Book on hepatitis from page 75 to
HBV Virology 75
by capsid-assisted reverse transcription may result from a non-identical supply of
dNTPs inside individual nucleocapsids at the moment of their enclosure by the
dNTP impermeable envelope. This predicts that intracellular cores produced in the
absence of envelopment should contain further extended positive DNAs.
Alternatively, space restrictions in the capsid lumen could prevent plus-strand DNA
completion; in this view, further plus-strand elongation after infection of a new cell
might destabilize the nucleocapsid and thus be involved in genome uncoating (Beck
2007, Nassal 2008)
The final replication step, the assembly and release of HBV Dane particles, is also
not fully understood. The envelopment of the DNA-containing nucleocapsids
requires a balanced coexpression of the S and L proteins in order to recruit the
nucleocapsid to the site of budding. Although the role of the envelope proteins in
regulating the amplification of cccDNA in HBV is not well-characterised, recent
studies indicate that the lack of expression of the envelope proteins increased
cccDNA levels, while coexpression of the envelope proteins not only favours the
secretion of viral particles, but also limits the completion of the plus-strand (Lentz
Animal models of HBV infection
Because of the narrow host range and the lack of easily accessible and robust in
vitro infection systems the study of HBV biology has been limited. Consequently it
has been attempted by researchers all over the world to establish animal models and
cell culture systems that at least partially reproduce some stages of HBV infection
and can be used, e.g., for the preclinical testing of novel antiviral drugs.
Most of the progress in hepatitis B virus research are based on infection studies
performed with the two most used HBV-related animal viruses: DHBV, which
infects Peking ducks (Mason 1980) and WHV (Summers 1978), which infects the
Eastern American woodchuck (Marmota monax).
One of the major advantages of the DHBV model is that domestic Peking ducks
can be used under normal laboratory conditions and DHBV-permissive primary
hepatocytes from ducklings or embryos are easily accessible. Furthermore, ducks
show very high infectivity rates in vivo (Jilbert 1996) with high levels of DHBV
replication and antigen expression. However, in contrast to mammalian
hepadnaviruses, DHBV infection is cleared within a few days post-infection if the
virus is not transmitted vertically. The DHBV genome is also smaller than that of
the mammalian hepadnaviruses and shares little primary nucleotide sequence
homology (40%) with HBV. Furthermore, DHBV infection is usually not associated
with liver disease and development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
Nevertheless, the duck model was widely used in preclinical trials (Zimmerman
2008, Reaiche 2010, Chayama 2011) and has contributed substantially to elucidate
the hepadnaviral replication scheme (Mason 1982, Summers 1988, Delmas 2002).
In vitro and in vivo studies with woodchuck hepatitis B virus (WHV) have been
fundamental in the preclinical evaluation of antiviral drugs now in use for treatment
of HBV infection (Moraleda 1997, Tennant 1998, Mason 1998, Block 1998, Dandri
2000, Korba 2004, Menne 2005). This is due to the fact that WHV is more similar
to HBV in terms of genomic organization than the avian hepadnaviruses.
Experimental infection of newborn woodchucks almost invariably leads to chronic
76 Hepatology 2012
infection, whereas most animals infected at older ages develop acute hepatitis that
results in an efficient immune response leading to viral clearance. Since acute and
chronic WHV infections in woodchucks show serological profiles similar to those
of HBV infection in humans, the woodchuck system has provided important
information about factors involved in the establishment of virus infection,
replication and viral persistence (Lu 2001). Virtually all WHV chronic carrier
woodchucks succumb to HCC 2-4 years post infection. Like in human HCC,
regenerative hepatocellular nodules and hepatocellular adenomas are
characteristically observed in WHV-infected woodchuck livers (Korba 2004).
Proto-oncogene activation by WHV DNA integration has been observed frequently
and is thought to play an important role in driving hepatocarcinogenesis in
woodchucks, often activating a member of the myc family by various mechanisms
(Tennant 2004). Viral integration is commonly found in woodchucks even after
resolution of transient infection with WHV (Summers 2003), while its frequency
increases dramatically in chronically infected animals (Mason 2005). Interestingly,
WHV viral integration was used as a genetic marker to follow the fate of infected
hepatocytes during resolution of transient infection in woodchucks (Summers 2003)
and to estimate the amount of cell turnover occurring in the course of chronic
infection (Mason 2005). Experimental infection studies in woodchucks also
demonstrated that WHV mutants that lacked the X gene were unable or severely
impaired to replicate in vivo (Chen 1993, Zoulim 1994, Zhang 2001). The
woodchuck model of viral-induced HCC has been used to test chemoprevention of
HCC using long-term antiviral nucleoside therapy and for the development of new
imaging agents for the detection of hepatic neoplasms by ultrasound and magnetic
resonance imaging (Tennant 2004). One main difference between human and rodent
hepatitis B resides in the absence of associated cirrhosis in woodchuck and squirrel
livers, even after prolonged viral infection (Buendia 1998). It is possible that the
rapid onset of hepatocyte proliferation following liver damage in rodents does
account for this discrepancy. In general, despite important advances achieved in
understanding the pathogenesis of WHV infection, one general disadvantage for
using woodchucks is that they are genetically heterogeneous animals, difficult to
breed in captivity and to handle in a laboratory setting.
Although HBV infects humans exclusively, it can be used to infect chimpanzees
experimentally and, to a certain extent, tupaia, the Asian tree shrew (Baumert
2005). Chimpanzees were the first animals found to be susceptible to HBV infection
(Barker 1973) and play an important role in the development of vaccines and in the
evaluation of the efficacy of therapeutic antibodies (Ogata 1999, Dagan 2003).
Though chimpanzees are not prone to develop chronic liver disease (Gagneux
2004), they provide an ideal model for the analysis of early immunological events
of HBV acute infection and pathogenesis (Guidotti 1999). Infection experiments
with chimpanzees showed that the majority of viral DNA is eliminated from the
liver by non-cytolytic mechanisms that precedes the peek of T cell infiltration
(Guidotti 1999). T cell depletion studies in chimpanzees also indicate that the
absence of CD8-positive cells greatly delay the onset of viral clearance (Thimme
2003). Chimpanzees have been used for preclinical testing of preventive and
therapeutic vaccines (Will 1982, Guidotti 1999, Iwarson 1985, Kim 2008, Murray
2005). Nonetheless, the large size, the strong ethical constraints and the high costs
of chimpanzees severely limit their use for research purposes.
HBV Virology 77
The tree shrew species Tupaia belangeri has been analyzed for the study of HBV
infection both in vitro and in vivo, taking advantage of the adaptability of these non-rodent mammals to the laboratory environment (Baumert 2005, von Weizsacker
2004). Inoculation of tree shrews with HBV-positive human serum was shown to
result in viral DNA replication in their livers, HBsAg secretion into the serum, and
production of antibodies to HBsAg and HBeAg (Walter 1996). Although
experimental infection of tree shrew with HBV infectious serum is not highly
efficient, productive HBV infection was successfully passed through five generations
of tree shrews and was specifically blocked by immunization with hepatitis B vaccine
(Yan 1996a). Interestingly, the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in tree
shrews exposed to hepatitis B virus and/or aflatoxin B1 was reported (Yan 1996b).
Whereas experimental infection of tree shrews causes only a mild, transient infection
with low viral titers in these animals, primary hepatocytes isolated from T. belangeri
turned out to be a valuable alternative source of HBV-permissive cells (von
Weizsacker 2004). More recently, the woolly monkey hepatitis B virus (WMHV)
was isolated from a woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha), an endangered new world
primate (Lanford 1998). Interestingly, it has been shown that primary tupaia
hepatocytes are susceptible to infection with WMHBV (Kock 2001, Dandri 2005a),
providing a useful and more accessible alternative system for studying the early steps
of hepadnaviral infection in vitro (Schulze 2011) and in vivo (Petersen 2008).
Because of the different limitations encountered using chimpanzees and models
based on HBV-related viruses, it is not surprising that recent developments have
focused on using the natural target of HBV infection: the human hepatocyte.
However, primary human hepatocytes are not easy to handle, cannot be propagated
in vitro and their susceptibility to HBV infection is generally low and highly
variable. Furthermore, cultured cells may respond differently to the infection than
hepatocytes in the liver. The generation of mice harboring human chimeric livers
offered new possibilities to overcome some of these limitations. Two major models
are currently available: the urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) transgenic
mouse (Rhim 1994) and the knockout fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (FAH) mouse
(Azuma 2007). In both systems, the absence of adaptive immune responses permits
the engraftment of transplanted xenogenic hepatocytes, while the presence of
transgene-induced hepatocyte damage creates the space and the regenerative
stimulus necessary for the transplanted cells to repopulate the mouse liver. Both
models permit the establishment of HBV infection, which can then persist for the
life-span of the chimeric mouse (Dandri 2001, Bissig 2010). While mouse
hepatocytes do not support HBV infection, human chimeric mice can be efficiently
infected by injecting infectious serum derived from either patients or chimeric mice.
Furthermore, genetically engineered viruses created in cell culture can be used to
investigate phenotype and in vivo fitness of distinct HBV genotypes and variants
(Tsuge 2005). Within the mouse liver human hepatocytes maintain a functional
innate immune system and respond to stimuli induced by exogenously applied
human IFN α. The lack of an adaptive immune system and the undetectable
responsiveness of mouse liver cells to human IFN α make the model ideal to exploit
the capacities of HBV to interfere with pathways of the innate antiviral response in
human hepatocytes (Lutgehetmann 2011). Chimeric mice can be superinfected or
simultaneously infected with different human hepatotropic viruses to investigate the
78 Hepatology 2012
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HCV Virology 85
6. HCV Virology
Bernd Kupfer
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of progressive liver disease with
approximately 130-170 million people infected worldwide. HCV induces chronic
infection in up to 80% of infected individuals. The main complications of HCV
infection are severe liver fibrosis and cirrhosis, and 30-50% of individuals with
cirrhosis go on to develop hepatocellular carcinoma (Tong 1995, Poynard 1997).
Until 1975, only two hepatitis viruses had been identified, the “infectious hepatitis
virus” (hepatitis A virus, HAV) and the “serum hepatitis virus” (hepatitis B virus,
HBV). However, other viruses were excluded from being the cause of
approximately 65% of post-transfusion hepatitis. Therefore, these hepatitis cases
were termed “non-A, non-B hepatitis” (NANBH) (Feinstone 1975). Inoculation of
chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) with blood products derived from humans with
NANB hepatitis led to persistent increases of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
indicating that an infectious agent was the cause of the disease (Alter 1978,
Hollinger 1978). Subsequently, it was demonstrated that the NANBH agent could
be inactivated by chloroform (Feinstone 1983). Moreover, it was reported that the
infectious agent was able to pass through 80 nm membrane filters (Bradley 1985).
Taken together these findings suggested that the NANBH causing agent would be a
small virus with a lipid envelope. However, the lack of a suitable cell culture system
for cultivation of the NANBH agent and the limited availability of chimpanzees
prevented further characterization of the causative agent of NANBH for several
years. In 1989, using a newly developed cloning strategy for nucleic acids derived
from plasma of NANBH infected chimpanzees the genome of the major causative
agent for NANBH was characterized (Choo 1989). cDNA clone 5-1-1 encoded
immunological epitopes that interacted with sera from individuals with NANBH
(Choo 1989, Kuo 1989). The corresponding infectious virus causing the majority of
NANBH was subsequently termed hepatitis C virus (HCV).