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Friday, December 14, 2012

Skin disease psoriasis causes and treatment

Skin disease psoriasis causes and treatment

Password Dermatology, a pathologist leather comes from the Greek word skin δερμα meaning. It involved the skin and appendages disease poetry and sweat glands and other

Psoriasis psoriasis:

Psoriasis affects 2% of the population of the globe, a chronic disease mentioned came from thousands of years. It is a chronic disease where thickening occurs in the skin in places have clear boundaries and rises slightly above the surface of the skin, and silvery color like fish scales. Become overcome often on the back of the elbow joint and knee and dandruff. Because the epidermal layer of the skin cells are made quickly and crust. The patient's skin psoriasis renews itself every seven days (while it must receive it in 28 days in the normal case) In times of life increases the severity of symptoms and then come times of calm symptoms. It is not contagious. . Reason: I do not know .. But heredity psychological Dorwaltotr and smoking and drinking alcohol. And stimulates the appearance in humans infected by friction and inflammation Stervtokokas bacteria or certain medications such as lithium carbonate and beta receptor Marqlat. Symptoms: show places in the skin have clear boundaries and rising from the skin remaining plaques and be red and shiny by silvery scales - pink and if I tried to Knit peels it will fall as if wax remains place where points bleeding on the skin red (this is called a sign Auspitz a task to disperse psoriasis from other of skin diseases such as eczema). Also, in 20 percent of those infected show sign Copnr fenomena of Koebner here consists of psoriasis places where, for example, not an event where you are burning or scar.
Be changes in the skin either in one place or be bigger to include the whole body.
Are sometimes changes in Alatafr are only change. In arthritis psoriatic arthritis: Possible infect any joint in the body but most involve the joints of the hands and feet.
Aksmunha to plaque, pustular, guttate and flexural psoriasis: (Plaque psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris: Most frequent types, called by that name because they are inflamed high places on the surface of the skin and cover themselves with a silvery white layer of crust.
(Flexural psoriasis (inverse psoriasis: Inflamed soft spots in the folds of skin at the top of the leg and armpit and under the breast (inframammary fold) and increase friction and sweating and fungal infected easily.
Guttate psoriasis: Many small spots like tears over the trunk and limbs and head. Related inflammation of the pharynx.
Pustular psoriasis: Small blisters filled with Besdid but it does not contain bacteria (pustules). The skin around the blisters have red and painful.
Nail psoriasis: ...

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