the benefits and functions of glial cells
as a pillar and support of neurons.
Insulates electric charge between neurons and between the clamps.
Operates as a carrier of food for neurons.
Remover works of damaged and dead cells, and secrete substances stimulating the growth of neurons.
Maintain the ionic composition (electric) Ionic Composition of the fluids outside the neurons ExtraCellular Fluids.
There are four types of glial cells, are:
1) glial cells astrocytes Astrocytes:
Glial cells is the largest stellar glial cells in size, and was named Balndjemah outstanding of the many ramifications to the outside of the cell كشعاع star Astro. Ramifications astrocytes linking between blood vessels and neurons to move the food. And have the ability to convert glucose Glucose to lactate Lactate easier commonly used for energy production in neurons. Astrocytes also have the ability to convert glucose into glycogen Glycogen stored and used when needed to power neurons in cases of low level of sugar in the blood. Astrocytes contribute to the removal of excess electrical charges in the fluid outside the neurons to maintain the Ionian Ocean (electric) appropriate to the work of neurons to the fullest in the transmission of nerve signals. And her role with microglia in the secretion of growth stimulating substances neurons after damage (eg - after stroke - Stroke).
2) few glial cells dendrite (dendrites) Oligodendrocytes:
These cells work on the composition of the insulating layer surrounding Balasbonat in the central nervous system Central Nervous System, rolled and called myelin Myelin Sheaths, of course, these plates (insulating layers) isolating the electrical charge (nerve signals) which travels in nerves from each other so as not to affect shipment on the other cargo and thus the meaning for the brain that translates these shipments into actions and reactions. Glial cells few dendrite not surround themselves around neurons, and emanates ramifications and dendrites are wrapped around the neurons and be insulating layers.
Microglia Microglia:
Smallest glial cells, working remover damaged and dead cells in the nervous system. There is evidence indicating that she is also responsible for renew damaged cells and help guide the growth of neurons (determine by the growth of neurons and their ramifications).
4) Schwann cells Schwann Cells:
Are few glial cells counterpart dendrite in the peripheral nervous system Peripheral Nervous System, and responsible for the composition of the insulating layer (myelin sheets) of neurons in the peripheral nervous system. These cells consist mainly of Lipids and grease that give character buffer electric charge. Schwann cells help to speed transmission of nerve signals (electrical charge) in the neurons, as well as her role in the growth of neurons after damage. Schwann cells surround themselves fully informed about the neuron unlike few glial cells dendrite in the central nervous system.
Insulates electric charge between neurons and between the clamps.
Operates as a carrier of food for neurons.
Remover works of damaged and dead cells, and secrete substances stimulating the growth of neurons.
Maintain the ionic composition (electric) Ionic Composition of the fluids outside the neurons ExtraCellular Fluids.
There are four types of glial cells, are:
1) glial cells astrocytes Astrocytes:
Glial cells is the largest stellar glial cells in size, and was named Balndjemah outstanding of the many ramifications to the outside of the cell كشعاع star Astro. Ramifications astrocytes linking between blood vessels and neurons to move the food. And have the ability to convert glucose Glucose to lactate Lactate easier commonly used for energy production in neurons. Astrocytes also have the ability to convert glucose into glycogen Glycogen stored and used when needed to power neurons in cases of low level of sugar in the blood. Astrocytes contribute to the removal of excess electrical charges in the fluid outside the neurons to maintain the Ionian Ocean (electric) appropriate to the work of neurons to the fullest in the transmission of nerve signals. And her role with microglia in the secretion of growth stimulating substances neurons after damage (eg - after stroke - Stroke).
2) few glial cells dendrite (dendrites) Oligodendrocytes:
These cells work on the composition of the insulating layer surrounding Balasbonat in the central nervous system Central Nervous System, rolled and called myelin Myelin Sheaths, of course, these plates (insulating layers) isolating the electrical charge (nerve signals) which travels in nerves from each other so as not to affect shipment on the other cargo and thus the meaning for the brain that translates these shipments into actions and reactions. Glial cells few dendrite not surround themselves around neurons, and emanates ramifications and dendrites are wrapped around the neurons and be insulating layers.
Microglia Microglia:
Smallest glial cells, working remover damaged and dead cells in the nervous system. There is evidence indicating that she is also responsible for renew damaged cells and help guide the growth of neurons (determine by the growth of neurons and their ramifications).
4) Schwann cells Schwann Cells:
Are few glial cells counterpart dendrite in the peripheral nervous system Peripheral Nervous System, and responsible for the composition of the insulating layer (myelin sheets) of neurons in the peripheral nervous system. These cells consist mainly of Lipids and grease that give character buffer electric charge. Schwann cells help to speed transmission of nerve signals (electrical charge) in the neurons, as well as her role in the growth of neurons after damage. Schwann cells surround themselves fully informed about the neuron unlike few glial cells dendrite in the central nervous system.
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