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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Google launches tool Photo Sphere for all locations

Google launches tool Photo Sphere for all locations

Google revealed the possibility to add Photo Sphere tool to view panoramic images of any location, without being limited to "Google plus" and Google maps.

Photo Sphere feature began with the camera application for Android 4.2 jelly bean, and is available in a small number of phones including the Nexus 4, Galaxy and Nexus.

And take pictures of the scene from different angles and directions and then collected in one image panorama can be seen touring with vertically and horizontally, in a manner similar to the "street view" service within Google maps.

And you can see an example of how they work on site photographer Colby Brown, who collaborated with the Android team to provide the feature and became the first location based tool.

Brown noted that many phones allow capturing panoramic images, but all appear on the Internet as flat images can now view panoramic images in various locations.

Google announced through the tool in Google plus ", and can be added to Web sites by following the instructions Google page for developers.

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