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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Definition of the human eye and work in humans

Definition of the human eye and work in humans

Eye:Is football exists in the eye socket and a diameter of 2.4 cm in the adult human. , Which differ by 1 - 2 mm only among the people.Consists of three main layers:1 - the hard outer layer. It is of two parts:Back named scleraAnterior part named: corneasclera:Be five sixths of the rear of the eye, a strong layer because it is full of fiber and protein collagen. These layer in thin children more than adults, and sometimes dye that can be seen underneath so that the white of the eye color seems a little white on blue. In the elderly, it is deposited where some fat seems tilted slightly to yellowing. (In the case of Asfrarha clearly should pay attention to liver disease).This layer related to the membrane cruel mother that encases the brain.This class works:It protects the eye because they are solid.Be where you stick to it, the eye muscles that move the eyeball.Maintain the spherical shape of the eye.Thickness of this layer is 1 mm at the rear, to 0.3 mm in place of muscle adhesion.

cornea:Is the front part of the outer layer of the eye and be persistent with it and stretch her.But be transparent and consists of 5 layers. It is very important to remain transparent because they allow the passage of light from the outside to the inside of the eye. It is important to be curved correctly to allow encountered unbroken light rays and thus fall on the retina in the eye.It consists of: fabric layer over me epithelium then layer Bowman Bowman's layer, stroma, and then Descemet's membrane and finally to the inside endothelium.

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