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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Explain the functions of the links in the human body

Explain the functions of the links in the human body
Links working to identify the movement of joints, and prevent exceeding the specified limit, it also works to protect the bones of the joints from any harm. Any links function is prevention, identification and protection.

Most important serological joints:
1 - shoulder joint Shoulder joint:
Consists of the humeral head and the hole Alerouhah (Hollow glenoid glenoid cavity) of the shoulder pad, and connects them strong links, and is surrounded by a membrane worshiper covers parts bone is covered cartilage, and there is this membrane intracapsular articular, and no parts detailed tendons, which allow detailed movements , a bending, tide and dimensional approximation, rotation and successive movements

2 - elbow joint Elbow joint:
It kind Rizzi, links between the lower end of the humerus, the upper ends of the radius and ulna. And contains cartilage, and the Commonwealth of the portfolio, and the serous membrane, and links allow the performance of two movements only. Two bilateral bending thanks to the muscle of the head, and the tide by three head muscle Triceps.

3 - wrist joint Radiocarpal joint:
Connecting the lower end of radius, and the back of the wrist bone: navicular Scaphoid and Hilali Lunate and triangular Triquetral, and separated by a disk of white fibrous cartilage. It type Condyloid and can perform all movements, bending and extending away and rounded.

Associated with the bones of the wrist with each other, by one articular cavity, and moving grades two wrist bones Cklhma, on top of each other. The bones of the wrist associated with bone comb hand **** carpus, and associated bones comb, in turn rules the first row of the phalanges of the fingers, and called this link to a detailed stoned Knuckle Joint, and can fingers to bend completely, the bones comb, and it can be extended to more than 180-degree angle, and there are links to fibrous supports these joints.
5 - sacral joint - iliac Sacroiliac joint:
Where linked Baharagafh deficit, by two types of connectivity worshiper and fibrous.

6 - detailed Ani Symphysis Pubis:
They are connected pubic Azmta, by cartilage transparent, and fibrous cartilage, which limits movement.

7 - Hip Hip Joints:
A serological joints, sort of spherical - acetabular, a placed head of the femur in the cavity bone ilium, and connects with each portfolio, backed by a group of links is Association iliac - femoral, and الوركية - femoral, and femoral - pubic, and circular, and can this detailed, do all the movements such as bending and tide-dimensional approximation.
8 - Knee Knee Joint:
A hinge joint. Linking the femur and tibia, where deposited Alalghemtan Condyles two at the bottom of the femur, in shafts Alerohieddin tibiae Glenoid Cavity of Tibia and before them stands patella, helps to stabilize these bones portfolio, and membrane chapel, lined Association portfolio and the inner surface of the patellar tendon, and covers the bone is covered cartilaginous , and there are tablets of white fibrous cartilage, and a group of lipid classes and serological Bursae bags to prevent friction between the bones of the joint surfaces, also supports this detailed three links, one front and two Janpetan.

9 - Detailed heel Ankle Joint:
He of Rizzi Hinge type, which connects the bottom of the tibia, and Ntoih down, and the bottom of the fibula, and lateral Ntoih, and greatness Alchrisua. Surrounds bone cartilage, and supports the joint four strong links, and links the interface between the tibia and fibula and fibrous bundles.

10 - ankle and toes:
It links heel bones among themselves, and between the bones of the heel and metatarsal bones, and between these and the phalanges, and between and among internodes, and is working to maintain the body's balance, and support the foot arches....

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