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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Menstrual disorders

Menstrual disorders
The start of the menstrual cycle
There is no doubt that the most important events of puberty is the onset of the menstrual cycle, which demonstrates the occurrence of menstruation, which surprised the girl in mind raises many questions.The different start date menstrual cycle differs slightly between the girls either strain itself or of different breeds; On average menstruate girls sex east, and Gender High around 10 years of age, a young age for girls from sex-west, where incubate about 12 years of age.Ovulation: The occurrence of menstrual cycle means the entry of girls stage fertility, ie the ability to reproduce, but that in fact is not achieved during the first years since the onset of menstruation; because the first courses does not occur often spawning, any departure egg from the ovary every month for pollination sperm, and date of the onset of ovulation then varies among girls; may happen after one year or two years since the start of the menstrual cycle, may be delayed until the age of 16 or 17 years old.
Session is to start production of the female hormones
It also means a menstrual cycle: it has begun production of female sex hormones periodic ovaries, two hormones estrogen and progesterone. But the level of these hormones are not organized well after the start of the session directly as happen to him often kind of volatility, and this explains why the vulnerability of girls after puberty for some psychiatric disorders, such as: mood swings, or depression, or the tendency of the unit or jamming mental, and sometimes you may be confused between these disorders.And leads the production of these sex hormones to maturity girl's body and the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics (as explained earlier); and therefore considered an event Physiology great importance in the lives of adult or adolescent, and lead production of sex hormones also cause changes temporary some members during the menstrual cycle; In the first half which have estrogen effect Well or a youth; because it makes the hair in the most beautiful image, and makes the skin Matturda prosperous, and raises the mood; so women feel during this period is generally prosperous, and the ability to perform various things, also affects the quality of vaginal secretion impending ovulation (middle of the menstrual cycle); becomes thin transparent ongoing weak odor.Whereas in the second half of the menstrual cycle, after ovulation has occurred, it appears other changes where the hormone progesterone starts in a statement its effects clearly, transforms vaginal secretion to the secretion of thick, viscous non-transparent, and has a distinctive odor becomes somewhat. As bulging breasts and increases their size, and become more sensitive to touch, and with the approaching date of the onset of menstruation may appear tingling nipple sensation of pain and soreness. It also features the hormone progesterone that has effect similar to male sex hormones; and so it also causes emergence of facial pills like acne. All of these changes are natural changes and وقتية disappear with the start of the onset of menstruation.
Dates of the menstrual cycle
Continue the menstrual cycle for 28 days on average, but might take some women to 33 days, or is reduced to 26 days when others, also vary for menstruation among women is completely natural, and is calculated on the first day of the session since the first day of menstruation. Days from 1-13 in the first days of the session there is no sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) spin with blood, then the pituitary gland in the brain secretes the hormone stimulant for the growth of vesicle ovary, which in turn produce the hormone estrogen, and lead the high level of estrogen to stimulate the growth of endometrial ; to be ready to receive a fertilized egg in the event of pregnancy. Day 14 In the mid-menstrual cycle almost level rises hormone estrogen to the highest degree, and this leads to activate the production of more stimulating hormone for ovarian follicles, producing another hormone called stimulating hormone corpus luteum, which leads to blow vesicle, and ovulation them. Days 15 - 28 moving the egg inside the fallopian tube in the direction of the uterus (while vesicle grows to be the corpus luteum), which secretes the hormone progesterone in the second half of the session, and during the three days before menstruation luteum shrinks and dies and thus decrease the hormone progesterone.As a result of the lack of pregnancy are falling in some parts of the lining of the uterus accompanied by a quantity of blood graduated with an egg is fertilized, it is called this excretion menstruation.
Nzaftk during menstruation
The menstrual period is not a period of prohibition of anything (with the exception of the meeting, doubles); were associated with this period in the minds of some women erroneous beliefs such as bathing, perhaps to the belief of some that bathing during menstruation may make blood retained inside and passes to the brain? ! Women should exercise normal life quite naturally during menstruation, and bathe as often as you like, but I prefer to use lukewarm water; because hot water can increase bleeding, and enough washing with soap and water; there is no need to use special disinfectants.The most important thing to be careful of women during the menstrual period health changing diapers regularly, but not at the rate of four hours a day, because keeping contaminated blood for a long time helps to infection.

Obesity girls .. Loss Fitness exposing them to turn inward and gloom!

Seriousness of obesity on pregnant women affect the mother and fetus

Obesity girls .. Loss Fitness exposing them to turn inward and gloom!

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة 
Overweight affect public health
We talked in the previous issue of obesity in general in terms of definition, causes and rates of rise at the local level, regional and global levels and complete in this issue the health risks of obesity and means of prevention and treatment modalities.Affect weight gain in public health when all people at all stages of life and are often accompanied by some of the diseases that lead to the old palace injuries and blood clots in the coronary arteries, especially in addition to hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure and stroke.Also cause obesity digestive disorders of the most important form in the bag gallstones and inflammation, as obesity lead to diabetes, especially in people the sound of a genetic predisposition to the disease. He notes that all the troubles of the bones and joints, back and foot injury and lower back pain, cartilage and this occurs for not carrying these joints to the weight of a woman's body fat as well as obesity lead to weakness in some of the abdominal muscles leads to injury Bafattq.It is more trouble experienced by some obese women, especially young women who spread of obesity among this age group recently is Avckdahen loss of agility and physical strength harmonious exposes them to cases of depression, autism, mental disorders repeated.That foods high in fat and carbohydrates, which helps the incidence of obesity also helps to acne and other skin diseases such as those that occur in the skin folds under the breasts or armpits or between the thighs as a result of the detention of sweat into the skin.

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة
Unhealthy food increases obesity girls

Obesity affects respiratory tract, causing difficulty in breathing and a feeling of fatigue and stress quick, especially when done with less effort and less movement.As arises indigestion result multiplication of food or speed eating or not chew enough and eating on dates is a regular and a lot of fatty foods or non-cooked, well established indigestion of tea and coffee, smoking, and eating materials delightful of the stomach, such as pepper, pickles and condiments what causes a feeling of nausea and heartburn in the stomach and a bulge and gas troublesome, that eating pickles saturated saline to open the appetite for food makes the body Aokhadd salt in excess of the toilet cause harm to the body, and is salt a main reasons in obesity excessive for this reason should be replaced by pickles vegetables fresh. As the availability of large amounts of fat in food can lead to obesity and cause many diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, gallbladder disease and gastritis. That eating sweets and sugars frequently cause obesity also entail them from disease in addition to tooth decay.As for diseases related to pregnancy and childbirth Often suffering ladies obese disorders of the menstrual cycle as a result of disorders of ovulation and the high rates of hormonal female what happens inflation in the lining of the uterus leads to menstrual cycles turbulent and bleed, leading to the occurrence anemia and this irritation in the lining of the uterus may develop into more difficult problems, Khdot Mobiles abnormal changes and possibly cancer of the uterus that occurs predominantly in obese women, especially at the stage of menopause.The attendant some obese difficulty in pregnancy because of disorders of ovulation and in the event of pregnancy may increase the problems of pregnancy Kalalthab INFECTIOSUM recurrent vaginal and urinary tract and rising rates of gestational diabetes and associated abortions and births frequent, and possibly birth defects and disorders placental Kanvsal placenta early and placenta displaced and a hamper fetal growth and arterial hypertension known as pre-eclampsia, and difficulties with childbirth and rising birth rates and surgical healing and bleeding after childbirth, and high stroke rates lung Alsaqaan after birth in obese compared ladies women with normal weight. The rise in the proportion of tumors in obese such as ovarian cancer, colon and uterus.

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة
When obese gestational diabetes rates are high and the accompanying abortion

Treatment and prevention of obesityHealth education and nutritional awareness: of the most important success factors in the treatment of obesity health awareness and follow the dietary habits sound and work on changing behaviors bad food, followers of a diet characterized eat less of eating and be balanced, since it has all the basic elements needed to build the body and supplied with power such as proteins and sugars and starches and fats, salts and minerals, vitamins and all the other basic elements.And supports the treatment of obesity, first and foremost on the will of women and faith in full that obesity caused by overeating, binge eating and lack of exercise, and when understood the women completely this fact easy to follow permanent system in the diet depends on the base is very simple, which is that for it to regain agility and activity and the beauty of strength that eat a little and walk a lot in order to live a long time.In contrast should not follow diets strict very few calories leads to some health complications such as fatigue and tiredness and inability to activity and movement and abnormalities in the heart and nervous system, are also advised not to try to vomiting after eating as many obese using this medium to underweight This is a mental illness known Balbolemia.My advice for diet, eating whatever she desires do not deprive yourself of anything but simple in balanced quantities and then later burned movement and activity and sport.It uses many of the drugs to reduce weight but mostly in vain, mainly because of lack of commitment by the patient and secondly what may afford health complications for women.The spread and surgical treatments such as gastric balloon and cut the stomach and surgical alteration between the stomach and the intestines and these have proved successful, especially the modification process, but health complications can occur, though a few percentages, but may be very serious.

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة
Choose your food carefully and not healthy and useful

Vaginitis due to fungi, fungal vaginal inflammation Khmer causes and treatment Yeast infection, vaginal

Vaginitis due to fungi, fungal vaginal inflammation Khmer causes and treatment Yeast infection, vaginal

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةFungal vaginal inflammation type of inflammation of the vagina, and gets initially when is an imbalance of microorganisms commonly found in the vagina. These changes may lead to excessive growth of yeast (Candida albicans Candida albicans), which leads to inflammation of the Khmer.Fungal vaginitis also called candidiasis candidiasis, a common condition affects 3 out of 4 women at some point in their lives.Vaginosis is not innate disease is transmitted through sexual contact, because it also affects single women, but it is possible to move in the case of oral sex.Symptoms of fungal vaginitis
Indeed, the signs and symptoms of inflammation may range from mild to severe, and include:• and feel the itch or irritation in the vagina, and at the entrance to the vagina (vulva).• Burning sensation, especially during sexual intercourse or urination.• redness and swelling of the vulva.• pain and vaginal soreness and ulceration.• thick white vaginal discharge odor-free, with a cheese-like appearance pastures.Causes inflammation of the vagina Khamiri
Bleached Candida fungus which microorganisms naturally present in the vagina along with Lactobacillus bacteria within a certain balance and healthy.The bacteria produces acid to prevent the increase of fungi, but if there is a defect in this balance, this will increase fungi, women Vtsab inflammation vagina Khamiri.Most cases of injury caused by fungi called Candida albicans, and usually respond quickly to conventional therapy.But there are other types of fungal candida responds slowly, you need to treat it stronger.Women are most susceptible to injury
You are more prone to inflammation Khamiri in the following cases• Visit estrogen levels: as happens with pregnancy, the pill, and estrogen hormone therapy• Do not control sugar levels in patients with diabetes• a weakened immune system: AIDS patient, or treatment with corticosteroid• antibiotics: as it works to reduce beneficial lactobacillus bacteria and change the pH, allowing yeast growing, normal rates• anything that might cause an imbalance in the number of bacteria present naturally in the vagina like douchePhysicals
• pelvic examination and external genitalia• take a sample of vaginal secretions Darsthe in the lab to find out the type of fungus that cause inflammationMedical treatment
Divided treat fungal vaginitis into twoFirst: the treatment of the easy cases
This applies labeled on mild to moderate infections, and non-recurring. These treatments include:• Short Course: dealing drugs once or from one day to three days, and be in the form of a cream or oral pills or suppositories.These drugs fall under a category called azoles It butoconazole like (Gynazole) and clotrimazole like (Lotrimin) and miconazole the like (Monistat) and terconazole like (Terazol).Necessary to complete the full course of treatment, even if Harta better immediately.• Treatment for once: Your doctor may prescribe a single dose taken once an antifungal medication by mouth, and these drugs fluconazole like (Diflucan).Second: the treatment of infections complex
Applies named the complex treatment of fungal vaginitis on the following cases:• Repeat infections four or more times per year• increasing the area of ​​redness and swelling• severe itching led to sores and cracks• If you do not cause fungus Candida albicans• If you are pregnant• If you do not Taatgmin diabetes• If you are sick with AIDSComplex treatments may include the following:• long cycle: treatment with azole drugs in the form of a cream or pills or suppositories, and extend the treatment period up to 14 days• multiple doses: two or three doses of fluconazole oral only. Not recommended for pregnant women• maintenance treatment: Just as a maintenance system, and described those who suffer from recurrent vaginal fungal infections.Doctor prescribes pills fluconazole taken once a week for six weeks.Some doctors may prescribe clotrimazole cream and placed on the vagina once one or twice a week.Alternative medicine
• to ease the discomfort to take anti-fungal medication effect, put the cold pack, such as a damp towel, on an area of ​​the labia.• You can also eat probiotics supplements or use suppositories. Probiotics contain beneficial bacteria may help to re-balance of microorganisms in the vagina.• found that eating yogurt that contains Zarieat lactobacillus can help ease inflammation recurrent vaginal Khmer.
Prevention of fungal vaginal infections
To help prevent vaginal infections Khmer, try the following:• Do not wash the vaginal area, he does not need to be cleaned is normal bathing. The frequent washing could disrupt the balance of organisms that normally live in the vagina. The washing does not cure inflammation of the vagina.• Avoid potential causes irritability, such as scented sanitary pads.• Wear cotton underwear or cotton containing the lining.• Do not wear underwear when sleeping Valaftriaat like moist environments.• If you live swimming, Fajlaa The wet bathing suit, and wet clothes as soon as possible.When should I see a doctor
Book the appointment with your doctor if:
• This was the first time you suffer from inflammation of the Khmer.• you are not confident that you suffer from inflammation of the Khmer.• symptoms did not disappear after treatment creams and suppositories antifungal.• other symptoms

Recent Photos Marie Choi 2013

Recent Photos Marie Choi 2013

Pictures Megan Fox's body and did not seem to give birth a month ago - Photos Megan Fox 2013

Pictures Megan Fox's body and did not seem to give birth a month ago - Photos Megan Fox 2013

Photo: Lady Gaga drink from a cup of tea to be sold at 75 thousand dollars

Photo: Lady Gaga drink from a cup of tea to be sold at 75 thousand dollars

Recently been selling a cup of tea made ​​using American singing star in recognition of the efforts have a reply to be able to see the content, in a press conference in Tokyo, Japan, compared with 75 thousand dollars at auction.
The auction, which was sold when it cup aims to raise funds to help the Japanese artists young, after the earthquake that struck their country in March 2011, the sale of the cup white, blue and gold, which was printed by the lipstick in recognition of the efforts of Member must respond to be able to see the content with signed, which did not wash since the singer drank a drink invader during a press conference with the U.S. ambassador in Tokyo, John Ross last June, compared to 75 thousand dollars (6 million yen) to the site (Yahoo! Japan auctions).

images .. Kim Kardashian inflame the hearts of fans in Kuwait beautiful gown

images .. Kim Kardashian inflame the hearts of fans in Kuwait beautiful gown
Inflamed socialite Kim Cardchian the hearts of fans in Kuwait, yesterday, during the opening of the branch Millions of Milkshakes at the mall Grand Avenues, in Kuwait.

The brunette star seemed exciting white gown Muftua at the chest, long-sleeved white cloth and chiffon.

Kim expressed surprise lovingly Kuwaitis her when she saw large numbers gathered around when they arrive to the center.

American broadcaster Fox lost control of the expressions because of breaking news break

American broadcaster Fox lost control of the expressions because of breaking news break

Lost the announcers in the American Fox News channel control of herself and laughed before moving to her guest to comment on the news seriously, and that is why breaking news break. Where the announcer appeared and called (Megan Kelly) after break breaking news as they try cohesion and strange indeed marks on her face and then she laughed, she says (Well, that scared me a little bit interval). Even after moving to her guest Chris Stuart Fox News editor laughed and asked him how he sees this interval? Intimidates? Replied saying: Yes scared me a little.

images .. Salafi demonstration against Kim Kardashian and police used stun grenades in Bahrain

images .. Salafi demonstration against Kim Kardashian and police used stun grenades in Bahrain

Witnesses said, the American TV star Kim Kardashian extracted screams from her fans, and Islamist militants as police receive stun grenades Saturday when she visited Bahrain for the opening of chain stores for milk shakes.

About 100 gathered predecessor carrying placards in front of a shopping mall luxury in the capital Manama, Bahraini newspaper said, some lawmakers tried to prevent the visit because of what they said were "bad reputation."

The thousands of fans who gathered to pay each of them about 500 BD (1360 dollars) price for a ticket View Kardashian and some of them exploded in hysterical screaming with the opening of the star (32 years old) store inside the mall.

Witnesses said police dispersed the demonstrators, using stun grenades while the ceremony continued at home, and there were no reports of injuries.

images Salma Hayek T. dress draws attention to the chest

images Salma Hayek T. dress draws attention to the chest

It seems that actress Salma Hayek decided to leave an unforgettable impression on the conclusion of the International Festival of Film and foremost her homeland motherland Mexico.
She drew the star - 46-year-old - catching Balsoub pink casting eyes on her chest.
The star looked bright although it spent the past few weeks shuttling between more than one country

images in a traumatic transformation .. Josie Gibson from overweight to exciting

images in a traumatic transformation .. Josie Gibson from overweight to exciting

 Beautiful actress Josie Gibson in a tight golden dress above the knee revealed her new slim body, where Gibson told the magazine "OK" she was in size 17 start of the year, and finally turned to 11, saying it had lost all this weight are completely natural.

The Gibson had thought of losing a lot of weight, after that I saw pictures of embarrassing her during the leave, and so I started to follow the diet harsh lost through a lot of weight, to show star Josie Gibson well on Tuesday night last K as a result the effort I put, to look less four times of its former weight.

After Dieting


 Before Dieting

images Jennifer Nicole Lee in shame dress reveals her charms

images Jennifer Nicole Lee in shame dress reveals her charms

Jennifer Nicole Lee appeared as usual in love with show her body tight dress showing her belly and her body finisher few attractive tan.
Bounced a pink dress lump at the shoulder and when the abdomen showing a very exciting look and Habassa breaths everyone when he reflected on the streets of Miami last Wednesday.


Google launches tool for writing English letters

Google launches tool for writing English letters
 لأن الحاجة هي أم الإختراع قامت جوجل بإطلاق أداة

Because the need is the mother of invention Google has launched a new tool turning the written word in Latin characters to the word letters Arab because many people do not have keyboard Arabic characters and because it can identify popular styles and words most commonly used among users for example, when writing mar7aba the tool elevate to "hello "or to write an" Arab "you can write 3arabi or arabi Valadah recognize numbers currently used in Arabizi same event program Alimli famous and perhaps many believe that these types of tools harm language but the result is the opposite especially for people who speak Arabic but are ignorant to read and write can easily be used in any program, such as your e-mail program Gmail and chat software and on social networks.

Link download the tool /


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