Explanation of the
veins in the human body
forget that recurrent venous blood from the intestines goes through the pyloric
system Portal System. Any
arterial blood that comes from the heart and then the aorta Aorta then three
Hariaaan that we have explained, but venous blood no longer in the same way but
walks in the veins of the liver system called pyloric Portal System and then
back to the heart. The
reason is that the blood coming from the intestines must pass liver first before
returning to the blood circulation in the body in order to Asfih liver فالكبد
such as a large refinery task.Pyloric
system meaning that the blood comes from veins goes to larger veins and then
return these veins to be divided smaller veins (and here place the liver) and
then return to be a big veins return blood to the body.How
system consists pyloric in the abdomen: Meets vein splenic upper with
intravenous visceral upper behind pancreatic shall be intravenous pyloric who
climbs behind the duodenal then walks in the lesser Omentum a membrane that
between the stomach and the liver, and there is divided into a branch and right
branch left and then enters into the liver where divided
into very small veins are filtering the blood by the liver cells and then return
shall be reported by the intervention to the large vein going to the
Something important: This gate system is not the valves as the rest of the veins in the body, and valves are Valves are growths inside the vein to prevent blood back to the opposite side of the point of runoff. An example found in the veins of the arm and leg but does not exist in this vein pyloric.What's the problem:If there is a disease in the liver, for example, cirrhosis of the liver, the venous blood will face resistant to جريانه. And there was no where valves prevent blood Rahua it swells with blood because flow resistance.Then it will begin the liquid in there to escape from the blood due to the pressure in the veins within the vein. Liquid will gather in the abdominal cavity around the entrails and call this case:Abdominal ascites Ascites which is what happens in liver disease, for example, complications Bilharziasis.
But pyloric him Telecommunication System other Paordh in the body and blood can in this case Ansdadeh to find an outlet for him. These anastomoses communications are contact between pyloric Portal system System and physical Systemic System.This communications Stantfaj and sometimes bleed.These contacts are: contact in the lower part of the esophagus. So it may bleed and Atqi much human blood (Do you remember what happened to Abdel Halim Hafez?)He connection between pyloric vein (branch, which is the left gastric vein) with Reid in the chest named Azygos System. Called a contact in place esophagus Esophageal Varicies if bulged and swelling.The second connection: When the navel in the abdomen and possible to see if swelled called Caput Medusae personal name from Greek mythology, a woman had her hair of snakesContact III: in the lower part of the rectumAnd there are many small connections between pyloric vein and veins back of the abdominal wall and diaphragm veins.
Something important: This gate system is not the valves as the rest of the veins in the body, and valves are Valves are growths inside the vein to prevent blood back to the opposite side of the point of runoff. An example found in the veins of the arm and leg but does not exist in this vein pyloric.What's the problem:If there is a disease in the liver, for example, cirrhosis of the liver, the venous blood will face resistant to جريانه. And there was no where valves prevent blood Rahua it swells with blood because flow resistance.Then it will begin the liquid in there to escape from the blood due to the pressure in the veins within the vein. Liquid will gather in the abdominal cavity around the entrails and call this case:Abdominal ascites Ascites which is what happens in liver disease, for example, complications Bilharziasis.
But pyloric him Telecommunication System other Paordh in the body and blood can in this case Ansdadeh to find an outlet for him. These anastomoses communications are contact between pyloric Portal system System and physical Systemic System.This communications Stantfaj and sometimes bleed.These contacts are: contact in the lower part of the esophagus. So it may bleed and Atqi much human blood (Do you remember what happened to Abdel Halim Hafez?)He connection between pyloric vein (branch, which is the left gastric vein) with Reid in the chest named Azygos System. Called a contact in place esophagus Esophageal Varicies if bulged and swelling.The second connection: When the navel in the abdomen and possible to see if swelled called Caput Medusae personal name from Greek mythology, a woman had her hair of snakesContact III: in the lower part of the rectumAnd there are many small connections between pyloric vein and veins back of the abdominal wall and diaphragm veins.
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