The Cell anatomy of the human body and its

Is the primary unit in the structure of the body, are smaller cluster Live (Protoplasm) can survive alone, and have the ability to generate unparalleled, similar to corn for the article.
Thus the cell can be defined as a small block of living material (Protoplasm Protoplasm surrounded by plasma membrane in the middle of the nucleus.
Article colloidal Glutionus a complex interchangeable consistently contain 5% of the installed water, and include Cuadr inorganic salts are, for the most part made of organic materials are proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Which, as we have with the strength of any slimy because it contains a large atoms drenched outstanding built from each small atoms.Characterized by large atoms from each other as the number of atoms in small type and how the union and therefore divided into three categories:
A - many sugars Polysaccharides
Consisting of a large number of atoms of pure non-specific, such as glycogen and many of them, such as mixed polysaccharide such as mucous acid Alheialorini.
And play an important role in the formation of immune involved in the manufacture of antibodies that latch onto with generators antibody within the body Kjerathim.
And built Alrasat generators that are used to differentiate between factions of the Union of bloody Many polysaccharide with proteins.
- Nucleic acids Nucleic Acids
A = acid Allaxgeni nuclear DNAB = acid Alraibouzay nuclear RNA
DNA consists of a meeting of the Cascade nucleotides, which consists of a phosphate group and ribose sugar of the type associated with the latter group of organic material basis Azoti a purine or Albermaidin.
There is the DNA within the chromosomes within the nucleus and that has to do with a large chromosomal inheritance is the active ingredient in the kernel functions and the Center Director of the actions of cellular phones.
The RNA is found in the nucleolus or cytoplasm of three types:R Alrebozumi and M and the carrier seeking T
C - proteins Protein
Is the primary unit in the structure of the body, are smaller cluster Live (Protoplasm) can survive alone, and have the ability to generate unparalleled, similar to corn for the article.
Thus the cell can be defined as a small block of living material (Protoplasm Protoplasm surrounded by plasma membrane in the middle of the nucleus.
Article colloidal Glutionus a complex interchangeable consistently contain 5% of the installed water, and include Cuadr inorganic salts are, for the most part made of organic materials are proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Which, as we have with the strength of any slimy because it contains a large atoms drenched outstanding built from each small atoms.Characterized by large atoms from each other as the number of atoms in small type and how the union and therefore divided into three categories:
A - many sugars Polysaccharides
Consisting of a large number of atoms of pure non-specific, such as glycogen and many of them, such as mixed polysaccharide such as mucous acid Alheialorini.
And play an important role in the formation of immune involved in the manufacture of antibodies that latch onto with generators antibody within the body Kjerathim.
And built Alrasat generators that are used to differentiate between factions of the Union of bloody Many polysaccharide with proteins.
- Nucleic acids Nucleic Acids
A = acid Allaxgeni nuclear DNAB = acid Alraibouzay nuclear RNA
DNA consists of a meeting of the Cascade nucleotides, which consists of a phosphate group and ribose sugar of the type associated with the latter group of organic material basis Azoti a purine or Albermaidin.
There is the DNA within the chromosomes within the nucleus and that has to do with a large chromosomal inheritance is the active ingredient in the kernel functions and the Center Director of the actions of cellular phones.
The RNA is found in the nucleolus or cytoplasm of three types:R Alrebozumi and M and the carrier seeking T
C - proteins Protein
Built from atoms of specific large Union consists of a number of amino acids known by peptide bridges.
Cells differ from each other in sizes ranging from 7 - 40 microns, but there are cells such as micro cells and testicular cells are large, such as the egg cells in the ovary before ovulation are approximately 175 to 200 microns, and the cells vary in shape flat and the mismatch of cubic and cylindrical and prismatic and spherical and spindle and so on. The shape of the cell depends on several factors such as the middle and outer internal structure.
functions and properties:
1 - cellular metabolism or development:Food is entering the cell to a series of changes referred to similar elements to build protoplast Vtendmj with completely, then the cell deliberately to sabotage some of its elements for capacity and the resulting waste posed by the cell, and these processes are called (assimilation and assimilation run counter) and called the chemical shifts that occur in the processes of assimilation and assimilation run counter name (metabolism)
2 - respiration and fermentation:The mean antioxidant nutrients inside the cell and result in the generation of thermal power, and when oxygen can not reach cells tend to generate power through the fermentation of carbohydrates, resulting in sour milk and carbonic acid and alcohol.
3 - secretion and unloading:Cells secrete organic substances such as hormones and saliva and yeast The unloading is waste disposal, such as emptying the urine.
4 - Absorption:Is the ability of cells to the introduction of elements or the decadent interior materials
5 - portability excitement:The most important characteristics of the cell, which is about the possibility of cell response when notified of Bmenbh physicist or chemist, and an exciting unit reaction, no matter alarm clock, for example, (contraction of white blood cells when exposed to light or electricity or trauma)
6 - Portability:Is the ability of the cell transfer of the alarm incident where it occurs to another place, this property appears clearly in the nerve cells.
7 - Movement:Of the cell are two types of movement: the internal movements of molecules living and non-living kernel and microkernel and dendrite and Alahdab and whips, and the Movement for Foreign Affairs of the cell to change its place, such as the movement of sperm (sperm) and eggs.
Parts of the cell:
Cell consists of the following parts:
1 - membrane:Membrane is still a wide field of modern scientific research which is a membrane surrounding inner cell Bedeiat, and a thickness of about 100 A ° Engstrom and due form the cell surface is a dynamic between the cell and the outer perimeter.
The membrane is composed of fats and proteins that can be related either singly or in both the amount of carbohydrates Carbohydrates Although Livni membrane components but in case of renewed constantly, and there are three types of membranes on protein composition in the home are:
- Myelin and myelin found in the nervous system and contains 75% fat and 5% sugars and 20% protein.- Plasma membrane is composed of 50% fat and 50% protein as well as the red blood cell membrane is composed of 43% fat and 49% protein and 8% sugars.
1 - cellular metabolism or development:Food is entering the cell to a series of changes referred to similar elements to build protoplast Vtendmj with completely, then the cell deliberately to sabotage some of its elements for capacity and the resulting waste posed by the cell, and these processes are called (assimilation and assimilation run counter) and called the chemical shifts that occur in the processes of assimilation and assimilation run counter name (metabolism)
2 - respiration and fermentation:The mean antioxidant nutrients inside the cell and result in the generation of thermal power, and when oxygen can not reach cells tend to generate power through the fermentation of carbohydrates, resulting in sour milk and carbonic acid and alcohol.
3 - secretion and unloading:Cells secrete organic substances such as hormones and saliva and yeast The unloading is waste disposal, such as emptying the urine.
4 - Absorption:Is the ability of cells to the introduction of elements or the decadent interior materials
5 - portability excitement:The most important characteristics of the cell, which is about the possibility of cell response when notified of Bmenbh physicist or chemist, and an exciting unit reaction, no matter alarm clock, for example, (contraction of white blood cells when exposed to light or electricity or trauma)
6 - Portability:Is the ability of the cell transfer of the alarm incident where it occurs to another place, this property appears clearly in the nerve cells.
7 - Movement:Of the cell are two types of movement: the internal movements of molecules living and non-living kernel and microkernel and dendrite and Alahdab and whips, and the Movement for Foreign Affairs of the cell to change its place, such as the movement of sperm (sperm) and eggs.
Parts of the cell:
Cell consists of the following parts:
1 - membrane:Membrane is still a wide field of modern scientific research which is a membrane surrounding inner cell Bedeiat, and a thickness of about 100 A ° Engstrom and due form the cell surface is a dynamic between the cell and the outer perimeter.
The membrane is composed of fats and proteins that can be related either singly or in both the amount of carbohydrates Carbohydrates Although Livni membrane components but in case of renewed constantly, and there are three types of membranes on protein composition in the home are:
- Myelin and myelin found in the nervous system and contains 75% fat and 5% sugars and 20% protein.- Plasma membrane is composed of 50% fat and 50% protein as well as the red blood cell membrane is composed of 43% fat and 49% protein and 8% sugars.
- Cytoplasm
(Alsitoblazema) Cytoplasma:
If the membrane directs traffic to and from inside the cell, the cytoplasm is also the bulk of the cell, and installed in different cells different Aloaúv as it is not in harmony in any cell, it contains a variety of particles are:
A - mitochondria MitochondrionIn the form of a stick length 3 - 4 microns, and the cell contains thousands of granules, mitochondria have emerged under the electron microscope in the form of a vesicle filled with fluid, and mucous membrane surrounding the binary thick wall of about 180 angstroms.
And are within the mitochondria antioxidant nutrients, for example, are converted sugars Pysuvic Acid outside Almetukondria, but antioxidants Pysuvic Acid and amino acids and fatty acids are within the means of mitochondria.
As it is stored energy from the ATP (Adenosin Tri Phosphats) in the inner membrane of mitochondria, the ATP used in work vehicles and cellular transport of materials and shrink, and so, therefore, it is not surprising that given to the mitochondria (energy) of the cell.
B - Lysosomes Lysosomes:
They are oval or other forms of regular and frequent, especially in white blood cells and macrophages, and is filled with active Allizzouzomat Boukmair can analyze proteins and RNA components of genetics and DAN and sugars seems to work is the basic analysis or dilution, they contain active enzymes can analyze complex chemical compounds to The simplest ones, wherein is the process of digestion, and is working on an analysis of some components of the cell, such as mitochondria and the internal network, they can also work on the analysis of the same cell, and secrete enzymes that effective work on the analysis or dissolve the cell membrane and this may have seemed a serious matter, but it is very useful in some cases, and so when it is not necessary to replace old cells new cells, and this serious situation with a portfolio of suicide.The increase in vitamin A hurts connective tissue due to its effect on membrane Allizzouzom, while the hormone cortisone Cortisone works to strengthen and stabilize membranes Allizzouzomat.
C - the Golgi apparatus Golgi Apparatus:
Is a body near the retinal internal soft, has been named after the Italian discovered a Camillo Golgi and appears under the microscope in the form of the dark color in the cytoplasm, but under the electron microscope appears in the form of groups of flat gaps that relate to the retina internal soft by number vesicles containing secretory granules, and differs in appearance from one cell to another, and usually takes the Golgi apparatus one of the parties to the nucleus, and surface Vjuath (upper) and circular swollen, the lower Vmenbstp, soft and dual membrane wall.
It seems that the primary function of this device is the secretion and production of materials inside the cell, and because of the presence of granular glands attached to it, and it may be a secretory function and as high as in the Goblet cell in the intestine and blueberry Acinar cell in the pancreas.
Has been confirmed by imaging this post articles, Color Vifraz whole cell is Jellicoe Glyco protein Glyco - Protein Protein united with sugar and then leave the cell. Thus, the Golgi apparatus is a compulsory passage for all materials produced by the cell. This is done by unloading vesicles hyphen between the device and the cell surface. Thus, we can summarize the Golgi apparatus function as an addition of proteins and sugars composition of the final composite, and then put this compound outside the cell via vesicles with the hyphen surface.
D - internal network (endoplasmic reticulum) Endoplasmic Reticulum:
It is a pipeline and vesicles are central cytoplasm, and membrane thickness of about 50 angstrom and there in the middle of a narrow central expanse called pelvic Cisterna and these vesicles directly connected with the cell surface, and connected with each other by the pelvis. Membrane and membrane connected to the nucleus, and is located on the membrane rich granules ribonucleic acid Ribonucleic Acid called Alrebozumat. And are making these ribosomes methods of core and you are making the proteins, due to be Ribozzomat on the retina called the latter the name of coarse grid and basic function of Cbugephi separation (isolation) and transport proteins created by Alribozmomat, and most of these proteins are not made to the need of the same cell, but are for the outer secretion , and some of these proteins include the digestive enzymes and hormones. Thus network shall be considered an internal transfer of work to facilitate the movement of materials from one side to the other inside the cell, and notes that the retina related to the membrane nucleus through holes in this membrane allows the passage of material from the nucleus to the cytoplasm and vice versa, there are some reticulocytes internal soft (endoplasmic reticulum soft) Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum They are not related to the retina coarse form of tubes and channels, rather than flat and believes that this network is making fat and steroid hormones Steroids.
E - Alribozum or ribosomes Ribsome:
It is a granular texture of coarse grid linear shape, and ranging in size from 100 - 200 angstroms and adhering to inner surface of the cytoplasmic membrane or on the surface of the retina internal coarse was named after (Ribozum) because it consists of the Federation acid Rebonclaiak with protein Ribonucleic (RNA) + Protein and there are small quantities free in the cytoplasm and mitochondria (mitochondria) and a number of these ribosomes in the cell a few thousand, and they play an important role in the manufacture and production of proteins that constitute the cell secretions.
And - the central body Centrosome:
As the name indicates, it is located in the center of the cell, particularly in the Golgi apparatus or Golgi complex, which consists of two are Centrioles cells in a this particle shape resembles Asitoanh open strings surrounded by nine longitudinal long clustered in three groups play a key role during the process of division mitotic - Membrane of mitochondria, which contains 5% protein.
If the membrane directs traffic to and from inside the cell, the cytoplasm is also the bulk of the cell, and installed in different cells different Aloaúv as it is not in harmony in any cell, it contains a variety of particles are:
A - mitochondria MitochondrionIn the form of a stick length 3 - 4 microns, and the cell contains thousands of granules, mitochondria have emerged under the electron microscope in the form of a vesicle filled with fluid, and mucous membrane surrounding the binary thick wall of about 180 angstroms.
And are within the mitochondria antioxidant nutrients, for example, are converted sugars Pysuvic Acid outside Almetukondria, but antioxidants Pysuvic Acid and amino acids and fatty acids are within the means of mitochondria.
As it is stored energy from the ATP (Adenosin Tri Phosphats) in the inner membrane of mitochondria, the ATP used in work vehicles and cellular transport of materials and shrink, and so, therefore, it is not surprising that given to the mitochondria (energy) of the cell.
B - Lysosomes Lysosomes:
They are oval or other forms of regular and frequent, especially in white blood cells and macrophages, and is filled with active Allizzouzomat Boukmair can analyze proteins and RNA components of genetics and DAN and sugars seems to work is the basic analysis or dilution, they contain active enzymes can analyze complex chemical compounds to The simplest ones, wherein is the process of digestion, and is working on an analysis of some components of the cell, such as mitochondria and the internal network, they can also work on the analysis of the same cell, and secrete enzymes that effective work on the analysis or dissolve the cell membrane and this may have seemed a serious matter, but it is very useful in some cases, and so when it is not necessary to replace old cells new cells, and this serious situation with a portfolio of suicide.The increase in vitamin A hurts connective tissue due to its effect on membrane Allizzouzom, while the hormone cortisone Cortisone works to strengthen and stabilize membranes Allizzouzomat.
C - the Golgi apparatus Golgi Apparatus:
Is a body near the retinal internal soft, has been named after the Italian discovered a Camillo Golgi and appears under the microscope in the form of the dark color in the cytoplasm, but under the electron microscope appears in the form of groups of flat gaps that relate to the retina internal soft by number vesicles containing secretory granules, and differs in appearance from one cell to another, and usually takes the Golgi apparatus one of the parties to the nucleus, and surface Vjuath (upper) and circular swollen, the lower Vmenbstp, soft and dual membrane wall.
It seems that the primary function of this device is the secretion and production of materials inside the cell, and because of the presence of granular glands attached to it, and it may be a secretory function and as high as in the Goblet cell in the intestine and blueberry Acinar cell in the pancreas.
Has been confirmed by imaging this post articles, Color Vifraz whole cell is Jellicoe Glyco protein Glyco - Protein Protein united with sugar and then leave the cell. Thus, the Golgi apparatus is a compulsory passage for all materials produced by the cell. This is done by unloading vesicles hyphen between the device and the cell surface. Thus, we can summarize the Golgi apparatus function as an addition of proteins and sugars composition of the final composite, and then put this compound outside the cell via vesicles with the hyphen surface.
D - internal network (endoplasmic reticulum) Endoplasmic Reticulum:
It is a pipeline and vesicles are central cytoplasm, and membrane thickness of about 50 angstrom and there in the middle of a narrow central expanse called pelvic Cisterna and these vesicles directly connected with the cell surface, and connected with each other by the pelvis. Membrane and membrane connected to the nucleus, and is located on the membrane rich granules ribonucleic acid Ribonucleic Acid called Alrebozumat. And are making these ribosomes methods of core and you are making the proteins, due to be Ribozzomat on the retina called the latter the name of coarse grid and basic function of Cbugephi separation (isolation) and transport proteins created by Alribozmomat, and most of these proteins are not made to the need of the same cell, but are for the outer secretion , and some of these proteins include the digestive enzymes and hormones. Thus network shall be considered an internal transfer of work to facilitate the movement of materials from one side to the other inside the cell, and notes that the retina related to the membrane nucleus through holes in this membrane allows the passage of material from the nucleus to the cytoplasm and vice versa, there are some reticulocytes internal soft (endoplasmic reticulum soft) Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum They are not related to the retina coarse form of tubes and channels, rather than flat and believes that this network is making fat and steroid hormones Steroids.
E - Alribozum or ribosomes Ribsome:
It is a granular texture of coarse grid linear shape, and ranging in size from 100 - 200 angstroms and adhering to inner surface of the cytoplasmic membrane or on the surface of the retina internal coarse was named after (Ribozum) because it consists of the Federation acid Rebonclaiak with protein Ribonucleic (RNA) + Protein and there are small quantities free in the cytoplasm and mitochondria (mitochondria) and a number of these ribosomes in the cell a few thousand, and they play an important role in the manufacture and production of proteins that constitute the cell secretions.
And - the central body Centrosome:
As the name indicates, it is located in the center of the cell, particularly in the Golgi apparatus or Golgi complex, which consists of two are Centrioles cells in a this particle shape resembles Asitoanh open strings surrounded by nine longitudinal long clustered in three groups play a key role during the process of division mitotic - Membrane of mitochondria, which contains 5% protein.
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