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Monday, November 19, 2012

False eye ... Myth language eyes!!

False eye ... Myth language eyes!!
دراسة عن لغة العيون 
Tried many over time access to solve the mystery of the Magic eyes and her gaze and language ... Since the eyes and language includes many meanings and implications are endless, as it is the source of attracting first-class ...
The eyes are a rich source of rich and expressive of the human condition significantly, but there are still myths anchored controls our minds and our thoughts toward some eye gaze .. For example the so-called false eye .. But in fact fact or myth?
Believed by many psychologists that when viewed person to the right that it be lying while outlook cross to the right indicate the sincerity, but experts found the universities (Edinburgh University and Hertfordshire University) that the idea or theory eyes false is a myth and there is unfounded.
The linking experts process moves eye element to tell the truth, which is the primary key in the NLP (NLP), and this is the way and means to enhance people's lives and understood in a wider way, using psychological techniques, and includes one aspect of NLP to teach people the relationship between eye movements and ideas and thoughts.
According to the theory of the ancient idea lied eyes, that when seen people Yemenis (with the right hand) to the right side because that depicts or imagine an event, and in return when they view to the left have to remember something or event, and for this reason entrenched that when lying person tends gaze of his right hand.
Has been tested a group of volunteers to test this idea by photographing and recording movements eyes if you tell the truth or not, and then came another group of volunteers and asked them to try to detect times lying by watching eye movements were recorded in the form of a film of the first set.
The Experts at the end of several results first that there is no relationship between lying and eye movements, and secondly it is not improved skills lie detector by practitioners programs NLP, has published details of research in the electronic version of the journal (Public Library of Science ONE).
Finally we can say that there is no evidence of a relationship between lying and eye movements, and each eye its beauty and splendor own is the best way to express the inside of the human and may be unable to talk about doing it.

Moon star hotel - creative design inspired by space

Moon star hotel - creative design inspired by space

"فندقCreative design inspired by outer space seen by the great hotels of different ideas and designs, but today we show you a slightly different design .. Of the nicest hotels that you may see.
فندق القمر النجمي - تصميم ابداعي مستوحي من الفضاء الخارجيMoon Hotel stellar deadly, specifically located in Baku, Azerbaijan, you might ask what is the reason to rename the hotel name?! The hotel is simply the idea inspired from outer space in the form, if you look closely at the image above us see that there is a vicious circle from the inside They are similar in form to the black hole, in addition to the full circular shape in the picture below, which reflects the full moon phase when in the form of Badr and vacuum a little on the right side where it takes the form of the moon, which is in the process Crescent.
فندق القمر النجمي - تصميم ابداعي مستوحي من الفضاء الخارجي 
Hence the name to match the shape of the intake form outer space, and South Korea has provided designers Engan to oversee the design of the hotel and its construction, is currently under construction.
فندق القمر النجمي - تصميم ابداعي مستوحي من الفضاء الخارجي 
The source also said hotel will be divided into two parts the first at an altitude of 150 meters and will have about 382 rooms and wide with a wonderful view. And the second at a height of 203 meters, and is worth mentioning in the end that the estimated cost of the project $ 500 million hotel ...
فندق القمر النجمي - تصميم ابداعي مستوحي من الفضاء الخارجي

Smallest mobile phone - phone Khatmk

Smallest mobile phone - phone Khatmk
أصغر هاتف محمول - هاتف في خاتمك 
Like James Bond films a Sony Ericsson innovations, and how to use the very simple, near the phone to your ear and drag mic and start talking ..

Phone designed by famous designer Tao Ma is one of the most famous designers in this area.
 Remember the way it works period that cell phones began to spread among the people, 15 years ago as I recall, and how it was interesting to see people talking to himself and all he does is to put his hand to his ear: D .. I believe that this innovation will be more exotic ...
أصغر هاتف محمول - هاتف في خاتمك

Modern innovations: the first fan without blades in the world

Modern innovations: the first fan without blades in the world
 ابتكارات حديثة : اول مروحة بدون شفرات في العالم

For more than 100 years and we watch and buy regular fan containing blades without any changes in how they work or even in shape .. Some may love but is interesting when many .. But that will change with the fan Exhale.

Exhale is the first fan fan blades do not contain the Bapetkaraha Nikola Tesla, but how does it work? Use Nicolas Bapetkarh tissue closed, which is designed to prevent air pollution inside and outside of the fan and this is known as (the knowledge of laminar flow) and from one of the most important features that characterized the fan not to issue a loud noise (as in Almrouh and air conditioners) to provide an atmosphere quiet and comfortable and also pure vortex.

The fan was not manufactured for lack of money in innovative, so is collecting money to manufacture, you can View announcement fan:

In fact is stranger than fiction: amazing images of Rain of microbes on a mysterious moons of Saturn!!

In fact is stranger than fiction: amazing images of Rain of microbes on a mysterious moons of Saturn!!

Live in the fact that reveals to us day after day that is stranger than fiction, was recently revealed in the Cassini spacecraft amazing images that will happen (if true) mutation in our view of the universe:

What you see is a photo taken by the spacecraft Cassini when passed near Enceladus (a moon of Saturn), and where you can see streams of water huge resemble fountain Anfetha Enceladus space!, And when analyzed NASA scientists are graduating this fountains (or fountains) and found it consistsof water vapor and ice particles and organic compounds, and scientists think that they have enough evidence to say they also contain microbes!

This means that it is raining on the moon Enceladus with water and ice and the microbes!!

Cassini spacecraft approached to within 74 miles of the moon's south pole to capture these images, which were detected more than 90 fountain spouting water vapor and bacteria to Tmatarh on the surface of the planet.

(Imaginary painting by computer to the surface of Enceladus)

Enceladus has a diameter of about 500 km, one of the many moons of Saturn by nearly the 60 satellites! , And this image of Enceladus was filmed in 2009:

He pointed out that Moon attention of scientists since the time because of cracks mysterious that exist on its surface, which scientists have discovered because of signs of a sea of ​​huge bottom surface of this moon mysterious, exciting to vehicles NASA spotted salts in the components of water planet makes his research like seas on the planet!

(Picture of cracks on the surface of the mysterious Moon)

This information is still part of the assumptions are based on scientific observation and reading some of the sensors, but scientists are planning to obtain samples from the spray fountains Enceladus to study them and cut removes all doubt.

Will be this small village reason to change our view of the universe?

Explanation for some of the medical and scientific terminology

Explanation for some of the medical and scientific terminology

It has become very normal that we find ourselves with friends for lunch or dinner and then suddenly we hear [I follow a diet]Feel free to this phrase around us almost on a daily basis ..Comes the origin of the word diet means [Diet] from the word [Dayata] Greek
The linguistic meaning lifestyle and not only reduce calories, as you might think most people ~And a healthy and correct diet, is to follow a balanced and varied diet with physical exerciseBut /When they are going too far in very harsh diet combined with behavior refers to cases of obsession with food or weight,Then it is not a diet anymore, but turn to the so-called eating disorders ..These disorders may lead to serious health complications unpleasant at allInclude several types of eating disorders, the most important two types /Anorexia nervosa or Alonoraxia anorexia nervosaAnd bulimia nervosa or bulimia bulimia nervosa
Alonoraxia anorexia nervosa /Women and adolescent girls are more susceptible to disease male Alonoraxia,Show Alonoraxia on the form of loss of a significant amount of weight due to a diet too harsh ..The left women infected Balonoraxia themselves without eating for long periods,Until you reach a high degree of slenderness, yet they keep insisting they are overweight!Often with the disorder very, very thin,May be obsessed with weighing themselves on the scale frequently ..They after the calories they eat and the weight of their food up to the point of obsession,As they usually ate a very small amount of food and deny that they leave out a meal or more ~

What are the health risks for Onoraxia ..?!May result in severe emaciation to hormonal disorder among women,Resulting in an imbalance in the process of ovulation and thus stop the menstrual cycle,In addition, some people may suffer from severe constipation caused by eating too little foodThus slowing down the bowel movement of other health risks /Anemia, low blood pressure, dehydration, and tachycardia ~
Bulimia bulimia nervosa /The bulimia cases of excessive eating and rewind ..Usually deals with people with Balbolemia food chain to the degree of swelling,So they can not control the amount of food intake after that,Intabhm guilt canvassers hunger بترجيع to get rid of excess calories and avoid weight gain ..Rewind operations include the voluntary vomiting, use of laxatives, laxatives,Fasting for a long time or do sport very strong,Weight may be infected Balbolemia normal and often do not get the interruption of the menstrual cycleAs is the case for people with Balonoraxia ~

What are the health risks for Polemia ..?!The vomiting continuously lead to tooth decay, as damage to the gums,Then result in ulcers of the mouth and throat, as well as the excessive use of laxatives and diureticsLead to the loss of the body to a large amount of water, leading to dehydration ..May which Alpolamyin becomes depressed and tension because they are part of a vicious circle of guilt,To eat a lot and have to compensate for this feeling is Baltrgia,In addition to some other health problems, tachycardia, irregular menstrual cycle ~
The result /Is that the eating disorder may cause exposure to serious consequences may be life threatening,So it is essential that everyone is familiar with these risks,Especially if you have a girlfriend or a family member suffers from these symptoms ..Stand next to him and Ansahah that consults therapist and dietitian,Amnhah your moral support, which may be the best Tmanhanh him,Because love and enhance self-confidence create a sense of complacency and reconciliation with oneself,To give him a sense of comfort and health put him on the road to improvement ..And always remember that the fact that a person slim does not always mean that a healthy ~

About zirconium, which resides in the teeth

About zirconium, which resides in the teeth

Zirconium discovered in 1789 by Martin Heinrich Klaproth (Germany). Origin of name Arab word Mstqmn "Zircon" which was Triba of the Persian word "Zrگon" and means "golden" and the Arabs and the Persians they give metal. . Zirconium is a chemical element in the periodic table contemporary symbol Zr has the atomic number 40. Gray color - white shiny, strong resemble transitional metal titanium, zirconium most extracted from strong zircon which is resistant to corrosion. Exposed surfaces thereof be protective oxide layer. There zirconium in many minerals such as zircon and Albadelaat. Used alloy Alzerkaloa in nuclear reactors which does not absorb neutrons quickly as it enters the zirconium in the pump industry and high-quality valves. What is Net zircon stone cameo common. Extracted from Jordan in dealing with phosphate. Has remained rights since made time dreaming teeth similar teeth Alhakiqihalta lost with age, has passed Dental Implants steps many even got to what it is now, although they were always faced the problem of gingivitis Almzmnaalta may accompany dental implants, but scientific research in this area and thanks zircon material was able to find a solution to this problem. Was the only credible alternative to the problem of allergies, bi-metal carcinogens so far is the use of alloy and one rich in gold. The proven and clearly proved, but these alloys lose their luster over time. Economic factors played against them, has published a collection of essays Taatzar body did not respond to these alloys is precious and semi-precious stones themselves. Research were recruited to find a way to bypass the metal alloy, all researchers have reached to the emergence of Zirconia. And used dental blocks and discs zircon by dental laboratories to work covers Cubic Zirconia or frameworks full Zirconia crowns and bridges. These blocks are under pressure from stable zirconium oxide powder with يتريا a certain element اليتريوم (atomic number 39), a ceramic material single-phase formed, as well as other additions to the coherence and transparency. This article surprisingly strong has been used for almost twenty years in some well-known technical environments for demanding Ansanallokther, including the space shuttle program and other industrial and medical applications, hundreds of thousands of hip replacement joints. Restoration Balzrcn offers functionality, aesthetics, longevity and gingival health, and restore option for dentists nearly all cosmetics today they are free of metal, and more powerful than any other restoration materials .. Some patients prefer not to put any metal in their bodies, which tend to get out of some renovations metals and surrounding tissue and enter the bloodstream. Features zircon used here he is subject to discoloration prior to hardening color appropriate to the color of natural teeth of the patient by 16 ten-color compatibility guide colors life where penetrates color within the material at a depth of 0.2 mm and immerse Palmlon for two seconds.
Is formed zircon by a Milling and the potential of this device's ability to deal with all types of prior preparation of the doctor (shoulder - semi shoulder - simple) and whatever the differences between the amount of preparation on the stent itself and through five axes found in a milling and can also take advantage of the zircon to work cosmetic fillings, as well as the faces of cosmetic which is the only system that allows decoding the entire job. Zirconium crowns quickly became the preferred material for dental crowns. Is a very strong material can withstand the wear and tear of daily use. Aesthetically it is very similar to natural teeth and reflect light in the same way. It is important if the new crowns be in the front part of the mouth, especially in cases where you see as well as natural teeth. Crowns usually made of porcelain and traditional materials used in the new crowns, and can be broken ceramic chip. Overcome this by making crowns of metal, in this case the metal zirconium, then merge porcelain abroad. Zirconia metals gives strength while the porcelain gives the appearance of normal teeth. Zirconium crowns allow light to pass through like a normal tooth, and gives a natural look, unlike other metal crowns that are preventing light.
The material zircon is considered one of the modern ceramic materials production which are used in Sna collected and produce compensation or fixed combinations Sunni. It is highly resistant and characterized as considered a single article does not enter into any kind of composition a substance Ceramic metal only managed to age with the development of industry research science is used in the manufacture of short and long bridges or removable and one or jaws together.
The material zircon new material and precious in the world of dentistry, which is unable to its strange that unique capability in the first Almertah in the Sunni world fixtures beautiful transparent and modern and unique material zircon characteristics that distinguish them from other installations in the world of dentistry:
1 - Due to the lack of metal, zircon is to merge with the surrounding gum tooth 2 - non-existent smell mouth Alkrbha so repositioning zircon material inside gum is an anatomical streamline which prevents recurrent gum infections 3 - featuring material zircon بشفافيتها which gives a very high aesthetic look 4 - high resistance, which is characterized by this Article, making them non-break, but in one case and a lack of adequate preparation for the age of the dentist before making this article excels in durability on the rest of the items 5 - There are no similar material makes them bridges the jaws, but the presence of metal 6 - The high precision in manufacturing and the need to Dentist seasoned and experienced dental technician 7 - hear all Hollywood smile is the basic material which makes including coatings Alphenar or faces are affixed to the teeth with ceramic, light colors 8 - short-lived...

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammation of unknown cause, affects the joints in different parts of the body parallel to the left and right sides and affect most of the time on the small joints of the hand. This inflammation is caused the destruction of the synovial membrane that connects the bones and joints, and is one of the most important types of arthritis cause of disability. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease of the autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and abnormalities in the joints. The other problems occur in all parts of the body may include inflammation of the blood vessels, development and swellings called nodules articulated in different parts of the body, lung disease, blood disorders, weakened bones or the so-called osteoporosis.DescriptionThe structural system consists of different types of tissues strong, fibrous tissue called connective tissue. The bone and cartilage, ligaments, tendons forms of connective tissue that have different compositions and different properties.Joints are structures that combine two or more of the bones together. Some joints such as synovial joints allow movement between the bones collected. Simplest diarthrosis combines two bones, separated by a small gap called the joint cavity. And covers the ends of bones layer of articular cartilage. And surrounds the bones of the joint and the joint cavity strong tissue called articular capsule. The portfolio consists arthropod of two elements, fibrous membrane abroad and synovial membrane inside. The membrane contains a strong fibrous fascias of tissue called ligaments, which is responsible for providing support and protection of the joints. Synovial membrane contains special cells and many of the small blood vessels or capillaries. This membrane produces the amount of synovial fluid that fills the joint cavity, Azelgah, and helps the bones of the joint movement smoothly into the joint.In arthritis Romatioada, synovium becomes inflamed strongly. As is usually thin and delicate, the synovium becomes Semekhaoukasaa, with many folds on the surface. And invade the membrane of white blood cells, which produce a variety of destructive chemicals. And can attack the cartilage along the articular surfaces of the bones, and destruction, and could begin the bone, and joint capsule, and ligaments in corrosion. These processes interfere severely in the movement of the joint.Rheumatoid arthritis is found throughout the world and affects men and women of all races. And women are more likely three times that of men. It seems that the disease appears in certain families, although some environmental factors may also affect the progression of this disease.

Peripheral neuropathies neurological diseases

Peripheral neuropathies neurological diseases

Include diseases that occur on the nerves causing disruption lead to faulty motor or sensory or sensory motor. Was known in the past inflammation of the nerves may replace the loss of name inflammation sense Alamradi in many of them.Multiple neuropathies have many reasons but they are similar in terms of clinical whatever reason. The infection is either sensory or motor or sensory motor. Be symmetrical, most at the end of parties in the root. Injured parties usually Ambasslian before parties Alawites also be got tougher.The following are some of these disorders in detail:Sensory events (immune) acute: a Guillain-Barre syndrome and neuropathy late Aldfteraaúa and serum neuropathy and muscle atrophy neurotic.Guillain Barre Syndrome: believed to be immune Thal affects young men and women in particular may appear without any justification or start after injuring the upper part of the respiratory system in the form of influenza B 3 to 12 a day. The cause of complications and infection mononuclear cells. Simple and septic hepatitis may also occur in the context of diabetes and after vaccination against smallpox and hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenic purpura and other immune diseases.The disease starts in 40% CLASS sudden in the lower limbs, and then extends to the parties Alawites may begin at the two sets of proximal and distal muscle in that one or may precede hit one over the other. And absent tendon reflexes In 40% of cases have disease begins to feel Benmel and numbness in the limbs and in 20% of the complaining patient since the beginning of the weakness of kinesthetic and disorder sense may become couples cranial especially couple Alugeaan (in one third of patients) may occur paralysis and weak muscle Engine for the eyes.Increasing severity of the disease through / 24-48 / hour or during the first two weeks of its inception and remains unchanged for a week or two weeks and then begins the disease better and 20% die respiratory muscle paralysis unless treated illness. Most patients improve within a few months only 5% of them have a severely disabled as walking patients walk Maaoda in a small percentage of patients.Spinal fluid may be together but that protein is increasing in most cases a significant increase without an increase in cells. Can not be considered cell separation Alahina and descriptive because it may also appear in other diseases sore severe spinal and brain and multiple diabetes neuropathy in diphtheria in poliomyelitis after the second week of the start.In clinical terms, the presence of a sense of numbness, ants and sensory changes differentiate between Guillain-Barre syndrome and polio. Neuropathy varies in Alborforeh acute presence of abdominal pain and hypertension and mental confusion and Alachtlajobelh Alborvoria The multiple neuropathy also must be distinguished from other causes of rapid ascending paralysis, a dog and dog vaccination and tick paralysis and potassium intoxication and periodic paralysis.Stop the progression of the disease when treated steroid during the first weeks of infection and given 60 mg Bronzulun or 120 units ACTH And ease gradually over several weeks.Neuropathy Aldfteraaúa: There are two forms of the packer and late. Arises morbidity Baker toxin bacteria within two weeks or three start sepsis and nerves driving starting sailboat palate and Muscle pharynx seems Balkhna and return food nostril may be difficult for the patient vision and reading from nearby paralysis adjustment infecting ciliary muscle Organization of hunched body crystal has infected myocardial face also.The late risk Aldfteraaúa neuropathy occurs after 6-8 weeks of sepsis, a peripheral neuropathy allergic symmetrically particularly affects motor nerves and clinically resembles Guillain-Barre syndrome. Kmma shows examining the cerebrospinal fluid separation only cellular حيني.Neurotically muscular atrophy: pain in the shoulder and one hand or shoulders, followed by muscle paralysis Waistband shoulder and mild sensory disorder. Occur half Allantgahh infections of pharyngitis, lung or after simple surgery or during the three weeks of glaucoma or serum after a blood transfusion. Family may be a bug as well.The disease starts in severe pain in the hand shoulder has spread to the elbow and lasts from two to about a week and the demise of pain appears paralysis in distribution muscle of a nerve such as muscle serrated big injury - pectoral nerve long or Alhuckatin injury nerve above board or deltoid injury axillary nerve was injured Asban or more in that both are affected example Cokitan and deltoid and keep the spinal fluid normal cells may grow and a little protein.And heal the patient often during a month and a half to three months may be delayed healing even a year or two, leaving the vulnerable always IM Almaov addresses steroids.Diabetic neuropathy: and usually occurs in the form of chronic or unattended. There are four models of it is:Neuropathy multiple: complaining patient from pain and hypersensitivity voluptuous in acromelic private and lose a sense of vibration and disappear sense vibration and disappear tendon reflexes or weaken may increase protein cerebrospinal fluid and improves 1/3 patients effective control on diabetes has infected patient ill joints painless rarely resembles what seen in Charcot's disease also may develop the disease piercing in the feet to have a sense of disorder perfusion.Injury asymmetrical Badil thigh: complaining patient from pain in the thigh and one harbored Adilha This is called atrophy muscle diabetes and is believed to be produced from poor roots femoral nerve and increased protein in the spinal fluid increased significantly and improve the illness during several months of diabetic control.Independent neuropathy: care and lead to nocturnal diarrhea and urinary retention is painful and orthostatic hypotension.Ill single nerve: It is believed that the facility clogged vessels and nerve particularly affected the sciatic nerve or one or sub-median nerve or the third cranial pair (with the safety of the pupil) or cranial pair sadistic and improve symptoms usually within months.Heavy metals: such as arsenic, gold, mercury, lead, and all of these metals except lead inhibit oxidation sugar causing neuropathy similar to vitamin A deficiency (b neuropathy sensory or sensorimotor) The lead poisoning afflicts nerves driving, especially all of the radial nerve, medium and popliteal brutal. The most important symptoms of foot drop as a result of Msm to play coated materials containing lead while other neurological events breezes shot it encephalopathy in children, especially convulsions and atrial and Halima nerve edema sight and proximal muscular atrophy.Cancerous neuropathy and poor protein gamma: The preceding clinical manifestations of cancer or accompanied Xrtanat bronchitis and breast and ovarian cancer in particular has become the sensory nerves or sensory motor and increase protein in the cerebrospinal fluid or immune.May occur neuropathy existence Braprutin Shan what happens in disease Hodgxan and lymphomas of non-Hodgkin's, lupus erythematosus and multiple myeloma and Globinat blood large and disorders protein gamma single strain and possibly multiple strain also believed to be diseases in poor Alaasaa This is immune origin.Leprosy: caused neuropathy lepromatous to be placed bacillus of leprosy in the nerves there are two forms of جذم: Aljzm oncogene or dermal Vtkon resistant patient the weak appears skin lesions may become viscera in many cases are not affected usually nerve becomes interaction Wasserman positive liar and remains interaction Allberman negative and mixed disease TB amyloidosis and bad warning. The second model is defined by leprosy Alderney and be resistant high patient and pretending nerve injury the nerve Vttkhan appear in the skin patches devoid of pigment and the sense. Wasserman reaction as the reaction becomes negative positive Allpramen. Warned Hassan.Hereditary neuropathy: manifestations may accompany this neuropathy other injuries Kakaddm Alkhmassae forks or cerebellar signs or hierarchical sometimes signs. These disorders include:Peroneal muscular atrophy: PERONEAL MUSCLE ATROPHY or Charcot Carey Tooth disease and leads to weakness and atrophy of the lower limbs in particular. And spreads toward Dystrophy party to stop in the middle of the thighs and lose a sense of vibration to the hock.Hypertrophic interstitial neuropathy: a Lasry disease appears in adulthood and usually swells the nerves may be accompanied by pain telegram united Benvie and Atxia in few cases

Benefits of Epsom salt

Benefits of Epsom salt

England salt (Magnesium Sulphate), is antiseptic and a unique ability to keep the skin and removes dead cells.
Disinfectant of the gut and kills insects and tiny microbes that are on the body of the birdGives bird feathers softer and gives gloss to bird's feathers and he cleanses the intestines used by large hanging for every liter of water and putting it in the bathtub the Atdhugah birds and bathe in it.
The most important uses salt Alangelaza is in the incubation period of the eggs and rearing chicks some female get intestinal Ptbak and constipation due to sit long on eggs and chicks depend for chicken feed given a little salt England regaining their strength and health and return to feed chicks again.
Important to eliminate annoying body odor through natural biological weapons.
If you suffer from body odor irritating English you can use salt or sea salt (coarse salt) to scrub your body to open the pores to urge him to sweating, and once a week for the purpose of sweating .. As if for the purpose of detoxification of the body be sufficient and one times.
And preferably in person assistance this Altfrick process .. and by the brush and put the amount of salt processing cup of salt in a bowl and then Thblalh water to wet and then taken a handful of salt to stop and start the bottom of the foot to the top of the circular motion .. And strongly ... and so is access to the belly rubbing gently and for women to avoid rubbing the breast tissue. And rubbed his chest and neck with the back also gradually from the bottom to the top.
Then take a warm shower and remove all salt body and thanks to mobile shower .. to move the other hand on the body so as to further rubbing salt in the flesh ..
Then dry the skin well and warm resort to bed ... and warm room until they are sweating heavily. With the development of moderate drinking water near the bed until to Atdtr to do out of bed ..
The first time you get sweating a lot .. And then afraid amounts sweating.This method tonic for the skin and the Savior of the body of toxins.
You can use salt England is a sulfate magnesium, on an empty stomach in the morning with eating a large amount of water and liquids Kalasar, to avoid dehydration, God forbid, salt England cleans up the intestine and expel waste them, by that cathartic strong, after taking two hours you can eat Snacks and free of carbohydrates or fats during the day only, you can eat soup, vegetable soup, and eating fresh fruits, and came back normal eating the next day. You can use it once a month, but not more than this.

If injury from itch or tickle in the throat, rub your ear!

If injury from itch or tickle in the throat, rub your ear!
There stimulating nerves in the ear, and when Knit earDoing reaction in the throat can causeMuscle spasm, this nagging cramping relieves itchingOr Tickle.Dr. Scott Shaffer, president of the Center for the ear, nose and throatIn New Jersey.

Do not feel pain ...
Are you afraid of the syringe? It is not afraid of them.But now you can get rid of the fearAnd pain together by coughing while takingSyringe.

Where German researchers found that coughDuring injection reduces pain because cough causesSudden temporary rise in pressure chestThe spinal canal and prevents installation proceduresPain in the spinal cord.
Taras Aozhenko, author of a study phenomenon

Relieve nasal congestion ...

Do you suffer from chronic nasal congestionNo use medications with you,

Alec way cheaper, faster and easier to mitigateSinus pressure Push your tongue against the roof of your mouthAlternately, then press between your eyebrows with one finger.This causes shook the greatness Fumr that pass through the corridorsNasal to the mouth, and this move congestion caused tremors,After 20 seconds, you will feel that the tension start degradation.
Lisa unique voice, an assistant professor at Michigan State CollegeUniversity.

Heartburn struggled without water ...

Do you bother burning when you sleep. Has become the easiest solution.

Studies have shown that sleep on the left sideReduces the feeling of heartburn. Where the esophagus is associatedAnd stomach compass around the corner, when you sleepRight stomach becomes higher than the esophagus, allowingFood and acid to leak into the esophagusAnd throat. While when you sleep on the left sideBecome lower stomach from the esophagusThus, the attraction to your advantage.
Anthony Starbula, specialized diseases of the stomach and intestines and ProfessorAssistant at New York Medical College.

Note: I think it's best to sleep, and your stomach already is filled with food because of the yearTo sleep on the right side, not the left side of the body

Treatment of dental pain without opening your mouth. ... Why do not you try rubbing a piece of ice on the soles of your hand,Membrane on the region in the form of vYour thumb and index finger.
Why, because there are no nerve pathwaysThat stimulate the brain and prevents pain signalsIssued from the face and hands
Canadian study.

Get rid of the effects of burns ..

When you burn your finger accidentally on a gas oven,Clean the skin and press lightly on the placeBurning the fingers of your other hand. Ice will relieve your painMore quickly. But the natural way wouldBurned skin to its normal temperature,Skin becomes less distorted.
Lisa unique voice, an assistant professor in the CollegeMichigan State University.

So you do not get dizzy ...

Put your hand on something stable because the hand containsOn brain nerves give you balanced index.Unlike the reference sent by the cochlea,Part responsible for the balance in the ear.
Floating part responsible for the balance in the mediaBlood of the same intensity. While reducing alcoholBlood becomes less dense and risesCochlea, causing dizziness.
Dr. Scott Shaffer, president of the Center forEar, nose and throatIn New Jersey.

Tempered tingling pain in your right side ...

Do you feel a painful twinge when run,
That's because you graduated air "breathe" whileHit your right foot earth.Which puts strain on your liver(Located on the right side of the body),The cause Shada of the diaphragm, which sendsSignal tingling sides. Simply learningThat you breathe when your left foot hits the ground.
Book home treatment for men

Stopped the bleeding from the nose ...

Close your nose and go back behind head,Of course if you want to choke blood.
The right way is to put cotton onUpper gums falling below the nose and pressIt strongly.
Comes more bleeding from the front of the barrier,Wall of cartilage that divides the nose,And pressure it to stop the bleeding.
Peter of Desmar specialist ear, nose and throatIn Aantapin Hospital, in Durban, South Africa.

Mark your heart stops ...

Do you want to calm your heart?Blow on your thumb.

Why? Can control the backbone of the Vagos,Which controls heart rate,Through breathing. And would restore the heart rateYour heart to normal.
Ben Abu, a specialist in emergency medical servicesAt the University of Pittsburgh.

Ice cream headache ...

To avoid headaches Ice press your tongueOn the roof of your mouth, and cover as much as you can.Why?

Become the nerves in the roof of the mouth very cold,Causing a feeling that your brain freeze.
To avoid this press your tongue on the roof of your mouthTo relieve headaches.
Ben Abu, a specialist in emergency medical servicesAt the University of Pittsburgh.

Keep your eyes ...

Poor eyesight caused by a hereditary but useMistaken for the eyes also cause visual impairmentSuch as persistent stare at computer screens,To mitigate this problem, you can do thisSimple exercise.
After each hour, then take the sameDeep, close your eyes, and then blow air and RelaxAll your muscles, repeat this exercise and feelThat the strain on your eyes has subsided.

Get rid of the wren ...
If you feel that your hand or your foot NmnmtMove your head from side to side.Vanish feeling pins painlesslyIn less than a minute
Pass in the neck major nerves package, if youMove your neck muscles will reduce the pressure on the nerves.
Lisa unique voice, an assistant professor at Michigan State CollegeUniversity.

Scuba ...

If you want to dive quickly to the bottom of the pond,Take Ins and Outs then jump quickly.

When under water, you do not sufferFrom lack of oxygen but increaseCarbon dioxide, which makes your blood acidic,This sends a signal to your brain that something is not right."When you chase down the flow of oxygen acidityThis blood con your brain to think that he owns OxygenMore. Which will save you 10 seconds underwater.
Jonathan Armbrstr, Ph.D., professor biology Mcharkva at Auburn University.

Read your brain ...
If you have an exam the next day,Was reviewed before going to sleep.Why?
Because the process of strengthening the memory occur during sleep,Anything you read immediately before sleep encodesLong-term memory.
Candy Himgartner, trained bioscienceAt the University of Idaho ...


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