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Friday, November 9, 2012

Garlic and onions for the treatment of insect bites

Garlic and onions for the treatment of insect bitesUkrainian doctors advised by resorting to garlic and onion and apple vinegar and vanilla and citrus to prevent disk mosquitoes and other insects that spread a lot in the summer, and milk, salt and oil for the treatment of burns and itching caused by Qrsa.
Doctors said that prevention is secured by garlic, onion and apple vinegar and vanilla from the disk effective, long-term, when compared with medical preparations for this purpose, as they normally do not cause damage may be caused by chemical lotions installation.
The doctor said Gennady Ibanasenko of the island that eating two lobes of garlic or 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily a few days before going out to nature (such as forests and woodlands where there are frequent insects) sponsor expel insects stinging from the body, because the smell of fluids resulting in and out through sweating expel insects generally .
The Ibanasenko pointed out that the U.S. military was ordering his soldiers eat three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar a day before the date of exercise in the forest, to protect them from insects disk.
Said Ibanasenko The people love the smell of vanilla, but insects hate, so the spoon them in a cup of water and fat exposed parts of the body in solution resulting away insects, it also painted the exposed parts scales citrus (much as found and orange) the same effect, as well as for onion juice, but is smell insects and people too.
The doctors confirmed that mixing milk with water or salt with fat or vegetable oil, and places the hard fat is one of the fastest ways to stop the itching caused.
Ibanasenko say mixing one teaspoon of milk with two tablespoons of water is a quick acting ointment, as the milk contains enzymes dealing with places of burns resulting from the disc, and negate the work of insect toxins that cause itching.
The Ibanasenko said the same effect caused by wetting a hard place with water and salt, then painted in animal fat or vegetable oil.

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