Mystery that has
baffled the world
> It is said that the number seven has the same energy in the end>>> Fire doors 7>> 7 Wonders>> Vision of the king of Egypt 7>> Ordered the boy to pray at the age of seven>> Circling the Kaaba 7>> Seek between Safa and Marwa 7>> Number of verses in light 7>> Jamarat 7>> Seas 7>> Major minerals in the ground 7>> Science reach to 7 basic types of stars.>> And also reach to 7 of the electron orbital planes ...... Those levels around 7> Nucleus.>> The science reached for 7 colors Lda to 7 visual radiation Lda invisible ....!!>> As well as 7 lengths of those waves of radiation.>> Science also reached that man consists of 7 ... It consists of>> Atom + molecule + Jane + Krumus m + cell + fabric + member>> Good doubling in 7 Sanabel.>> Prostrate positions in the Quran seven.>> Opening Eid the seven takbeers.>> Hajj نطوف 7 times around the Kaaba .. seek 7 runs .. and throw stones 7 times>> Each time throw 7 coals>>> Home spectrum seven>> The number of days of the week seven>> And the moon around the earth four Spat (28 days)>> 7 continents of the world>>> Why musical scale of seven tones?>> Why do we celebrate the seventh day of the birth of the child (Sbua)?>> Why become seven rainbow colors?>> Mentioned in the Quran seven heavens>> Seven spikes>> Seven cows>> In Christianity we find the seven secrets>> In Judaism we find the seventh layer of the tree of life <Ntzakh>>> Seven shade of God shadow day I keep only its shadow:> 1 - just Imam.> 2 - A young man grew up in the worship of God.> 3 - man his heart hanging mosques.> 4 - Two men Thaba in God .. Met and parted ways.> 5 - man invited a woman as Jamal said I fear God.> 6 - man of incredible honesty Vokhvaha .. Even to learn his right spent north.> 7 - Allah free man his eyes ففاضت tears.>>> Mineral salts 7 solution Knub NPK (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus)>> Finally, but not least> Certificate unification .. Number of words seven>> _ _ Only God _ God>> _ Mohammed _ Messenger _>>>>>>> Puzzling scientists (not dissolved, but God knows the Almighty
> It is said that the number seven has the same energy in the end>>> Fire doors 7>> 7 Wonders>> Vision of the king of Egypt 7>> Ordered the boy to pray at the age of seven>> Circling the Kaaba 7>> Seek between Safa and Marwa 7>> Number of verses in light 7>> Jamarat 7>> Seas 7>> Major minerals in the ground 7>> Science reach to 7 basic types of stars.>> And also reach to 7 of the electron orbital planes ...... Those levels around 7> Nucleus.>> The science reached for 7 colors Lda to 7 visual radiation Lda invisible ....!!>> As well as 7 lengths of those waves of radiation.>> Science also reached that man consists of 7 ... It consists of>> Atom + molecule + Jane + Krumus m + cell + fabric + member>> Good doubling in 7 Sanabel.>> Prostrate positions in the Quran seven.>> Opening Eid the seven takbeers.>> Hajj نطوف 7 times around the Kaaba .. seek 7 runs .. and throw stones 7 times>> Each time throw 7 coals>>> Home spectrum seven>> The number of days of the week seven>> And the moon around the earth four Spat (28 days)>> 7 continents of the world>>> Why musical scale of seven tones?>> Why do we celebrate the seventh day of the birth of the child (Sbua)?>> Why become seven rainbow colors?>> Mentioned in the Quran seven heavens>> Seven spikes>> Seven cows>> In Christianity we find the seven secrets>> In Judaism we find the seventh layer of the tree of life <Ntzakh>>> Seven shade of God shadow day I keep only its shadow:> 1 - just Imam.> 2 - A young man grew up in the worship of God.> 3 - man his heart hanging mosques.> 4 - Two men Thaba in God .. Met and parted ways.> 5 - man invited a woman as Jamal said I fear God.> 6 - man of incredible honesty Vokhvaha .. Even to learn his right spent north.> 7 - Allah free man his eyes ففاضت tears.>>> Mineral salts 7 solution Knub NPK (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus)>> Finally, but not least> Certificate unification .. Number of words seven>> _ _ Only God _ God>> _ Mohammed _ Messenger _>>>>>>> Puzzling scientists (not dissolved, but God knows the Almighty
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