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Monday, December 10, 2012

Photos and information about the form of the embryo in the eighth month

Photos and information about the form of the embryo in the eighth month
Eighth month

1_ about 40 centimeters tall and weight about 1800 g. 2_ dermis of the skin begins to evolve and wrinkles disappear. 3_ sophisticated hearing device almost completely and the child responds to voices. 4_ become muscular organ function _ more active nervous. 5_ viability at this time about 67%. 6 _ shows the pressure on the abdomen, chest and rear. 7_ uterine cavity becomes higher. 8_ intermittent contractions come and go, the mother needs to take sufficient rest to reduce the burden on the heart.

What it feels like Mother
Increased urination strongly to the descent of the baby's head in the tub Improve breathing

Physical symptoms
Movement and clear and strong to the fetus. Heartburn and indigestion in digestion and gas. Nasal congestion and blockage in the ear. Bleeding in the gums. Tightening and spasms in the muscles of the legs. Swelling and swelling of the hands and feet of the face. Contractions of the uterus. Pain in the back. Difficulty sleeping. Difficulty in taking a deep breath. Itching in the abdomen. Descent colostrum from the chest.

Emotional symptoms
Lack of patience and a willingness to pass the remainder of the pregnancy quickly. Distraction in the mind and the lack of attention and forgetfulness. Dreams and fantasies and obsessions about the fetus and the health and shape. Joy and pleasure because the time of birth is no longer far away.

Must stop lifting heavy objects Follow the doctor a week

Status of the embryo
At the end of the eighth month advance the growth of the fetal brain and mind greatly. Can see and hear. Completed in this period, the growth of all the organs of his body except his lungs continue to grow until the end of pregnancy. If the baby was born in this period can be for him to live and be weighed about 2.5 kg.

Form of the fetus in this month

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