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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Quit smoking Paljrgyr

Quit smoking Paljrgyr
Chinese medical team confirmed that watercress juice is the best natural way to quit smoking provided Ahtsaúh morning before eating anything on an empty stomach at a small cup a day.
The report showed that the prepared Chinese medical team that watercress juice contributes to rid the body of toxins accumulated nicotine by smoking and that up to seventy thousand doses of nicotine per year is not less than smoking twenty cigarettes a day.He explained that the watercress juice also contributes to the elimination of the symptoms usually associated to smoking, such as loss of appetite and feeling lazy and permanent low level of important enzymes in the body.The report said this new feature raises the value of the high plant watercress juice leaves and drenched seeds contained in all the books Chinese traditional medicine is used tonic year appetizing and anti-bleeding gums and works to break up kidney stones and ureter and bitterness and diuresis and reduce the level of sugar in the blood and remove phlegm and vitiligo germination and freckles and the hair and the treatment of gout.The Chinese medical community attaches great importance to the findings of this report amid official statistics indicate that the number of those who die each year due to smoking-related illnesses of 35 thousand Chinese.Knowing that scientists concluded that nicotine patches do not help significantly in quitting smoking because of the presence of different method provide the body with nicotine and also because of the presence of other types of toxins and that can not be found in nicotine patches. The scientists also found that there are more reasons to addiction than just the presence of nicotine in the cigarette habit and not causes nicotine addiction as well as the presence of other materials addictive cigarette which is not usually found in nicotine patches.

Effect of hearing and reading the Koran to strengthen the immune system

Effect of hearing and reading the Koran to strengthen the immune system
Who conducted a series of studies on people who are not Muslims and do not know English at all, in agreement with the hospitals and with the agreement of the patients themselves, says he has proven in practice that listen to the Quran - regardless of his understanding and absorbing - leads to increase the degree of immune people, this means (and go down from the Koran which is a healing and a mercy for the believers and not more than the oppressors but only Loss) to another meaning that no single treatment for all diseases is as much a means qualifies the immune system to resist disease.
By Dr. Ahmed in the eighties almost published as Inquiry good, and followed other research conducted in Egypt and conducted in some other areas, it was found that even people who do not understand Arabic, did not hear the Koran earlier, when subjected to hear recitation of Voice Reader during this experiment, and .. Has divided patients into several sections, group heard the Koran group heard Arabic language in the same melody Koran even exclude this be neutral, and group I heard music and group did not hear anything, and put devices on the brain to measure brain waves and knowing these vibrations course can be known by specialists, this calm waves, these waves of tension, these waves so and so? He found that those who listened to the Quran are more people who showed signs of psychological comfort and peace of mind and tranquility on them even though they had not previously heard of the Koran, and another study conducted in Egypt on plants, plant wheat brought .. Five wheat plants, and one put her side Registered Recitation and one word of English plain and one was unchanged and not placed in front of anything, and one music and one put her side cursing and insulting words to plant, what was the result? The result was that by the woman died and I heard music rebounded slightly, while those that have not placed before anything was to grow normally and have listened to the speech Arab grew a small increase for that have not placed beside something, but I have listened to the Quran has increased 70% from the rest of Plants

White radish melts the fat and save you from obesity buttocks

White radish melts the fat and save you from obesity buttocks
The (Chris Smith) nutrition adviser of the biggest supporters of the call for plant nutrition as a diet to enjoy agile and dynamic.Studies have been the work of most plant foods to see its impact and its impact on the body's tissues and reach several amazing facts made white radish comes on top of food which are recommended in weight loss programs.
It has been proven that white radish helps melt away excess fat and disposal and thus help reduce excess weight.
The obesity buttocks of the most common problems that plague overweight women and proved that white radish helps solve this problem by helping to melt the fat in that area.
The Chris Smith that leafy vegetables are an effective way to reduce excess weight so it is advisable nutrition experts not less than the amount of leafy vegetables for 25-35% of the total amount of diets, whether eaten fresh or boiled or cooked that represents white radish part of this ratio because of its the impact of effective in getting rid of fat, especially the buttocks area.
Also can eat fresh vegetables between meals without defect content affordable price every day since the presence of these fiber-rich foods, especially white radish facilitates burning calories and excess fat, especially the buttocks area.
Red Radish
Very useful for anemic because it is very rich in iron.
And is also useful for people with skin diseases because it contains sulfur important for the body.
And is also useful for people with gallbladder disease, gout superior for its ability to dissolve fat and salt.
As well as very useful to strengthen the hair.
So often make eating wonderful to have your hair beauty and because it contains all of the iodine, sulfur and magnesium and Alravenol.
And also helps to improve skin color and give it elegance and serenity.

Radish and dental health
As is known, the smell of horseradish acclaimed open sinuses The scientists found that eating may help in the prevention of cancer and now scientists say it might also help to prevent tooth loss.

And a Japanese researchers said that the same chemical components that give horseradish taste the burner and the acrid smell stops the growth of microbes that cause decay and pointed out that radish contains a substance Aasotiossiataats that inhibit the activity of the enzyme plays an important role in the formation of plaque on the teeth. It is worth mentioning here that the radish has a good reputation since long it prevents dangerous blood clots and reduce the risk of cancer and it is also useful in the fight against crisis

Treatment of malnutrition in children, the most important tips for the daily needs of the child of food and fruit

Treatment of malnutrition in children, the most important tips for the daily needs of the child of food and fruit

Anemia in children
The child and not the desire to eat meat
Beware of potato chips, and Sandwich Kosheri
How pious son of diseases?

File contains a wide range of tips on nutrition in children so that children can enjoy sound health and a healthy body
And talking about the importance of protein, minerals and vitamins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as the importance of water and honey.
What are the child's daily needs of food, such as a glass of milk and meat, honey, eggs, vegetables and fruit
And warning of cakes, biscuits, tea and coffee.

Definition of stomach cancer and ways to treat this disease?

Definition of stomach cancer and ways to treat this disease?

Stomach cancer is the second most common cancer in the world, after lung cancer. It is especially common in Japan and China. Perhaps as a result of certain factors, nutrition, and the number of casualties in this cancerous tumor of the lining of the stomach is constantly increasing in the Western world.
Stomach cancer tends to spread quickly, so treatment is mostly concentrated on reducing the speed of exacerbation of the disease and its spread rather than treatment and recovery. In Japan, where there shall be cut and wide, the disease is diagnosed at an early stage and recover about 90% of those infected.
Stomach cancer usually arises in the lining of the stomach, but it could spread rapidly to other places in the body, and increase the reconstruction of most patients with this type of cancer 50 years, and the proportion of infected men a woman's weakness.
What can the doctor do?
After listening doctor symptoms that complaining about being you had to make sure there is no evidence on the farm at the top of the abdomen, and Christalk doctor often to a hospital for an endoscopy, where they are examined stomach through the tool high-fitted lens, and during the examination taken some biopsies and sent to the laboratory for analysis. As you may be asked to conduct X-ray image of the colorful show clearly the structure of the stomach and anything abnormal.
And stomach "bag" large allows cancer to grow it before showing any symptoms, and when symptoms appear, they are light in the habit and is characterized as abdominal pain, nausea, weight loss, and for this reason is not diagnosed only after he has arrived elsewhere in the body.But if the tumor was diagnosed early during its growth, it is possible to remove surgically and includes about 20% of cases.And surgery involves partial or total removal of the stomach, in addition to the removal of lymph nodes surrounding that could arrive on the disease.
The surgery is performed to relieve the symptoms when the disease spreads to other places in the body. Usually subject patients to chemotherapy and heal scans to control the growth of the tumor and delay worsening of the disease. The need to take some medicine to relieve the pain.
Perception of risk?
There are many risk factors that cause stomach cancer and chronic gastritis, which affects the lining of the stomach and cause long-term infection germ Helicobacter pylori is the main factor.And other risk factors include:
• Smoking.• poor fiber diet.• diets rich salty foods, pickled and smoked.• drinking alcohol.
Help fiber-rich diets in maintaining a healthy digestive system in general, and could also reduce the risk of gastric cancer, peptic ulcers are not considered factors that threaten with stomach cancer, but more difficult for doctors to distinguish between them and the early gastric cancer.
Signs and symptoms:
• pain in the upper abdomen, is indistinguishable from peptic ulcer pain.
• Pain in the stomach after eating.• nausea and vomiting.• loss of appetite.

When cigarette smoker dies .. what do you expect is going on?

When cigarette smoker dies .. what do you expect is going on?

* (20) minutes: blood becomes normal.
* (20) minutes: heart back to normal.* (20) minutes: return temperature of hands and feet natural to put them.* (8) hours: starting material toxic carbon monoxide in the disappearance of blood and oxygen begins increasing.
* (24) hours: less chance of a heart attack.* (48) hours: nerves person begins to adapt to the disappearance of nicotine and begin improvement in their senses of smell and taste.
* (72) hours: no improvement in blood circulation and ease breathing.
* (14) to (90) days: improved blood circulation significantly not feel stalled smoking tired while walking as if they are smokingAnd improve lung function by about 30% with the disappearance of nicotine completely from the blood.
* (9) months: disappear cough and fatigue and increase the body's energy and tar disappears from the lung.
* After one year: less than God willing, the risk of death caused by heart disease and lung cancer are less likely, throat, mouth, esophagus, bladder,The rate is the same when a non-smoker.
If is the way to stop smoking?We know that stopping smoking is not an easy thing because smoking causes ((organic addiction and psychological addiction)),But a lot of people can stop if any real desire for that and a lot of people are afraid to stop smoking suddenlyIn fact there is no harm from suddenly stop smoking, but a lot of people doing this sort of thing if there is sufficient will to it,
We recommend following the program follows to stop smoking:
1. Determine a certain date (Target day) for the final stop smoking and usually have this appointment within 3-4 weeks of thinking about stopping.2. Speak with close family and desire to stop smoking and to help the person understand the circumstances that might pass by.3. During this period (from three to four weeks) on the smoker does not smoke more than ten cigarettes a day.4. On the day to stop smoking are advised to take compensatory nicotine, and the purpose of taking nicotine is to reduce the symptoms of stress and nervousness experienced by the smokerWhen you stop smoking.5. Compensatory nicotine (see below).6. Follow some guidelines to resist the nostalgia cigarettes are:Delay: What is meant by that in the case of wanting to cigarette, the person says to himself I will smoke, but after half an hourIn most cases, after a period of half an hour or more, this desire gradually less and the person can overcome.Refrain: to refrain from certain places or situations that typically remember the person smoking, such as diwaniyas, cafes,This refrain is for a temporary period for a month, for example, because the month after the man can usually more endurance.Escape: This thing is intended to escape or get out of the position of what one feels through deep nostalgia to the cigarette,For example, if a person in a particular place and feel very nostalgic to the cigarette, it may be forced to exit or change the venue in order to overcome this nostalgia.Find alternatives: try to engage in the work or other hobbies to try to busy thinking about smoking, such as exercise for a certain period,Intensify social visits, and these alternatives help to forget about smoking somewhat.Here we would like the alarm that it is necessary to choose the right time to stop smoking, for example, may be easier to get rid of smoking in the period of time off from work,And thus away from the pressures of work during the first difficult period or take advantage of certain opportunities such as the holy month of Ramadan, pilgrimageTherefore, having these opportunities, to worship at these events strengthen the human will to resist bad habits such as smoking.
Nicotine compensatory
There are three types of nicotine compensatory:
1 nicotine gum: and come with 2 mg or 4 mg, and we recommend that a person smoked using gum 4 mg initially,And must take 8 - 12 gum a day to compensate for the body of nicotine was received from cigarettes.And must follow the correct way slow to take this gum so that human chewed gum for a few minutes, and when what he felt the taste of nicotine it stops chewing,If that still taste it continues chewing and this process is repeated for about half an hour, and can be taken gum every one to two hours during the day.2 nicotine plaster: usually comes to nicotine plaster three doses (high - medium - light), and in order to overcome the addiction to nicotineWe advise you to take a high dose plaster daily for four weeks and then medium for four weeks and finally light for a period of four weeks,And recommend placing plaster on anywhere in the body and removed after twenty four hours ago and put new plaster.3 Filter nicotine: This component of the filter material can be inhaled nicotine like a cigarette, and can be used intermittently throughout the day.Other medications that can be used to help you stop smoking:

Which has proven effective in helping people who have a genuine desire to stop, but you must take this medicine under medical supervision,And usually not recommended only after the failure of attempts to stop using other methods.
Must alert that the person is a smoker may pass such and such a failed experiment in an attempt to stop smoking but need not despair and try again to take advantage of the failed experiments.

Causes of male infertility

Causes of male infertility
Back sterility man often either disorder in sperm count (few in number or absence) or the weakness of movement or to the large Chohadtha or weak ability to fertilization (although in numbers and strength of the movement), also cause infertility reasons for not entering the semen to the wife as the weak erection, or for other reasons unknown in rare occasions.
Attributed the small number of sperm or the lack of it either to double production in the testis or sperm duct obstruction leading to the outside.
* Embolism:Cause a blockage spermatic duct, which leads to sperm abroad in infertility.
If there is a blockage in the spermatic duct, withhold sperm inside the channel or within the testis (depending on position of the blockage), which leads to the absence or lack of numbers in the semen. We note that the blockage does not prevent the liquid from the exit, but only prevents sperm, where the fluid out of the seminal vesicle, prostate, and not from the testicle.
Embolism occurs and infertility as a result of infections, surgical errors or defects.
* Seminal tract infections result:
Enemy nationalityUrinary infection (due to reflux Paul microbes into the spermatic duct)Enemy general (as a result of the transmission of the microbe of infection elsewhere in the body to channel the sperm through the blood or other)Schistosomiasis.Tuberculosis.Obstruction and infertility occurs in these cases as a result of the accumulation of pus and fibrous tissue (caused by inflammation) in Hungarian and around it, which leads to Ansdadeh, in addition to a narrow channel by muscle contraction of the membrane in the wall under the influence of microbes that irritate the wall.

Surgical errors:
Are some surgeries in the inguinal region (the sperm into the passage channel and the lower abdomen on the right or left hand), and surgery of varicose veins and inguinal hernia. Also conducts other surgeries in the scrotum while also passing spermatic duct. If you made this surgery, however, is concerned, can be infected sperm channel بالانسداد result of exposure to injury, leading to infertility. And highlights this problem in particular in the process of inguinal hernia repair in children, which gets 27% of them obstruction leads to infertility.

Birth defects:
Sometimes that does not create spermatic duct from the ground up. And in this case related to testicular body by Oeitha vessels and be full of activity, but the sperm do not go out to the semen and the absence of the vas deferens (spermatic duct). This can happen up in both testicles or in one.
Can be accompanied by not creating the channel not to create sperm seminal vesicle, a gland that secretes seminal fluid, which leads to decrease the amount of fluid (in addition to being free of sperm). Can also be accompanied by this disappearance or atrophy in one of the kidneys.

And birth defects leading to infertility, a vesicle overgrown at the meeting point of the two channels Alntin channels bombers urethra into the prostate gland. This vesicle press channels bombers, leading to partial or total blockage of sperm in the channel, in turn leads to the disappearance of sperm and lack the amount of semen.

* Testicular damage (laziness production)
Varicose veins
Varicose disease of testicular veins (vein is a blood vessel which discharge waste-laden blood). This disease leads to widening the veins and blood stasis, loaded with waste and waste that are harmful to the testicle. Of this waste carbon dioxide, heat, and others. And in the upper grades of varicose veins, blood Ertdja in reverse direction from top to bottom, blaming hormone adrenaline clutch of the arteries, which leads to decreased blood flow loaded with oxygen and food to the testicle. That is how varicose lead to infertility.
In the case of testicular varicose, testicular damage irritation begins, and produce a number of sperm is much higher than usual, and then begins the sperm count and movement to fall to below the normal level, and distortions abound and less than the size of the testis and less hardness, the end of testicular atrophy (full damage). And it is not necessary to have this is accompanied by pain or certain symptoms, but can be detrimental to varicose veins clandestine Bal_khasip.
Consists of varicose veins on the left side often, and sometimes on both the left and right, and are rarely varicocele on the right side only. Increased incidence of varicocele on the left side due to several reasons, including the fact that vein left my head, making its content of blood rising to the top of heavier and slower movement by gravity if the person standing. Slow moving blood accumulates and helps breadth varicose vein and be.
Reasons to be varicocele whatever terms: the cause is unknown, but there are different theories about the cause, including the genetic factor leading to weak blood vessel walls, consisting of collagen. And imbalance in this article. Double wall leads to expansion of the vein due to its content of blood. Excludes from the varicose veins that occur on the right side without left, and are often the result of the body of the compressor in the abdomen, pressed the veins and prevent the rise of blood.
Symptoms of varicocele: varicose veins are often no symptoms, and discovered the damage and affected testicle, and the complaint in this case is infertility. In some cases large varicose veins, the patient complains of pain in the testicle, and in particular with the ongoing stand and walk for long distances. However, the occurrence of pain is the exception, not the rule. And here lies the importance of pre-marital testing, which reveal the presence of the disease so that was without symptoms.
Arise testis of the fetus inside the abdomen, and then gradually fall to settle in the bag at birth. If testicular refuses to go down and concerned within the abdominal cavity or the abdominal wall (undescended testicle), are susceptible to damage, tumors and infertility.
The corruption occurs, infertility and malignant tumors are a result of exposure testicular high temperature inside the abdomen, or the pressure and injuries if they are in the abdominal wall. Since the temperature inside the abdomen much higher than in the scrotum.
Cause testicular attached either a defect in the genes (genetic material), or endocrine disruption, or an obstacle to the road such as inguinal hernia. In rare instances, it can not create the testis of the foundation.
Diagnosis: locate testicular radiation television. If he does not appear testicular resort to MRI or CAT scan, did not show up, it does not mean they do not exist, because the aforementioned means is not accurate in the diagnosis. Faisal in this matter is to search for surgical abdominal lens, and is the most accurate and the best routes. And is a procedure does not take more than 30 minutes, through a hole in the border ten millimeters, and no need to stay overnight in the hospital, and can be made with this diagnostic procedure, the treatment of undescended testicle landed at the same time.
Be necessary to accelerate in the treatment of undescended testicle very seriously in order to avoid damage or incidence of malignant tumors.
In some cases, the testes no longer exist at all, any not Tkhalqa. And the distinction between this case and the case of undescended testicle possible test hCG stimulation test, where the man is injected hormone leads to activating the testicle - if any - to the secretion of the hormone testosterone. The increased level of the hormone, means that the presence of the testicles. And that has not increased, we conclude that the testicles did Tkhalqa.
And at other times, testicular be in its natural place, but it is up and down vigorously, sometimes Vtassad to the abdominal wall Vchabh undescended testicle, then do not soon return to its normal position. Ascension be the result of muscle contraction surrounding Bal_khasip, testicular and respond to constriction and escalate if they are small or lightweight. This case is called: testicular animation.
Segregation patient be sitting briefly in a squatting position for several minutes, during which landing testis to its natural place, if not outstanding.
Testicular animation is prone to tumors, but they are susceptible to injury when their ascent in the abdominal wall with seating and link belt and direct injury to the abdomen. Different doctors in the feasibility of surgery in this case, some فيراها necessary for cosmetic purposes and to protect them from infection, while others deem unnecessary because testicular susceptible even in its natural place. If you have been diagnosed with testicular moving at a young age, can wait several years until testicular growth and increase its weight Vtstqr in its natural place and do not respond to the surrounding muscle contraction. But if continued unchanged until puberty, there is no prospect of stability and must either be installed surgically Oalqpol intact with careful not exposed to injury. The use of hormones to increase testicular size and weight, it is a last resort.
As for the treatment of undescended testicle is surgical attempt Bailout, and laparoscopic If the testicle in the abdominal cavity or surgical conquest if they are in the abdominal wall. Landing attempt may succeed and may fail. If it fails, must eradicate undescended testicle because the left inside the abdomen leads to the occurrence of malignant tumors and will not help in procreation because testicular damage with its presence in the abdomen. Testicular eradication does not lead to impotence except in the case of the eradication of both. Here, have treatment at a dose of testosterone every three weeks for life to maintain sexual potency. Inguinal hernia repair should, if any.
Testicular landing at a young age is very important because the probability of maintaining reproductive capacity in this case, higher than if was testicular landing in old age.Treatment of undescended testicle using hormones to increase the weight of the testicle is contained in the opinion of most doctors only if testes close to the scrotum (the bag) and not in the upper abdomen, and if the disease is detected at a young age.
Birth defects
There are a lot congenital diseases coupled with damage (atrophy) of the testicles and infertility. Notably disease "Klinefelter" Klinefilter Syndrome, which causes the increase in the number of chromosomes (genetic material found in the nucleus of every cell) Pkromuzum one in this atrophy. Known that the number of units of the genetic material (chromosomes) in every cell of the man 46 chromosome. Increased to 47 lead to infertility, where there is no sperm production in full (in most cases)
And birth defects also affects the pituitary gland, which leads to a lack of anabolic hormones of the testis and thus to infertility. And the pituitary gland is the maestro who controls all the glands in the body through stimulating hormones secreted by the pituitary gland, every gland in its stimulating hormone. Of these diseases disease "Kalman" Kallman which prevents stimulating hormone secretion of the pituitary gland of the brain, and thus lack the secretion of anabolic hormones without glands, including the testicles.

Lack of hormones
Produced by the pituitary gland in the brain hormones governing the work of most other glands in the body, and testis. Refrain pituitary for secretion of hormones activated to produce sperm and notably hormone FSH result of injuries to the head or tumors in the brain or birth defects (as mentioned earlier) most notably disease "Kalman" Kallman Syndrom, which prevents secretion stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland of the brain, and thus lack of secretion of anabolic hormones without glands, including the testicles.

Some infections lead to testicular atrophy, infertility, and most notably the disease, "Abu Allkim" Mumps Orchitis and is the result of a virus that affects mostly children and lead to inflammation of the salivary gland (in the jaw), and accompanied by inflammation of the testicles (in 30% of cases).
Exposure to radiation, either casual or consistently as in the treatment of tumors and in some professions (such as radiology technician and atomic energy workers) to testicular atrophy and infertility. The extent of damage to the testicles depends on the radiation dose and duration of exposure.Necessary before radiation exposure that are stored some sperm cryo special equipment, so used to impregnate the wife to later childbearing order, and because testicular be subject to full damage. It also recommends using gray insulation, which reduces the proportion of radiation that reaches the testes.
Affected testicle some chemicals, and on her head chemotherapy for tumors, and petroleum products, and toxic emissions, and lead, and others. Oncology patients are advised to store sperm before treatment Therapeutics chemical, and advised workers exposed to harmful chemicals to conduct periodic tests to take any medicine and refrain from exposure to toxic substance if there was a reduction in the activity of the testis.

High temperatures negatively affect the activity of the testis. For example, exposed workers in the fields of iron and steel furnaces and heavy transport to heat harmful Bal_khasip, and they revealed periodically to follow the reproductive capacity and saved if began to decline.
Cause direct injury of the testis to laceration wall and out of their contents and bleeding. In case of injury should consult a specialist immediately testicle for TV and radiation detection, to determine the extent of damage and the need for immediate surgical intervention, and in order to preserve the remaining healthy tissue. And in severe cases can store some of the sperm emerging from infected testicular cooling (when the incision). Surgical repair is to stop the bleeding and sew the hole in the testis and empty assembly bloody.
Testicular torsion
Related testicular body's blood vessels carrying blood to oxygen-laden and other necessities of life (arteries) and another flying about waste and waste (veins).
If turned on its axis upper testicle Torsion, Taatdfr blood vessels around itself so that it closes completely. This results in the death of testis (atrophy) and consequent infertility.
Testicular torsion occurs without warning, and just be symptoms sudden pain. This pain can occur as a result of other things is torsion, such as orchitis (Epididymoorhitis), except that it is imperative to make sure there is no twisting, and treatment, if any, and the seriousness of the complications (testicular atrophy).
Should Escarh doctor specialist immediately when a pain Bal_khasip, and because delays in treatment lead to a loss of testicular fully .. Click here to see how to diagnose and treat

Lead some tumors of the testicles to the erosion of tissue product of sperm, as well as the spread of tumor in various parts of the body. And lead others to the emergence of symptoms of femininity from breast enlargement and sexual weakness and futility.
Diagnosis is clinical detection and X-television and oncology indications, and are materials that are measured in the blood, indicate the presence of tumor and normal.

According to the type of tumor, the treatment that ranges from surgical excision and radiation therapy or chemotherapy, and all testicular hurt, necessitating storing sperm cryo before treatment begins.

Twice the efficiency of sperm
We have mentioned that the sperm to move towards the egg to meet them, and then he has to dissolve its outer wall with certain chemicals, then he has to rush into it. Weaken these properties in some diseases leading to infertility either as a result of the non-arrival of the sperm to the egg, or his access to them but the inability to penetrate due to lack of rapid movement tides. Add to that the possibility of lack of enzymes dissolving the wall of the egg in the vesicle Alokrozumih, which prevents penetration. These properties are affected in some diseases such as varicocele, infections and birth defects.
Are antibodies secreted by the immune system of the body to attack microbes and cancer cells, you paralyze the movement or to kill her. In some cases, targeting the immune system of the sperm and secreted antibodies him, which prevents it from movement and fertilization, and lead to infertility. This targeting occurs because of injuries, infections or sperm duct obstruction. Are diagnosed and the presence of antibodies using Indirect MAR test on a semen sample.
As can be excreted wife antibodies in the cervix, and are awaiting the arrival of sperm to paralyze the movement.

Affects negatively the presence of microbes on the number of sperm and their movement and their ability to fertilize. And be the result of toxins produced by microbes, or as a result of a violent reaction from the immune system of the body in the form of cells Sididip and antibodies. Can also lead to severe infections testicular atrophy full, or to sperm duct obstruction.

Source of microbes is either enemy nationality of women to men or from men to women, I believe inflammation elsewhere in the body, such as urinary tract or anus, and so on.

Infections are diagnosed select number Alsididah cells in my sample of semen and prostate. If exceeded the normal limit, we can deduce the presence of microbes. And cells Alsididah not microbes, but are defensive cells of the human body. And in severe cases can make microbes farm, to test their sensitivity to various antibiotics, to choose the right treatment.
Sometimes, it is difficult to distinguish between cells Alsididah and primitive sperm cells, and cells are found naturally in the semen. Certain dyes used to differentiate between them, such as dye "peroxidase" so as not to be misplaced diagnosis.

Congenital malformations
Could create a defect in human sperm prevents them from movement or fertilization. For example, prohibits sperm in some cases of vesicle commonly found on the preface, which contain enzymes dissolving the wall of the egg, making it impossible to penetrate. There are also other congenital defects is concerned with the movement of the sperm, where the defect is in the tail.
Are diagnosed each of these disorder in a special way. For third, tail defects are diagnosed using a microscope-mail, while deficiency is diagnosed vesicle Alokrozumih test "Okrosen" Acrosin. It is important to know that the distortions are allowed within forty percent of the total number of sperm.
Inability to deliver sperm to his place in the body of the wife

Must be deposited semen in a particular place, higher genital tract wife next to the cervix, natural sexual intercourse. If fertilization can not sexually pain disorder. For example, if you happened to ED, will not be delivering semen to his goal. Also, if there very quickly tossed so that ejaculation before the introduction of User to the genital tract, and in the absence of ejaculation, and if any curvature in the penis to prevent entry.

Inhaling dawn air benefits

Inhaling dawn air benefits

Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings ..God said (and reading in the morning that the Koran was known for Dawn) Isra verse 78Wants the Koran to sleep early and wake up since dawn was narrated from the ProphetPrayer and peace, he said (Burke my Pkorha)The (two rak'ahs dawn best of the world and where ..The health benefits that accrue to human vigilance dawn, there are many of them:1 - the highest proportion of ozone gas (O ³) in the air at dawn and gradually less soFade when the sun rises, where newly proven that ozone gas - an isotopeOxygen in the upper atmosphere to protect the Earth from some radiationHarmful - down to the lower classes in contact with the surface of the earth at dawnThen rise with the sunrise.The doctors were surprised strange for its therapeutic effects. It cures a lot ofMental and physical illnesses and does not have any side effects. This beneficial effect gasAnd nervous system tonic for intellectual work and muscle so that makes the height of human activityIntellectual muscle and in the early morning hours has been proven that the ozone injection can giveAn enormous body active and makes him feel very happy and this feels when a person inhalesA dawn breeze called the a boyhood thrill of wind and ecstasy not like her at any hour of the hoursDay or night ..2 - The sun at sunrise close to the red and known effect of this colorExciting the nerves and the motive for vigilance and movement and the proportion ULTRAVIOLETCan be greater at sunrise, a ray that incite the skin to make vitamin- D - required for the growth of the body.3 - waking up early goes a long sleep has been shown that the man who sleeps hoursLong and the pace of one exposed to heart disease, especially disease porridgeArterial Atherosclerosis which predispose to angina attacks only because sleep WhatAbsolute stillness If lasted too long led to the deposition of fatty substances on the walls of bloodArterial and coronary artery heart Coronarya Perhaps preventionFactor of vascular disease is one of the benefits that accrue to believers whoWake up in the depths of the night of Mottagrbin to their Creator pray and pray the Almighty said in SuratCriterion: (those who spend the Lord, prostrate and standing)Criterion verse 64 also saidAlmighty wants Tahajud in Sura Muzzammil:(The rising by night is most Tia and I Qila)Muzzammil verse 6 of the night is done after sleeping ..4 - scientifically established that the highest percentage of corticosterone in the blood is morning time where the(7-22) microg / 100 ml plasma and lowest ratio has to be evening where they become less than(7) mg / 100 ml plasma is known that cortisone is the active substanceWhich increases the activities of the body The Astqlabath active in general and increases the percentage of sugar in the blood 'Which provides the body with energy necessary for him ..Hence, we find that Muslim committed to the teachings of the Quran man is indeed unique ..Where up early and receives the new hard day and activity ..

Anti-cholesterol food

Anti-cholesterol food
Not first resort when drugs injury Balkolstrul, but is the search for causes is necessary in order to combat this problem by food. Note that foods that may be useful to some people in solving this problem, we can not succeed in dealing with others because the treatment varies according to each case.Not nutritionists fear cholesterol we get from the food!!But not as cholesterol secreted by the liver. It is necessary to know the cause before prescribing medication as it does not cause must be addressed to eliminate cholesterol altogether.It should be noted that the cholesterol treatment, vary from case to case, according to reason.
# The main reasons for the high level of cholesterol in the blood are:
- The low level of estrogen after menopause leads to a rise in the level of cholesterol in the blood that liver excretion of cholesterol in relation to her. In this case, can reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood eating foods rich in vegetable Balawstroyjan Kzubayb with sesame seed and with the peel and rice with soy crust and the requirement not to eat raw because they contain a substance that causes blood clotting. Note that you must boil soy for five or ten seconds, and then can be placed in cooking or in power or with rice. It is also useful eating lettuce and apples with peel and pear with peel and sweet potatoes, chickpeas and beans, beans, right fennel, fenugreek, flaxseed and caraway. It should be noted that he must eat these foods daily to get a satisfactory result.In this way, the liver stops excessive secretion of cholesterol by. Also note that a man can suffer this problem when he reaches menopause and testosterone level drops.
- Lack of access to essential oils, as is the case with vegetarians who do not eat only vegetables. In this way, raising the level of cholesterol in the blood. And can reduce the cholesterol level in this case as soon as eating essential oils. The most important of these oils are olive oil, sesame oil and grape seed oil, linseed oil, fish oil and almond oil, walnut oil and cashew oil, avocado oil, hazelnut oil. For these oils, eating raw fruits in abundance. As he was when ingested in sufficient quantities for eating large amounts of harmful oils, cholesterol level rises. It must be pointed out that he should not be dealt with because they harm the toaster in this case.
- The lack of anti-oxidants in the body which leads to high cholesterol level. In this case, try eating a lemon, grapefruit and pineapple, papaya, green tea, garlic, onions, beets, and Right fennel. In addition to all foods rich in vitamin c and e. The chrome found in plants such as wheat with shell fish, corn and helpful.
- Tired of the liver, which is the body and refinery graduated through it all the toxins. And when tired liver secretes more cholesterol and accumulate fat. In this case, it is necessary to follow a special diet to clean the liver and reduce the level of cholesterol. The most important foods that help in cleaning the liver, they artichoke and dandelion root and carrots with horseradish crust with leaves, cabbage and البقلة and green pepper. Also try eating olive oil with a little lemon before eating in the morning (on an empty stomach). Add this to plant Church Rabas, but dealt with can make a very small piece of them in a cup of cold water in the evening until morning. And when ingested fat disappear from the body. However, given that it can come back the body's absorption of fat, try eating dietary fiber to prevent the body from absorbing fat again. The most important sources of fiber are barley, oats and rice with wheat crust with cream and paper cactus and Allbecktin material extracted from apples and grapefruit.

# Harmful foods
In all cases, there are some foods harmful that must be avoided in the case of the high level of cholesterol in the blood, which fries they contain oxidizing substances and cause inflammation and thus the high level of cholesterol, and pastries are also contain oils placed on the fire and become harmful, in addition to being contain sugar. He must also avoid sugars She spends vitamins "b" in the body. It must also avoid high-fat foods red animal like meat and chicken and eggs, and also harmful foods processed foods Kalhamburgr pizza and sausages, as well as cheese, butter and ghee.
# Wholesome foods
Help some foods in reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood, including spinach, dandelion and mallow, thyme and البقلة, squash, eggplant and carrot juice with apple juice and Rashad and Alroka and juice of vegetables and olive being contain in addition to olive oil, which raises the level of good cholesterol, fiber that prevent the absorption of cholesterol in the body. The yoghurt is very useful for patients with cholesterol because it contains good bacteria and acids help lower cholesterol level.It should be noted that it is necessary to try to follow appropriate diet before taking medications.As in the case of a genetic factor!!Diet helps in lowering cholesterol level by 20 percent, but it will be there ready to rise. And thus can control the level of cholesterol, but it can not be reduced permanently.It should be noted that the practice of hiking raise the level of good cholesterol hdl, which helps in lowering cholesterol level

Blood pressure measurement

Blood pressure measurement
Blood pressure: - it is a momentum inflicted on arterial blood resulting from the contraction of the heart.
We can feel it when measuring pulse ...Natural rate of pressure: -Of course, varies from person to person, dependent on several factors Age - Gender - the nature and type of work - health - smoking - alcohol and drugs ...No Dgtan for heart systolic pressure ((which is what we call higher colloquially))And diastolic pressure of the heart ((a Mansmih Wati))And natural compression ratio(Higher) 110 mm Hg at 70 (Wati) and this is acceptable(Higher) 120 mm Hg to 80 (Wati) and this is very good is the ideal pressure(Higher) 130 mm Hg to 90 (Wati) and this edge on control needs once in a while
Symptoms of high blood pressure
Headache (usually in the back of the head, especially when you wake up in the morning), and vertigo or dizziness, However Valsaddaa often be mild and therefore neglects the patientSymptoms of low blood pressureDizziness headache when standing idle and the desire not to work effort and the situation is different according Amralamarb or if he has other symptoms such as heart Ail anemia hypoglycemia Vydam Kmalk some drugs cause Malk ...Njie screening methodExplain starter for measurement of pressure no matter what kind of device if mercurial pressure and if Abu electronic time and if one starterTools requiredA device for measuring the pressure with stethoscopeWe wrap the skin supplied with a pressure on the left or right arm, preferably left over Click arm with four fingers((Ablutions limits)) as shown picture number one (1).

Keep speaker at the click of the arm (because this place be close Alhrain) and then we blow the skin unencumbered byCuff (including Zughayyar) that came with your pressure alternating pressure will shed this process greater pressure on the arteries of the heart so pressure will stop blood flow within arteries relatively watching Mosher device pressure Hg or Abu timeWill find more than 140 or 150 so to انسمع any sound then we easeAs in the bottom of the picture

Air pressure of Damocles on Brge arm nut relatively cuff attached and very slowly we will notice that the device Mosher pressure begins to descend here watching the hearing and stronglyWe will see hear blows Tnagmah with heart (blood appeared through the entry into force of the arteries) note hear first strike at any number, for example, 120 this is the beginning of the systolic blood pressure (higher)

And continue the process and note hear another blow when any number is the diastolic pressure (Wati) Assume 80 as in the bottom of the picture

So tell the person that you press 120 on 80 and compare this figure the natural proportions will be found within the naturalRepeat the process after a period to be sure.Important notes: -1 - must be a pressure level of the arm up and down.2 - good pressure on the speaker and the right place and put it on the ear well.3 - give a break to the patient by measuring pressure.4 - re-tested again and after a period of testing first to make sure.5 - must be the ears of the person based examination are healthy.As for the modern devices they do the work automatically and the results appear on the small screen

Do You Know Why Muslims drink three times Niabhan and age?

Do You Know Why Muslims drink three times Niabhan and age?

Scientifically proven "that the notice Responsible for thirst is the liver;

... And at the completion of drinking at once falling water surprise luster to the liver
Which leads to cirrhosis of the liver but if the first three times working on the liver and warning notice

Water coming Vistad Baptlalh and supple no cause eat it.

Here is the year of the Muhammadiyah scientific fact ... Having established more than 1400 years!!

O Allah, bless him and bless you my darling Oh Messenger of God
Has left us something in our religion or our mundane ... But and Ovih right and increase


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