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Friday, March 1, 2013

Kids puzzle Green

Kids puzzle Green

The premise of the first Harris

During the reign of King Stephen's successor, King Henry II was continuous migration waves occur and the Flemish tabloid (Northern Belgium) including dealers and Weaver to England from the eleventh century onwards, Henry II became King was the prosecution of those migrants in battles culminating in fornham in Suffolk in 1173, thousands were slaughtered and Powell Smith proposes his hypothesis that perhaps the children living village of fornham St. Martin or near them, and "San Martin" are the same as the name of the village In a story of two children, and there are river separates the village San Martin village wolbit where the children were found. After my father killed two children in the Flemish children are fighting in the jungles of Thetford Forest. And so the two children stayed for some time and without food, perhaps their health deteriorated, with anemia due to malnutrition and this guide a tinge of green to the right of the children then lashed a sound church bells Edmunds and entered the mine corridors was part of the cemetery, we have asked for these mines date back to over 4000 years ago and belong to the Neolithic era, and after passing through the tunnels and corridors have arrived in the village of wolbit. And then the children of peasants appeared with their clothes worn and dirty and desperate condition and age of the small Flemish language not understood by the people of wolbit.

During the reign of King Stephen's successor, King Henry II was continuous migration waves occur and the Flemish tabloid (Northern Belgium) including dealers and Weaver to England from the eleventh century onwards, Henry II became King was the prosecution of those migrants in battles culminating in fornham in Suffolk in 1173, thousands were slaughtered and Powell Smith proposes his hypothesis that perhaps the children living village of fornham St. Martin or near them, and "San Martin" are the same as the name of the village In a story of two children, and there are river separates the village San Martin village wolbit where the children were found. After my father killed two children in the Flemish children are fighting in the jungles of Thetford Forest. And so the two children stayed for some time and without food, perhaps their health deteriorated, with anemia due to malnutrition and this guide a tinge of green to the right of the children then lashed a sound church bells Edmunds and entered the mine corridors was part of the cemetery, we have asked for these mines date back to over 4000 years ago and belong to the Neolithic era, and after passing through the tunnels and corridors have arrived in the village of wolbit. And then the children of peasants appeared with their clothes worn and dirty and desperate condition and age of the small Flemish language not understood by the people of wolbit.

The man from Venus

The man from Venus
On October 31, 1938 New York folks felt that the resurrection did. And that everyone must escape the lashes to the nearest car or pilot or ship. It doesn't matter that leaves his home open. The radio announces that Mars had landed to Earth. And they're at the gate. On all doors.

Did people know only what they have heard is the late radio actor Orson Wells, this program is based on the novel "war of the worlds" to English writer j. Wells.

But fear and consternation for shows that have a tremendous willingness to believe that the people of Mars could have attacked the people of Earth. And smash the Earth as one of them. And in old books much evidence that people of the heavens had landed to Earth. In the Bible the prophet Ezekiel describes the ships explode with fire from front and back. Describes people who landed them look like astronauts. In the old papyrus and the days of Ramses III read a description of the balls of fire flying over the skies of the capital.

On 17 August 1908 30 European time event July earthquake and volcano in Siberia. The sky remained lit. White clouds covering Europe. People saw these fires in a radius of 600 km. Russia was then busy with other things. But this event Charlotte entered the history books as the earthquake. In 1927 another thing happened near the River altunguska there are three stone Russian rivers with the same name and this blast was triggered, stones and trees, everything. Some scientists said that one of those meteors that fall to the ground from the sky. But scientists have not found any trace of this streak. But they found the soil land him radioactive activity. And did not find any cavity in the Earth also occurs when falling meteors. And Russian scientists found that what happened was an explosion above the Earth's surface. And it's not like the explosions. But it is closer to the explosion of one of the spacecraft when it entered the atmosphere, why not a broken down ship, burned.

I am talking about spaceships from other worlds. The relationship with the spirits and ghosts, and their relationship to human, it will address the following moments.

Perhaps the first event filled the American public was on 27 June 1947 when one of the pilots said he saw nine UFOs. Or nine unidentified bodies and aircraft speed. These fast moving objects piercing in all directions.
In May 1948, American pilot said he saw close-up inhales fly along the plane. And that when he tried to get away from him, approached him. The previous and then disappeared.

On 7 July 1948, contact one of the Americans announce the advent of a cylindrical object in the skies over Chicago. One of the pilots was launched behind the body. He was broadcasting his movements and the movements of UFO. Suddenly, the voice of this pilot was lost at an altitude of 20,000 feet. The next day I found the plane and pilot spewed over 100 kilometers from the city of Chicago. The pilot reportedly had suffocated due to lack of oxygen.

In 1950 the US Defense Department issued a decision denying the men to talk about this subject which filled people. The Ministry of Defence announced that these flying objects a proven fact. But no one knows where or why it came came?

In July 1952 the Pentagon was surprised that these flying objects have you flew over the building of the Ministry of defence. These devices were recorded flying dishes with different shapes and fanciful speed.

In 1952 the number of flying objects seen in every world body 11,501. The number of people who saw her, times that number. Most of these objects have appeared in the skies over Europe. Perhaps the event that shook America, then the whole world is on 24 June 1959.

On that day the pilot was Peter yards, and the name is important because it is a historic event was driving his plane with four engines Douglas 6. Suddenly he found next to bollards. This four-cylinder move body. When approached by this body committed all wireless devices on the plane. The pilot tried to approach from the UFO. Then approached. And then the UFO disappeared. It is important in this incident and that all passengers could watch him at one time. The question we must answer is active, is there intelligent beings on other planets?

Answer: what prevents that there are other planets suitable for life. Need not be life similar to life on this earth need not be other objects in the composition. There are millions of millions of organisms does not resemble a human.

Another question: where are these objects?

Answer: in millions of other planets. We are in our solar system that we live within the Galaxy. And this galaxy which swim within 15 thousand million solar array like this group. We know so far about 200 thousand million course.

As long as there is life anywhere, this life must evolve. Therefore, there are fewer of us mind objects, objects most of us mind. They have more sophisticated transport methods. And they don't know how to get on well with us. Or we see something of value or weight in this world. Of course, we see ourselves as the most important in the universe. This is our illusions. We creatored her and say the truth us it. And we lived with it.

This is not fiction. But it is a fact. Since November 1960, no longer a suspect in that there are other objects in other worlds. Therefore each telescope lenses went in Europe and America to small planets.
In the same year the Soviet Academy of Sciences published a book of big world Yusuf ashklovski discusses this issue. And confirms that smart objects exist in the constellations of heaven. It was also announced that the planet "s. v 102" called sound waves. And that these waves so strong that despite the distance between us and him are thousands of millions of miles.

Has some very clever people can speak on the cylinders and pigeon myths or rumors. And should be mentioned on the article half a million captive inhabitants of London declared that they saw the Russians in the first World War entered the streets of London. With the nearest Russian soldier from London 1100 miles. But people saw and swore they saw ice on the shoes.

Can respond to the many myths turned to scientific facts. But the myths have become realities. The history of science with full classes constitute myths. The Spanish sailors when their intense storms they see flames damaged sails. And they shouted saying: the Saint came to our rescue.

They come to St. Elmo "Spanish Sea Shepherd". But hundreds of years later, we know that the flame of the sailors in the ship sails in the eye of the storm, not only shipments and not the dignity of one of the Saints. Should people see space ships or they make someone believe fairy tale or just certain realities will become common someday. This day is very close.

The great psychologist says Carl Jung: there are two types of rumors. Rumors. And people tell tales, rumors, common people might see them and believe it and they add the exacerbating them over the centuries. Or say that there is a deep desire in people to escape from Earth. This desire is to come to them next spaceships from other worlds to rescue people or warn them of playing with fire. In the whole history of waiting people "Christ" and "Savior" and "Mahdi" and "White Knight on Judah. All human dreams and believed her open eyes.

But physicists and astronomers have another view: it unquestionable facts. And that there are objects we want a wiser, we know it and don't know if you want to know. What do UFOs configuration Charlotte to the human soul and body and mind?
Before I answer this question I tell this story. And move them from the English writer Colin Wilson. And in his newest book, entitled "hidden" or "hidden powers." The poet has a known Dutch man. Of yoga. The Dutch man was born in 1924. Named yak ashvartes. And this guy has trained physical and mental yoga. Walking half naked and watch the night and eat a little. And spends a lot of time in meditation. Or in silent prayer. And sleeping on nails. And a 20 bed screws spaced perfectly. Length of the screw per ten centimeters. And the Dutch man sitting with him is asked to stand their weight weight above his stomach. Heavyweight comes over his stomach. And implement the spikes of his back to his stomach. Or vice versa. And watch the holes caused by the nails. It found that astound him spikes out of the meat. But one point of blood did not descend from his body. The abdomen is repeated dozens of times the result that stuns doctors, one.

In 1958 a Dutch ship passed from the Suez Canal. And stopped the ship at port said. The ship named "New Netherlands" and was on its way to Indonesia. And thousands of soldiers on board the ship. Among them were soldiers that yoga. And his mission is to entertain the soldiers. And when I stopped the ship at port said a young Egyptian climbed. And yoga. And leaned on his hand, acceptable and tells him: you are my teacher. And you took the Covenant. Peace and mercy of God.

The legacy of the young man. But amazingly the soldiers. It is impossible to climb anyone to this ship. And climbing grades and be consistent within up to where it sits. And the surprised soldiers. They said the emergence of the young man to yoga. They considered his appearance and disappearance miracles of yoga. Years later the Dutch alizga lecture in Sydney, Australia. After that came out of the lecture is his wife. Made him Lady and says: I want to talk to you in a special order. Prefer. Referring to her car. And rode the Dutch yoga. And she said: I now know you well. Now I am not I. You are next to me when I sat down I felt a pulse. You Sir, you took the Covenant. But you know me.

Yoga Dutch said: I don't know you.
Ms. replied, saying: I am so here's the Egyptian port said. In I can show anywhere in any form. I was in India and before that I was in America.

As asked by Yoga: any of you?

Egyptian young lady or replied: I am from the tribe by a spacecraft landed on Earth thousands of years. To me a coded or confidential is August 15. And instructions that I have says: start now to call your post. We now have on the ground. This is my message that African heads of State. And will contact you later. Ms. disappeared.

Strange that Ms. work mediator. This lady has talked to yoga, told him that the young man who came to him that she is from Venus. And the inhabitants of the planet Venus have soft bodies. They are more sophisticated than the inhabitants of the Earth.

Then a resident of Venus was replaced in the body of one of the Earth's population. He has this ability to be hacks his body or any body else anywhere in any form. And like many Earth residents. And that the lives of inhabitants of other planets arrive in Earth's population.

At a meeting of conjuring this argument said Dutch young Egyptian Yoga which shows you his tribe fell to Earth in a spaceship in the year 841, 617, 18 BC. Then they said his code number for this young man.

The inhabitants of other planets have fallen millions of years on this earth and living in Heavenly minds ground objects and the occasional shows one or thousands of strange words don't say we now know. But we will know later.

Us to compare with Kim did the sons of European civilization or do some among Africa, Asia. Should children of white civilization have spoiled civilisations. The inhabitants of other planets when they landed to Earth perverted. Or burnt. Or not. Or are now working to change them. Or save us. Allah knows best.

Even birds reject outrageous

Even birds reject outrageous

As long as scientists believe that birds are competing and fighting for and that the process is done randomly without any morals in birds, but is this the truth? To read and praise Almighty God. ...

In a scientific study caught my attention and I wanted to show it briefly shows a scientist who watched species of bird is a bird "almanakenz" tropical birds seem non-specialist like competing on the mating of a female, believed researchers in this area.

The new study, however, revealed that the bird husband is the only female and live with it for a long time, as his rival bird, which even waits until the death of the flying pair then marry her! This kind of fidelity and chastity might not help some people!

Says Dr David McDonald, a specialist in animal science at the University of waiomi, who made the film titled "jump back" in Costa Rica that the dance duo lead continuously from one alterin to the female. The bird bookends might continue to play this role over five years, but it might get in the event of the death of the bird.

He noted that the role of bird bookends are paired throughout the period of performance for this role. "The bird waits until the death of the bird, it does not get rid of it. The long awaited until 10 or 15 years or more. The bird has a good capacity to support dance at least basic bird, but it accepts to renounce the exercise of the relationship with the female to make room for the birds to enjoy a relationship "

Play network of relationships that each bird over his life, determine its role in the dance.

Macdonald said while growing bird, built a complex network of social interaction. Play the level of relations that determine whether cycle to be primary or secondary in the bird dance ".

This study tells us that the birds have a kind of honor, sacrifice and cooperation and other morality, this indicates that the Nations like us birds illustration says:

(No animal on Earth and no bird fly his wings only Nations like you what neglected nothing in the book, and then to their Lord are crammed into) [Cattle: 38].

And also shows that these creatures thinking and prudence and to distinguish between right and wrong, but should learn from them, don't look to other merchandise! And remember the way the Prophet peace and blessings of benevolence to others: (none of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.) If birds and other animals and insects you want to do good for others, what about us we are the faithful?!

Note: with the world of birds are also lies, fraud and deception and camouflage, as well as most animals like humans, but birds distinguish between good and evil like humans. Therefore, the description of the Qur'an as nations like us very accurate scientifically, and God knows best.

An object can live in space and in the heat of the 357

An object can live in space and in the heat of the 357

Although cockroaches are known as the most powerful objects because they can survive
A nuclear explosion, but that scientists had discovered the existence of another object can overcome the most difficult
Whatever the environmental conditions of a natural object can become stronger.

Objects that got the name "water bears" classified by scientists as the most tolerant to
The planet, and there are more than 900 type can be found anywhere in the world
Both the highest mountain or the deepest point in the oceans,

And whether placing objects in the water boil or freeze or their drying or
Radiation it can continue life after all that for 200 years

Where can tolerate low temperatures up to-457 degrees Celsius and high 357
° C, as they bear a degree of radiation up to 5700 grey unlike humans who
Bear between 10-20 Gy, but they can live without water and live in


Great Groove under the Red Sea

Great Groove under the Red Sea

I discovered the scientific research vessel of the British Royal Navy the "Grand Canyon" (Groove great) under the Red Sea water important and photographed his ship Enterprise was revealed the presence of this Groove depth of 250 meters in the Red Sea

During her exploration mission lasted nine months to improve the knowledge of water scientists located east of the Egyptian city of Suez was the formation of three-dimensional images of the Groove after the vessel left the port of Safaga Egypt using a reflection of sound (sonar)

Multicast packets radial. "Derek saw the ship Enterprise" these profiles can be the result of rivers were carved in the rock layers by flooding the Red Sea before 1,000 years ", adding that some of these features may be very recent and still in the process of forming the althtmaeh currents by winds and tidal currents in the flow in this region from the Red Sea to make their way through soft sediments, and diverted by the bottom layer hardness, adding that there is always a possibility that a combination of Monday," yet Almost certainly say that this is the closest thing to humans when gawking in respect of such breathtaking really. "

A hypnotism to people abducted from aliens.Strange

A hypnotism to people abducted from aliens.Strange

Peace, mercy and blessings of God

This meeting, which you have before you is a hypnotic hypnotizes a magnetic persons abducted from aliens, during sections in the channel also interferes with spiritual guide or the spouse of such person and the name (armsis).

Space creatures are inhabitants of the underground

Space creatures are inhabitants of the underground

Photos and videos in a section of space are creatures of human beings living in a underground race of greys also are only human beings lived in untitled document layers

They are among us ... And we continue to look forward and think they're baton!

They are among us ... And we continue to look forward and think they're baton!

Imagine if one of your friends or colleagues you work from space or even one of the neighbors. ! This sounds like the American film "men in black"

It is one of the most famous and controversial theories and that much between the gawkers and interested for space objects.

Many scholars believe that extraterrestrial living among us.British world of Stephen Hawking, who said in a forum (that extraterrestrials live among us and they watch us constantly and is not hostile to us.It would greatly help us but because of the bad actions don't want now contact us directly)

Another world is Paul Davies (cosmology) of the University of Arizona said in this thread. (We share this planet with extraterrestrial life forms.You may live near us or lakes or even oceans or underground)
Adds Paul saying (we have an accurate and in-depth research to found and identified)

But the world I sent him several criticism when he said. All the geniuses from the descendants of aliens who visited Earth before 30 to 40 thousand years ago and who created sophisticated civilizations and married people. He says that 50 percent of the inhabitants of the Earth from space

Not Paul Davies and Stephen Hawking the first to say this ...

Bulgarian Space Research Institute said year 2009 on tongue (filipo vluchezar).Vice President of the Institute.They were able to decode the illustrations that were included in the fields and they knew that extraterrestrials live among us and to touch them.

The Institute's report says published in Bulgarian newspapers.

(Space objects around us everywhere and they watch us all the time living with us without we know bad actions and make them feel angry but nevertheless wish to help and make a connection with us)

And also in the report of INSTRAW (after 10 or 15 years the contact may occur for the first time and this communication will happen via radio waves but through telepathy)

And strange that the Bulgarian authorities know all this but they conceal it. And for years the Bulgarian Institute is deciphering codes and fields in circuits all over the world

Services fields that raise questions

Many scientists from inside and outside Bulgaria reviewing reports of the Institute to see the credibility of what's being said

The report was written raises many questions and objections from everywhere.

We've seen again and again that talking about circles and all indications it's man-made!

Is it really that these symbols are not human-made but its origin as Space Research Institute report says?

And is it really the latter directly in contact with space aliens?

Of the Board of Auditors reports we will know the truth of the allegations.

Russian boy story "boriska"

One of the most exciting and unusual stories about the presence of strangers among us. The story of a 16-year Russian boy (boris Rostropovich)
And alias. Boriska.

The boy's story began on January 11, 1996 when the pronunciation is in the sixth month and the first word spoken by. Baba.
Learn the boy is reading at the eighteenth month and drawing in the second year.He has great abilities in learning languages

Boriska said many things to wonder about planet Mars

Boriska says.(The planet Mars in the past was full of life but because of the wars that broke out lost planet atmosphere and the rest of the population are now living below the surface of the red planet and breathe carbon dioxide and some exist on Earth disguised as. ..
And he says that human beings are not the only ones available in the universe!)

And complements his press that Burris children others like him will appear and that human beings if they tried to land on Mars, it will destroy their boats because they contain radioactive substances are hazardous and could cause the extinction of the remaining inhabitants of Mars

Many opponents and especially Americans them believe that the story of the boy Boris is just another propaganda of the Russian Government to bring attention to it and to make the United States back down from a human landing on Mars

NASA, for its part, does not take it seriously.Her dream of reaching the red planet and take down the road is still under study and prepare for the journey from all sides

The tale of Boris have not finished yet and many people believe that the boy really from Mars and many interviews by local and international press to get to the final result.

And to convince scientists that skeptics and will do tests and experiments on the boy but when reaching the age of majority.

If you all must believe him?

Do scientists Paul and Stephen are in both?

And the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian is hiding something?

Russian boy story does seem logical, or what?

And you what do you think?

Do you think. They're among us?!?!


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