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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Microsoft unveils new logo

Microsoft unveils new logo
 بعد حوالي 25 سنة قامت مايكروسوفت اليوم بالكشف عن

After about 25 years, Microsoft today reveal new logo, which is a company name with a window of 4 color boxes in the same colors in most Microsoft products, the latter of which is trying to move forward and turn the page past the attention of new projects, which is the most important in the system and Windows 8 iPhone and Windows 8 tablet device surface and Microsoft Office software package.

This video announcement of the new logo

1.3 million Android devices are activated daily

1.3 million Android devices are activated daily

Motorola announced the sector's Google said the number of devices Alandroed that are activated daily arrived to 1.3 million units, and added I want Schmidt former president of Google that that there are 70 thousand sets tablet running Android are activated every day, and the arrival of Google to figure in the number of phones that are activated day a great success guide to Android system, and the number of Android devices in the world 480 million devices.

The company said that all models of the next Motorola will provide the browser chrome of the Don need to installed by the user, and the company will update the current system, all phones on the market to the latest version of the Android system at the end of the year.

Windows system von 8 will support Arabic reading and writing

Windows system von 8 will support Arabic reading and writing

There news beautiful long awaited by most beloved technical devices have the Microsoft support the Arabic language in Windows Phone 8 in reading and writing fully, revealing the news wonderful site manager Saud Alhoawi during his coverage of the Conference of Nokia, which revealed it for phone Umia 920 and to Umia 820.

This came the new version of the system with many wonderful features and unique most important feature capturing images from the screen and share directly on social networks Add this to technology Smart Shoot which enables the user to control images and cancel what he wants them and will this system fully integrated with service Sky Drive cloud storage and easy control system interface.

After 100 days of its launch, Samsung sells 20 million Galaxy S 3

After 100 days of its launch, Samsung sells 20 million Galaxy S 3
 أعلنت سامسونج اليوم عن نجاحها في بيع اكثر من

Samsung announced today its success in selling more than 20 million units Galaxy S 3 over just 100 days, and this rate in selling top of the Galaxy S 2, which has the same number after 10 months, and is a Galaxy S 3 of the best devices that put on the market in the recent period and Samsung managed to marketing him, especially during the last London Olympics and that the device appeared more than once in the opening ceremony.

Samsung added that he was selling 6 million of this device in Europe and 4.5 million units in Asia and 4 million units in America and 2.4 million units in Korea, and the company said it sells about 200 thousand a day around the world.

Device deserves this success Every revisions were unanimous on that wonderful device in every sense of the word and device competitor fierce phones Apple, though note that sales of the device in America is very high and so there will be a big challenge for Samsung to prevent Apple from winning the case brought by them and demanding where to stop selling phone Galxa S 3 in America.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Coffee flavor is that removes fatigue not drink

Coffee flavor is that removes fatigue not drink
Many drink the coffee.
Hope he removes fatigue and stimulate blood circulation ...
But this thing is true? ......... Because that removes fatigue is not coffee but ................
Coffee flavor that removes fatigue not drinkThe researchers said the flavor of coffee is not a cup of this article stimulant in the morning is the one who removes fatigue and is a matter of recovery, especially after spending a night without enjoying premium enough sleep 0

The sources said that the Japanese researchers believe that coffee flavor mitigate the impact of lack of sleep on the brain.
She said the researchers at Tsukuba in Japan denied 16 sleep lab rat for twenty four hours and put them in a cage filled with about two centimeters of water and then offered half to the smell of roasted coffee.
She said that after analyzing a sample of the rodents' brains they found that the smell of coffee increased activity of key genes has helped to strengthen the cells responsible for staying in their bodies and reduced unit tense.
Said Professor Yoshinori Massu, who prepared the study in Tsukuba, Japan, that when people drink coffee to stay awake all night, the smell of coffee can ease the pressure they feel as a result of sleep deprivation.
He added that "it is better for us smell the coffee instead of drinking it, and if there are other foods given the same result must conduct a study around

Benefits and information on cranberries

Benefits and information on cranberries

التوت على مادة (Tannins) حمض التنيك المركز والذي لا يتعرضCranberry is a type of berry acidic and rich in vitamin C, also contains properties enormous anti Altybgesm human Contains berries on substance (Tannins) acid tannin center, which is not exposed to loss during the cooking process is known for blueberries also it is useful for urinary tract infections, also protects rights of ulcer infection or gum problems
للفقدان أثناء عملية الطهي ومن المعروف عن التوت أيضاً انه
'Benefits berries'

1 activates blood circulation to the human body.
2 - a daily cup of cranberry juice helps in the treatment of inflammation of the alveoli
3 - relieve asthma attacks.
4 - the tannin acid in berries prevents oxidation of bad cholesterol levels, and thus protects the rights of atherosclerosis
5 - tannin acid catalyst in maintaining a healthy heart healthy.
6 - works as a bacteria and affect the acidity of urine, it also protects the rights of willing his body to form stones.

Daily benefits

Daily benefits

To get rid of ants:
Place peel option in where they come from ants

For pure ice cubes:
Boil water I. ..

To make mirrors shine:
Wipe Balsber Tu.

To remove chewing gum from clothes:
Put clothes in a freezer refrigerator for an hour

Placed in boiling water plus lemon slice for ten minutes, then wash

To give shinier hair:
Add a teaspoon of vinegar to hair and then rinse well.

To make the lemon gives the largest amount of juice:
Put it in hot water for an hour before his time.

To remove the smell of cabbage while cooking:
Place a piece of bread over the cabbage in the pot

To remove the smell of fish from your hands:
Wash your hands a little apple cider vinegar

To prevent tears when peeling onions:
Chew gum ..

To ensure the validity of mushrooms:
Sprinkle a little salt on the mushrooms, if turning color to black color, it is good, but turning yellow in color it Sam.

To cook potatoes quickly:
Potato peel from one side only before boiling

To cook eggs quickly:
Add a little salt to the water.

To melt the frozen chicken:
Placed in cold water plus two tablespoons of salt

To see fresh fish:
Put it in cold water, if surfaced it fresh.

To see fresh eggs:
Place the egg in the water, the deposited horizontally it fresh, though I fail diagonally, 3-4 days old, and deposited in a vertical, 10 days old, though they floated corrupt ..

To remove ink from clothes:
Put the amount of toothpaste on the ink spot, and allow it to dry completely, then wash as usual

Peeling sweet potatoes quickly:
Placed in cold water immediately after maturity.

To remove weeds from the roadside:
Salt spray ..

To get rid of mice:
Sprinkle black pepper in places there may be rats, then find rats fleeing quickly graduated! .

To keep the mosquitoes out, especially at night
Put a few fresh mint leaves close to the pillow around the room!

And you felt to fall asleep?!

And you felt to fall asleep?!

How many of us may try feeling????
Fall from a high place

When you start getting into sleep and woke up later on the impact of vibration body to find himself lying in his bed and everything around him inhabitant ...

I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan then turned on the other side to complement his sleep.
Everyone must have experienced it and then asked
What happens to people during sleep and whether dreaming or is there something abnormal happened in the body ..

This phenomenon is known to specialists in sleep medicine
And know Bahtzazacbdaah sleep (Hypnic jerks)
It is a uprising involuntarily occur when moving from vigilanceTo sleep and which a person feels he fell and accompanied by a sudden movement in the body may feel the infected person who is participating in the bed.

This movement does not occur at the stage of dreams, but occur when moving from waking up to the first phase

Of sleep a transitional phase through which the sleeper before progress to the advanced stages of sleep

A phase between sleep and wakefulness.

The cause vibrations that accompany the feelingFall waking

Sleep accompanied by a sense of panic yet understood intraday person that he might have been dreaming.

And usually do not find the person it difficult to return once again to sleep.

Does not know the real reason for this phenomenon

But there are several theories

Them that this phenomenon is caused by natural relaxation of the muscles of the body
While entering into sleep
Which may be explained by the brain when you start to sleep on it's kind of a fall.

The growing phenomenon when exhausted or persons who have been deprived of sleep for long hours

Any exhausted people who are trying to resist sleep. That is, they may occur more
Those who stayed awake for 24 hours or more.
It also increases when sleeping in inappropriate situations such as sleep sitting.
This phenomenon occurs once or twice a night, but when the majority occur at intervals
It seems that this phenomenon affects all age groups, without exception
The phenomenon of benign and do not require any treatment advised sufferers

The problem of repeated stress dimension and nightlife.

Very clever ideas .. Find useful in your daily life

Very clever ideas .. Find useful in your daily life
To get rid of ants:
Place peel option in where they come from ants

For pure ice cubes:
Boil the water first ...

To make mirrors shine:
Wipe Balsber Tu.

To remove chewing gum from clothes:
Put clothes in a freezer refrigerator for an hour

Placed in boiling water plus lemon slice for ten minutes, then wash

To give shinier hair:
Add a teaspoon of vinegar to hair and then rinse well.

To make the lemon gives the largest amount of juice:
Put it in hot water for an hour before his time ..

To remove the smell of cabbage while cooking:
Place a piece of bread over the cabbage in the pot

To remove the smell of fish from your hands:
Wash your hands a little apple cider vinegar

To prevent tears when peeling onions:
Chew gum ..

To ensure the validity of mushrooms:
Sprinkle a little salt on the mushrooms, if turning color to black color, it is good, but turning yellow in color it Sam.

To cook potatoes quickly:
Potato peel from one side only before boiling

To cook eggs quickly:
Add a little salt to the water.

To melt the frozen chicken:
Placed in cold water plus two tablespoons of salt

To see fresh fish:
Put it in cold water, if surfaced it fresh.

To see fresh eggs:
Place the egg in the water, the deposited horizontally it fresh, though I fail diagonally, 3-4 days old, and deposited in a vertical, 10 days old, though they floated corrupt ...

To remove ink from clothes:
Put the amount of toothpaste on the ink spot, and allow it to dry completely, then wash as usual

Peeling sweet potatoes quickly:
Placed in cold water immediately after maturity.

To remove weeds from the roadside:
Salt spray ...

To get rid of mice:
Sprinkle black pepper in places there may be rats, then find rats fleeing quickly graduated! ..

To keep the mosquitoes out, especially at night
Put a few fresh mint leaves close to the pillow around the room!

Did you know that anxiety is useful for humans!

Did you know that anxiety is useful for humans!

Scientists say specialists in a new medical study on the knowledge of the nerves that anxiety is useful to man and good for the brain, and add it reflects the high IQ, and it is considered vital to the survival of humanity, because it helps to avoid the risks.

Explains scientists who published their research in the Journal of Neuroscience evolutionary anxiety is a form of skills that will avoid danger, and that anxiety and intelligence together when human development in order to assist him or her to avoid dangers.

The study took place on the dozens of people who suffer from anxiety in general that people with a higher concern rate were the most intelligent, and they got higher scores in IQ test compared with their counterparts who suffer from anxiety less.

Genetics Eye Color

Genetics Eye Color
He says in the Holy Qur'an: Have We his eyes * and tongue and lips [From: 8 - 10]Are obvious to any creature the gift of sight and vision ... and God created the Public many creativity creation of forms, colors and forms ..And we'll talk about the subject of eyes and different colors and different scientific reasons ...

* Genetics and eye color:
Eye color is the subject of much surprised researchers for centuries .. Even science has provided us with a better understanding of the color of the eyes,And how it is inherited.When it comes in predicting eye color of the child, for example, one can almost be sure that the child will be bornWith blue eyes. Children newborns are often with eyes Zarkao slightly darker with increased exposureTo the sun from the age of three years and usually settle in permanent communities, has changed color to becomeGreen, Hazel, dark brown, gray and black

The issue of eye color, and how transmitted from parents to offspring, has been a subject of debate among geneticists for decades.And thought for a long time that the eye color followed simple Mendelian inheritance pattern.
Overall, through the rules of Mendelian inheritance, eye color is inherited in a very similar way to the way that inherit hair color:Genes for dark colors are dominant - and this means that the qualities (or phenomena) as a symbol of the primacy of the attributesEncoding genes for color lighter.


Gaining eyes substance called (melanin) produced by the body as a kind of dyes to the skin and hair and thisColors vary from one person to another.Every part of the melanin has a dark brown color, if met these molecules heavily became dark brown eye color.And if you are afraid of density was brown in color, opening the same way gaining the eyes of some people the color blue.Because very light Malaninha material, and therefore reflect the color blue, which derives from the reflectionSunlight on the air with its blue sky and water and dust particles stuck in the air.Thus molecules absorb light eye melanin different colors in the light,The show blue alone


* Scientifically eye colors are divided into two sections:
1) eyes a colored eyes: green, horny and infrastructure2) The eyes of others are colored blue eyes

Merely cause disagreement eye colors to two reasons: synthetic hand and genetically
The first reason; compositional terms, individuals with blue eyesContain iris have only two layers, while individuals with colored eyes iris contains two layersIn addition to the third layer earn color eye color is blue, and note the gradient and the difference in color colorfulDue to differences in the density and thickness of the foam in between the layers of the iris so we find in eye color gradient.

In genetic terms, we find that the colored eyes model genetic AA or Aa as the dominant attribute is the eyesInc. A colorful and if met dominant gene with another recessive produces individual colored eyes, and the individuals with blue eyesPossessing genetically models is aa meeting must Mtnhieddin genes for the emergence of the blue color of the eye.
Blue permission Eyes are discolored eyes unlike prevailing in society


* Some interesting scientific facts about eye color:
Perhaps you are aware that brown is the most common eye color in all parts of the world, but did you know that the colorGreen largely is considered the rarest? In fact, less than 2 percent of the world's population has green eyes.But as one considers Turkey has the highest percentage of citizens who have green eyes by 20 percent.There are a number of countries - generally located in Asia and South America, and the Middle East - where green eyes are almostBe completely absent in the population.
Did you know that blue eyes are the most common eye color of the Caucasian population, more than black, and Venetian,And gray, and green .. In fact, more than 80 percent of the population of Iceland color of their eyes either blue or green eyes.There are people who has appointed a blue and green, and some of them also there has in some eye drops or dark Alhlat .. is a different symbolic qualitiesWe refer to the important information is that there is no pure color black eyes .. & this requires the existence of Alsabgp matter by complete ..This is impossible .. but you may see the color of dark brown eyes tend to black .. but it's not black!
And some of the people; especially in light of these developments are using contact lenses .. to correct considering dispensingGlasses and to impart color
In conclusion not only say Hallelujah and praise Sobhan Allah Almighty created man in the best stature .. God Hassan created also improved created ... Amen

How imitate the parrot sounds???!

How imitate the parrot sounds???!

Parrot does not speak in the truth, but yellows. Some believe that the prostitution ropes voice as humans, but it is not
True at all. .. And the power of the parrot is vocal in his memory that make it able to store speech and imitate him in a short time zeroing manner.
Parrot his voice out of the trachea is available in the latest of the so-called Serenx microglial a gap filled with fluid, a Nye Suad parrot whistling through different voices.
Parrot can be seen moving his neck a certain way when it beeps and so is a proper installation of the votes of sapphires to mimic speech. The size varies depending on the size of trachea parrot the same and this gives him a higher capacity to mimic different tones and sounds.
It was recently discovered that some factions of the parrot also used her tongue to manipulate sounds and imitate what you hear. This finding invalidates the commonly held theory that the human is the only creature who uses his tongue to speak, unlike the rest of the objects that made ​​noises without the use of the tongue.

Wise words of the wise men

Wise words of the wise men

Minimum is becoming clearer for Sharp

Not remain the owner of

Not free from the temptation

The plight of abandoned

, Offer it before it presents you ..

And replaced before they replace your ...

Van pleasures moves

And changing conditions

The same perish

And its consequences remain!


Words Gmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

(1) said one of the wise and was a milestone

The teacher said: money three qualities
They said: What are
Said: earnings of non-dissolved

They said the gain from resolved

Said: to waste in his right

They said: van and put it in the right

Said: distract him from the worship of his Lord


Said one of the wise certainty

Of true conviction asceticism in wealth

It forces religion reward ascertains

There Tgrenk yourself health and safety Hold

Is arbitrary short life and health of self impossible.


Said one of the wise words

Keep silence, where the safety of

And avoid nonsense ...... Van consequences remorse.

Infertility in men and women

Infertility in men and women
God says: "God is in the heavens and the earth creates what He wills wills female and male who wishes to come - or يزوجهم bestows female and makes it pleases barren that knows things" (Shura: 49 - 50)
Vaccine sieving- Apparently is the first of the pollen of date palms male and pollinate by Palm. And out pollen in Mglov like boats conjoined from their summit and their pregnancy Almndod (vaccine) and this is called Cover Bulkipra and inside Alolie and Alagarb the severity of egg-white and can be called many names such as bobsyeruncle and Algueno and camphor and laughter and Stapler. Known benefits of pollen for pollination and fertilization since ancient times, and praised Doctors plant functions and more Arabs than mentioned in their hair and Ntarham say "Khajm":
Pollen Nakhl is a very fine powder is very white flying quickly if exposed to breeze. His water smells like a man "semen".
What did he say about ancient medicine?- Male Doctors Arab veterans and other advantages to the vaccine palms and said he strengthens the stomach and Iszewvha, and live rebellious blood, and benefit Mahroran, and strengthens the guts and benefit from shortness of breath, coughing Albulgma, and if taking honey forces general body and sex work in particular, and if put this mixture in the womb still infertility , and if women endured before intercourse helped to conceive.
Ibn al-Bitar "accurate pollen of date palms benefit of الباه and increases in intercourse." Razi says "pollen and stones Anfan Mahroran and blood who live mollified, and pay what generated this in the stomach than good."
Says David Antioch "benefit if descriptive and devoid of bitterness from inflammation of thirst and fever, diarrhea and bleeding and hemoptysis." Ashour says, "The pollen tonic for the body and stimulates the ovary and regulates menstruation and helps the formation of the egg in the female."
What is the chemical contents?- Pollen contains approximately 17% of the sugar cane and about 22% protein, 54% calcium and vitamins h, and minerals such as phosphorus and iron. It also contains hormone Aleistron which stimulates the ovaries.
What did he say about modern medicine?- Research has shown that held the palm vaccine that at the forefront of tonic for the body to the large number of fatty substances in it plus it contains hormone Aleistron which stimulates the ovaries and regulates the menstrual cycle, and help create the egg. Material was separated routines that make up the drug strengthens the capillaries in the human body and protect it from the blast, thereby preventing internal bleeding, which affects people with high blood pressure and diabetes and drilling. Kaplan says Mkazhol that a teaspoon of dust vaccine sieving taken in the morning on an empty stomach with a little honey serve to soothe frayed nerves. The water is extracted from the vaccine vaccine, which is used to sterilize water and giving a good taste of him.Quoting Riyadh newspaper Monday 18 March 1424 number 12750 year 39
Recipe helps pregnancy, God willing, with activated ovariesTeaspoon of Ahbu vaccine palms with a spoonful of honey Genuine loaded before intercourse, and a small spoon with fresh milk and honey every morning.Method is two tablespoons of powder - bar - the vaccine palms when shops and led bees be sterile and clean and a teaspoon of honey Akhaltun all so be ßćŃĺ Taking the means possible that T *** yen from the bar even be thick and Yuhz it as much as bean or suppository placed in the refrigerator Even to Atchrist in hot weather and placed half an hour before intercourse and you lay on your back duration two hours after intercourse and keep on drinking bar with milk in the morning 3 month period for that tonic Allmbayd time of ovulation by your course of 12 or 14 from the beginning of the session
Another recipe:Paint the women put honey in the vagina daily in the morning. Stop at the descent of the session. Start again after the end of the session.
Types of infertility:Infertility is caused by a lack of sperm and this has other reasons ..Another infertility caused by low sperm count .. And another due to poor movement ..
The second type and the third can be cured, God willing, within 40 days, God willing:Treatment is:Confuse in an airtight container include:Cup of black bean soft - soft Rashad Cup - one-third cup of the soft ring - a quarter cup of soft timeKeep in a cool place
How to use:Be taken daily in the morning on an empty stomach ..Taken daily teaspoon medium of the mixture and add to it large teaspoon of natural honey.Added to a tube of royal jelly ..Mixture is swallowed with a little water ..
Are not taken to eat any food before the passage of a quarter of an hour at least of taking medication.Preferably addresses after cup of fresh milk added to a tablespoon of malt .. can sweeten with honey ..
Prefer eating these foods in the treatment period:Fresh natural milk, fresh eggs, barley, fresh vegetables, fish, white beans, squash, peas, natural honey, carrotsThis God luck ..

The wisdom of creating a water without color, no taste, no smell!!

The wisdom of creating a water without color, no taste, no smell!!

Have you ever wondered why?


No it does not taste / color / odor

What is the reason that God made ​​the water we drink sweet has no color, no taste and no smell?

If the water color formed all the colors of colored water organisms, which constitutes most of the components of biology

"We made ​​from water every living thing do you not believe."

If the water became every taste food from vegetables and fruits-flavored one a taste of the water, how unpalatable fruit

"Watered with one water and prefer each other in eating in this are Signs for those who reflect."

Had the water smell of all Food smell became one, how unpalatable to eat then?! .

But the wisdom of God in creation required to have the water we drink and water the animals and plants Mea tortured no color, no taste and no smell!

Are we convicted the Creator just right for this blessing?


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