of decomposition organisms .. Information
With almost 96 percent of Americans claim that they believe in God, the ratio much lower than in Europe and Asia. But even in countries that do not believe the majority population of the existence of God with a personal, admits some notion that an unknown force has created the physical universe.
Valmrbe famous Japanese Joki_a Vukuzawa, showing his portrait on the 10,000 yen, once wrote: "It is said that the sky does not create a human superior or inferior to another human being." Fbostamal word "sky", The Vukuzawa was referring to a powerful force in nature that created in his opinion humans.
Many admit that the idea of "heaven" naked, as did Kenichi Fukui Nobel laureate. He said he believed there was great structural in the universe - it is called in religious terminology, "God" - but he calls her "property of nature!"
On this issue, quoted Scientific American from sociologist Rodney Stark as saying: "promotes since two hundred years propaganda that if you want to be thinking scientifically, you will have to remain free from the shackles of debt", which also says that in the universities where conducted research, "holds firmly religious silence "while the" non-religious people treat them Pthaml. " According to Stark, "in the interest of those who occupy senior positions in the scientific community that they are not religious!"
On the other side of science and religion, sees a number of scientists fact that senior engineer of the universe and human beings, animals and plants, says Dr. Wolf - Eckhart to Onag, competent scientific studies dealing with mutations genetic Max Planck Institute for Research in plant breeding in Cologne, Germany: "The my research pilot in the world of genetics, as well as my studies on biological issues such as physiology and science shape, made me see what the life of the secrets deep unfathomable, really, I have strengthened my studies of these topics conviction that life, even in forms core, she must have resulted smart bug. "
As for Dr. Byron Lyon Mdoz, a specialist in the field of laser physics in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA, says: "We often include research that I do are through my work on the laws of physics, I am trying to understand why and how some things, has been shown me clearly that everything Eraqbh in his field of specialization bug, so I'm convinced that the acceptance of God as the reason for all original in nature makes sense from a scientific point of view. "
While Dr. Kenneth Lloyd Tanaka, a specialist in the Department of the U.S. Geological Survey in Flagstaff Barezna: "I learned that I believe the theory of evolution of Charles Darwin, but I could not accept the idea that the enormous energy needed for the emergence of the universe did not come from the Creator Jabbar, nothing is born of nothing ".
As Dr. Paula Quintchelo, competent in biology cellular and molecular microbiology at Emory University of America in Atlanta, Georgia, says: "by virtue of my studies biological, spent four years in the scan cell and components, and whenever deepened knowledge about DNA DNA AT and propelled that any proteins and metabolic pathways, the more admiration and the extent of complexity, organization and precision in the cell, really, reflect the cell clearly a design that can not be ignored, and this is one of the things that made me believe in God. "
According to Dr. Enrique Hernández Lemos, who specializes in theoretical physics at the National University in Mexico: "Life is more complicated than to be the result of chance, Consider, for example, in the vast amount of information contained in a molecule's parents that any, and if we tried to define mathematically the likelihood that one chromosome by chance, we find it less than 9 trillion, and this is a very remote possibility so that we can be considered impossible, yes, that all evidence of intelligent design in nature, make me fully convinced that God exists and that He hears our prayers as well. "
Some other scientists believe they have become now understand what causes aging cells, there is parts of the genetic material called particles peripheral telomeres above parties dyes chromosomes, and these parts fail whenever divided cell, and after 50 to 100 division of the cell, wear particles peripheral bit and stops most cells division. But these scientists failed intellectually in realizing the idea of eternal life on earth, but they failed also to find an explanation for the phenomenon of non-biodegradable some "bodies of the righteous and the martyrs - is stuffed -" after death, although buried them near the bodies of other human hit rot or decomposition over the past decades! So what is the decomposition types and stages?! What are the intellectual ability to the world of the universe?!
Decomposition Decomposition:
A process by which fragmentation of organic matter to the simplest forms of material, and this process is Dharoah recycling Materials Co., Ltd., which occupies physical space in the biomes.
Begin the bodies of living organisms to decompose shortly after death, method of decomposition may vary every two organisms, but they are subject to the same stages of decomposition. Generally referred to the science that studies the decomposition name Tawoonoma taphonomy, from the Greek word taphos, which means the grave.
One can distinguish between abiotic degradation and biodegradation "biodegradation", in the first form being degradation by chemical or physical processes, hydrolysis, for example, while being biodegradable final form to the simplest components by microorganisms.
Types of decomposition:
1. Human decomposition: post-mortem human passes in five general stages of decomposition: fresh, bloating, active decay, advanced decay and drought. Associated with the early stages of decomposition stages of chemical decomposition: autolysis and putrefaction, and during these two phases break down the key components of the human body. Excluded from this decomposition process, the bodies of newborn children who did not eat the food, as a result of their lack of internal microbial flora, which is the main factor in the decomposition process.
A. Fresh Fresh: a new phase begins immediately after the heart stops, it stops pumping blood to the parts upon which the body, leads to change its color. In the next three to six hours, it becomes solid muscle tissue and is able to relax, and this process is known as الصمل dead rigor mortis, which is one of the signs of recognition of human death and caused by a chemical change in the muscles. Reach maximum hardness of the muscles after 12 hours, then gradually dissipated between 48 to 60 hours of death.
From the first moment of death, the body begins to human loss heat in the surrounding environment, leading to cooler body, This process is known cooler death algor mortis, and start down 2 degrees Celsius during the first hour of death, and 1 ° C per hour, even approaching body temperature to the temperature of the surrounding environment.
Once the heartbeat stopped, chemical changes occur within the body, and lead to changes in pH, which affect the safety of the cells through the work of its own enzymes, Fahim enzyme through another part of the same enzyme, and this process is known as autolytic autolysis. Although this autolytic process, but the visual changes caused during the first stage of decomposition, confined to pimples on the skin surface.
Works aerobic organisms within the body to oxygen depletion in an expeditious manner, and this creates an ideal environment for the proliferation of anaerobic organisms, which arise in the digestive system and the respiratory system. Then begins turning carbohydrates, fats and proteins for the production of organic acids "propionic acid and lactic acid" gases "methane and hydrogen sulfide and ammonia." And referred to the spread of germs within the body to decay, while you find insects flies and flesh flies its way to lay eggs in the right place. Finally, the lead dead human body to the second stage of decomposition known as bloating.
B. Swell Bloat: give bloating the first stage a clear visible sign that the continuing spread of germs. At this stage happens metabolism anaerobic, which leads to the accumulation of gases, such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide and methane, into the body cavity, leading to flatulence and have the general appearance of the body puffy, thus causing the accumulation of these gases in the production of liquids and natural liquefy tissue to become foamy.
Also, increase the gas pressure inside the body, pushing the fluid out of the natural orifices of the body, such as the nose, mouth and anus, may result in the accumulation of gases with the loss of the ability of the skin to tear cohesion body too.
Working bacteria intestinal anaerobic to convert hemoglobin to pigments color, such as dye Asalafimogluben Sulfhemoglobinemia, and that causes cyanosis at low levels in the body, while helping gases accumulated inside the body to move Asalafimogluben to all parts of the body via the blood stream and regulations lymph, to give the human body showing marble comprehensive .
If the arrival of insects, worms hatch and begin feeding on the tissues of the body, and usually only active worms work on the natural openings under the skin, causing the separation of the skin and hair.
In the end, leads influence the accumulation of gases and worms work to tear the skin after death, allowing for gases and liquids out of the body. Tearing the skin also allows oxygen to enter the body of a new provision of adequate surface area of the plane and worms aerobic microorganisms. Usually, the end of the second phase in emission distinctive and strong odors due to gases and fluids emerging from the body, and associated with the third phase of decomposition known as active decay.
C. Active decay Active Decay: characterized by active decay that stage losing more than a number of human body parts. This loss of human parts caused by voracious worms in nutrition and cleansing the body from the decomposition fluids into the surrounding environment alike. In all parts of the body, creating islands of decomposition to liquefy tissue, and during this time be clear persistence of strong odors. Usually, the end of active decay refers to the migration of the worms away from the body to become a pupa.
D. Advanced decay Advanced Decay: during the advanced stage of decay, lose body remaining components easily, as well as working to reduce the activity of insects. When the corpse on the soil surface, they leave evidence of their existence through the death of the plants in the surrounding area, and attribute it to increase the carbon and nutrients, such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium, in addition to changes in pH and a significant increase in the proportion of nitrogen in the soil.
E. Drought Dry: During this phase may grow new plants from around the rest of the body from dry skin, cartilage and bones, as a result of lower carbon and nutrients in the surrounding soil. In temperate climates, typically requires from three weeks to several years to analyze the skeleton, and this depends on several factors such as temperature and the presence of insects, while in tropical climates can decompose the skeleton within weeks only, and may not happen analyze the skeleton in areas ultracold or brackish swamps or deserts.
2. Animal decomposition: decomposition of animals begins at the moment of death, and the resulting two factors: autolytic and tissue breakdown due to chemicals in the body, enzymes and rot and bacteria, these processes release gases, which is the main source of odor emissions from animal carcasses. Most analyzers are bacteria or fungi, but the insects and other animals play a role in the process of decomposition of animal, such as meat flies and carrion flies and flies green, wolves, dogs, foxes, rats, crows and vultures.
3. Plant decomposition: decomposition occurs plants in many cases by water and carbon compounds and bacteria and bacterial colonization and invertebrate animals and natural damage from fire. In the first place, play parasites such as white insects like ants, bacteria and fungi black mold Kaftriaat, the main role in the process of decomposition of plants. Chemical aspects of plant decomposition always involve the release carbon dioxide.
In conclusion, to reflect on the words of world universe in Yunus any 24: {but like life كماء sent down from heaven when he saw him plant the land which people eat and cattle even if you take the ground decoration and Azint thought people that they are capable by Otaha commanded day or night Fjalnaha Hshehada if no avail yesterday as well as separate verses for a people who reflect} the great truth of God.