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Friday, December 7, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Right kidney lower than overall lower (due to the presence of the liver).
There are nerves located behind the college, namely:
iliohypogastric nerve, ilioinguinal nerve, subcostal nerve.
Surrounds the college named membrane capsule college and after RENAL CAPSULE surrounds college grease helps to stabilize the college in its place. Then surrounding this whole thick membrane
The artery next to the college is divided into four or five branches intervention to college and each branch goes to a section of the college and each artery oath that fueled and not related to the arteries between them if blocked artery dies that feeds part of it, either veins are connected with each other.
If we opened at college shows two: CORTEX crust and the MEDULLA
Right kidney lower than overall lower (due to the presence of the liver).
There are nerves located behind the college, namely:
iliohypogastric nerve, ilioinguinal nerve, subcostal nerve.
Surrounds the college named membrane capsule college and after RENAL CAPSULE surrounds college grease helps to stabilize the college in its place. Then surrounding this whole thick membrane
The artery next to the college is divided into four or five branches intervention to college and each branch goes to a section of the college and each artery oath that fueled and not related to the arteries between them if blocked artery dies that feeds part of it, either veins are connected with each other.
If we opened at college shows two: CORTEX crust and the MEDULLA
Ascending the large vein to the heart: the inferior vena hollow INFERIOR VENA CAVA
Ascending the large vein to
the heart: the inferior vena hollow INFERIOR VENA CAVA:
Starts from the fifth lumbar vertebrae L5 and climb in the abdomen to the above to the right of the aorta Wimmer to the chest through the hole in the diaphragm front paragraph T8. In the fetus was there and Reden Svljen and they are connected to each other but the vein right remains and left disappears therefore see that the veins in the abdomen not identical on both sides.
And more than this is
that section of the vein hollow Supreme IVC of veins Alcleoho to top it arises from blood vessels located in the front, either section of the vein large renal vein down it falls back so
the veins that go to intravenous great in its
upper section be in front of the arteries,
either veins that go into the large vein the oath bottom,
so that behind the arteries.
The second thing that the front sections of the aorta any that go to the gastrointestinal tract, the veins are not due to the large vein down even into the liver through the PORTAL VEIN and liver blood back to the great hollow bottom vein IVC.
The second thing that the front sections of the aorta any that go to the gastrointestinal tract, the veins are not due to the large vein down even into the liver through the PORTAL VEIN and liver blood back to the great hollow bottom vein IVC.
Aorta is the large artery coming from the heart and enters the abdomen ...
Aorta is the large artery coming from the heart and enters the abdomen ...
Aortic AORTA:
Aorta is the large artery coming from the heart and enters the abdomen through a hole in the diaphragm at the paragraph level T12 and walking and walking in the median line and a little to the left to the extent L4 where divided into two Harianin COMMON ILIAC ARTERIES. The fetus is two Alharianan Tafraan of the aorta and both umbilical cord artery. The real aortic In fact, it ends with a small artery is the MEDIAN SACRAL ARTERY.Gives the aorta in the abdomen important forest divide into 3 groups:-1 - Forehand forest VENTRAL: to the digestive system.-2 - Forest side LATERAL: three glands.-3 - Forest to the body wall.
Branches of the aorta:Branches front: They go to the gut and are COELIAC ARTERY and SMA and IMA.Side Branches: go on each side to total gland above SUPRARENAL GLAND college RENAL and ovaries or testes GONADS. Biggest of which is the branch that goes to college because he receives a quarter of the blood pumped by the heart per minute (Imagine!) Which starts from the aorta directly under the place fork SMA. Artery going to the right kidney walks under the large vein upward to the heart. This artery on both sides gives branches go to the gland above the kidney and RENAL PELVIS.Branch going to the adrenal College (adrenal) SUPRARENAL GLAND: also called MIDDLE SUPRARENAL ARTERY.Outgoing branch to ovarian or testis GONADS which a small branch on each side of the aorta and is down to the bottom of the front surface of the muscle PSOAS. That newcomers to Mqsdahma reason for this is that the ovaries or testicles were originally up in the abdomen and then falling down.
Branches to the body wall: WALL:They arteries going to the diaphragm INFERIOR PHRENIC and four cotton Hariaaan LUMBR East sacrococcygeal MEDIAN SACRAL ARTERY.Arteries going to the diaphragm INFERIOR PHRENIC:Give small forest gland above the college and then branching out under the surface of the diaphragm.The lumbar arteries are branching such as forest arteries between the back of the ribs, all arched artery about fibrous paragraph under the arch, who graduated from the muscle fibers PSOAS. Are given branch POSTERIOR BRANCH rear goes to the back, as well as a branch stacker SPINAL BRANCH while continuing the front section of walking among internal oblique العضلتين and transverse abdominal muscle.
Aorta is the large artery coming from the heart and enters the abdomen through a hole in the diaphragm at the paragraph level T12 and walking and walking in the median line and a little to the left to the extent L4 where divided into two Harianin COMMON ILIAC ARTERIES. The fetus is two Alharianan Tafraan of the aorta and both umbilical cord artery. The real aortic In fact, it ends with a small artery is the MEDIAN SACRAL ARTERY.Gives the aorta in the abdomen important forest divide into 3 groups:-1 - Forehand forest VENTRAL: to the digestive system.-2 - Forest side LATERAL: three glands.-3 - Forest to the body wall.
Branches of the aorta:Branches front: They go to the gut and are COELIAC ARTERY and SMA and IMA.Side Branches: go on each side to total gland above SUPRARENAL GLAND college RENAL and ovaries or testes GONADS. Biggest of which is the branch that goes to college because he receives a quarter of the blood pumped by the heart per minute (Imagine!) Which starts from the aorta directly under the place fork SMA. Artery going to the right kidney walks under the large vein upward to the heart. This artery on both sides gives branches go to the gland above the kidney and RENAL PELVIS.Branch going to the adrenal College (adrenal) SUPRARENAL GLAND: also called MIDDLE SUPRARENAL ARTERY.Outgoing branch to ovarian or testis GONADS which a small branch on each side of the aorta and is down to the bottom of the front surface of the muscle PSOAS. That newcomers to Mqsdahma reason for this is that the ovaries or testicles were originally up in the abdomen and then falling down.
Branches to the body wall: WALL:They arteries going to the diaphragm INFERIOR PHRENIC and four cotton Hariaaan LUMBR East sacrococcygeal MEDIAN SACRAL ARTERY.Arteries going to the diaphragm INFERIOR PHRENIC:Give small forest gland above the college and then branching out under the surface of the diaphragm.The lumbar arteries are branching such as forest arteries between the back of the ribs, all arched artery about fibrous paragraph under the arch, who graduated from the muscle fibers PSOAS. Are given branch POSTERIOR BRANCH rear goes to the back, as well as a branch stacker SPINAL BRANCH while continuing the front section of walking among internal oblique العضلتين and transverse abdominal muscle.
Examine important: his name PSOAS SIGNLocated right PSOAS muscle behind appendicitis in humans When inflammation occurs in appendicitis Vnsttia ask the patient to turn the hip while paying his leg in the opposite Alatjh any we resist what he does. In this case will reduce patient muscle the PSOAS to turn the thigh but suffers because she is affected inflammation, then if we determine that the patient felt Palm, we make sure more than that the cause of pain in the stomach is an inflammation of the appendix or that there inflammation and pus behind the peritoneum RETROPERITONEAL ABCESS.Check out these brand in the left and right side of the bodyMark this examination after you examine the bellyIf you find that this marker present when the patient, you have to be vigilant: This patient should undergo surgery. Priest acts quickly the patient's vital any blood pressure, pulse and temperature, attended the surgery. Ask him to not eat or drink (except a little water) and give him intravenous fluids IV FLUIDS. To prevent injury dryly, but do not give it a laxative or enema because it is possible to cause the explosion appendicitis.Other signs of appendicitis: Palm fuzzy feeling in the middle of the abdomen and then moves to the right side of the lower abdomen. Bzbd sensation of pain when walking or coughing patient (called pain when moving from one place to another), as well as less appetite and feel nausea and sometimes Tqi, heat and light and feeling sick.If touched abdomen patient Vsialm, usually be a pain in the right side and if Datt in place will feel the pain sharply and if your hand will feel lifted Palm more REBOUND TENDERNESS. Sometimes there is diarrhea or catch or no change. Sometimes there is a change in the urine. Sometimes the place appendicitis in a place other than usual, for example, that up to the liver, which does not give the same image known pathological making diagnosis difficult.If worked laboratory testing of blood, you will ask the number of white blood cells, to see whether there is inflammation but do not rely on the analysis, because in many cases there is inflammation, but the number of white blood cells still did not rise.Other way when the difficulty of diagnosis and is the work of ultrasound examination.If flamed appendicitis exploded the dirt will spread in the abdomen inside the peritoneum feels patient Palm severe sudden he can not move his stomach because any movement be very painful and call this case PERITONITIS and stop intestinal work ABSENT BOWEL SOUNDS and high fever and abdominal Klouh wood boardlike abdominal rigidity
Pus behind the peritoneum Retroperitoneal abscessIf there is inflammation in the area behind the peritoneum any abdominal wall from behind the foldable will be too painful thigh with fever.After a lower retroperitoneal infection, an iliac or lumbar abscess can produce a positive right or left psoas sign and a fever. An iliac abscess causes iliac or inguinal pain that may radiate to the hip, thigh, flank, or knee; a tender mass in the lower abdomen or groin may be palpable. A lumbar abscess usually produces back tenderness and spasms on the affected side with a palpable lumbar mass; a tender abdominal mass without back pain may occur instead.
In the elderly may disappear despite the presence of signs of inflammation. You can be sure that pain is caused by inflammation near the muscle, not hip pain
Examine important: his name PSOAS SIGNLocated right PSOAS muscle behind appendicitis in humans When inflammation occurs in appendicitis Vnsttia ask the patient to turn the hip while paying his leg in the opposite Alatjh any we resist what he does. In this case will reduce patient muscle the PSOAS to turn the thigh but suffers because she is affected inflammation, then if we determine that the patient felt Palm, we make sure more than that the cause of pain in the stomach is an inflammation of the appendix or that there inflammation and pus behind the peritoneum RETROPERITONEAL ABCESS.Check out these brand in the left and right side of the bodyMark this examination after you examine the bellyIf you find that this marker present when the patient, you have to be vigilant: This patient should undergo surgery. Priest acts quickly the patient's vital any blood pressure, pulse and temperature, attended the surgery. Ask him to not eat or drink (except a little water) and give him intravenous fluids IV FLUIDS. To prevent injury dryly, but do not give it a laxative or enema because it is possible to cause the explosion appendicitis.Other signs of appendicitis: Palm fuzzy feeling in the middle of the abdomen and then moves to the right side of the lower abdomen. Bzbd sensation of pain when walking or coughing patient (called pain when moving from one place to another), as well as less appetite and feel nausea and sometimes Tqi, heat and light and feeling sick.If touched abdomen patient Vsialm, usually be a pain in the right side and if Datt in place will feel the pain sharply and if your hand will feel lifted Palm more REBOUND TENDERNESS. Sometimes there is diarrhea or catch or no change. Sometimes there is a change in the urine. Sometimes the place appendicitis in a place other than usual, for example, that up to the liver, which does not give the same image known pathological making diagnosis difficult.If worked laboratory testing of blood, you will ask the number of white blood cells, to see whether there is inflammation but do not rely on the analysis, because in many cases there is inflammation, but the number of white blood cells still did not rise.Other way when the difficulty of diagnosis and is the work of ultrasound examination.If flamed appendicitis exploded the dirt will spread in the abdomen inside the peritoneum feels patient Palm severe sudden he can not move his stomach because any movement be very painful and call this case PERITONITIS and stop intestinal work ABSENT BOWEL SOUNDS and high fever and abdominal Klouh wood boardlike abdominal rigidity
Pus behind the peritoneum Retroperitoneal abscessIf there is inflammation in the area behind the peritoneum any abdominal wall from behind the foldable will be too painful thigh with fever.After a lower retroperitoneal infection, an iliac or lumbar abscess can produce a positive right or left psoas sign and a fever. An iliac abscess causes iliac or inguinal pain that may radiate to the hip, thigh, flank, or knee; a tender mass in the lower abdomen or groin may be palpable. A lumbar abscess usually produces back tenderness and spasms on the affected side with a palpable lumbar mass; a tender abdominal mass without back pain may occur instead.
In the elderly may disappear despite the presence of signs of inflammation. You can be sure that pain is caused by inflammation near the muscle, not hip pain
Muscle: PSOAS MAJOR: The start of the 15 districts: 5
Muscle: PSOAS MAJOR: The start of the 15 districts:
Ntuat transverse lumbar vertebrae lumber
, 5 discs between the vertebrae, 5 fibrous arcs between paragraphs.
And sink to the bottom and pass under the inguinal ligament INGUINAL LIGAMENT junior stick Balentu in the top of the femur LESSER TROCHANTER a somewhat merge seconds muscle is ILIACUS Vensmi muscle ILIOPSOAS
And receive PSOAS muscle nerves by ordering it to move from nerves L1, L2, L3 in the abdomen. Foul these nerves graduated from between the vertebrae, they enter the muscle.
These powerful muscle working on hip Collapse Through this thigh folds or lift the body of the case lie down or sit down. Since the bulk of this muscle is abdominal Dagel it if there is inflammation in the abdomen such as appendicitis, the leg will be slightly folded inward because muscle pain affected.
Ntuat transverse lumbar vertebrae lumber
, 5 discs between the vertebrae, 5 fibrous arcs between paragraphs.
And sink to the bottom and pass under the inguinal ligament INGUINAL LIGAMENT junior stick Balentu in the top of the femur LESSER TROCHANTER a somewhat merge seconds muscle is ILIACUS Vensmi muscle ILIOPSOAS
And receive PSOAS muscle nerves by ordering it to move from nerves L1, L2, L3 in the abdomen. Foul these nerves graduated from between the vertebrae, they enter the muscle.
These powerful muscle working on hip Collapse Through this thigh folds or lift the body of the case lie down or sit down. Since the bulk of this muscle is abdominal Dagel it if there is inflammation in the abdomen such as appendicitis, the leg will be slightly folded inward because muscle pain affected.
There sometimes small muscle on the big muscle and call PSOAS MINOR, a small muscle has a long tendon.
It covers these muscles thick membrane named PSOAS FASCIA It covers lumbar muscle and nerves LUMBER PLEXUS
It covers these muscles thick membrane named PSOAS FASCIA It covers lumbar muscle and nerves LUMBER PLEXUS
The structures of the posterior abdominal wall
The structures of the
posterior abdominal wall
The back wall of the abdomen consists of:
Paragraphs vertebrae
psoas muscle
quadratus lumborum muscle
transversus abdominis muscle
The rear section of the diaphragm.
The biggest part of the rear wall of the abdomen covered with peritoneal membrane outer parietal peritoneum and there are members of the abdominal peritoneum period forward only are called "behind the Breton retroperitoneal" like twelve, and kidneys, which sits on paragraphs and muscles. There is much fat in that area, especially around the kidneys.
The back wall of the abdomen consists of:
Paragraphs vertebrae
psoas muscle
quadratus lumborum muscle
transversus abdominis muscle
The rear section of the diaphragm.
The biggest part of the rear wall of the abdomen covered with peritoneal membrane outer parietal peritoneum and there are members of the abdominal peritoneum period forward only are called "behind the Breton retroperitoneal" like twelve, and kidneys, which sits on paragraphs and muscles. There is much fat in that area, especially around the kidneys.
Said that the spleen pilgrimage: 1X3X5 Langat and weighs 7 ounces and is located behind the ribs 9, 10 and 11. It does not fall directly under the ribs because he covered high barrier hijab. And it touches many members in the abdomen: wilted pancreas, left kidney, colon and small intestine. We can not touch in a normal person, but if the size spleen Vnsttia and help us in that, and Lahoud on the front surface curvatures and is kept even when he grows in size (in the exam that can recognize the spleen of Tqosath).
And spleen Rabatan: lienorenal, gastrospelnic therefore possible to move it and dragging it to the front during the surgical process.
Said that the spleen pilgrimage: 1X3X5 Langat and weighs 7 ounces and is located behind the ribs 9, 10 and 11. It does not fall directly under the ribs because he covered high barrier hijab. And it touches many members in the abdomen: wilted pancreas, left kidney, colon and small intestine. We can not touch in a normal person, but if the size spleen Vnsttia and help us in that, and Lahoud on the front surface curvatures and is kept even when he grows in size (in the exam that can recognize the spleen of Tqosath).
And spleen Rabatan: lienorenal, gastrospelnic therefore possible to move it and dragging it to the front during the surgical process.
Consists of Ras head - neck neck - body - tail tail. Each pancreas is located behind the peritoneum retroperitoneal except for the last part of the tail tail, it is located in Rabat between kidney and spleen lienorenal ligament. Artery going to the spleen, splenic artery, it large artery winding walking on top of the pancreas and gives the pancreas arteries especially the large artery pancreas arteria pancreatica magna.
The interior mean that the pancreas (clusters of cells in the pancreas called the islets of Ankerhans islets of Langerhans) they secrete insulin insuline directly into the blood without the channel.
Pancreas major channel and a small channel into which or pour alone in ethnic nest. At the end of the main channel open channel bitterness on the main pancreatic duct Vicuan common place name HEPATO-PANCREATIC AMPULLA or named after the surgeon who described AMPULLA OF VATER. It opens on the left side in the middle of the second part of the duodenum.
Consists of Ras head - neck neck - body - tail tail. Each pancreas is located behind the peritoneum retroperitoneal except for the last part of the tail tail, it is located in Rabat between kidney and spleen lienorenal ligament. Artery going to the spleen, splenic artery, it large artery winding walking on top of the pancreas and gives the pancreas arteries especially the large artery pancreas arteria pancreatica magna.
The interior mean that the pancreas (clusters of cells in the pancreas called the islets of Ankerhans islets of Langerhans) they secrete insulin insuline directly into the blood without the channel.
Pancreas major channel and a small channel into which or pour alone in ethnic nest. At the end of the main channel open channel bitterness on the main pancreatic duct Vicuan common place name HEPATO-PANCREATIC AMPULLA or named after the surgeon who described AMPULLA OF VATER. It opens on the left side in the middle of the second part of the duodenum.
Intra-abdominal infections
Intra-abdominal infections:
For example, because a hole in the stomach or duodenal pus any output inflammation an abscess = a collection of pus and these accumulate in certain places in the peritoneum one of these places is between the liver and diaphragm subphrenic and possible to be to the right of Rabat Hilali falciform ligament or to the left.
Possible to gather pus also under the liver subhepatic:
-1 - Pus under the liver on the left side gets in Alaomente bag OMENTAL BURSA.
-2 - Pus under the liver on the right side gets out of this bag and be in place between the liver and gallbladder, twelve and right kidney and called RUTHERFORD MORISONS POUCH
For example, because a hole in the stomach or duodenal pus any output inflammation an abscess = a collection of pus and these accumulate in certain places in the peritoneum one of these places is between the liver and diaphragm subphrenic and possible to be to the right of Rabat Hilali falciform ligament or to the left.
Possible to gather pus also under the liver subhepatic:
-1 - Pus under the liver on the left side gets in Alaomente bag OMENTAL BURSA.
-2 - Pus under the liver on the right side gets out of this bag and be in place between the liver and gallbladder, twelve and right kidney and called RUTHERFORD MORISONS POUCH
Explain the bitterness in exposed humans:
Explain the bitterness in exposed humans:
Bag gallbladder is located on the lower side of the liver and cleave to the liver and covered by peritoneum. And his head out a little bit about the surface of the liver, and we can appreciate the place that see the outer edge of the rectus abdominal muscle RECTUS ABDOMINUS meeting place this tip rib cage on the right side of the body.
Of bitterness graduated bag channel bitterness "cystic" CYSTIC DUCT and pour into the main channel of bitterness COMMON BILE DUCT or as it is called here common channel bitterness.
This channel walk with pyloric vein and the hepatic artery in the free edge of the fold of peritoneum LESSER OMMENTUM then up to twelve Vtsb pancreatic duct
And pour after each trip in the twelve to work to digest some parts of the food.
But the Federation of channels is not at all people so there are differences in some cases.
Blood connecting to liver intercourse with her bag Ir cystic artery is usually (but not always) a branch of the right hepatic artery.
Bag gallbladder is located on the lower side of the liver and cleave to the liver and covered by peritoneum. And his head out a little bit about the surface of the liver, and we can appreciate the place that see the outer edge of the rectus abdominal muscle RECTUS ABDOMINUS meeting place this tip rib cage on the right side of the body.
Of bitterness graduated bag channel bitterness "cystic" CYSTIC DUCT and pour into the main channel of bitterness COMMON BILE DUCT or as it is called here common channel bitterness.
This channel walk with pyloric vein and the hepatic artery in the free edge of the fold of peritoneum LESSER OMMENTUM then up to twelve Vtsb pancreatic duct
And pour after each trip in the twelve to work to digest some parts of the food.
But the Federation of channels is not at all people so there are differences in some cases.
Blood connecting to liver intercourse with her bag Ir cystic artery is usually (but not always) a branch of the right hepatic artery.
Explain the large vein that connects the abdomen heart-liver
Explain the large vein that connects the abdomen heart-liver
Intravenous great going to the heart inferior vena cava passes in the abdomen and climb to above shall be behind the liver, into which veins liver (Warning: Here hepatic artery walks differently to walk vein) Vordh liver pour directly into a vein big upside to the heart and vein Grand is located behind the membrane peritoneal retroperitoneal and open a place deep in the liver (in the bare area of the liver bare area) so that it hides the hepatic veins do not we see if we look at the back of the liver.
Intravenous great going to the heart inferior vena cava passes in the abdomen and climb to above shall be behind the liver, into which veins liver (Warning: Here hepatic artery walks differently to walk vein) Vordh liver pour directly into a vein big upside to the heart and vein Grand is located behind the membrane peritoneal retroperitoneal and open a place deep in the liver (in the bare area of the liver bare area) so that it hides the hepatic veins do not we see if we look at the back of the liver.
Thus, the liver and the
stomach in the first few weeks of fetal life
Liver: The largest members of the abdomen
The largest members of the abdomen
And his place in the right-hand side of the highest in the abdomen
Lower the front edge is located behind the lower edge of the rib cage
There is a place at the bottom is his door, then intervene arteries and veins and produce a bile duct
The largest members of the abdomen
And his place in the right-hand side of the highest in the abdomen
Lower the front edge is located behind the lower edge of the rib cage
There is a place at the bottom is his door, then intervene arteries and veins and produce a bile duct
Can not touch the liver if we examine the abdomen,
but if he had pathologically enlarged and became when some sclerosis
It is located under the diaphragm and moving him during breathing descend to the bottom with the inspiration (to ask the patient to take a deep breath and try at the same time that we feel the lower edge of the liver).
The liver is not a single block but is divided into two lobes: the left lobe and right lobe
Left or right lobe is larger than the left because the two small cloves are: caudal lobe CAUDATE LOBE square and clove QUADRATE LOBE.
Gate liver: at the bottom of the liver is no place enters and leaves him the blood vessels and bile duct and the name of this place portal liver PORTA HEPATIS.
Is subject enters the hepatic artery and bile duct emerging from the liver and pyloric vein coming from the intestines and enters into the liver.
This artery and veins and Emcian channel in the free edge of the LESSER OMENTUM a Titin peritoneum walk from the liver to the stomach and in the free edge these Alhariaaan exist and veins.
These layers of peritoneum stick to the liver
It is located under the diaphragm and moving him during breathing descend to the bottom with the inspiration (to ask the patient to take a deep breath and try at the same time that we feel the lower edge of the liver).
The liver is not a single block but is divided into two lobes: the left lobe and right lobe
Left or right lobe is larger than the left because the two small cloves are: caudal lobe CAUDATE LOBE square and clove QUADRATE LOBE.
Gate liver: at the bottom of the liver is no place enters and leaves him the blood vessels and bile duct and the name of this place portal liver PORTA HEPATIS.
Is subject enters the hepatic artery and bile duct emerging from the liver and pyloric vein coming from the intestines and enters into the liver.
This artery and veins and Emcian channel in the free edge of the LESSER OMENTUM a Titin peritoneum walk from the liver to the stomach and in the free edge these Alhariaaan exist and veins.
These layers of peritoneum stick to the liver
adhesion place called Ligamentum Venosum free edge damage to the hepatic
Venosum (venous ligament) in the liver is located in a deep place and spread to
the iferior Vena Cava.There
is another place in the liver where the bond named Ligamentum Teres which
extends to the navel and called the place sprawl Falciform
After entering the hepatic artery and vein pyloric to the liver mixed blood with each and are filtered from toxic substances and harmful then go blood through Alaudh liver to intravenous great to be behind the liver and climb to the right side of the heart (and there pumps blood to the lungs and then back to the left side of the heart to be pumped to the body).
Why are there these ligaments in the liver, such as the ligamentum Venosum? :When I was a fetus in his mother's womb was blood from the placenta due to your body through a vein in the umbilical cord, carrying pure blood, and is now his place is the Ligamentum Teres.As for the ligamentum Venosum They are the remnants of the ductus Venosus.
Atdma I was a fetus blood comes to your body from the placenta directly to the big vein going to heart Vmazation not pass liver.These ligaments Ligaments can be confusing and difficult conservation. There are other ligaments such as the bond between the stomach and spleen and the bond between the spleen and kidney and like Rabat ring and all these are folds of peritoneum, where he was wrapped guts then grew some guts or changed place withdrawing Rabat with it.You must know that the true ligaments in joints such as the hip and ankle and others differ from these ligaments that we have mentioned in the abdomen Those joints are as we say strong ligaments connecting detailed with some parts they do not like the ligaments that we have mentioned in the abdomen.
After entering the hepatic artery and vein pyloric to the liver mixed blood with each and are filtered from toxic substances and harmful then go blood through Alaudh liver to intravenous great to be behind the liver and climb to the right side of the heart (and there pumps blood to the lungs and then back to the left side of the heart to be pumped to the body).
Why are there these ligaments in the liver, such as the ligamentum Venosum? :When I was a fetus in his mother's womb was blood from the placenta due to your body through a vein in the umbilical cord, carrying pure blood, and is now his place is the Ligamentum Teres.As for the ligamentum Venosum They are the remnants of the ductus Venosus.
Atdma I was a fetus blood comes to your body from the placenta directly to the big vein going to heart Vmazation not pass liver.These ligaments Ligaments can be confusing and difficult conservation. There are other ligaments such as the bond between the stomach and spleen and the bond between the spleen and kidney and like Rabat ring and all these are folds of peritoneum, where he was wrapped guts then grew some guts or changed place withdrawing Rabat with it.You must know that the true ligaments in joints such as the hip and ankle and others differ from these ligaments that we have mentioned in the abdomen Those joints are as we say strong ligaments connecting detailed with some parts they do not like the ligaments that we have mentioned in the abdomen.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Veil Ahajer The Diaphragm
Veil Ahajer The
He striped muscle (ie, from Alno p which can control it voluntarily), but can move without being controlled by voluntarily as well. That it is also subject to control breathing Vtbos speed orders from the movement in the cerebral cortex, and when you sleep, Allarroamr continue from the Medulla and Pons a breathing centers in the brain.Stick to the diaphragm muscle inside surface of the lower six ribs, and two or three paragraphs bra top, and bottom of the breastbone front Xyphoid Process and Lumbosacral Ligament.Ascend muscle fibers to click and then coalesce with each other in the bond in the middle The Central Tendon and be in the right-hand side top of the left side (where they cover liver) and be a clear difference in the chest.Covers the diaphragm from the upper contact of the lungs that line the chest lining a Parietal Pleura, and be central Rabat adjacent to the cover of Heart The Fibrous Pericardium.Either from the bottom of the diaphragm, it covers the Earth's lining of the womb in the abdomen and is Perietal Peritoneum except in one area, it touches the surface of the liver directly and this region is the Bare Area is located in the right lobe of the liver.
Nerve that transmits directives to the diaphragm movement (task and always come in the exam) is C3 C4 C5You can save the following sentence to always remember:C3, 4,5 Keeps The Diaphragm AliveSensory nerves that transmit the sensation of membranes also get stuck, they also move in the Phrenic Nerve, but from the outer region of the diaphragm nerve sensations transmitted by the six lower ribs because the diaphragm originally grows from that region.
He striped muscle (ie, from Alno p which can control it voluntarily), but can move without being controlled by voluntarily as well. That it is also subject to control breathing Vtbos speed orders from the movement in the cerebral cortex, and when you sleep, Allarroamr continue from the Medulla and Pons a breathing centers in the brain.Stick to the diaphragm muscle inside surface of the lower six ribs, and two or three paragraphs bra top, and bottom of the breastbone front Xyphoid Process and Lumbosacral Ligament.Ascend muscle fibers to click and then coalesce with each other in the bond in the middle The Central Tendon and be in the right-hand side top of the left side (where they cover liver) and be a clear difference in the chest.Covers the diaphragm from the upper contact of the lungs that line the chest lining a Parietal Pleura, and be central Rabat adjacent to the cover of Heart The Fibrous Pericardium.Either from the bottom of the diaphragm, it covers the Earth's lining of the womb in the abdomen and is Perietal Peritoneum except in one area, it touches the surface of the liver directly and this region is the Bare Area is located in the right lobe of the liver.
Nerve that transmits directives to the diaphragm movement (task and always come in the exam) is C3 C4 C5You can save the following sentence to always remember:C3, 4,5 Keeps The Diaphragm AliveSensory nerves that transmit the sensation of membranes also get stuck, they also move in the Phrenic Nerve, but from the outer region of the diaphragm nerve sensations transmitted by the six lower ribs because the diaphragm originally grows from that region.
There are 3 holes in the diaphragm
The bottom of the large vein (paragraph level T8):
Lower vein passes through a hole in the central link ie not through the muscle fibers and thank God for it if it passes through the muscle to Tqsalt and blocked the blood stream where because a thin wall.
One (the level of paragraph 10 T):
Esophagus slot located slightly to the left but surrounded by muscle fibers from the right section of the diaphragm. Passes through this slot also comes from arteries down gastric artery and relate to other human barriers and is one of the places to which they relate session pylori (which goes to the liver) with the rest of the circulatory system in the body PORTO-SYSTEMIC SHUNT
Aortae (paragraph level T 12):
For the third slot is at the back and passes through the aorta from the chest to the abdomen, this slot is located in the center and also passes through the canal, which endure the lymphatic fluid: THORACIC DUCT.
The bottom of the large vein (paragraph level T8):
Lower vein passes through a hole in the central link ie not through the muscle fibers and thank God for it if it passes through the muscle to Tqsalt and blocked the blood stream where because a thin wall.
One (the level of paragraph 10 T):
Esophagus slot located slightly to the left but surrounded by muscle fibers from the right section of the diaphragm. Passes through this slot also comes from arteries down gastric artery and relate to other human barriers and is one of the places to which they relate session pylori (which goes to the liver) with the rest of the circulatory system in the body PORTO-SYSTEMIC SHUNT
Aortae (paragraph level T 12):
For the third slot is at the back and passes through the aorta from the chest to the abdomen, this slot is located in the center and also passes through the canal, which endure the lymphatic fluid: THORACIC DUCT.
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