Scientists succeed in turning skin cells into heart muscle incorrect
Scientists said
they have succeeded in turning skin cells into heart muscle incorrect.
The group was informed scientists in Israel, led by researcher Professor Lior Jabashtaan European Heart Journal published by Oxford University that they have succeeded in converting stem cells from the skin of patients suffering from heart failure to correct the heart muscles.
These scientists hope to be able to use this feat for the treatment of patients with heart failure. They pointed out that the extract these cells from a patient's own will enable doctors to avoid the problem of tissue rejection exotic.
He had earlier reached previous tests on animals to promising results but did not apply to humans.
It is said that experts are increasingly using stem cells to treat heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's. The scientists in Israel extracted cells from the skin of two men suffering from heart failure and cells مزجوا with a set of genes and chemicals in the laboratory for the production of stem cell therapy.
The cells produced by the scientists are identical with healthy heart muscle cells and when planted these cells with the mouse began to establish contact heart tissue.