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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Information beautiful of thickness Alsotarya life

Information beautiful of thickness Alsotarya life

Is emblazoned in attractive colors, and most important its attributes amusing place where Allah had chosen him to live, The thickness Alsotarya live between the branches of marine plants known as 'teaser sea'. These plants have poisonous branches either harm or kill other fish. The Alsotarya are not never Tdharha even as interference between the branches of the tree to protect themselves from enemies. They produce their own materials negate the poison found in the branches of poisonous plants.

Checked us well, like this: fish excrete secretions different from other fish to help them cope with the ocean where you live and protect it from toxic poisoning the name of the capsules found in plants. It is also hiding immediately among those twigs toxic when you feel a danger. Well, How thickness Alsoutar knows that other fish fear approaching those plants and they can not remove secretions prevent poisoning? Then of course you can not for a small fish do not have the mind to realize it. But there are taught and inspired by force, and this ability has taken everything, it is the power of Allah the creator of heaven and earth and all between them.

About beautiful fish in the sea life

About beautiful fish in the sea life
House, which inhabit and the school in which they are studying and sidewalk walking and garden in which they play and the air we breathe are all assets in our mundane where there is a human and birds, trees and animals.There is another world which we know only through hearing or TV screen. She lives in the world of animals and plants does not know very little about it. These objects also can not live on land. As for us we can not even breathe in the world of these objects.Yes, this world is the subject of our conversation is the world of fish and the sea, which is underwater world · But do not forget something important, world of deep-sea not live only fish, but live reptiles, insects, plants, and millions of species of organisms.Organisms that live in this world has its own ways of eating, breathing and sleeping.The system of breathing when fish is quite different from the system breathing when the rest of the other objects · and nose that we have offset the gills when the fish, and it breathes oxygen under water, and passes from the gills and out of the back of the fish · The thorns that exist in the gills take as oxygen and graduated carbon from the body to the outside .Most fish have pierced noses, but never used for breathing but to smell odors into the water if the smell the smell of sea dogs.No when fish eyelashes like that in humans, they look from behind the transparent membrane covering the eye. This membrane-like glasses used by deep-sea diver. These eyes created by God to the severity of their need to see the surrounding objects · was designed to see objects nearby · But when you look at the fish to distant places This Fanakeca membrane and place special mechanisms appear to play this role best.

Fish continue their environment using the five senses, a smell, hearing, touch, taste and sight in addition to that have the force of a sensitive perception and quick enable them to sense any body, whether big or small approaching them.
The dark cave fish can move easily within the darkness, and many of the fish have a radar system or the so-called 'remote monitoring system'.
Inside the fish air-filled white balloons, these balloons to help preserve the balance of fish
Within the depths of the water.
Allah has created many kinds of fish in different colors and forms and movements, making human remains against which surprised · bright colors that we see when some fish are originally a source of strength for fish living among the animals.
Maybe you know by this information, but there are details and other information, will help you a lot.


Feel their need for big fish small fish so clean it, which attaches from parasites. These fish cleaned intervention sometimes in large fish's mouth without fear and all the peace of mind Vtnzv her teeth and gills, and thus have saturated their bellies. The strange thing is that the big fish does not hurt the fish cleaned at all.
Well, how do you reassure cleaned fish for the big fish? Not afraid to eat? Where did you know that the big fish do not hit any damage? How can you trust and like there is a prior agreement between the two? If we assume that this agreement has already happened, how to ensure small fish big fish in agreement commitment?
Yes, the small fish do not have any guarantees against this danger, but God inspired parties mutual benefit between the two do not hurt big fish small fish is not afraid of small fish evil big fish Vtafr them · Vtnzv large fish itself at the same time satisfy the small fish bellies of those parasites.
Thus the inspiration of God live fish in cooperation and harmony with each other.

About beautiful butterflies life: color hacks

About beautiful butterflies life: color hacks
 أجنحة ملونة؟ نعم، تولد دون أجنحة. تلك الفراشات التى تشاهدونهافي الحدائق والحقول تمرّ بأربع مراحل حتّى تصبح في تلكالصورة الرّائعة. بعضها يعيش يوما وبعضها يعيش شهراً أو شهرين، 
Did you know that butterflies breed color with no wings? Yes, born without wings. Those butterflies that you watch in the gardens and fields go through four stages until they become wonderful in that picture. Some live each day live a month or two, and graduated from the eggs in the form of a small worm, and when you grow this small worm turn into a cocoon and begin the second phase of the butterflies.
There on the body of the cocoon between 14 and 15 episodes in her head and in her eyes young, and in the mouth, it has a small mouth help her sucking and digesting food. They also have 8 legs in the front section of the fuselage.
وتخرج من البيض في شكل دودة صغيرة، وعندما تكبر هذه
And before they become cocoon to become a butterfly are no wings and antennae are short, and These Aldoadh produce different kinds of silk.
Like the rest of other organisms, the bigger Aldoadh increased length and grow to narrow its skin and becomes unable to accommodate her body, thereby creating a rupture skin slowly Aldoadh to get rid of it completely and grow instead leather fits her body.
الدودة الصغيرة تتحوّل إلى شرنقة وتبدأ المرحلة الثانية للفراشات. يوجد
Aldoadh delicious food for the birds, which eat insects, so knowing Allah mechanisms to defend itself, some of which stands on his feet and mimics so the branches of the tree, and disappears between the sheets, which are of the same color and others Eetmaot away from the same danger.
These techniques important used Aldoadh to keep her life and continue to use these tricks even after its transformation into a butterfly because butterflies live in areas that fit their colors, and thus makes it easier to hide ·

على جسم الشرنقة ما بين 14 و15 حلقة في رأسها
Well, how do you adjust the colors as butterflies Ocean where you live? How do you make sure they are safe? There is no doubt that it can not determine it does not account, and God is the one who created butterflies who inspired to live in appropriate areas.

Here are aware of some of the attributes of Allah Almighty, namely: 'Rahman' and 'gentle' and 'Mongi' · God created all creatures features used to ward off the danger for themselves.
So, if not for the mind can think of butterflies, it means that the tricks adopted by these butterflies can not be on their own, each of these methods inspired them Allah Almighty. God, the Creator of all things in the heavens and the earth and the world of him.
Aldoadh continues to grow thanks to the protection system which Wahba her God to reach the third stage: At this stage eat Aldoadh a lot of paper that bulging belly of Aldoadh trapping themselves inside the bag and here begins the transition.
وفي عيونها الصّغار، وفي منطقة الفم، ولديها فم صغير يساعدهافي الحدائق والحقول تمرّ بأربع مراحل حتّى تصبح في تلك
The membrane that surrounds Aldoadh before it turns into a butterfly called 'Kizalat', and then be inside this membrane is not moving and never eat nor feed only leaves which Edjrtha inside her stomach. And 'Alkizalat' is a crust of paper stretched in the branch of a tree, if Aaatardtkm days and see what's inside because you can see the butterfly legs and Khrthomha during exit from this membrane.
Ten days after rupture butterfly membrane within a few minutes, and graduated to the outdoors, but its wings did not sleep after road, a fourth phase: where swell wings liquid produced by body butterfly Vtbst wingspan so, and when it dries wings flying butterfly immediately without have to learn it · these suites also help butterflies to breathe.
الأمامي من جسمها. وقبل أن تتحول الشرنقة لتصبح الفراشة تكون
As you have noticed, God shows us his miracles through these small butterflies · Scientists are still today are looking for an answer to the following question: 'How do you decide Aldoadh transformation into a butterfly? 'The only answer is that God is acting in this creatures and change as he wants and whenever he wants. God shows us the ability to create different types of
بلا أجنحة وتكون هوائيّاتها قصيرة، وتفرز هذه الدويدة أنواعا مختلفة  
Creatures and teaches us how creatures change · The great miracle is represented in the wings of butterflies wrapped regulated Baharavi arbitrator.
من خيوط الحرير. مثل بقيّة الكائنات الحيّة الأخرى، كلّما كبرت
Well, How did these suites? Are This Harafish met by chance to be wings? Never coincidence is not capable of making such things.
Well, do you Harafish stuck on top of each other and formed wings? Does developed their own wings on her back?
الدّويدة ازداد طولها وتكبر إلى أن يضيق بها جلدها ويصبح
The butterfly can not even see her back, while on her fee
الدودة الصغيرة تتحوّل إلى شرنقة وتبدأ المرحلة الثانية للفراشات. يوجد  
Miraculous inconsistent. And Harafish smile nicely so that these fees exist on both sides of the wing, and if measured the size of the fees you find all of the same size.
الدّويدة شيئا فشيئا إلى أن تتخلّص منه تماماً وينمو بدلاً  
All this made ​​God who shows us his ability and knowledge Allamehdodin. We reflect on his kingdom we have to thank Allah and thank him and cherish.

في الحدائق والحقول تمرّ بأربع مراحل حتّى تصبح في تلك
تأكل الحشرات، لذلك علّمها الله آليات الدّفاع عن نفسها، فمنها

About beautiful life ducks with Cape Verde

About beautiful life ducks with Cape Verde

When we say: There is a bird 'walk a staggered'!!, What comes to mind?Most probably, the first thing that comes to mind is the young ducks that walk Mtmaalh behind their mothers.
Using duck two ways in nutrition: Some feeds on plants and insects while swimming on the surface of the water, and be the front section of his head and body under water, while its tail shall be in a position erections while searching for food · others dive under water to capture food and assisted on the membrane in the his feet, so he can not easily walk over land that does not depart
It only during the hatching season.The duck is a waterfowl carry air into his body, and for this reason remains above the surface of the water, as there is inside the small body airbags help ducks to stay above the surface of the water, the more he wanted ducks Snorkelling pay these air sacs to the surface. And plunge into the water if they remained a small amount of air in the body · We note that most of the waterfowl swim well, and the main reason for this is the presence of a membrane between the fingers of her legs, which helps to pay the water and to move forward.Of course, these characteristics help waterfowl to swim did not materialize by chance, but the whole of creation of Almighty God.The male duck feathers always be brighter than the female plumage, which is an important characteristic for female incubating eggs · Thanks to dark colors astray by enemies not see it shall be eggs in greater security.Thanks to this dark ocean enemies can not be distinguished even from short distances. The male Vtstaml bright colors to protect the females, and bring the attention of enemies Faisrvoa sights for females. The more enemy approached the nest male fly high and distract the enemy from the female and do what he could to him out of the nest.Navigates ducks in the form of groups, and rarely cares adults whom the little ones, not babysit white males. Young and starts after leaving the eggs to learn to swim and search for food on their own, God has inspired the ability to conduct her life since birth.

Imagine yourself, what happens if and Dauk in the water after a few hours of your birth? Of course shall drink water and sink, but God made ​​a duck's ability to swim since his birth there never drown in the water.
Did you know that ducks swim at 50 kilometers per hour?
Well, do you know that ducks escape from wild animals and changing trends as it wants? Learning how ducks all that you see? The answer to this question is: There is no doubt that who donated these properties is the God who gave all the properties of objects to defend themselves from their enemies
We will meet to identify the butterflies: colors hacks

This is called the Flying Balkhderi

As we know the male is more beautiful than the female, as is the case with peacock

About beautiful parrot life: the bird imitator

About beautiful parrot life: the bird imitator

Live parrot with a group of friends in the tropics, a birds of different colors, it is also social birds.

When sharing his friends parrot food appears very meanest wit ·

The parrots that live in the tropics live with each other and latch onto trees other swarms Vtzn they trees full of fruits فتعدل from falling.

And eating parrot holding his feet, as if holding a pie · The love parrot food when it is who we love we also namely pulp · He eats with his tongue ring, as pulp is divided into two halves and come out what Vihoaoklh. Female parrot bleaching of eggs to 8 eggs per year · trading male and female bosom eggs throughout the hatching period to come out of the eggs, chicks without feathers and open their mouths to her parents for food.

One of the main characteristics of the parrot is his ability to imitate sounds, as can repeat words he hears constantly but does not understand the meaning of what he says · It repeats just so he imitate the voice phone and voice bell · If you have a parrot inside the house Vstatkaddon that the phone does not stop ringing!! !
If not on earth this animal speaker with beautiful colors would have never imagined that there is an object such as this, and what occurred Bulbal that say: "How beautiful that there is a beautiful bird colors can imitate sounds'.

We can not imagine or even imagine something they did not teach us God the Creator photographer Almujd · The Quran expressed this fact God said:

{Is God, the Creator, the Maker photographer Him belong} Al-Hashr, verse · 24

God created these creatures for us, and we see miracles in every place and at every moment · What is required of us to discover this beauty and unlimited praise God and thank him for his grace and blessings.

And you also you have to of God Ckroa whenever and signed your eyes on something beautiful of God's creatures, and you also taught others how thankful Almighty.
We know so far that social parrot bird imitator and motivator male takes care of the eggs, as is the case with the Penguins but the penguin
Great sacrifice

About beautiful peacock bird life: bird painted

About beautiful peacock bird life: bird painted
More animals Accessories in the animal world


If you go to the zoo, open you wings Almzrkachin and review process before you begin. Must you saw beautiful peacock. Of the most important characteristics of bird peacock being the owner of feathers mottled different colors, and has a tail does not like him in beauty · But wit is that the owner of this tail beautiful is the male peacock only, also has a straight blue dark and tail tufts of feathers painted green · To completed this painting aesthetic found on the outskirts of the tail circular patterns.
However, this spectacle will not see him always, but you see only in the mating season, he recalled Peacock Infh tail to possess the impressive female and brings attention · Here occurred to us to wonder: This peacock who does not see himself how he could be sure that what he does will appreciate the female and accounts for satisfaction? Is there not knowing it? Without a doubt, that God is the one who created and create the breathtaking beauty and inspired him how to use it.


Well, if so, can you get this full scene diligently peacock? Is this consistency in the colors came about by chance? No, can not do so.
For example, if you come to a friend, you said that the painting in your home painted by coincidence, the result of the mixing of colors, can you believe? Of course you will not believe, then, Valtauos that we can not compare panel painting can not be a beauty of making coincidence.
This harmonious colors capture the impressive full rights because God unparalleled ability is the one who created it and portrayed in the best form.


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