcus pyogenes), diarrhea (bacteria E. coli) infections staph (Staphylococcus aureus) and cystic fibrosis lung infections (bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa).
The researchers say that these findings will lead to the development of new and effective treatment to resist a lot of dangerous pathogens.
They noted that it is relatively easy to manufacture keratin molecules, which makes this article hoping to develop low-cost drugs.
Perhaps what is most attention, is the presence of material Alkereitn into the body, which means it is not a toxic substance, and it is vital.
It should be noted that this small protein derived from protein cytokeratin 6A and one of the proteins that communicate with each other to be the existing network within the cytoplasm epithelial cells.
And we can find protein cytokeratin 6A in corneal epithelial cells in addition to the skin, hair and nails.
All these areas are constantly exposed to microbes, so it is logical that this article is part of the defense system for the human body.
The researchers added that further research and studies may reveal many different parts of keratin, which may play an important role in the body's defense system.
The researchers concluded that keratin may represent a new class of antibacterials that can be designed to kill pathogens selectively.

Honey colored in natural picturesque France

Honey colored in natural picturesque France

Bees are a sign of God on earth, it is in terms of producing a wonderful miracle healing bee Kaasl and organization and way of life, but harmful human intervention always led to this wonderful blessing pigmentation in shades of blue and green.
Surprised jam honey bees village Rabivel County Alsace in northern France that product Honey New Blue and green color, they did not find any explanation or justification is suitable for this phenomenon anomalous and research and investigation shows that this is due to the fed bees found in the region on the remnants of biogas and a subsidiary of the March produces candy M & M's famous red and blue colors, brown and yellow.

Of course anger beekeepers of this matter Valesl colored doomed penalty because it is not valid for sale and human consumption, causing crises considerable material for producers and traders bees who Ienon basis of deficit and a huge lack in how production due to the death of large numbers of bees.

And Mars Inc. is now trying to overcome this problem and to compensate dealers also combed clean Anizqh of organic waste gas, which was the main cause of the problem in the foundation.

France is one of the largest honey producers in the European Union, where it produces about 18.330 tons of honey a year

Foods cause nervous tension

Foods cause nervous tension
There are also many foods contribute to calming the nerves there is a further increase tension in humans, the following list includes the most important of these foods that you should avoid to reduce the feeling of stress and tension.
1) foods that contain refined sugar

When you feel hungry and need to snack and light, the first thing that comes to mind is baked sweetened one of the most food scattered everywhere and cheaply, all these foods give you a sense of immediate satisfaction, a feeling which increases the desire to eat more sugar, which in turn leads to increased caloric intake, in this case it is better to look for natural sources of sugar such as fruit.

2) packaged foods that contain preservatives

Preserved foods contain a great deal of monosodium Gloumat or sodium salt (a chemical compound used in food preservation) harmful to health, and sugar and a lot of harmful chemical compounds, which help to raise blood pressure, which in turn leads to increased nervous tension.

3) foods that contain caffeine
When resorption cup of coffee, you feel happy and calm nerves, and if passed through a period of time without being followed by another Vschar bad mood, and the reason for this to caffeine they contain coffee, where is the source of stimulation and activity, and although he drink a natural but a lot of it makes you addicted to him and can not control your mood without it, so it is preferable to eat from time to time and not throughout the day.
4) cholesterol-rich foods
Cholesterol is one of useful nutrients, but a lot of it is great damage to the physical and mental health, which raises blood pressure and leads to the presence of hormonal changes undesirable. Of the most important foods that contain a high percentage of cholesterol: packaged fries, and fried potatoes in fast food restaurants, and many other fast foods that contain a high proportion of fat and unhealthy oils.
5) preserved foods that contain a high percentage of protein
Haunts many young people now a state of mania of protein and an execution of advice which requires the need to eat when exercise, unaware that much of it affects the mental state and health status of the body in general, and although it can not deny the importance of this nutrient to the body but should be addressed reasonably harmless.

Identify the 10 worst habits destroy brain

Identify the 10 worst habits destroy brain

1) not eating breakfast
Where it was noted that people who do not take breakfast are going lower blood sugar level to have. This leads to the lack of access to adequate food for the brain causing brain degeneration.
(2) Excessive intake of eating.Overeating causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.
(3) SmokingSmoking causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer's disease.

(4) Too much sugarToo much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition brain and may interfere with brain development.
(5) air pollutionThe brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, which reduces the efficiency of the brain.
(6) insomnia (lack of sleep)Sleep allows our brain to rest. Term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.
(7) Head covered while sleepingSleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to negative effects on the brain.
(8) To work during illnessWorking hard or studying with sickness may reduce the effectiveness of the brain as well as lead to a negative impact on it.
(9) lack of stimulating thoughtsThinking is the best way to train the brain. Lacking in stimulating thinking lead to contraction or brain damage.
(10) the scarcity of talking to othersIntellectual dialogue with others helps to promote the efficiency of the brain.

Why have some people dimples, while others do not possess?

Why have some people dimples, while others do not possess?
Dimples is a slight dent in the skin caused by changes in the lower layer of the skin. But why have some people dimples, while others do not possess?I wonder what makes a beautiful face? No doubt as a confident smile. Where a smile is the most distinctive parts of the facial expressions. But what makes it more attractive smile? It dimples! But what are the dimples? It buckling naturally in the skin, and often appear on the cheeks or chin. The cheeks that contain dimples of the most beautiful faces at all in many cultures.
The considered dimples recipe and dominant hereditary.The more people who have owned dimples on the cheeks. While Al_mezh is on one side of the face are rare. The dimples appear because of the short muscles. And often appear for babies dimples, but becomes less pronounced with age due to stretch the muscles.
But why have people facial dimples? Simply because some people have a shorter muscles. Skin pulls these muscles when a person smiles, underscoring buckling or classic Al_mezh. In most cases, they do not appear dimples even smiling person. Could disappear this dimples or disappear with age due to stretch the muscles.
Some people have dimples on the chin. It is similar to cheek dimples, dimple chin is also inherited with different degrees of importance. In the case of the latter, can be up buckling deep enough to reach the jaw bone. It is likely to cause fission between the left and right side of the lower jaw during the genetic evolution.


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