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Thursday, December 13, 2012

The structure definition and regulation in the human body

The structure definition and regulation in the human body
First: skeletal muscle:

Covers the bones of hundreds of muscle meat, every muscle is composed of cellular packages, each known as "muscle fiber" which consists of: -

- A living and called Sakroblazema- Cellular Gfairs surrounds Balbrutoblazem called Sacrolama

This relates to the membrane of the terminal ring roads fibrous tissue called "IM internal" and each group muscle fibers surrounded by a membrane called "on IM" is separated from the other muscle groups.
And surrounds the muscle membrane called "over IM," This membrane works to reduce friction during muscular movement.The set of muscles located together in one space and separated from the other muscle group by muscle and every barrier barrier stick to the bones and deep Ballvafah surrounding muscles.
Motor unit:

If the building block of muscle is a muscle fiber, the functional unit is the motor unit which consists of nerve cell and nerve fibers that are fueled by this cell.
The nerve cell (neuron) be her body in the central nervous system and out of the center of the medial long walks with hundreds of axons entering the muscle, and after entering the muscle branched axis to the forest up two thousandth final until every muscle fiber nerve fiber that feeds it.

The nerve fiber ends "motor plate"-like electrode which you move Neurological effects of nerve fiber to the Sakroblazem muscle fiber occurs atrial muscle, all muscle fibers respond to the impact of nervous system as a single unit. When The muscle fiber contracts will be deducted from the length by half or two-thirds, and this leads to the fact that the rate of movement depends on the length of the muscle fiber, and that the resulting force depends on the number of motor units that responded to the impact of nervous.
Second: smooth muscle:

The smooth muscle fibers shorter and more accurate than planned fiber, and dock on the bone, but no walls Members follicle digestive Kaljhaz and urinary and blood vessels, which are located in two layers:

- Circular inner layer works to narrow the lumen- Outer layer longitudinal shape working to shorten the cavity and thus large
Third: the heart muscle:

It differs from the previous fact that the fibers are going together to form a network of successive forest, but this could shrink as a collective, as myocardial different from the previous two planned the fact that the fibers but involuntarily.

The smooth muscle contraction in slow and steady, while he is in striated muscle fast and choppy, but the heart muscle Vtnd regularly at a rate of 70 - 80 times per minute.
Link skeletal muscle:

The bulk of the skeletal muscles bones fused, but this link is not by stromal fiber itself, but by ends Alsarcolima or by threading a solid fibrous combine with each other to make up the tendon or fascia (fascia).

This has come to be called the link near the (root) in the parties as the "source" and remote link (Terminal) as "based", as some called a correlation near as "hard end" and the remote link to the name "animated Alnhih".
Skeletal muscle functions:

The skeletal muscle motor functions are mainly related to the joints, and can be summarized movements performed as follows:

- Bending- Tide- Dimensional body- Rounding of the body- Rotation central- Rotation Side
Muscle rating:

Muscles are divided into two main groups:

- Muscles of the central structure include:

1 - spinal muscles2 - the muscles of the head and neck3 - chest muscles4 - abdominal muscles

- Muscles parties include:

1 - upper limb muscles2 - lower limb muscles

He was on the muscle suit names and their diverse characteristics, some of which are called by its shape and the so-called, depending on size, location or function.

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