Hind Sabri: from a dealer on behalf of Palestine and فداها busy with his own blood in front of the cameras atonement and underage marriage
"We will not be able to provide only indignation and wailing and crying. Palestine wait too long until they are liberated peoples of Arab commanders Almnviaden ". This Alklmmelt interacted Tunisian actress Hend Sabri with the military attack by Israel on the Gaza Strip, in comments published on the front page in the site "Facebook."
Also questioned in its commentary: "Here the rule of the Arab peoples of yesterday were trading in your name, and default Fitonk blood in front of embassies and cameras, but where are they today? What prevents them about Nasrtk? Or they are busy ensuring underage marriage and atonement and distrust like us who repeat that victory will come with science and knowledge, justice and planning, scientific research and civil societies free active and elimination of ignorance, hunger and intolerance, not Baloaid and screaming and short-range missiles, and withdraw ambassadors and data. "
According to the site akhbarak the Tunisian star ended its participation by saying a saying of the German-Jewish world Albert Einstein: "extremely foolish to repeat the same experiment several times and expecting a different result each time
"We will not be able to provide only indignation and wailing and crying. Palestine wait too long until they are liberated peoples of Arab commanders Almnviaden ". This Alklmmelt interacted Tunisian actress Hend Sabri with the military attack by Israel on the Gaza Strip, in comments published on the front page in the site "Facebook."
Also questioned in its commentary: "Here the rule of the Arab peoples of yesterday were trading in your name, and default Fitonk blood in front of embassies and cameras, but where are they today? What prevents them about Nasrtk? Or they are busy ensuring underage marriage and atonement and distrust like us who repeat that victory will come with science and knowledge, justice and planning, scientific research and civil societies free active and elimination of ignorance, hunger and intolerance, not Baloaid and screaming and short-range missiles, and withdraw ambassadors and data. "
According to the site akhbarak the Tunisian star ended its participation by saying a saying of the German-Jewish world Albert Einstein: "extremely foolish to repeat the same experiment several times and expecting a different result each time