Basic methods of classical
1 - survey massage.2 - massage Da'ki.3 - massage dough.4 - modern massage.5 - massage Alkhbti
Nakkari.6 - vibration massage.7 - general movements
This simple explanation of each way for those who wanted to .. elaborates
Massage survey:The physiological effect of massage survey:* The massage survey more roads spread among all types of massage and the effects physiological large multi has a direct effect on the skin فيرفع temperature topical part masseur, and this causes a sense of comfortable warmth as he during massage happens widening of blood vessels فيسبب flow arterial blood to part masseur and this in turn helps the blood circulation in the body.* Survey massage increases venous blood flow and lymphatic system, which helps to remove the appearance ofAny sense of apathy and activates the vitality of the skin and the muscle fibers and improves flexibility and rubber skin.* Real Time Survey massage (medium, slow) to guide the nervous system and causes muscle relaxant, so frequently used in sports training in cases of increased nervous system stimulation.* Real Time Survey massage relieves a sense of hope in the area of infection and deep massage survey works to stimulate the muscles and increases the contraction property, so it is used in cases of sports injuries and therapeutic massage.* You must be massage appropriate direction to the direction of lymph vessels, and should end the survey at the earliest movement lymph Tdja.* Deep massage works to renew the surface layers of the skin as well as to improve the functions of the sebaceous glands and ethnic groups.
Massages survey:Massage longitudinal survey with one hand:This type of massage stand in a rear few for part masseur, especially when massage the bottom placed hands on muscle to be scrubbed in a casual noting that the finger big heading slightly to side and Mnfaraga from the rest of the fingers and stick hand muscle Almudallkh and surrounded by lightly heading Amama and higher in the direction of the main center for the circulatory system.The movement is then smooth and continuous, and then turn again to the development of primary and repeat the movement several times, for example when twin muscle massage begins the Potter Akils heading up toward the knee joint with repetition.Massage seismic survey with one hand:This type of massage experience and exercise good masseur to work movement seismic ripple in the longitudinal direction of the muscle facing up, and must remain the movement Toukatah regularly by without any sudden movements of the muscle and must be hand masseur free and be of wrist joint and take masseur previous situation for part masseur .Survey massage hands alternately:Standing in a masseur for the part browser masseur When survey massage, and movement is non-stop, and when you finish one of my masseur movement begins scanning hand rotation and continuity of the movement of their own previous mode for the masseur part.
Massage survey boat:This type of massage a lot in sports massage, and is considered as a kind of massage survey alternately when lead right hand movement vibrating and lead left hand survey lengthwise, and notes in this kind lead movement vibratory always with the right hand, both in the direction of a front or back, as in massage survey boat , and follow behind the other hand non-stop and lead this kind of long on all the muscles as in previous species.Massage survey Ring:This kind of large joints in the body (such as the knee joint - the ankle - the shoulder joint - elbow) so that puts both hands on the masseur detailed to be rubbed as much as possible close together then the masseur makes a survey of the joints on the Figure 8.Lead survey massage in basic massage modes while in sleep mode on the back or abdomen and massage at the shoulder joint can lead masseur in the sitting position.
Technical Guidelines for Massage survey:· Start a massage session always survey massage then other types of alternate methods of massage, The survey massage is the massage is common between different types of massage.· Massage survey of all kinds must be movement in the direction of the blood vessels to reach the lymph lymphatic gathered closest, note that the assembly areas lymphatic massage at all.· Must be performed survey massage slowly and timing, as it is advisable to unload lymph vessels, which calm the excitability of the masseur.· Real Time Survey massage is hampering lymph path and impact can be a disincentive to part masseur.· The degree of compression depends hands during massage masseur survey on the anatomical characteristics of the part masseur and the functional status of the tissues and organs.· Should slip movement of the hands during massage masseur survey freely and lightly on the surface of the skin, so you must use oils that help to do so.· Must be part masseur muscles and muscles nearby in total relaxation mode even accrue interest from massage.· Massage survey helps to raise the temperature of topical part masseur in addition to impact his dwelling.· Survey massage starts from the beginning of the tendon heading towards its center and repetition.· Should not use all massages survey methods in a massage session.Perception should not masseur pain during the survey and take into account for all members of the body.
Massage Da'ki:Physiological effects of Massage Da'ki:· The massage Da'ki is second way to hand massages, and used therapeutic Ktdlak in cases of adhesion.· This type differs when implemented Videk skin with deep tissue pressure on this profound influence helps to speed the absorption of any tumor or freeze or any depositions.· More than massage circulatory Da'ki and lymph topical and this leads to improved nutrition tissues.· Raise massage Da'ki topical heat about 5 - 15 degrees for part masseur.· Massage Da'ki always works on limited parts of the tissue to not be the direction of the hand to the lymph vessels.· Massage Da'ki helps to relieve pain in the case of inflammation of the nerves and sciatica.· Help massage Da'ki in the treatment of sports injuries, as in cases of cuts and bruises and bloody assembly.Types massage Da'ki:1 - massage longitudinal Da'ki the ends of the fingers.2 - Massage Da'ki ring fingers endings.3 - vibration massage Da'ki provider wrist.4 - Massage Da'ki longitudinal big finger Bhdbh.5 - massage Da'ki the ring Bslamyat fingers and hand in a fist.6 - massage Da'ki Foreign edge of wrist rotation.
Massage dough:Physiological effects of massage dough:· The massage dough of the basic ways to massage, and at the same time is the most difficult roads in terms of performance and has a direct impact on the muscular system, and therefore is of great importance in athletic training.· Dough massage helps strengthen blood circulation and lymph and improves cell regeneration.· Massage dough has a profound effect on the tissue helps to raise a large number of nerve signals received, and has a positive effect on the body as a whole.· Massage dough deeply affects the muscle fibers and this raises particularly its ability to contract also increases the flexibility of ligaments.· Massage dough has an impact on the surface and deep parts of the muscle groups and can be compared as Algosairia movements of muscle fibers, especially in cases of muscular dystrophy or cases double its capacity to act in cases of healing after sports injuries.· Massage dough raises muscle's ability to work from 5: 7 times as it reduces or completely eliminates muscular fatigue.Massages dough:The massage dough one basic ways in sports massage and therapeutic, as has a direct impact on the nervous system, and so devoted to this type of about 50% of the time the session massage, when massage muscle fibers lift and pull muscle from above bone In this situation massaged between fingers masseur and there are types many, many in this type of massage, and considers the following types are basic ways to massage the dough as there are other types of complementary and most common ways are as follows:1 - massage longitudinal dough with one hand.2 - Massage longitudinal dough with your hands.3 - massage dough longitudinal ring hands.4 - Massage dough longitudinal hands over each other.5 - massage dough longitudinal ring fingertips.6 - massage dough longitudinal ring fingers endings.And requires all kinds of massage full dough relax muscle group when its performance, as well as the masseur must accommodate the appropriate basic conditions that will lead to the muscle relaxant Group.
Technical guidance to massage the dough:1 - The full relaxation of the muscles and good installation of the basics of the success of this type of massage.2 - must be massage dough slowly and not to rely on sudden movements of the muscle so as not to feel the masseur pain.3 - The massage dough from basic massage techniques in general must therefore contain a massage session at about 50% of this type.4 - The massage dough a passive methods of heating If the player does not exercise adequate heating before.5 - it is advisable to use the large muscles because massage dough types of massages, which affects the large muscles rather than in the small muscles.
Vibratory massage:Can lead vibrating massage masseur, however, or by special services so, a small seismic movements different degree of power, and is very stressful vibration massage Walid masseur, to be used in sports massage for a very short time.Physiological effects of vibration massage:1 - vibrating massage helps to increase the construction process and increases the flow of arterial blood to part masseur and improves tissue nutrition.2 - leads to improved blood flow in the blood vessels and lymph and also helps to distribute the fluid between the tissues.3 - gives a vibrating massage influential sedated, so successfully used in cases of muscle contraction.4 - affects the nervous system and its impact becomes activated or soothing depending on the length of the massageTechnical Guidelines for vibratory massage:· Vibratory massage is always regular Baha my timing.· Must be hand pressure during non-stop vibrating massage.· Requires full relaxation of the muscle group.· Must follow screening vibratory massage massage.· Whenever the situation was perpendicular to the vibrating massage action had a stronger impact on the tissue.· Must be hand masseur bent so that it can continue for a long time in the performance of vibrating massage.
Some other types of massage:Weight Loss Massage:The process of massage that accompany the use of antibiotics works to break down fat, and reduce the appearance. Some advised Household composition is not simple:Mix two tablespoons of almond oil with two tablespoons of oatmeal and rub the mixture on your skin, it helps to break down fat groupings.Must also have a massage in small circular motions with fingertips; in order to stimulate the work of the circulatory and lymphatic system, which works to rid the body of fat and toxins.And Alslolaat are thin fatty layer live just under the skin makes the skin form of orange Pintoeadtha and Tarjatha follow distort the beauty of the skin, a phenomenon that affects certain areas of the thighs, buttocks and upper arms.
During the work of massage are using the right kind of muscle to be scrubbed, where massages are working to toes - start with the left foot - each individual toe massage using longitudinal survey from the bottom to the top, and at the bottom of the fingers is friction massage foot Balasbaan is most appropriate.Then massage ring survey by clicking on the heels, and then move to the top of the calf muscle and start from the bottom to the top as we massage using survey hands together.Are changed type massage to massage the dough, for example, muscle Altoimah for سمانة then massage vibrating hands together, then move then to the thigh muscle Quartet and is scrubbed from the bottom up using massage survey longitudinal then the browser with change of direction, and then move the feet and right are work the same performance that was in the left foot.Then comes Massage left arm and also begin fingers hands from the bottom to the top of using massage survey of the fingers, then massage the palm of your hands do massage frictional then screening longitudinally so we turn to the muscles of the forearm, which is used with massage survey and dough and modern and vibration, and then move on to muscle the triceps a muscle triceps in rear upper arm as well as muscle the biceps a biceps in the back of the humerus, and are doing massage screening for them then عجني then trendy, and move the arm right and then we make massage to the abdominal muscles longitudinal and transverse massage Msheia circularly and linearly and reviewing, and can also be used massage عجني light.And massage the muscles of the rib cage (pectoral muscle Great) and the intercostal muscles that massage Ahtkakia fingering big circular screening then massage and then browser Massage basic chest muscles dough and then a massage modern hands together and then massage the deltoid muscle and the muscles of the front shoulder.In addition to changing the situation of lying on the back of the bench pressing on the abdomen and are doing massage of the muscles back of thighs using massage عجني and screening and trendy with one hand, then hands and massage muscles buttocks work massage عجني and trendy with one hand and hands together and then move then to a massage for your back muscles starting from the bottom up Using massage friction fingering big then massage survey longitudinal and circular, as well as a massage foveal followed Massage tremens with one hand and then massage the muscles of shoulders and shoulder muscles background and muscles that between the ribs, and so we have finished the session massage fully knowing that session massage or massage supposed not exceed hour session and time ranges from 45-60 minutes depending on the body and the size of the person to be the work of a massage session for him.
Massage several techniques and styles differ according to the part being his massage and vary according to the purpose of the massage and these methods:
1 - solo style thumb:Thumb presses directly and pays lengthwise or strong move can work circular movements massage other tip of the thumb or simply by pressing or relax and then re-pressure this way suits specific regions mentality to help them to relax
2 - Alabhaman style side by sideIf we want to touch wider pressure areas and should represent almost a 45 degree angle and use this situation in the regions top of the head, back and legs, arms and spine
3 - style hands palmsExcellent way for widening areas of the lower back, stomach and abdomen and used Alrahtan flat to focus pressure on the middle finger hands either understanding Tmasa with the body of the wizard without pressure
4 - finger style side by sideUse two fingers or three at a time is an easy way is possible for you to click on the back and shoulders and increase the compressed area but the fingers must be curved and be Bbeslat pressure fingers and not بأطرافها
5 - style joints of the fingersPlaced both hands on the grip shape with individual parties Asba then move your hands to the skin so that pressing fingers on the skin joints
6 - Payment methodMassage Bkiva hands and pay skin desist or fingers only in the direction from the top to the bottom and vice versa, this method fit massage large tracts flat Kalzar
7 - style tensileMassage here by clicking Bkiva hands to the bottom of the skin is then withdrawn hands on the skin with continued pressure in opposite Athahen the purpose of individual tight muscles and skin
8 - style knockHands takes the form of finger grip with relaxed then is masseur Bltm region after the other, however, quick movements
9 - style Knit skinPlaced hands skin Vdan with hands one at a slightly higher level than the other and then move your hands so moving, one of the top and the other to the bottom of the movement is small, fast
10 - style recyclingThe movement of the hands here in a circular motion during a massage so moving, one clockwise and the other moving in a counterclockwise
11 - style winked skinThe masseur Bgmz or rub the block of flesh between the thumb and the rest of the fingers and with moving hands and one after the other on the area to be scrubbed
This simple explanation of each way for those who wanted to .. elaborates
Massage survey:The physiological effect of massage survey:* The massage survey more roads spread among all types of massage and the effects physiological large multi has a direct effect on the skin فيرفع temperature topical part masseur, and this causes a sense of comfortable warmth as he during massage happens widening of blood vessels فيسبب flow arterial blood to part masseur and this in turn helps the blood circulation in the body.* Survey massage increases venous blood flow and lymphatic system, which helps to remove the appearance ofAny sense of apathy and activates the vitality of the skin and the muscle fibers and improves flexibility and rubber skin.* Real Time Survey massage (medium, slow) to guide the nervous system and causes muscle relaxant, so frequently used in sports training in cases of increased nervous system stimulation.* Real Time Survey massage relieves a sense of hope in the area of infection and deep massage survey works to stimulate the muscles and increases the contraction property, so it is used in cases of sports injuries and therapeutic massage.* You must be massage appropriate direction to the direction of lymph vessels, and should end the survey at the earliest movement lymph Tdja.* Deep massage works to renew the surface layers of the skin as well as to improve the functions of the sebaceous glands and ethnic groups.
Massages survey:Massage longitudinal survey with one hand:This type of massage stand in a rear few for part masseur, especially when massage the bottom placed hands on muscle to be scrubbed in a casual noting that the finger big heading slightly to side and Mnfaraga from the rest of the fingers and stick hand muscle Almudallkh and surrounded by lightly heading Amama and higher in the direction of the main center for the circulatory system.The movement is then smooth and continuous, and then turn again to the development of primary and repeat the movement several times, for example when twin muscle massage begins the Potter Akils heading up toward the knee joint with repetition.Massage seismic survey with one hand:This type of massage experience and exercise good masseur to work movement seismic ripple in the longitudinal direction of the muscle facing up, and must remain the movement Toukatah regularly by without any sudden movements of the muscle and must be hand masseur free and be of wrist joint and take masseur previous situation for part masseur .Survey massage hands alternately:Standing in a masseur for the part browser masseur When survey massage, and movement is non-stop, and when you finish one of my masseur movement begins scanning hand rotation and continuity of the movement of their own previous mode for the masseur part.
Massage survey boat:This type of massage a lot in sports massage, and is considered as a kind of massage survey alternately when lead right hand movement vibrating and lead left hand survey lengthwise, and notes in this kind lead movement vibratory always with the right hand, both in the direction of a front or back, as in massage survey boat , and follow behind the other hand non-stop and lead this kind of long on all the muscles as in previous species.Massage survey Ring:This kind of large joints in the body (such as the knee joint - the ankle - the shoulder joint - elbow) so that puts both hands on the masseur detailed to be rubbed as much as possible close together then the masseur makes a survey of the joints on the Figure 8.Lead survey massage in basic massage modes while in sleep mode on the back or abdomen and massage at the shoulder joint can lead masseur in the sitting position.
Technical Guidelines for Massage survey:· Start a massage session always survey massage then other types of alternate methods of massage, The survey massage is the massage is common between different types of massage.· Massage survey of all kinds must be movement in the direction of the blood vessels to reach the lymph lymphatic gathered closest, note that the assembly areas lymphatic massage at all.· Must be performed survey massage slowly and timing, as it is advisable to unload lymph vessels, which calm the excitability of the masseur.· Real Time Survey massage is hampering lymph path and impact can be a disincentive to part masseur.· The degree of compression depends hands during massage masseur survey on the anatomical characteristics of the part masseur and the functional status of the tissues and organs.· Should slip movement of the hands during massage masseur survey freely and lightly on the surface of the skin, so you must use oils that help to do so.· Must be part masseur muscles and muscles nearby in total relaxation mode even accrue interest from massage.· Massage survey helps to raise the temperature of topical part masseur in addition to impact his dwelling.· Survey massage starts from the beginning of the tendon heading towards its center and repetition.· Should not use all massages survey methods in a massage session.Perception should not masseur pain during the survey and take into account for all members of the body.
Massage Da'ki:Physiological effects of Massage Da'ki:· The massage Da'ki is second way to hand massages, and used therapeutic Ktdlak in cases of adhesion.· This type differs when implemented Videk skin with deep tissue pressure on this profound influence helps to speed the absorption of any tumor or freeze or any depositions.· More than massage circulatory Da'ki and lymph topical and this leads to improved nutrition tissues.· Raise massage Da'ki topical heat about 5 - 15 degrees for part masseur.· Massage Da'ki always works on limited parts of the tissue to not be the direction of the hand to the lymph vessels.· Massage Da'ki helps to relieve pain in the case of inflammation of the nerves and sciatica.· Help massage Da'ki in the treatment of sports injuries, as in cases of cuts and bruises and bloody assembly.Types massage Da'ki:1 - massage longitudinal Da'ki the ends of the fingers.2 - Massage Da'ki ring fingers endings.3 - vibration massage Da'ki provider wrist.4 - Massage Da'ki longitudinal big finger Bhdbh.5 - massage Da'ki the ring Bslamyat fingers and hand in a fist.6 - massage Da'ki Foreign edge of wrist rotation.
Massage dough:Physiological effects of massage dough:· The massage dough of the basic ways to massage, and at the same time is the most difficult roads in terms of performance and has a direct impact on the muscular system, and therefore is of great importance in athletic training.· Dough massage helps strengthen blood circulation and lymph and improves cell regeneration.· Massage dough has a profound effect on the tissue helps to raise a large number of nerve signals received, and has a positive effect on the body as a whole.· Massage dough deeply affects the muscle fibers and this raises particularly its ability to contract also increases the flexibility of ligaments.· Massage dough has an impact on the surface and deep parts of the muscle groups and can be compared as Algosairia movements of muscle fibers, especially in cases of muscular dystrophy or cases double its capacity to act in cases of healing after sports injuries.· Massage dough raises muscle's ability to work from 5: 7 times as it reduces or completely eliminates muscular fatigue.Massages dough:The massage dough one basic ways in sports massage and therapeutic, as has a direct impact on the nervous system, and so devoted to this type of about 50% of the time the session massage, when massage muscle fibers lift and pull muscle from above bone In this situation massaged between fingers masseur and there are types many, many in this type of massage, and considers the following types are basic ways to massage the dough as there are other types of complementary and most common ways are as follows:1 - massage longitudinal dough with one hand.2 - Massage longitudinal dough with your hands.3 - massage dough longitudinal ring hands.4 - Massage dough longitudinal hands over each other.5 - massage dough longitudinal ring fingertips.6 - massage dough longitudinal ring fingers endings.And requires all kinds of massage full dough relax muscle group when its performance, as well as the masseur must accommodate the appropriate basic conditions that will lead to the muscle relaxant Group.
Technical guidance to massage the dough:1 - The full relaxation of the muscles and good installation of the basics of the success of this type of massage.2 - must be massage dough slowly and not to rely on sudden movements of the muscle so as not to feel the masseur pain.3 - The massage dough from basic massage techniques in general must therefore contain a massage session at about 50% of this type.4 - The massage dough a passive methods of heating If the player does not exercise adequate heating before.5 - it is advisable to use the large muscles because massage dough types of massages, which affects the large muscles rather than in the small muscles.
Vibratory massage:Can lead vibrating massage masseur, however, or by special services so, a small seismic movements different degree of power, and is very stressful vibration massage Walid masseur, to be used in sports massage for a very short time.Physiological effects of vibration massage:1 - vibrating massage helps to increase the construction process and increases the flow of arterial blood to part masseur and improves tissue nutrition.2 - leads to improved blood flow in the blood vessels and lymph and also helps to distribute the fluid between the tissues.3 - gives a vibrating massage influential sedated, so successfully used in cases of muscle contraction.4 - affects the nervous system and its impact becomes activated or soothing depending on the length of the massageTechnical Guidelines for vibratory massage:· Vibratory massage is always regular Baha my timing.· Must be hand pressure during non-stop vibrating massage.· Requires full relaxation of the muscle group.· Must follow screening vibratory massage massage.· Whenever the situation was perpendicular to the vibrating massage action had a stronger impact on the tissue.· Must be hand masseur bent so that it can continue for a long time in the performance of vibrating massage.
Some other types of massage:Weight Loss Massage:The process of massage that accompany the use of antibiotics works to break down fat, and reduce the appearance. Some advised Household composition is not simple:Mix two tablespoons of almond oil with two tablespoons of oatmeal and rub the mixture on your skin, it helps to break down fat groupings.Must also have a massage in small circular motions with fingertips; in order to stimulate the work of the circulatory and lymphatic system, which works to rid the body of fat and toxins.And Alslolaat are thin fatty layer live just under the skin makes the skin form of orange Pintoeadtha and Tarjatha follow distort the beauty of the skin, a phenomenon that affects certain areas of the thighs, buttocks and upper arms.
During the work of massage are using the right kind of muscle to be scrubbed, where massages are working to toes - start with the left foot - each individual toe massage using longitudinal survey from the bottom to the top, and at the bottom of the fingers is friction massage foot Balasbaan is most appropriate.Then massage ring survey by clicking on the heels, and then move to the top of the calf muscle and start from the bottom to the top as we massage using survey hands together.Are changed type massage to massage the dough, for example, muscle Altoimah for سمانة then massage vibrating hands together, then move then to the thigh muscle Quartet and is scrubbed from the bottom up using massage survey longitudinal then the browser with change of direction, and then move the feet and right are work the same performance that was in the left foot.Then comes Massage left arm and also begin fingers hands from the bottom to the top of using massage survey of the fingers, then massage the palm of your hands do massage frictional then screening longitudinally so we turn to the muscles of the forearm, which is used with massage survey and dough and modern and vibration, and then move on to muscle the triceps a muscle triceps in rear upper arm as well as muscle the biceps a biceps in the back of the humerus, and are doing massage screening for them then عجني then trendy, and move the arm right and then we make massage to the abdominal muscles longitudinal and transverse massage Msheia circularly and linearly and reviewing, and can also be used massage عجني light.And massage the muscles of the rib cage (pectoral muscle Great) and the intercostal muscles that massage Ahtkakia fingering big circular screening then massage and then browser Massage basic chest muscles dough and then a massage modern hands together and then massage the deltoid muscle and the muscles of the front shoulder.In addition to changing the situation of lying on the back of the bench pressing on the abdomen and are doing massage of the muscles back of thighs using massage عجني and screening and trendy with one hand, then hands and massage muscles buttocks work massage عجني and trendy with one hand and hands together and then move then to a massage for your back muscles starting from the bottom up Using massage friction fingering big then massage survey longitudinal and circular, as well as a massage foveal followed Massage tremens with one hand and then massage the muscles of shoulders and shoulder muscles background and muscles that between the ribs, and so we have finished the session massage fully knowing that session massage or massage supposed not exceed hour session and time ranges from 45-60 minutes depending on the body and the size of the person to be the work of a massage session for him.
Massage several techniques and styles differ according to the part being his massage and vary according to the purpose of the massage and these methods:
1 - solo style thumb:Thumb presses directly and pays lengthwise or strong move can work circular movements massage other tip of the thumb or simply by pressing or relax and then re-pressure this way suits specific regions mentality to help them to relax
2 - Alabhaman style side by sideIf we want to touch wider pressure areas and should represent almost a 45 degree angle and use this situation in the regions top of the head, back and legs, arms and spine
3 - style hands palmsExcellent way for widening areas of the lower back, stomach and abdomen and used Alrahtan flat to focus pressure on the middle finger hands either understanding Tmasa with the body of the wizard without pressure
4 - finger style side by sideUse two fingers or three at a time is an easy way is possible for you to click on the back and shoulders and increase the compressed area but the fingers must be curved and be Bbeslat pressure fingers and not بأطرافها
5 - style joints of the fingersPlaced both hands on the grip shape with individual parties Asba then move your hands to the skin so that pressing fingers on the skin joints
6 - Payment methodMassage Bkiva hands and pay skin desist or fingers only in the direction from the top to the bottom and vice versa, this method fit massage large tracts flat Kalzar
7 - style tensileMassage here by clicking Bkiva hands to the bottom of the skin is then withdrawn hands on the skin with continued pressure in opposite Athahen the purpose of individual tight muscles and skin
8 - style knockHands takes the form of finger grip with relaxed then is masseur Bltm region after the other, however, quick movements
9 - style Knit skinPlaced hands skin Vdan with hands one at a slightly higher level than the other and then move your hands so moving, one of the top and the other to the bottom of the movement is small, fast
10 - style recyclingThe movement of the hands here in a circular motion during a massage so moving, one clockwise and the other moving in a counterclockwise
11 - style winked skinThe masseur Bgmz or rub the block of flesh between the thumb and the rest of the fingers and with moving hands and one after the other on the area to be scrubbed
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