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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Divided Jerouhb ulcers black yellow red

Divided Jerouhb ulcers black yellow red
Wound if the color black:Either be black is dead tissue or blood stiffIf you doubt became so you can wait but that monitors wound every day and see how it develops \What are the yellow and red wounds and its meaning:
Wounds black: If Wright injured black or black layer covering the skin, they are either blood frosted or be dead tissue due to a lack of blood to the tissue, this dead tissue danger that if left in the body, the bacteria Sterta it and multiply will the body can resist because the region does not arrive blood or defend then your cells Istmm man because of it. Call black fabric Dead as a result of a lack of blood supply: Algrgarena GANGRENEWhat you have to do:If black blood frozen you can waitIf caused by dead tissue you have to warn of the consequences so you can Tistasalh of the body, but if it's something little and يابسا and not see it as a sign of inflammation you can wait but you have to put it under constant surveillance and intervene first thing you see anything abnormal seemed happen.

This "wound" because the blood is not up to the leg as it should because that man was smoking a lot. Possible that treated the wound cleaned and guarded that he does not get sore, but how to restore blood to the region as it was in the past? !If designed human and he decided to save himself, God willing, will be better

If the wound is large and black clearly consider that a leg as possible to be exposed to amputation so that life will not be in danger
Yellow wounds:They are covered with a layer thick yellow liquid that comes out of the wound because Valjrah inflammation that comes out of it means a lot or thick yellow means, it means that he flamed.

Red wound:Is wound with pink bubblegum which is a vital and healthy and Yalamlam himself to heal.

How do you distinguish the wound festering wound good way to healing:

I know that the wound cleaner is a wound that heals quickly and is not out of it means only a very little thing and be transparent liquid or slightly yellowish and very fewAlso, clean the wound does not have any odor that you do not smell any smellsAs well as the edges of the wound is red and pink sweet and feel going into each groove wound
Let's talk about healing wounds:Wound is the area of ​​the body lacks the skin and sometimes also tissue underneath it. The reason is hurt with a knife or any other thing possible to do that.Whatever the knife or the machine that caused the wound clean (even knife wounds in the operating room) then we must enter bacteria to the wound, of course, the preparation of these bacteria and kind vary depending on the cleanliness of the area and clean tools or causing used.The first thing he does the body is that it stops the process of bleeding from blood vessels affected and mobilizes cells defense to rid the body of these bacteria alien found her chance to enter the body, my girl white blood cells Almsaalh for resistance to the region, particularly known as GRANULOCYTES any white blood cells favorite, Vtbtal bacteria and decay and swallow remnants tissue affected, and two days later comes cells big white devourer MACROPHAGES Vtkml work and excrete DDT MMP which enzyme is breaking Albrooatnat in the region so the body can keep waste facilities, as well as excrete materials Fathvz cells that build the region such as FIBROBLASTS and others. We see the wound from the outside with five recipes:Swelling swelling, redness erythema, pain pain, do not use human place loss of function, a rise in the temperature of the place warm.This case continues for a period of 5 daysSo the wound after the operation as possible to be so for a period of 5 days. (If it remained so for example, ten days, it means that there is inflammation has occurred in the wound).
After five days rest place and wound begins to build himself and Mlmtha,Is divided cells and put on the place and materials adopted.
The final stage is the stage of the amendment which last year or year and a half since the scar created by arrange themselves and change itself slowly

But heal all wounds like this:
Yes if true human body!

Why slowed some authorization in healing wounds:

Because the bacteria that enters the large numbers (the wound dirt) or be very kind of villain (VIRULENT)
Or because the body does not defend well for itself, such as in the case of diseases such as diabetes, where the immune below normal because the immune cells affected in diabetes
Or because the blood does not reach enough to place in order to carry cells that defend and food and oxygen necessary for the work of the cells of the body (for example, in artery disease, for example, smoking and alcohol and high triglycerides or cholesterol in the blood)
Swelling in the region: any that if the swollen leg, for example, because there means a lot, it impedes the functioning blood naturally and impedes healing

Any short that cover the protector of the body may damage former would receive attacked Baknbaraa on the wound because they find their chance opportunity that dream all the time, Vidaf body with his troops, weapons and military plans, but it needs to supply food and oxygen and energy to resist well as you would like to see irresistible. Means necessary has good nutrition and blood circulation brings him asked consistently and generous.
But if you can not give the place of your body what it needs from the food and energy supplies, the bacteria will sponsor in place and multiply and strengthen and develop plans that make them resistant: for example:
Multiply rapidly
Eat with your body and take energy from the tissue for use in breeding and living
The aim toxins and waste body tissue
Transform itself into a different kind to resist you identify them and kill them therefore see that the wound contains at least 3 types of bacteria and rarely limited to one type of bacteria and this Tamlh to protect themselves from you and from your medications covered by any antibiotics
It works mucous layer to where you live and graze and hiding the defense cells

So if you get an injury and you want to recover quickly you need the following:
Be sure to have clean Vagzle of dirt and a good عقمه to reduce bacteria best of its abilityPut him sterile medical ligament in order to protect that healsHelped your body to resist and subvert that builds eat well and do not smoke and drinkWhenever they your best whenever resisted health inflammation and healed quickly, God Almighty.

Wound cleaner permission:Is the wound that heals quickly and is not out of it means only a very little thing and be transparent liquid or slightly yellowish and very fewAlso, clean the wound does not have any odor that you do not smell any smellsAs well as the edges of the wound is red and pink sweet and feel going into each groove woundBe its borders flat any level of the rest of the skinLess pain gradually woundCured by the time expected him

Chronic wound:Is the wound that remains stuck at the stage of inflammation and cell divisionIt does not take more than thatIts borders are swollen and color is Zahi but opaque color, green or blackIf you touch it bleeds easilyGraduated from many fluids and sometimes thick and smelled rottenSurrounding skin color is sweet but dim, bluish or tired and sometimes it is swollenPatient be: an older Usually, patients with diabetes or kidney disease or another disease is a chronic, perhaps smoked and drank, sometimes suffers from high cholesterol in the blood, has poor nutrition, and sometimes patients malignant disease receiving treatment with medication-resistant cancer or radiation therapy so weaken resistance and its ability to heal.Sometimes be crippled chronic wound bed and you get in places that remain sitting on top of it for a long time, and is called "bed sores" and be difficult to treat.Increasing pain so that it is sometimes unbearable and patient needs taking the pills for the pain and increase the dose gradually

Ulcers in diabetic patients

Ulcers in diabetic patients:
The problem is that diabetes is increasing private second type any that handles grain and not sugar-insulin Man injured must constantly pay attention to his lest where the injured did not feel
Here you have to examine carefully and consider the ulcer to their edges continue to ulcers under the edges go Bmlqtk under the rims and I feel deeply ulcers under the edges.
Diabetic does not feel occurrence of ulcers because diabetes affects the nerves in the leg does not feel the patient ulcers if they got him.
Farther dead tissue and wash your ulcer and fruitless and treated like other ulcers but watch it here you should not cover the ulcer but leave it open:
Reason: If غطيتها, the bacteria Stafrh because blood has a high percentage of sugar and the body's immunity weakens in diabetic not resist bacteria shall be the ideal place to live bacteria multiply in a place where food and safety and warmth

Why there is a change in the arteries in the leg

Why there is a change in the arteries in the leg:Because artery disease, diabetes and high blood pressure, high harmful fat in the blood (cholesterol), smoking, fat peopleThe place where you get ulcers of the leg: in the front of the leg PRETIBIAL and third-party (brutal) of the leg.Patient complains of symptoms indicate lack advent pure to leg: Well pain when walking distance and Baltdrih feels pain of walking distance shorter, and sometimes if it gets out into the market, he feels pain in the leg depends in order to give the leg a chance to recover Viazahr as watching clothes displayed in Alvatrina but in fact stands because of pain in his leg and then minimum distance to become the pain comes during rest and during sleep and finally less blood seriously Vtamot tissue in the leg becomes leg where wounds do not heal and hurt many and black spots are tissues that have died and die fingers become black.The pain felt by the patient's leg is pain from muscle tissue, for example, due to lack of fresh blood and collect waste the muscle فتصرخ of this case and assemble the acids formed by the attempt to extract energy muscle in other ways is used by providing acids and that hurts the region.It is the same pain felt by humans if it became heart attack muscles attack lacked the time to oxygen and food Vttalm and human pain with it.

If complained Rights (smoked in most cases), you will examine the leg, she believes:The leg became a white and be cool,And arterial pulse can not feel about it so weak that can not be unaware of it,If I tried to hear to PAL DOPPLER Vsab hear,Pain at rest and during sleep,Wound (ulcer) on the front leg ulcers here occur rapidly and grow quickly and hurt a lot and usually be dry or in a small surface of the liquid, and often extends deep it reaches to the boneThe patient will tell you that something important is it at night wakes up because of severe pain in the leg, and he is consistent pain to go and be the word terrible
Treatment:That pulls the leg if there is swelling, but the pressure in Rabat not be strong so as not to prevent the circulation of an admin in the legAnd give medicines to relieve painTreated ulcersBan clean it from dirt and pus and into Takmha and discover it deep and you may need to take X-ray to see if she has reached the bone and caused inflammation

Ask surgeon intervention to address the blood vessels

If it continues patient smoking it causes in the amputation of his leg (as they say burn his leg with cigarette) will benefit treatment unfortunately forced the doctor to amputate the leg because it will be a place sponsoring the bacteria in the dead tissue Vismm body and save the patient's life amputated leg so as not to poison his blood all die poisoned

What is the meaning of "defects in the veins" in the leg?

What is the meaning of "defects in the veins" in the leg?Blood comes to leg through the arteries and back to the heart by the veins.Veins in the leg consists of:Veins deep: no in-depth and surrounded by muscles and around the muscle membrane strong Vazma shrunk muscle, it put pressure on the veins are paid the blood to the top, and in veins valves at home allows blood to hold towards the heart, but prevents it from that due upside down to the leg again.Superficial veins: These veins are superficial It also owns valves inside a pour information gathered from the blood in the deep veins and deep veins related by small vessels penetrate fibrous membrane to reach the deep veins.The problem: the walls of the veins become damagedSince the valves are of the lining of the veins, it also damaged it can prevent blood from returning opposite Balathah (no gravity)
Why Ajdt: blood slows down in speed because its system to reach the blood in which to top has become flabby (walls of veins become dilated or valves become not work) or that man does not use the muscles in the leg that push blood to the top like people Disabled, Phippte blood veins which increases pressure inside the veins and thus in intravascular capillary which combines venous blood them and because of the high pressuring Thus blood compressor on the walls of blood vessels try out Vijrj means of blood to the tissues surrounding it, which leads to swelling of the leg oedema, and we see here that Arterial blood will not be naturally in the leg equipped it with food and oxygen, as well as the blood pink pregnant dirt and carbon dioxide will not be naturally to click to save tissue in the leg of waste required speed, so spoke ulcers and grow and do not heal or be healing very slowly Very intervened bacteria from outside the body, such as bacteria that live on the skin enter and cause inflammation of the ulcer may see the ulcer is covered with a layer of pus yellow and smells foul, and if the bacteria of the type of Seodomonas the smell be unpleasant and very distinctive color pus any secretions on the surface of the ulcer color yellow to green. The patient will be affected psychologically and ashamed of leg shape and smell and avoid people and isolated, a mostly older and is really poor.. The doctors found that the cells that are busy in the region, such as the cells that build damaged tissue and consequent place and devour bacteria, these cells will develop leg tired of the case this does not work well as it should work in the common man.

Pressure in the veins in the leg:
And if it gets the pressure inside the leg veins mmHg 90 -110.If your leg lifted above the level of your body will be zero pressure.If slowing blood Alordede in leg will generate a lot of harmful changes in the skin of the leg, if the pressure in the veins in the leg, the metabolic processes will be affected and slowed and capillaries affected and all that leads to that we see on the ulcer and non-healing leg ulcers after receiving.Work the muscles in the lower leg is very important because it paid to top such as blood pumpBusiness requiring stand long as possible that affect the veins as that described so it is advisable for people who stand that wear Juarib special medical stressful to help push blood to the top and prevent gathering of fluid in the leg, which will lead to problems, and this Ajawarab worn in the daytime and take off at bedtime.

There is a kind of ulcers consists due to high blood pressure is not treated if dealt with high blood pressure, it is healing.Classified as inefficient work in chronic leg veins into four stages:! - Swelling is not clear. Then:2 - marked swelling in the leg and discoloration White lines appear light to Amahtdl clogging blood bloody Alharbh and be a painful sign of the lack of blood supply to the skin. Then:3 - ulcer on the leg.4 - arthrosclerosis due to swelling and changes in leg

As you can see in the picture, the patient may wear Alhuarib leg swollen and this is wrongMust pull this leg so that the pressure Rabat Mtozaaa all leg regularly and after that hide the swelling disappears and then it wears patient Ajawarab medical and must wear Ajawarab medical every day and only return leg of the swelling and swelling and get him ulcers and Groj difficult to treat and may never heal

Because of the pressure and damage to blood vessels, the red blood cells will emerge from the blood vessels into the surrounding tissue and hemoglobin turns into Imo Bensedrine which contains iron and this caused the discoloration of the skin and this can not disappear even after treat leg treated well
This coloration we see also in the elderly and is a change occurs over long periods of time

How diagnosed:- Gathers information about the patient: age, illnesses and treatment and do all that.- Examine in general.- Look at the leg:Look for swelling that Tdat leg for 10 -15 seconds, she believes that the finger remains its impact, such as the hole in the leg pitting edema.Fluid accumulates in the tissues in the leg Vttorm leg and if you see that hole became a place your finger Decide it is at least half a liter of fluid exists in the leg, and if the leg swollen many Decide that there is at least liter and a half of fluid accumulated in the leg and imagine how the patient suffers from it and how he felt his heavy leg and is walking.Therefore you have to stretch the leg properly so that pressure is distributed Rabat on each bottom half evenly to pay excess fluid to the circulatory system in order to come out of the tissues in the leg and tissue Tstrig and can serve as the inflammation.
Look for the white areas that we said, which indicate that there is a chronic failure in Alldorrh vessels of the leg ulcers that there will occur later and it's very painful and difficult to be cured because it lacks sufficient processing of blood.The skin is damaged due to swelling and sometimes be very متيبسا or be chronically inflamed because of the long period of the liquid inside the leg and damaged skin of the leg,Sometimes outside the means of the leg Vetips and sticks.
In advanced cases see the ulcer on the leg ulcer. Described: its place - and size - and color (black, or yellow, or red It defines treatment), and rims because it heals of Valkhavat edges should not be swollen
The edges of the wound or ulcer is very important because it is heal and heal the woundPay attention to what under the rims (ahem) try to discover Are extends wound to the under edges meaning it often be wound or ulcer deeper than meets and extends in depth to what under the edges and so if handled what you see, but you did not address the deeper ( because you did not think that he probably wound extends deeper than you see your eyes) if did not notice, the probability that the deal but the wound does not heal and remain treated and treated and put ointments and medicines, but without result (very important).
- Working check the pressure in the ankle and divide the pressure in the arm ankle / arm index and the resulting number should be more than 0.8 at least if it is less than that, it means a lack of blood circulation in the legAlso operates a scan ultrasound Doppler vascular and called Verak Where damage or blockage place and confirm your diagnosis or correctable.
Possible work image of the ulcer to compare them laterSwelling prevents healing because it prevents waste disposal from the placeBeyond the dead tissue from the place because it is possible that become infected with bacteria and inflamed

How do you decide treatment:Bitten doctors prescribe Almadrr to come swelling of the leg but in truth Almadrr not help the swelling resulting from malfunctions in the leg veins (but works in the case of swelling resulting from the weakness of the heart or kidney disease then it is not stated)What you can do, is the following: that damaged leg for two weeks to get rid of the swelling because the swelling hinders waste disposal and the arrival of fresh blood to the place

To address the stiff leather leg weary of chronic Status: used ointment Kortcosteroyd: For Kortcosteroyd Valahassan initially describes a high enough dose, then the first thing the patient starts better Vqllah to low-dose and leave the skin for two or three days to repair itself.
We do not need to use antibiotics, but in the case of bacterial infection.

How do you know that there is a bacterial infection: see that there is a layer of pus dirt color yellow to green and if Hmmtha Vschm putrid smell Vtgerv that there is a bacterial infection in the house ..

If skin advised the patient that Adhenh painted like Vaseline at night

Can you imagine the skin dry: such as cement wall, which occurred it became the stones without the support material, and thus the skin cells are no support Vthqq and intervention bacteria inside and cause ulcers and inflammation.

If you see that the whole leg swollen due to fluid
, Know that it will hinder wound healing

The veins if you do not work as it should in the transfer of venous blood from the leg to the top, the arterial blood Satariql (and thus the food of the leg and oxygen)

The edges of the wound or ulcer is very important because it is heal and heal the wound

Wear medical pressing Ajawarab must human when sleeping
But it wearing every day during the day if taken out because the weather is hot or otherwise leg to swell because the veins as they are not working well liquid again in the leg and back case for its predecessor, in which case should pull the leg again in Rabat medical to come out excess fluid from the patient's leg and then return for the use of pressing medical Ajawarab.
LYMPHOEDEMA (why blockage of the lymphatic vessels either have a birth defect or be due to surgery or other reasons):If increased fluid gathered in the leg due to blockage blood Mufah that collect fluid from the leg also like veins: initially be mild swelling and leaves Esbana hole PITTING OEDEMA ..Then turn to NON PITTING OEDEMA: can not leave a hole: here the fluid-leg Stmtla many also and we'll see if we pressed finger does not get a hole for it very tense and swollen.What distinguishes the resulting swelling of lymph vessel occlusion is:1 - swollen toes also Vtantfaj and this does not happen in the case of clogged veins.2 - HYPERKERATOSE a thickening of the skin, cracks and enter bacteria and cause inflammation .. address Bdehnha salicylic acid ointment and keep the skin soft and in good condition, a difficult treatment ..3 - PAPILLOMATOSIS the blisters on the skin.
Note: in the processes that lead to blockage of lymph vessels A is the way we measure the perimeter of the leg or arm before and after the operation so that we know Azma got swelling in that area due to blockage of lymph vessels.
Example of eradication lymph nodes with mastectomy with cancer directly when get swelling in the arm (because lymph nodes in the armpit take liquid lymph from the breast and arm also so removed cause swelling of the arm) Vtalps diseased Jurab particular in the arm to avoid that swell arm.

Know ulcers, causes and treatment

Know ulcers, causes and treatment:
Is in the area of ​​the skin where there is no layer of the epidermis and dermis to the extent of tissue under the skin, not heal or heal slowly. If the shaft, it happens from the edges. Leg ulcers: be under fifty years of age infrequent, but between the ages of 65 -80 years, 6% of people infected or have been injured. Majority (88%) caused by laziness circulation due to defects in leg veins, but sometimes with defects in the arteries as well. Occur in women more than men. Pay attention to the diagnosis: Location, size, depth, bevels, the bottom, the form of the surrounding tissue (swelling, redness, eczema, heat, inflammation of the blood vessels), the blood circulation in the leg, signs of laziness blood circulation in the veins, signs of heart failure and high blood pressure.
Ulcers that occur in the lower half of the leg:Ulcer is an area of ​​the skin Tnfkd to limit the tissue under the skin, and be very slow healing or do not heal

SmokingFat peopleGeneticsBusinesses that require long-standingDefects in the blood vesselsOther reasons

Reasons: arterial insuffieciency defects in the arteries (15-20%), or venous insufficiency flaws in the veins (70-80%), or other reasons:Be the reason is a malignant tumor in the regionOr sometimes vice versa if remained ulcer years, there's a potential to turn into a malignant tumorOr disease in the bodyOr a blow to the place, for example, in a car accident or collision leg with a solid objectDiabetes (due to circulatory defects)Places the body exposed to radiation treatment for cancer treatment (temporary ulcer)
Where do you prefer to get sore leg:Venous ulcers get ankle medial malleolus and toes.Sore arterial get to areas that are less blood connecting it because for example a blockage in the arteries in the foot and because of smoking, especially where that smoking destroys blood vessels in the leg and leads to blockage resulting in often to amputate the leg because of it, and so it is a lot of surgeons refuse to conduct the operation on the patient only after the stop smoking for at least six weeks because smoking prevents Jerj from healing, I have heard of specialist surgeons vascular surgery here says:If people did not smoke, when he came to one of the people for treatment ..It was my work has stopped ..Valegrahh get arterial blood where it is received little is not enough physical needs, such as the front of the lower leg pretibial and the medial side of the ankle medial malleolus and the foot of the top foot and tendon in the ankle الخلفة achilles tendon.
Diabetic showing ulcers on areas that are exposed to pressure private toes and soles of the feet (Join for diabetics) and reason that diabetic least sense has in the foot because of diabetes do not feel Paljrj if he got in his foot so get him wound in his foot in places pressure on shoe do not know. .Therefore we recommend diabetics to be seen by every day and look at the soles of his everyday women to see if there are wounds to speed up the processing because the healing of wounds difficult when diabetic

Definition allergic reactions in human skin and what are the causes and treatment

Definition allergic reactions in human skin and what are the causes and treatment:
There are types of interactions in sensitivity. Rated sensitivity to the types and put Gell And Coombs in 1963 and still in force so far. For Dermatology is even more important is the type I and type IV.
First type teams for the fourth that in the first type plays the biggest role antibodies antibodies (but lymphocytes of type T T-lymphocytes and my type B-lymphocytes have an important role they Almsaalh configure these antibodies)
The cells of the lymphatic system such as T-cell and cell my immune system.
Reaction of the first type: Cells of the T-T-lymphocyte stimulate cells of my B-lymphocytes, which in turn translate into "cells plasma plasma cells" that produce antibodies of the type any IgE in which the arm is long and arm short and short arm and short arm variable depending on the type UFO inside of the body.
UFO antigen enters the human body through eating or breathing or touching فتحس of type cells Vtlthmh then go to the lymph nodes lymph nodes that live primitive T lymphocytes or call naive naive T-lymphocytes because it did not specialize to a particular type. These lymphocytes understanding of cells that devoured UFO Climate themselves and give messages to lymphocytes of type B B-lymphocytes and these cells from my type you change itself also turn into cells called cells plasma plasma cells that produce antibodies against UFOs. These antibodies attach themselves to cells Almast Mast Cells. Any UFO -> stimulates phagocytic cells in the skin -> stimulate T cells in the lymph nodes -> stimulate BBC cells that turn into cells called mast -> produces Almast cells antibodies. When entering the UFO to the body again, it sticks antibody and this will lead to the events in the immune system, including the cells Almast and basal cell favorite in the blood besophilic granulocytes will emerge as in the stomach of granules containing materials work (such as histamine) that expand vascular vasodilatation and smooth muscle contraction muscle spasm and increased mucus secretion article mucus secretion and itching and all these will be felt by humans may be a few symptoms or be too strong and anaphylactic shock lead to death in minutes. There is a direct phase and here comes out of histamine, which leads to the expansion of blood vessels, And late reaction where it is turning the cell-to-cell plasma.
Symptoms (mild to severe): Redness - itching - nausea and Tqi - and even if a sharp decline - death in a few minutes.
Reasons: House dust and pollen and animals such as cats. And medications, such as some antibiotics (penicillin) and aspirin. And insects such as bees and pinch disk wasps and ants. Foods: such as peanuts. Latex in surgical gloves.

Possible that less or disappear some types of allergies such as asthma in childhood, but sensitivity of some kinds of food they do not disappear, no matter how big man Theories multiple reasons to be human sensitivity: that his susceptibility and genetic get him allergic to certain substances or to live in a clean environment very example in Western developed countries where it is said that the immune system if exposed to some dirt from the environment, it will be less chances of becoming allergic to it will become lazy research is ongoing here. As well as breast chest (at least for six months) protects the child be allergic later. If the person allergic to a particular substance probability he will have the sensitivity of other things, such as if he had the sensitivity of the material placed in the paws surgical (name latex), it will be sensitive of some fruits (chance 30 percent), perhaps because antibodies has possible to work against materials in these types of foods.
Tests of the first type type 1 allergies: Possible to work a set of tests First, if man complained that he has sensitivity Firstly: Ask him about symptoms: what and when and because of what clicking and after how many minutes you get symptoms as well as family history if they are allergic And medicines used by the mental state and work Symptoms: gastrointestinal or respiratory etc. Ask all of the organs of the body in detail He focused on the machine where the symptoms are coming from Must show symptoms within half an hour of exposure to the specific and no more so we consider this type of allergy.
Examination: Subcutaneous injection: designated as the article is placed on the skin and Antr to the interaction of the body type Rast reaction: blood taken from human and examines the presence of antibodies Out another: given rights, for example if you have an allergy to peanuts, it gives a cake where a certain amount of peanut cake another free peanuts and examines pressure and pulse at the same time and see what changes and what are the symptoms suffered by the patient
The most important thing to be human has antibodies with symptoms Possible to be so little sensitivity can eat cake where a small amount of peanut or perhaps prevent final
Medicine: against histamine Prednisone Needle to the state of emergency if it became a case of sensitivity and understand the patient how to use and understand the people around him
Another way: we give rights repeated doses of the substance that is either sensitive hypodermic needles or drops here must be addressed by every day for a period of three years and therefore should have sufficient desire because worked by Also tips What is the work that must be chosen by human allergies suffered by
Antihistamines: It linked histamine receptors turn off the spigot that comes out of histamine from cells
Prednisone works as an interaction, but his side-effects so used only when needed urgent

If the patient happens if a sharp decline Vaaml to resuscitate him to begin from respiratory and cardiac massage and give anti-allergic drugs.

If entered in the human body substance or foreign body, the body's immune system is the defense and protection, he will attack the UFO to kill him and rids the body of it. This is something excellent, but what we were able to live amid hundreds of germs and viruses. But sometimes feels immune to certain things that enter the body are also curious and it launched an attack and sometimes it is a very strong attack, while these materials itself if it entered the body of another human being immune system may not work in other human reaction against it, which is regarded a non-harmful. Example of for these substances, for example hair pollen of trees, or example peanuts or eggs or medication such as aspirin and other, most people consume these substances without a problem at all, but there are people who mount the immune system have attacked the foreign material appears symptoms known allergens.
If your hard wasp also subject to consist swelling in the region of Nip only (not sensitive)
Or in the whole place, for example, each arm (not sensitive)
Or in the whole body (sensitivity)
Interaction of sensitivity within thirty minutes and no more
Jeb to know if my lip is swollen because of the pinch may have occurred in that place or Nip got foot Vtfaal body and swollen lips

If people came one and say that one of the family members complain of sensitivity Fulani We work with examination of the skin and antibody screening but do not say that he has sensitivity, but if there are symptoms with high antibody
Either he did not have now also subject to sensitivity appear later or may not appear
The amount of antibodies or to transfer its concentration in the blood is not strongly related to symptoms in humans may be many antibodies but strong symptoms or vice versa, the amount and concentration of antibodies alone does not specify how much are the symptoms and how severe symptoms

If change described in skin Vcefh as follows

If change described in skin Vcefh as follows:1 - Location.2 - size.3 - number.4 - Fig.5 - border.6 - color.7 - Special shape with light examination.
What is the difference between irritation as a result of the expansion of the blood vessels (erythema) and irritation as a result of bleeding under the skin (purpura):In the first case, if pressed on the skin, the redness disappears for a moment and then return.The second case is if we pressed on the skin, redness does not disappear because drops of blood under the skin, and this very important milestone and may denounce human life if I paid attention to it because it is a sign of inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain (meningitis) is called in English meningitis.
Macula spot: the color change, large Aosgarh, do not rise from the rest of the skin.papule small pimple: small pimple smaller than 1 centimeter, have clear boundaries, rises from the rest of the skin around, heal without leaving a scar.plaque: is an elevated area of ​​the skin enormous larger than 1 centimeter.small vesicle bubble: is a place in the skin filled with a clear liquid.bulla like a small bubble, but bigger and be under the skin and filled with a clear liquid.pastule bubble in the skin filled with pus.ulcer ulcer: is missing in the skin area may extend deep into the area under the skin, without heal or heal slowly.erythema irritation: redness of the skin due to the expansion in the blood vessels.purpura: is redness of the skin points.small nodule pill: size smaller than 1 centimeter.node pill: a size greater than 1 centimeter.urticaria: redness and wide in the skin a little high for the skin.squamation flake: the fall of the skin peel.crust: dry crust over the skin is liquid coming out of the skin and dries and Etips.keratosis thickening more than normal in the upper layer of the skin.atrophy: thinning of the layer of the epidermis and dermis.telangectasia: dilated blood vessels.sclerosis: hardening of the skin due to increased collagen fibers.
Dermatologist: hear the story of the disease: how it happened and when and where, how goes a repeated events, the impact of various factors such as work and mental state and hobby and season of the year and exposure to the sun, medicine and otherDo you itch, is there other family members living with the same thing, what is the treatment so far, is there other diseases in the body, there is no dermatologist in the family, is there a sensitivity in the Family, Is the patient has an allergy to a certain medicine or foodAnd other questions Ttalq specific disease or skin rash appointedThe doctor will consider from two meters to a nearby rash and to see the changes well. Possible that all of the changes are one form (monomorphism) and possible to be one of the multiple forms (polymophism). He looks to change most of the other any redness, swelling or other, because this will help in the diagnosis of the disease. There are initial changes occur in the skin, such as a change in color or swelling, and minor changes, such as changes due to rubbing of the skin or the entry of bacteria and get sore, or minor changes due to changes in initial any changes, for example, that holds the skin. Often I do not know if the changes emerged from the beginning or after that so I do not use the term (primary and secondary) more often than not.Eczema is described as the changes that occur in the skin: redness, scaling, with itching bubbles and increases in periods of calm in periods.But often we can not divide the disease exactly: I mean, if there is change Doe and Doe, it means that the disease Doe and why, because the changes that occur in the skin are from mild to more to more, I mean a wide range, may be changes still in the beginning or that be its border with normal skin is not clear, as well as there will be changes occurring in the disease had nothing to do with each other, for example, that blush possible skin sensitivity but another possible reason is quite different.So to reach a disease must be half of the changes that have occurred in the skin to help us to find the causative disease. The doctor can use other examinations to assist in finding the cause of the changes.
Place changes: What are the changes in the skin and place give evidence for the diagnosis. Each disease usually like to show changes in a particular place any favorite place showing. There are places man may forget to be seen: the scalp and hair from the back edge and the neck and behind the ear and armpit, under the breast and under the feet and between the toes and nails and mucous membranes and regions genitals.

Polio: Poliomyelitis

Polio: Poliomyelitis:
Caused by a virus enters the mouth and out of the slot director and thus transmitted from one human to another.
Cause the virus a lot of disability among children especially, which is from thousands of years ago but in 1880 caused a wave of polio in Europe and then moved wave to the United States and remained the world suffering from the disease to 1952 were able Jonas Salk and then Albert Sabin in 1962 that serve as a vaccine for the disease.

Description of the disease well for the first time Jacob Hein German Jakob Heine in 1840. The virus that causes the disease poliovirus has described Karl Landsteiner in 1908.
With more people who are infected Balvyrus not get sick, but sick of them, but if the virus reaches into the blood, it would cause symptoms,
And when the virus reaches the central nervous system, it Edmralkhlaya motor neurons motor neurons, leading to muscle weakness and paralysis acute flaccid paralysis. Paralysis depends on the state of the area hit by the damage and the most affected areas are in the spinal cord and paralysis is equal on both sides and mostly affects the legs.
But possible paralysis that affects the cranial nerves (cranial) Bulbar polio, causing weakness in the muscle fed by these nerves. Bulbospinal polio paralysis in the spinal cord and cranial nerves.


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