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Friday, January 4, 2013

Hear colors and forms tasting!

Hear colors and forms tasting! (*)Functions (1) the value in our understanding of the human brain and its functions, revealed in studiesThose who mixed Ahsasathm each with some (2).<S. V. Ramachandran> <M. E. Hubbard>
When manufactured <M. Blexla> pies «Alhambrگr» hands and gives it shape, feel strong taste over in his mouth. And see <E. Jones> (a pseudonym) to blue color when listening to tone de Diez C sharp It plays the piano, while raises melodies other has colors varying largely become the piano keys encoded chromatically color-coded, which makes it easier to remember the stairs musical and played accompanied. When viewed <J. Coleman> printed black numbers, it sees colored, each of which differs from the other. The <Blexla> and <Jones> and <Coleman> are among the few people who are no different from normal but they are people with synesthesia. They understand the normal world in extraordinary ways, and seem to live mysterious land does not belong to one, located between fantasy and reality. When these mixes tactile sensations, taste, hearing, vision and smell rather than be kept separate from each other.
Modern scientists have known sense processions since 1880, when publishing <F. گalton> [a relative one <Ch. Darwin>] Article about this phenomenon in the journal Nature. However, most of them have not Aaaraa interest and promise illusory or as a result of the abuse of a drug (born LSD and المسكالين similar effects) or just a strange thing. But five years ago we started and others have discover the brain processes that can explain the sense of processions. During that also found clues functions belonging to some of the most interesting aspects of the human mind ambiguous, such as: the emergence of abstract thought, and the use of metaphor, perhaps the language as well.
Overview of / processions sense (**)
• The term sense processions taken from the Greek root syn meaning 'together', and aisthesis meaning 'perception', is a case where people are suffering Mzja between the two types of sensations or more; otherwise are completely heterosexual.• has been seen this phenomenon for decades of years as a pure fabrication or memories, but recently found it a reality. And may occur due to activation of a cross when Bahtan Dmagatan separate resurrected every activity in other• While scientists explore mechanisms concerned sense processions, they also learn how the brain processes sensory information in general, and how he uses them in the establishment of links between seemingly abstract as unrelated input.

A common interpretation of the processions in sentiment that people feel the memories of childhood and its connections and live. Maybe someone has already played Bmgant refrigerator magnets day he was a child, and was then a red number 5 and number 6 green. But linking this theory does not answer why retain only such active sensory memories for some people only. You might think a cold when you look at a picture of ice cube, but probably not feel cold, no matter how many times faced by snow and ice in your youth.
Another idea prevalent view that with a sense of processions are users of the metaphor only when describing tone de بيمول C flat as «red», and when they say that the taste of chicken «spiky» pointy and just that somehow could tell you and I phrases «shirt raucous» loud shirt and «sharp cheese» sharp cheese. We note that our regular bus language such uses metaphors related sense, and perhaps not those with a sense of processions only people who have a special talent in this field.
In 1999, we started to try to discover whether the sense of a real sensory experience processions, with the knowledge that this simple question misleading may gig researchers in this field for decades. One of the approaches natural to begin to ask the question outright Next individuals subjects: «Is this a purely memory or do you see the color really like you directly?» When we tried to ask this question not Nhz do much; as answered some subjects, saying: «Oh, I see clearly Tam. »But the most frequent answers were:« I can see it, and I can not see him, 'or' No, it is not a memory. I see a red figure clearly, but I also know that it is not so, but black, and therefore must be the memory as I think.
In order to determine if psychologists impact of what is really aware, they often use a simple test called Chapter segregation or outcropping pop-out. If you look at the group slashes scattered among a crowd of vertical lines, diagonal lines clearly emerged. In fact, you can immediately separated from the background and mentally assembled to form, for example, form separate Mthelthia. Similarly, if most of the elements of a green background points and asked you search for red targets, the latter stands out clearly. In contrast, the group numbers 2 black scattered among a group numbers 5 of the same color mixes with each other almost see illustration on page 72], فيغدو difficult to determine the numbers 2 and distinguishable without indulging in the preview numbers one after the other, with each number individually and in a clear difference what Ageorh, as different italics clearly from the vertical line. Thus, we can conclude that the features of the primary or only certain primitive, such as color and trend line, can provide the basis for the compilation grouping; while you can not do that symbols tokens superiority complex cognitive terms, such as numbers.
I wondered: What would happen if Arena mixed numbers for members of processions sense, who they shall see the color red, for example, when they see the number 5 and a green color when they see figure 2. To this end, we arranged numbers 2 is formed a triangle. If the sense of a real sensory impact processions, the Mvhusina shall see triangle easily because the numbers will look like them colored.
When we outcropping these tests on volunteers came the answer is very clear. Unlike normal subjects Male owners common form processions, consisting of groups of numbers correctly up to 90 percent of cases (and that's exactly what he is doing is the owners sense processions while the numbers are really different colors). This result demonstrates that the colors are really sensual induced, and that owners of common processions Evtalon command Avcaala, impossible for them to fabricate their breakthrough. In another example of the strikingly asked to one of the owners of common processions who see figure 5 colored red to watch computerized presentation. And it appeared he could not teach us the moment we add subtle colors red to white figure unless such a strong red color to a sufficient extent; while he was able to discover immediately a green color added to the number 5.
Visual processing (***)The assertion that the sense of real processions would entail a question about why some people sensor this strange phenomenon. Our experiences lead us to favor the idea that owners of common processions are suffering as a result of the type of networking (wire) cross cross wiring in the brain. This has already basic concept that initially proposed nearly a hundred years; but now we have identified where can happen like this crossed networking in the brain and how it happens.
The understanding of neurobiological factors requires some players note how the brain handles visual information [see illustration on page 70]. After the light is reflected from a scene and fall to the cones (color receptors) in the eye, nerve signals go neural signals from the retina to the patio 17 in the occipital lobe (nuchal) at the back of the brain. There's received further endorsement within localized groupings (or points blobs), turning to properties such as color and simple movement, shape and depth. Then, send the information for these qualities and distributed to a few scattered areas in the depths of the temporal and parietal lobes. In the case of color information go to the patio V4 in the fusiform gyrus fusiform gyrus of the temporal lobe. From there, leave this information to the courtyards louder in hierarchical hierarchy color centers, including an area near the patch (splash) patch in the cerebral cortex called TPO (for being three lobes Forum: temporal, parietal and occipital). The This Supreme patios concerned the most complex aspects of in endorsement chromatography. For example, look like the leaves of trees at dusk the same greenery that appear in broad daylight although the blending of wavelengths reflected by the papers in the case is very different.
Mixed signals (****)In one of the most common forms of processions sense provoking look at a number of specific colors. This occurs, apparently, because the courtyards of the brain that do not interact in the normal case when processing numbers or colors do each other when the owners a sense of processions.Forum temporal parietal-occipital (TPO)Nerve signals transmitted from the retina to optical radiation-mediated Patio 17 in the back of the brain, where disintegrate into simple recipes such as color, shape and movement and depth.Relay color information to the patio V4 track where proximity is also the representation of the visual appearance of the numbers which make up this site for تصالبي arrived between Baana color and number, stock short pink and green.Finally, advanced color «to the top, and down to a nearby courtyard of the three lobes Forum TPO (temporal, parietal and occipital), where treatment can be accomplished more complex color. Similarly, a stage subsequent numerical computing in the angular gyrus, which is part of the Forum TPO means the concepts of quantum cascade. This could explain the sense of processions in people associate colors abstract numerical consecutively, such as days of the week.
A view of the back of the brain of a person with synesthesia was filmed functional magnetic resonance, show strong activity (yellow) color processing in the courtyard of V4 seen Screened white numbers on a gray background. Not be these courtyard active in people with normal cognition when looking at the same numbers.
And also seem to computing numerical numerical computation in stages; as they occur early step in the fusiform gyrus, where they are represented forms the real numbers, and a later step in the angular gyrus angular gyrus, which is part of the area TPO respect concepts numerical such ordinal ordinality (ie sequence) and basic cardinality (ie quantum). (When hurt angular gyrus stroke stroke or tumor, remains patient is able to determine the numbers but does not remain able to divide or subtraction. Multiplication often survives because it learns Balastzaar not understand.) In addition, the studies brain imaging in humans suggest strongly
Because each of the colors and numbers treated initially in the fusiform gyrus, and then near the angular gyrus, has appeared to us that sense processions chromatography numerical (your color and numbers) may result from networking cross between Baha V4 and patio Appearance numerical number-appearance area (both in fusiform gyrus), or color between the courtyard and patio Supreme numerical concept (both in the forum TPO). There are other forms of this case even more bizarre can be caused by a similar cross-networking between different areas of sensory processing (sensory endorsement). As the auditory center in the temporal lobes is also close to the patio Supreme brain that receive color signals of Baha V4, it explains that sense processions voice chromatography (your color and sound). Likewise, if taste through touch with <M. Blexla> probably caused by cross-networking between the gustatory cortex in an area called the insula island and adjacent cortex represent touch hands.
Assuming that the neural networking compose cruciate source sense processions, we wonder: Why is this happening? We know that this sense is repeated in the same family; making it a genetic component. Might cause the emergence of boom and connections between brain courtyards are usually independent of each other. Or may lead to pruning defective boom of previous connections exist between the courtyards of them does not in the normal case only a small number of links. If the boom shall disclose the same (ie, that exert their effects) in some brain areas but not others, this mixture soil divided may explain why confuse some sense owners processions colors numbers; while others see colors when they hear phonemes or musical tunes. We note here that have a common patterns processions are likely to have a pattern of this sense; This reinforces the idea.
Although we thought from the outset in the physical presence of the cross networking, has reached to verify that the same effect can occur if the networking sense of the number of links between the areas well, but there is an imbalance in the chemicals circulating between these regions. Therefore, we are now talking about cross-activation. For example, often discourage Falita two دماغيتين adjacent each other; which leads to reduce cruciate conversational. Also, the chemical imbalance imbalance of the kind that reduces such inhibition (for example, by suppressing the action of an inhibitory neurotransmitter, or the failure to produce inhibitor) will make effective a Albahtin grave effectiveness of the neighboring courtyard. In theory, such a cross activation also can occur between courtyards independent spaced;, which explains some of the less common form of processions sense.
The support of the idea of ​​activation cross from the experiences of other, help each also explain the divergent forms it may take a sense of processions. One benefit of a visual phenomenon known as crowding crowding [see illustration on page 72]. If I stared at the sign + exist within the small image also contains number 5 away from her in one of the two sides, you'll find that you can easily distinguish this figure, even if you do not look at it directly. But if we now enclose the number 5 with four other numbers, such as the number 3, you will no longer be able to select it; seem out of focus. Thus, volunteers with normal cognition not succeed in determining this figure but only incidentally. This happens not because cluttered things in the vicinity of vision. With everything, you see the number 5 clearly when it was not surrounded by numbers 3, and can not now assigned due to limited interest emitters; since the numbers 3 surrounding the disposal of interest away from the central figure 5 and prevent you from seeing him.
There have been a big surprise when we gave the same test to two of the owners of common processions. Lost due to supply and eternally observations such as: «I can not see the middle number. It confused but looks red, so I guess it must be a number 5. »Although the number of East consciously did not enroll, it appears that the brain was nonetheless treat him somewhere. Thus, the owners of sense processions can use this color to develop what it was this figure in a rational way. If our theory is correct, this discovery implies that the number of addresses in the fusiform gyrus and raises the appropriate color before the stage where there is a crowding effect in the brain. Ironically, the result is that even the number of 'invisible' can bring about synesthesia.
We have come to the other also supports this conclusion. When diminish the disparity between the number and background color processions became less obvious, even if subjects did not see color at all in the case of low contrast, although the number was quite clear. While crowding experiments show that number can not visible to raise Luna, the experiences of variance indicate to the contrary that see not guarantee the number of color vision. Perhaps numbers active low-contrast cells in the fusiform gyrus enough to conscious perception of the number, but it is not enough to activate the cross color of the cells in the courtyard V4.
Finally, we found that if we Arena owners a sense of Roman processions numbers (number portability V), they do not watch Luna, suggesting that what triggers the color is not in the digital concept, but in the visual appearance of the writing units. This observation suggests also to do cross-activation in the fusiform gyrus same owners have a sense of numerical processions - chromatography, because that structure (ie, the fusiform gyrus) mainly concerned with analyzing visual form and not Balmudallol ever higher level. We refer here to the perplexing problem: Imagine an image with a large number 5 consists of 3 small numbers; you will either see the 'forest' (represented in figure 5) or to focus precisely on the 'trees' (represented in figures 3). The said two of Mvhusi common processions they witness changed color according to their focus. And this test implies that common processions, despite the possibility of it arises as a result of the visual appearance alone and not of the high-level concept, a way that is input tab relying on visual attention is also crucial.
But while we welcome other volunteers, it soon became clear that the owners of common processions who Alenon their world are not all the same. For some, sending even days of the week or months of the year color-sense. Monday may be green and on Wednesday Qrnfelaa, and month 12 yellow.
Chromatic world Coded (*****)In a test of visual separation capabilities the visual segregation, can sense processions owners who associate a specific color is known that the number immediately see a certain model is distributed across the image with black numbers scattered over a white page. While a person must ever normal perception that the inspection shall set a number to distinguish the figures are 2 of 5 in this example (left), the range of numbers 2, which form a triangle stand out clearly visible when the processions sense (at right).
Clear to the owners of common processions numbers 'invisible' in a cognitive tests. When someone staring at a central body, which is here on +, make it easy to see a single number is located at arm's length in one aspect, using peripheral vision (at left). But if the figure was surrounded by other numbers other (on the right), it seems hazy invisible to the average person. In contrast, the holder can sense processions to elicit the central figure thanks to something that causes that figure has color.

The only thing that combines days of the week and months and numbers is the concept of numerical sequence or ordinal. For some owners a sense of processions was probably raises the color is the abstract concept of numerical sequence, and not the visual appearance of the number. Via Could there networking with those individuals cruciate between the angular gyrus and the upper patio colorimetric near the TPO board instead occur between the courtyards in the fusiform gyrus? If so, it would explain why interaction caused even abstract numerical representations or idea numbers emitted by days of the week or months, provoking strong specific colors. In other words: different patterns arise of processions depending sense of place that reflects the mutant gene itself in the brain. It can be either a sense of line with 'high-level' due to the concept of numerical, or a sense of line with «bass level generated by the visual appearance alone. Similarly, the visual appearance of the character in some low-lying level forms can generate a color; while the sound that the letter calls in high-level forms (or what called Alfonama) is that generates color. We recall here that phonemes are represented near the area TPO.
We also noted the case believe that the activation cross to his synesthesia achromatic allowed him to see colored numbers can not be aware of otherwise. It is amusing that calling the colors as' Martian colors. Although the color receptors to the retina of the eyes can not handle certain wavelengths, we see that the yard stroke color works well and it activated Tsalbea when he sees numbers.
We are conducting now in conjunction with <G. Boynton> [Salk Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, brain imaging experiments. We have got the initial activation guide topical color courtyard V4 manner predicted by our theory for activation cross in processions sense, knowing that <J. گraa> [from the Institute of Psychiatry in London and his colleagues have said similar results. Gotta show black and white numbers on infected sense processions, generate their brain activation not only in the courtyard of the numbers (as is the case in normal individuals), but also in the courtyard of the colors. Our group also noted differences between the owners of common patterns processions. Showed a Mvhusina with a sense of low activation processions in the early stages of treatment far exceeds his color in individuals evidence controls. In contrast, the show owners a sense of high processions less activation in these early stages.
Widespread use of metaphor (******)Can help Tbesratna nervous about the medical basis for processions sense to explain some of the creativity of painters, poets and novelists. According to one study, the state processions common sense to the creators sevenfold popularity among the general public.
Share many of the creators of one of the skills are in tact use of metaphor, like saying 'It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. »As if their brains had been prepared to establish links between the pronunciation unrelated in appearance, such as the sun and the beautiful young. In other words, Just includes common processions establishing and arbitrary links between cognitive entities unrelated to apparent Kaloloan and numbers, the use of metaphor includes the establishment of links between the worlds of concepts seemingly unrelated. This may not be a coincidence.
It is likely that many of the high-level concepts firmly in the areas (or maps) cerebral quality. And if you look at you will not find what is more abstract than the number; yet it is representative, as we have seen, in a relatively small brain region, namely the angular gyrus. To transfer the mutation that causes, according to our belief, common processions generate a flood of communications between different brain maps any small patches of cortex that represent entities perceptual quality such as sharpness unit shapes or Tqosha curviness, or hue in the case of color maps. Depending on the location and breadth of the site that a solution in which the expression of the attribute trait, can reach every sense of processions and the tendency to link between the concepts and ideas seemingly unrelated, ie: Creativity short. We will explain this reason survival a smokeless processions sense gene apparently when interest people.
Puzzle language (*******)Can give us a sense of processions insightsAbout the evolution of thought and languageImagine a gang of ancient human ancestors have taken the initiative to devise language. Clear that its members did not begin the leader tells them: «Come on, look at this and let people Banana (banana). Shouted all Ba Na Na., But undoubtedly that the group that had owned a set of capabilities created the basis of systematic verbal communication. Our study suggests nervous about the biological basis for processions sense that the ability to use the metaphor of any deep understanding relationships between things disparate and seemingly unrelated is who made the first seed for the emergence of language in the end.Characterized humans instinctive tendency to link certain sounds certain visual formats; which was important in making ancient humans attempting to use a common vocabulary. In addition, the brain areas specific addressing formats visual objects and characters and numbers and votes words can be activated each other, even among non-owners sense processions; making people expect to have forms coarse, for example, the names of bell thick.There are two others of the neural connections supporting our idea. The first is that sensory patios on visual forms and hearing in the back of the brain can be activated Tsalbea courtyards kinetic quality in the front part of the brain involved in speech. Acute optic Faalanattaf or voice thick Istgesan courtyard responsible for motor control speech to generate equal sudden reversal of the tongue on the palate. Or to keep in mind the following Spoken words: "diminutive" and "teeny - weeny" and "un peu" which requires Zam lips to simulate the small size of the thing). It seems that the brain has a pre-existing rules to translate what you see and hear oral movements reflect those inputs.The second is a kind of spills signals between Bahtin Hrchetin close to each other; any of overlap between the signals that control the Cascade muscle movements required for hand gestures and signals that control muscle movements required of the mouth.As pointed <Ch. Darwin> consideration, when the shortage of paper with scissors may apply, so they are or Evgran unconscious, as if they were يجاريان hand movements. We note here that many linguists do not like the theory that manual gesture has created for stage audio language, but we believe that the Altsahabayh Movement can suggest and they fall into the error.Suppose that ancient human ancestors communicated with each other mainly mediated sounds emotional Kalshkhr (snoring) (5) and groans and wails and squawking, and are known to votes generated by the right hemisphere and the courtyard in the front lobes concerned with emotional. Then ancient humans developed a system Emaúaa primitive complexity and neater gradually increased. It is easy to imagine how they can be custom hand movement to drag a weave has risen to hint means «Come to me. If been translated such gestures of through kinetic Altsahabayh to movements of the muscles of the mouth and face, and If Altfohat passed ringed through this emotional and linguistic movements oral, it might have been the result first spoken words.Now, how do we ensure our chart this syntax syntax, ie: the rules for using the words and phrases in the language? We believe that the evolution of ancient human use of tools probably played an important role in this regard. For example, like the sequence of building tools (from the formation of a hammer head first and then install the head on the handle. Then chop the meat) enter phrases into sentences larger ones. Following the example of psychological Batababh <P. گrinfeld> [from the University of California at Los Angeles suggest that brain areas front that developed a sub-grouping for the purpose of using the tool, you may later turned around the performance of an entirely new function is to connect the words in phrases and sentences.It is true that such schemes do not explain each property minutes in the modern language, but seems to us that these were basic elements in the conduct of events that reached apogee in the current language.
When the question arises about any figures (at the top) is 'Bubba' and whichever is 'Kiki', 98 percent of respondents chose the name Popa form which seems ink Kltkhh and name Kiki to the other form. The authors argue that the brain's ability to devise a more abstract joint between two things (such as the form of a visual Othelam and name a tone of voice thick) may have paved the way for the evolution of the use of metaphor and perhaps also the emergence of a common vocabulary.

In addition to our search that explains why you may tendency of artists to the suffering of processions sense, he suggests that we all have some susceptibility to this tendency, and this attribute is that perhaps created the basis for the development of abstraction, which is the ability superior to humans.Is the brain region that is believed to tactile information and hearing and vision converge to allow the establishment of high-level perceptions. For example, we say: Cat زغباء (for req) and meowing and Takrkhr (heard) and with the appearance of a certain (vision) and a special smell (tattooed); All these qualities are extracted at the same time if we recall a cat or heard the word «snapshot».
See you can have angular gyrus (which is significantly larger in humans than in apes and monkeys) developed originally in order to achieve cross-formal links, then became to other jobs more abstract such as the use of metaphor, for example? Let us consider drawings cartoons were originally صممهما psychologist <W. Kohler>: one looks like ink blotter; and the other looks like a jagged piece of glass shattered. When we ask: «any charts is 'Bubba' and whichever is 'Kiki'? Indicates 98 percent of people to ink blotter on it (Bupa) and to the other drawing on it (Kiki). Perhaps this happens because of amoebic-shaped curves that mimics the smooth metaphorically Altamorat gentle voice (Bupa) according to what is represented in the hearing centers of the brain, as well as due to the gradual turn inflection during rouge sound Toledhma (Bupa) Alanhanaúa. In contrast, the waveform of the sound (Kiki) and the accompanying sharp reversal of the San palate mimic the sudden changes in the visual form broken. The only thing that combines these two qualities of sound Kiki except what is in the abstraction of Anthelam property jaggedness that is drawn somewhere next TPO Forum and is likely to be the angular gyrus. (We refer here to the recently we found that patients with damage to the angular gyrus lose influence Popa - Kiki bouba-kiki effect, ie they can not fit between the shape and sound right). In this sense, we may all be infected a hidden sense processions.
Thus leads angular gyrus very preliminary abstract pattern is to extract the common denominator of a group of similar quinones is to a large extent. True, we do not know how to lead this gyrus that task on the face of accurate, but when they emerged portability dealing cruciate formal abstraction, may pave the way of introduction to the most complex patterns of abstraction. We recall here that the transition trimmer opportunistic takeover of a job to a different function is common in evolution. For example, evolved ear ossicles used in hearing when mammals from the backside of the mandibular bone reptiles. Perhaps maneuvered formal abstraction seeds cruciate emergence of language, in addition to the use of metaphor and abstract thinking [see box on page 73].
FAQs (********)Are there different types of processions sense?Flag count about 50 pattern. This situation is repeated in captivity. And can be more common in women and creators, which is likely to affect one person in 200 of them. In the most common patterns raises to look at numbers or listen to chromatic tones sense. In a rare species, associated with each character masculine or feminine sex; which is an example of the brain's tendency to split the world into two categories.If the owner of the processions linking sense a color and a letter or number one, what happens when seen diplopia of characters such as g e "" or to the two numbers together, such as "25"?He sees colors that correspond to individual letters and numbers. But if approached letters and numbers from each other a great closer, one of them the other may cancel the color fades. If both raise the same color, the one reinforcing the other.Does it matter that great characters (ie: introductory letters) or small (ie: introductory letters)?Answer: No, on the whole. But individuals sometimes mentioned seeing colors less severe in the case of small characters, or the appearance of shiny small letters or even mottled.How words appear full?Often spreads color of the first character all across the floor, and even consonants, Kaharv "p" in the word "psalm", they cause this effect.What if the owner of a sense of multilingual processions?May be one of the languages ​​of units written graphemes color; while not be the second language (or other languages) color. This may be due to the different languages ​​are represented in different brain regions.What happens when the person draws a picture of the mentality of a letter or number?Could raise imagination Luna stronger than motivate seen a real letter or number. It may well be that in practice do the same brain areas that do Show your true colors. However, due to the absence of competing signals from the real number comes from the retina, the character or the imaginary number sends a color line with stronger.Are improves common processions memory?Can sense processions improve memory. He described the late Russian neuroscientist <R. A. Luria> people strong memory has the wonderful ability to remember because of the interdependence of all five senses; owning even Hactin interrelated may help improve memory.

When we began our search to find out the common processions We did not have any sign of where to take us. Did not generate Bkhaldna never hidden that this phenomenon, which has long promised just a strange thing, can offer a window overlooking the nature of thinking.

Cm scorpions .. Cure for Cancer

Cm scorpions .. Cure for CancerThe production of a new form of protein obtained from the venom of scorpions Yellow named and whose scientific name Leiurus quinquestriatus a kind of poisonous scorpions in Palestine and the Arab region.Radioactive iodine has been added to the protein .. Which proved to be effective in the treatment of one of the most dangerous types of cancerous tumors killer, a cancer of the brain called Glioma was launched on protein name 601-TM, carrying radioactive iodine directly to the cancerous tumor by tower Dr. Adam ماميلاك a neurosurgeon led the research team, which has been publishing its findings in Journal of Clinical Oncology issued by the American Society of Clinical Oncology Journal of clinical Oncology and in the magazine issued in the first year.This protein has the ability to pass through the blood vessels that can not other chemicals to pass through to reach the tumor, which is affected by radioactive iodine carried by the protein.Try Dr. Adam and his research team this new protein complex on 18 patients who underwent a mastectomy for cancer and he believed that they will only live for months but found that two of them lived rather than months, three years, and six of them lived longer. According to statistics, there are 1700 U.S. were diagnosed with brain cancer of the type Glioma annually and this cancer fast-spreading and deadly live about 8% of those patients after diagnosed for two years and 3% of them live for five years, and according to researchers that even after surgery eradication to keep some cancer cells and re-deployment again, leading to death. The composite protein that have been produced and Article initial scorpion venom poison works to close the channels protein called channels chloride in cancerous cells mechanism similar injury cockroach paralyzed after the bite by Scorpio as Scorpio feeds on cockroaches as well as other insects, but in humans the compound protein prevents spread المتسرطنة cells in adjacent tissue and eliminate them.

Recipes for the treatment of infertility

Recipes for the treatment of infertility

For men and women:
Palm pollen: If kneading honey it helps to have children.
Therapeutic mix: Watercress and sowing seeds celery Odhir lettuce, black pepper, black bean and ginger, taken a tablespoon of each of them and then grind all of us, and knead in honey, take a tablespoon a day on an empty stomach.
Mix again: Seeds of celery and beans fennel seeds lettuce by a cup of them all, and confuse everyone, and Aajnoa in a jar of honey, and taken spoon morning on an empty stomach, followed by drinking a glass milk cow or goat, that men and women assisted reproduction.
Rye (tares): rye if evaporation helped rope especially with barley Soiq.
For Men Only:
Of foods useful: frequently man from eating wheat Municipal (Kalpleilh) and íĎÔ and made him Kosherbh oats per day, with a lot of eating eggs Municipal private yolk, lettuce, carrots, and drinking milk, almonds, chickpeas and Nqaah, bathroom and broilers. To keep away from things cold Kalksberh, and, cucumbers, and melons.
Right radish: crushed seeding then every day teaspoon honey in Agamsha accurate seeding and eat and not confuse the whole lot, because it corrupts, and can eat with rice sowing those who fear vomiting.
Galangal: crushed 200 grams, and mixed with honey kilometers, take a tablespoon or two a day, and boiling willing galangal with plain yogurt.
Honey: Honey with pure ghee 3 tablespoons each day on an empty stomach, even finish half a cup of honey with the like of pure ghee.
Barren ulcers: Net mixed with ghee and taken.
Therapeutic mix: oz Mustka (medical and condoms equivalent to 30 grams), with an ounce of radish seeds, with an ounce of cloves, with an ounce white pepper, crushed everyone and mix it with kilo of honey, and eat in the morning and spoon spoon evening.
For women only:
Of useful plants: , blood brothers, gum arabic with milk or butter drink or likely, and boiling tea, and Alkthera Aptlaa.Fil and honey: grinding 50 grams of elephant tusks, and mixed with 500 grams of honey, and eaten spoonful in the morning and again in the evening for a week or two.
Therapeutic mix: Mix 100 grams Chinese or Dar al-pepper, with 100 g Qntrion, with Kilo half honey, and eaten only if the woman you doubt or pressure ulcers.
Potash: use it barren once every month, and use it only four times, then used .
Cloves: Take half a teaspoon of ground cloves, and mix in a cup of hot milk local honey and women drink a day on an empty stomach, it helps to address infertility was due to women.
Testicle parents: If grilled and ate the woman who does not conceive in her period three days before the purity and had intercourse with her husband loaded.
Butter: If a woman endured butters after Thorha and had intercourse with her husband, became pregnant.
Carrots: If pure islands endured the uterus and the board of pregnancy.
Meals: meals plant is taken after drying in the shade, and then milled until be Kalboudrh, and knead in the milk of the Persians (Female the San) and make it to (suppositories) vaginal afford one woman after the end of the menstrual cycle.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Tips For clean teeth and the same good

Tips For clean teeth and the same good
Help take care of the teeth throughout life to avoid problems of advanced age, and dental neglect leads to problems in the teeth and gums Kaltsus and tooth loss.
Dental care includes cleaning brush and floss daily and visit your dentist regularly.
Infants and childrenAt birth, the first set of teeth has been formed almost entirely be hiding under the gum at the beginning. The importance of these teeth because it enables the child - after her appearance - from chewing food, smiling and speak fluently, also occupies the first set of teeth (milk teeth) replaced the permanent teeth that appear later and help them to emerge consistently.
You take care of your child's teeth by following these tips:

Cleanse your new teeth every day: When teeth appear initially Nzfaha with a damp cloth and when you grow up you can use a toothbrush for children.You should not use toothpaste for children who have not attained the second year, but you must use water alone to clean their teeth.Do not allow your child to immortality to sleep with Zjajtah. This may leave some milk or juice on the teeth and cause cavities known as "tooth decay because of a bottle."Encourage older children to eat a few snacks sugar such as fruit, cheese and vegetables and avoid sticky candy.I know your children how to brush their teeth and the need to preserve the teeth clean.Asymptomatic child to the dentist regularly: American Association advises dentists to offer the child to the dentist beginning of the second year.

AdolescentsThe care of your teeth and mouth gives you a good breath and a beautiful smile and reduces cavities. Here are some simple tips to clean the teeth and mouth:

Clean your teeth by brush at least twice daily teeth toothpaste that contains fluoride.Brush your teeth flossing once a day at least.Do not smoke or chew tobacco, as tobacco leave a mark on the teeth and makes the foul smell of the mouth and can cause cancer.Wear protective sports equipment for the head during sports that require friction.Visit the dentist once a year for inspection and cleaning.
Help follow-up oral care and teeth after puberty to avoid tooth loss and gum pain and other problems. The following are tips that you can follow:

Clean your teeth by brush at least twice daily teeth toothpaste that contains fluoride.Brush your teeth flossing once a day at least.Do not smoke or chew tobaccoAsk your doctor whether the medications you are taking her side effects that may impair your teeth, it may cause some medicines dry mouth.Lose inside your mouth regularly for sores or irritations of the gums and other changes.Visit your dentist regularly.
The bad breath is an embarrassing condition, and may not know some of those who suffer from this problem existed mainly. If you are afraid of being foul smell of the mouth visit the dentist as he can recognize the cause and if as a result of oral problem, they can provide the appropriate treatment. Provide the American Dental Association the following tips:

That what you eat affects the air you exhale (graduating from the lungs). Avoid some foods Kalpsal garlic that you leave unpleasant mouth odor. Does not help brushing or mouthwash only smell coverage for a temporary period.Be sure to clean your teeth and floss daily so as not to suspend food particles in the mouth, which collects bacteria that cause decay.Avoid dry mouth, which may be caused by many drugs or salivary gland problems or breathing from the mouth constantly. You can use a saliva industrial (if prescribed by your dentist) or sugar-free gum or increase the amount of fluids you eat.Stop all forms of tobacco consumption, you can consult your doctor for help to quit.Bad breath may be a symptom of a health problem Kalantan localized in the respiratory tract or chronic sinusitis or chronic bronchitis or gastrointestinal disorder or disease in the liver or kidneys.

Lies About HFCS [High Fructose Corn Syrup]

A "Corny" Lie?

Unless you've been under a rock for the last year or two, you've undoubtedly seen the massive media campaign that the Corn Refiners Association (the CRA) has been running on TV commercials, online ads, etc trying to "clean up" the poor public image of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). 

They have even tried a re-branding campaign trying to change the name to "corn sugar" instead of high-fructose corn syrup.
In addition, the TV commercials try to convince you that HFCS is "no worse than sugar", and even try to imply that it is somehow 'natural', with this phrase:
"It's made from corn, has no artificial ingredients, has the same calories as sugar and is okay to eat in moderation"

REALLY? I'd say that it's a downright LIE to say that HFCS has no artificial ingredients if you've ever seen how HFCS is refined and processed and the chemicals involved in that process. Watch the entertaining documentary King Cornand you'll see the NASTY chemicals involved in refining HFCS!
And let's not forget that HFCS is almost always made from Genetically Modified corn. Not so "natural" anymore huh!

In response to this CRA propaganda campaign to revamp the image of HFCS, Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest stated: "High-fructose corn syrup starts out as cornstarch, which is chemically or enzymatically degraded to glucose and some short polymers of glucose. Another enzyme is then used to convert varying fractions of glucose into fructose... High-fructose corn syrup justdoesn'texist in nature".

What about the debate: Is High-Fructose Corn Syrup worse for you than sugar?

This seems to have been an ongoing debate for the last couple years, but I personally think it's a stupid debate... In terms of your health and your waistline, they are BOTH pure evil! Over time, with excess consumption of either HFCS or sugar, they can both lead to diabetes, obesity, and other major health problems, including premature aging, and a bulging belly!
However, with that said, I personally avoid HFCS at all costs, but I don't necessarily avoid sugar altogether. I minimize sugargreatly, but I don't avoid it like I avoid HFCS. Have I mentioned that I haven't had a soda pop since I was a teenager... not one! Two things that I try to avoid almost 100% are HFCS and trans fats... because they are easily two of the MOST evil food additives that cause the most damage from a biochemical standpoint internally in your body (keep that in mind when you're about to eat or drink them, and it's easy to say no). 
The only HFCS I get is probably the minor amounts that I might get in ketchup at a restaurant (sorry, I'm not giving up my ketchup... but I do get organic ketchup at home, which has no HFCS). But other than ketchup at a restaurant, I stay away from anything and everything with HFCS in it, including store-bought salad dressings which are often laced with high amounts of HFCS. Instead, I make my own healthy lean-body salad dressings at home.
The reason that I avoid HFCS more than I avoid plain sugar is that there is just too much evidence at this point that your bodyDOES process HFCS differently than sugar... despite the propaganda that the Corn Refiners Association is trying to shove down your throat with their ads.

New Princeton Study reveals that HFCS can stimulate more weight gain than sugar

Leave it to those geniuses at Princeton to give us some good evidence that HFCS can make you fatter than sugar! In a2010 Princeton University study, researchers found that rats given water sweetened with HFCS gained significantly more weight than those given water sweetened with plain sugar, despite calorie intake being the same between both groups.
Princeton researchers also state: "In addition to causing significant weight gain in lab animals, long-term consumption of high-fructose corn syrup also led to abnormal increases in body fat, especially in theabdomen, and a rise in circulating blood fats called triglycerides".
And what about those claims by the Corn Refiners Association that HFCS is "no worse than sugar"? Well, let's get past the propaganda, and hear what an actual researcher has to say:
According to professor Bart Hoebel, who specializes in the neuroscience of appetite, weight and sugar addiction... "Some people have claimed that high-fructose corn syrup is no different than other sweeteners when it comes to weight gain and obesity, but our results make it clear that this just isn't true, at least under the conditions of our tests. When rats are drinking high-fructose corn syrup at levelswell belowthose in soda pop, they're becoming obese -- every single one, across the board. Even when rats are fed a high-fat diet, you don't see this; they don't all gain extra weight."

Princeton researchers also noted that the HFCS groups in the studies gained significant amounts of visceral fat around the belly. As you might know, visceral fat is more deadly than subcutaneous fat and is a serious health concern as it releases inflammatory molecules into your system.

One reason that HFCS appears to cause more weight gain than plain sugar is that HFCS doesn't trigger a leptin response in the body. This means that it won't signal the body to decrease appetite despite those HFCS calories that were consumed.
Another reason that HFCS affects our bodies differently is this... according to Princeton researchers, although HFCS only has 10% more fructose than table sugar (55% fructose content vs 50% fructose content in sugar),the fructose in HFCS is more sinister... According to Princeton, "as a result of the manufacturing process for high-fructose corn syrup, the fructose molecules in the sweetener are free and unbound, ready for fast absorption and utilization. In contrast, every fructose molecule in sucrose that comes from cane sugar or beet sugar is bound to a corresponding glucose molecule and must go through an extra metabolic step before it can be utilized."
Aha... very interesting!

Well, I hope that's enough evidence for you to simply try to fully avoid HFCS from now on. Again, this doesn't mean eating loads of table sugar is good for you either (that should be obvious), but these studies clearly show that HFCS is at least one step WORSE for you than sugar. And you also know that HFCS contributes to more abdominal fat, so with that said, why in the world would you ever want to touch another soda again!
You also now know that the deceptive advertisments by the Corn Refiners Association have basically been LYING to you with their propaganda that "HFCS is no worse for you than sugar". Yeah, right.

Why do we say praise after they sneeze?

Why do we say praise after they sneeze?
... The wisdom of the words "Praise Allaah" after sneezing because heart stops beating during sneezing
And sneezing speed of 100 km per hour
If sneezed strongly possible that broken rib ribs
And if you try to stop a sneeze sudden exit, it leads to blood reflux in the neck or head and then to death
And if you leave your eyes wide open while sneezing, is likely to emerge from Mahgreha ..
And science. During sneezing stop all organs of the body and respiratory urinary Alhzm and including heart, although the time sneezing (second or part of a second) and then work that God wanted her to work as if he did not get anything.
So it was Hamad God is giving thanks to God for this deliverance!!!Glory to God AlmightySaid peace be upon him (Allah loves sneezing and dislikes yawning if one of you sneezes glorified God was really on every Muslim who hears him say: God bless the yawning for he is of the devil, if one of you yawns Fleurdh could .....) Bukhari.Yes God we sneeze you get a blessing and a great benefit and exit vapors congested in the brain, which, if it remained gave him the ills ten
Should be recommended for the sneezed that lowers his voice sneezing hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him (that the Prophet, peace be upon him was if he sneezes and covered his face with his hand or garment and ignoring the voice) and so you get three benefits:
A - the Year and Aqtdaeballenba peace be upon him.B - you get put hand Oalthob mouth or face low voice sneezing.C - that sneezing is not safe - often - something out of the mouth Fasthab him to put his hand on it.To say sneezing: Praise if Oahamdllah all

Nuts useful for diabetics

Nuts useful for diabetics
A recent study showed that eating about 2 ounces (57 grams) of nuts a day instead of starches may be useful for people with type II diabetes, because it helps them to lose the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) and better control of blood sugar levels.
There are two important factors to take care of a patient with diabetes: the first is to control blood sugar and second heart health.
The study included 117 people with diabetes type II and were divided into three groups. First set took 2 ounces of nuts a day. And second health dealt with cakes and other cakes and addressed the nuts together.
Who ensure their diet nuts per day was the level of sugar in the blood and LDL cholesterol after three months less compared to other groups.
Nuts usually consists of almonds, pistachios and walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, all of which are raw and unsalted.
For cakes were made from whole wheat with apple sweetener without adding sugar cakes also contained the same amount of protein and calories found in nutsDuring the study period the study participants continued taking medicine for diabetes.
The researchers focused on the study of the change in control of the indicators of blood sugar (HbA1c), where he was a clear decline in the level of HbA1c in those who ate nuts alone compare it with others.
As well as the low level of LDL cholesterol in the blood was the biggest when nuts eaters compared with donuts users.
Put nuts in the diet of diabetics increases the amount of proteins and oils dealt with improving the level of cholesterol and blood sugar without increasing the weight.

burger's industry - behind the scene

burger's industry - behind the scene

burger's industry, a 3-minute video with all the ingredientsplease share the video with ur friendsIndustry burgers, a 3-minute video about all the components of burgers eventuallyPlease Share video with your friends
Burger, Aktar 1000 Type BeefPlus a delicious mix of
1,1,1-tricholoroethane 1,1,1 - trichloro Ethan1,2,4-trimethylbenzene 1,2,4 - Triethyl PetrolBHC, alpha alpha b e Qchloroform Krufumchlorotoluene, o-Krutouleuanchoropyrifos KrubayrevosDDE, p, p * insecticideDDT, p, p * insecticide DDTdichlorobenzene, p-chlorobenzene bilateraldieldrin bilateral Aldrindiphenyl, di-ethylhexyl phosphate bilateral polyvinyl, bilateral Hixayl phosphateethylbenzene Petroltetrachloroethylene tetra Kruaathelenxylene, m-and / or p-M & Bxylene, o-chlorpyrifos-methyl methyl chloro Bayevroscumene (isopropyl benzene) Kummendiazinon bilateral Azinondicamba bilateral Kambaethyl benzne Petrolethylenethiourea Nooeriaaiprodione Aabrodaanmalathion Malaatheonpirimiphos-methyl methyl Berimeevospropelbenzene, n-propyl Petroltrichloroethylene trichloro
Berger added ingredients taken from the official report of theFDAOverstocks pesticides found in Fast FoodFast foods

Translation in video: Link Below important (hamburger - burgers made from important a smoked meat Agiza Alkhnziralmrby home) is almost corrupt after 7 daysWe can rebuild this hamburgerOur technologyWe have the ability to make the first genetically modified food, from more than one type of meat (1000) chemical has high dynamic propertiesBetter than it was beforeDelicious AktarIt remains valid for a longer periodOffer burgers Azzi vital characteristicsFirst Burger Khalid in the world
On January 1, 1989Bought 2 hamburger manAll first, and landed deliberating Fjiba and forgets for a full yearAnd then, by day of what was Pedro Vdolabh, found the old jacket Ptall noted the need Fjab jacketPenneHe looked like uniforms Mahwah smell, and these are like what he bought the first dayShare what happened with companions and nobody sinceritySeemed young combines Bergrz Aktar and appointed in the basement hasFriendlier was 18 years old (Advertising validity means), and AnaardhYoung when the largest amount Berger Collection of Burger Mac (McDonald) Cheese Burger 2 uniform layer and Burger Ham (hamburger) who passed on through the yearsAT remained secret ingredients?Elly vital powers Valbergr in properties de?
Burger, Aktar 1000 Type BeefPlus a delicious mix of
1,1,1-tricholoroethane 1,1,1 - trichloro Ethan1,2,4-trimethylbenzene 1,2,4 - Triethyl PetrolBHC, alpha alpha b e Qchloroform Krufumchlorotoluene, o-Krutouleuanchoropyrifos KrubayrevosDDE, p, p * insecticideDDT, p, p * insecticide DDTdichlorobenzene, p-chlorobenzene bilateraldieldrin bilateral Aldrindiphenyl, di-ethylhexyl phosphate bilateral polyvinyl, bilateral Hixayl phosphateethylbenzene Petroltetrachloroethylene tetra Kruaathelenxylene, m-and / or p-M & Bxylene, o-chlorpyrifos-methyl methyl chloro Bayevroscumene (isopropyl benzene) Kummendiazinon bilateral Azinondicamba bilateral Kambaethyl benzne ا
Nooeriaaiprodione Aabrodaanmalathion Malaatheonpirimiphos-methyl methyl Berimeevospropelbenzene, n-propyl Petroltrichloroethylene trichloro

Berger added ingredients taken from the official report of theFDAOverstocks pesticides found in Fast FoodFast foods

Benefits of sugar cane juice

Benefits of sugar cane juice
Egyptian diet expert said that a drink sugar cane juice, the most widely accepted popular drink among Egyptians not only addresses depression, butUseful in cases of thinnessAnd strengthens bonesAnd activates the liverAnd resists constipationAnd increases the secretion of urine, leading to internal purification of the body and expels more toxins
The drink sugar cane juice earns one degree of psychological comfort, calm, explaining that the secret of it is due to the sugars in it works to build up natural substance sedative formed by the brain is "serotonin" seratonin, which leads to increased human capacity with difficult situations such as distress, anxiety and stress and fatigue, a feature of life now. Therefore, a cup of sugar cane juice a day can bring to one's life a little calm to avoid pressure and adapt to a reasonable extent.
As for patients with liver disease, sees expert food Egyptian that cup sugar cane juice gives human energy and vitality, because it is high calorie so described for the faint structure given in cases of fever associated with poor appetite, especially among children also uses sugar cane juice and other liquids sugary in feed acute hepatitis patient? cirrhosis?, because the patient feels relegation, wasting and often dizziness, but should take into account the patient's liver, which also suffers from diabetes, you must adjust the insulin dose in this case. Because it is rich in sugars


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