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Friday, December 14, 2012

Explain classification bones and functions and benefits in the human body

Explain classification bones and functions and benefits in the human body

Bone is divided into four categories: long, short, flat and irregular.
It is classified as three varieties:

- Axial Axial bones:
They that are the walls of the cavities in the body that are located within the members of a noble, whereupon the walls protection Mahtwayatea and guard against external influences, namely:
A - the bones of the spine, including the bones of the sacrum and coccyx
B - the bones of the skull and some bones associated
T - the lower jaw
W - ribs and sternum

- Bone growths Appendicular:
It is those bones that form the structure the outskirts of the body is working to connect and download muscle, contributing by helping them to perform their function, namely:
A - pelvic bones bottom is reached by the femur axial structure
B - the bones of the upper basin, reached the shoulder bones of the forearm bones
T - upper limb bones (humerus, shoulder), and lower limb bones (femur and hip)
W - the bones of the arm and leg bones
C - the bones of the hand and foot bones

- Bones sesame Sesamoids:
It is similar with sesame seeds, and there are some strings
Jobs bones

The bones many of the tasks necessary for the human body, the most important are:

- Play a role in bone protection, prevention and configured the solid walls of the cavities that contain noble members, such as the skull

- Earn body rigidity and durability

- Constitute hubs and install bone, whereupon crane function in the system of pulleys in the joints that create movements by muscle while joint implementation

- Form the Awamla of red blood cells

- Constitute reservoirs of metals and chlorine

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