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Friday, November 9, 2012

Secrets oats

Secrets oats
Oats herbaceous plant around me like wheat and barley in Figure It usually grows between them and the seeds medium between love wheat, barley, commonly known public Balzoan usually says tares and Alzewan. Did not want the name of oats in ancient Arabic dictionaries not in the vocabulary has been known in the past under different names like Hrtman a Persian word and Khafor and Crdoman kind grown-called agricultural Khrtan or ID Khrtan.The word Oats New fired in the last century on this plant. Knows oats scientifically as Avena Sativa of the platoon grassy. As native is northern Europe and is grown now all over the world and grown as a food crop and a medical and harvested oats usually at the end of the summer and part used is to seeds and stems dry .
Chemical content of oats: Contains oat alkaloids and Sterolz flavonoids and acid Sulaisak and starch and protein, which includes gluten, vitamins, especially vitamin group B and minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and sodium hydrate carbon also contains fat and hormone close Ajeribin (hormone ovarian) and beta carotene plus vitamin B B and vitamin d. chemical content varies between types of plain oatmeal and Turkish red and short and prophetic but basic and essential materials are found in all species.Europeans were using oat stalks and leaves in Hmamathm as a treatment for rheumatism and bladder and kidney problems. Oats have been used in ancient medicine as a remedy for chest diseases, especially lung disease, chronic cough and was used useful Klsqat for gout and pimples.There oats several of the most important products: oat powder, capsules, drops concentrated, Essences, Mahbbat different forms, slimy solution is used in a water bath, teas, dyes. On the food side is considered oats of important nutrients In some nations, such as cold countries such as Scandinavia, Oqinoca and others where eating oatmeal daily in soup food Altroyqh.Oats has become is the preferred food of the children, the sick and elderly and people exposed to muscle fatigue where he Agvem and strengthen them and increase activity in their muscles. Oats is not food for humans only, but good food for animals, especially horses.

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