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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The child to his mother smile Kalmkhaddr

The child to his mother smile Kalmkhaddr
Proven scientific experiments conducted in the Houston Institute for Medical Research smile child raises in his mother's brain centers themselves raised by some substance.
According to scientists who supervised the experiments and monitored the impact of a child's smile on his mother by survey Altomograve which monitor the reactions of mothers, they face different psychological states when Mshahdthen pictures of their children and children of strangers.
The one of the researchers at the institute to influence the vital relationship between the child and his mother on growth, considering that this relationship is determined by the level of growth, and that for some reason there are impediments to grow this relationship naturally.
He added that the mother-to-child neglect and ill-treatment has a negative impact on growth, which could result in a devastating impact on a child's growth and its subsequent development.
The scientists that certain centers in the brain are active dopamine responsible for moving pulse of nerve to another, and specifically in the vicinity of the forehead, when you look or the image of the child, based on the experiences made by scientists to mothers aged 28 years and their children in the age of 5 to 10 months, making a child smile affect the natural mother as an anesthetic.
The researchers said the level of disparity lies in the level of impact the child's face on his mother, according to the expression that laid down on his face, while proved that the baby's face smiling enjoys influence strongest on his mother, he also proved that effect at least associated words face sad or neutral to the child.
Scientists say a link between a child's smile and their impact on his mother could pave to reach the roots of the mystery of emotional attachment between mother and child, as well as reaching the reasons that may lead to imbalances which may distort communication between them ..

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