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Monday, December 3, 2012

Sweet potatoes .. Effective medication for chronic diseases

Sweet potatoes .. Effective medication for chronic diseases

Sweet potatoes and one of the plantations coastal Syria, which Issar these days to pounds and Tkulaiaha along the Syrian coast, where it produces the highest percentage of this summer crop in Lattakia specifically due to the combination of factors appropriate environmental level climate and soil, especially in plain areas.
And enjoy sweet potatoes high health benefits in terms of fruit and leaves contain a high proportion of nutrients, particularly for people with chronic diseases by modern medical research studies.
Dr Mahmoud Youssef specialist Gastroenterology that sweet potatoes vary in composition of food potatoes salty because of the different species to which it belongs and is one of the fruits of health due to the rich in carbohydrates which of up to 23 percent and is therefore an important source of calories that provide a great deal of energy for the body and contain fruit high in vitamins er Lucy lobby 6 to the rich in potassium and fiber making food easy to digest helps to alleviate the symptoms of gastric ulcers and colitis and treatment cramping, nausea and Alhazoukh addition to her active role in reducing the problems of the circulatory and cleanse the body of the residues of heavy metals such as lead and copper and mercury.
He pointed to the richness of sweet potatoes element carotene beta, which is a key factor in protecting skin from the sun and delay aging and repair the skin and reduce pimples and pigmentation skin, particularly in the areas of the face and neck, chest and upper surfaces of hands along their importance in activating the absorption of iron in the body and alleviate to some extent significant symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis.
And without sweet potatoes from fatty substances constitutes a key factor in reducing heart disease different and maintaining flexible arteries and blood vessels, where the fiber fermented in sweet potatoes work to reduce harmful cholesterol in the body, adding that the high proportion of potassium which lack a sodium makes them food and medicine effective in cases of high blood pressure in patients.
Joseph concluded by saying that recent studies have proven that sugars found in sweet potatoes, the most important sugar Alonolan are non-harmful elements diabetes, but it moreover is one of the necessary components in various sugary diets so these patients can eat safely.
For her part, specialist nutrition Mason Chermk that contain these fruits are high in antioxidant compounds makes them a factor and preventive important in the face of malignant tumors, including benign as it promotes the production of immune cells in the body and reduce bleeding diseases, especially the anemia also protects against multiple types of infections, adding that medical tests modern confirmed that papers potatoes contain a very high percentage of elemental iron is higher than in the spinach leaves, which are the most important source for the metal and began the scientific community food recommendation to enter these securities in the human diet and eat regularly especially for patients with anemia.
It recommended Chermk need to address gender harsh few meandering sweet potatoes, which are numerous kinds and species selection fresh ones that tend to color inside of the yellow to orange in reference to the rich fruit component carotene beta which up rate in some varieties to the equivalent rate high in the islands.
It called for keeping sweet potatoes in the shade away from sources of light and moisture for a period of not more than two weeks at best so as not its nutritive elements of damage which inferred through the market and the roots begin Baltafra of the outer shell of the fruit, unlike potatoes salt that can be saved for a longer time.
And concluded Chermk saying that cook sweet potatoes or Hoaha in the oven is one of the best ways to prepare and cook for this type preferably ingested by children in early childhood years due to its nutritive elements useful in the process of growth and warned of resorting to submit fries for kids and replace this recipe another in the form of tablets can enhance flavor mashed useful range of spices such as vinegar, lemon, cinnamon and ginger.

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