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Monday, December 3, 2012

Heartburn urine in females, causes, treatment

Heartburn urine in females, causes, treatment

Causes heartburn urine when females have several possibilities:

1 - the presence of infections in the urinary tract (bladder and urethra).
2 - The presence of stones in the bladder and down the ureter stones.
3 - bladder ulcer.
4 - inflammation in the genital tract: vaginal inflammatory: as a result of the fungi in the region,
5 - Increase the percentage of sugar in the blood: because when you come down urine on the outer skin which is loaded with sugar cause burning of the skin.

The necessary tests to detect the specific cause:

1 - to detect urinary tract infections must work urinalysis full examination of the urinary system, ultrasonic, and accessed by a specialist Urologist, if burning urine caused by inflammation in the urinary tract must be reflected in the analysis of urine on the image increase in the proportion of cells Alsididah.
2 - to detect vaginal infections vagina should be examined by a gynecologist and usually cause fungus in the presence of this itching, burning and vaginal discharge smelly.
3 - to detect the presence of kidney stones should work rays normal urinary tract and which often does not detect ultrasound.
4 - to detect excess sugar analysis must be done to blood sugar two hours after eating.

Sweet potatoes .. Effective medication for chronic diseases

Sweet potatoes .. Effective medication for chronic diseases

Sweet potatoes and one of the plantations coastal Syria, which Issar these days to pounds and Tkulaiaha along the Syrian coast, where it produces the highest percentage of this summer crop in Lattakia specifically due to the combination of factors appropriate environmental level climate and soil, especially in plain areas.
And enjoy sweet potatoes high health benefits in terms of fruit and leaves contain a high proportion of nutrients, particularly for people with chronic diseases by modern medical research studies.
Dr Mahmoud Youssef specialist Gastroenterology that sweet potatoes vary in composition of food potatoes salty because of the different species to which it belongs and is one of the fruits of health due to the rich in carbohydrates which of up to 23 percent and is therefore an important source of calories that provide a great deal of energy for the body and contain fruit high in vitamins er Lucy lobby 6 to the rich in potassium and fiber making food easy to digest helps to alleviate the symptoms of gastric ulcers and colitis and treatment cramping, nausea and Alhazoukh addition to her active role in reducing the problems of the circulatory and cleanse the body of the residues of heavy metals such as lead and copper and mercury.
He pointed to the richness of sweet potatoes element carotene beta, which is a key factor in protecting skin from the sun and delay aging and repair the skin and reduce pimples and pigmentation skin, particularly in the areas of the face and neck, chest and upper surfaces of hands along their importance in activating the absorption of iron in the body and alleviate to some extent significant symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis.
And without sweet potatoes from fatty substances constitutes a key factor in reducing heart disease different and maintaining flexible arteries and blood vessels, where the fiber fermented in sweet potatoes work to reduce harmful cholesterol in the body, adding that the high proportion of potassium which lack a sodium makes them food and medicine effective in cases of high blood pressure in patients.
Joseph concluded by saying that recent studies have proven that sugars found in sweet potatoes, the most important sugar Alonolan are non-harmful elements diabetes, but it moreover is one of the necessary components in various sugary diets so these patients can eat safely.
For her part, specialist nutrition Mason Chermk that contain these fruits are high in antioxidant compounds makes them a factor and preventive important in the face of malignant tumors, including benign as it promotes the production of immune cells in the body and reduce bleeding diseases, especially the anemia also protects against multiple types of infections, adding that medical tests modern confirmed that papers potatoes contain a very high percentage of elemental iron is higher than in the spinach leaves, which are the most important source for the metal and began the scientific community food recommendation to enter these securities in the human diet and eat regularly especially for patients with anemia.
It recommended Chermk need to address gender harsh few meandering sweet potatoes, which are numerous kinds and species selection fresh ones that tend to color inside of the yellow to orange in reference to the rich fruit component carotene beta which up rate in some varieties to the equivalent rate high in the islands.
It called for keeping sweet potatoes in the shade away from sources of light and moisture for a period of not more than two weeks at best so as not its nutritive elements of damage which inferred through the market and the roots begin Baltafra of the outer shell of the fruit, unlike potatoes salt that can be saved for a longer time.
And concluded Chermk saying that cook sweet potatoes or Hoaha in the oven is one of the best ways to prepare and cook for this type preferably ingested by children in early childhood years due to its nutritive elements useful in the process of growth and warned of resorting to submit fries for kids and replace this recipe another in the form of tablets can enhance flavor mashed useful range of spices such as vinegar, lemon, cinnamon and ginger.

Wearing tight clothing in adolescence periods may cause endometrial infections migratory

Wearing tight clothing in adolescence periods may cause endometrial infections migratory
Proven medical studies that modern wear tight clothes in periods of adolescence may cause what is known infections endometrial migratory a painful condition can cause infertility and decrease fertility and explained Professor John Dakonsn expert in blood pressure at the Institute of Wolfson of Preventive Medicine in the UK, that the pressure caused by wearing tight clothing raises momentum on the uterus and fallopian tubes near the ovary, which could lead to the pool and the accumulation of cells from the lining of the uterus in the area such as the ovaries and other in the body, causing illness and pain severe pre-menstrual and sometimes infertility and added that despite the foot disease but causes no exposed only recently explained that pressure changes caused by tight clothing continues even when you take off these clothes for some time in the thick walls of the uterus
This leads to the continuing trend of cells to the outside to reach the ovaries, adding that the impact of this pressure reactionary resulting from repeating this process for several years after puberty leads to the occurrence of disease, and answered Dickinson about that essay published "British Journal of Women and obstetrics," which he said: The medical studies She said that all women in countries where extensive wear clothing does not appear to have in the last thirty years only a few cases of this, stressing the contrary in the West, where women wear different models of tight clothing such as jeans and pants with the middle falling as confirmed by Angela Bernard, president of inflammation of the lining U.S. National uterus: These results, for its part, healthier women and girls need to avoid wearing these tight clothes, especially during the menstrual cycle

Phlebitis Phlebitis causes and methods of treatment

Phlebitis Phlebitis causes and methods of treatment

Phlebitis often affects the veins that are located directly under the surface of the skin more than it affects the deeper veins. However, if not treated phlebitis, it can spread to the deeper veins, causing deep vein thrombosis and its attendant problems.
Phlebitis be more likely to occur when the blood circulation in the veins is slower than normal, as in the case of varicose veins, or when portability is redundant clots.
Sometimes phlebitis follows an injury to one of the veins, especially in persons with poor circulation. For example this situation arises often in the legs after a minor injury to an infected vein Baldoual in this region.Also, the intravenous catheter into a vein for a long period of time or use of illicit drugs in the vein can also be detrimental to the vein and causing inflammation.
And do a lot of phlebitis in patients with pancreatic cancer. As it happens less in breast cancer patients and ovarian cancer. Also can affect people suffering from connective tissue disorders such as lupus.

Characterized by phlebitis occurred hottest and redness and pain of the skin and tissue that lies beneath it. The virtual signs of the situationCan sometimes be confused matter between them and the signs of skin inflammation (cellulitis) or inflammation device Allimvi (lymphangitis) both cause hotter and redder in the limbs.
Treatment Options
Diagnostic medical examination shows of phlebitis clear in most cases. Your doctor may be an ultrasound examination of the leg veins to determine whether phlebitis has spread to the deeper veins and cause Tglta deep veins, which occurs in about 30% of cases.
Spread to deep vein thrombosis is more likely when phlebitis affects two of the leg veins, specifically two intravenous Alsavni largest and intravenous smaller Alsavni. And if it has not happened spread to the deep veins, the treatment includes a warm compresses and taking anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or indomethacin and wearing compression stockings flexible. Sometimes being an ultrasound every few days to assess the progress of the case clotting.

Popcorn .. Eaters and entertaining multiple Vaaúdha

Popcorn .. Eaters and entertaining multiple Vaaúdha
"Pop Corn" or popcorn eaters entertaining associated times watching movies and group sessions, while some are trying to avoid addressed, nutrition experts advise eating popcorn because it contains many nutrients and helpful.
There are various benefits of popcorn because it contains large amounts of fiber, amino acids, studies have shown that the benefits of popcorn lies in antioxidants in it, which protects against heart disease and cancer.
And nutrition specialist confirmed Ghida Ernút that "the crust is the part that contains more nutritional benefits, not the white part of the slave.
Scientists refer to that one serving of popcorn contains approximately 300 milligrams of antioxidants, nearly double what they contain any portion of fruit and greenery.
She Ernút that the benefits of popcorn depend on how prepared, Valfshar located in cinemas rich in calories and fat, and add butter or cheese reduces its nutritional value, and thus the enclosure small pop corn with butter or cheese contains 600 calories, while the enclosure medium-sized contains a two 1000 calories.
But popcorn, which is on the hot air when fewer calories, small Valalbh it contains only 100 calories. The same amount of popcorn, which is in Almaekeroyev contains twice the calories approximately 200 calories.
Thus, the popcorn the best choice for a healthy meal light and entertaining with high nutritional value.

Milk since childhood improves motor skills

Milk since childhood improves motor skills

According to a recent British study that typically milk since childhood can lead to health benefits lasts throughout a person's life and improvement of physical abilities and body balance in old age.
The researchers found in this study, which was published newspaper Age & Aging child that eating nearly a cup of milk a day is linked to more quickly walking by 5%, and reduces the equilibrium impairment in old age by 25%.
Researchers from here sees the presence of the benefits to public health from eating children to regular milk in small to impact on the body's functions in old age, a disclosure that would happen great benefits for adults over the age of 65.
The research team used historical reports on the diets of more than 1,500 men aged between 62 and 86 years old participated in two Musatin studies of dietary habits in childhood.
The research team values ​​the effect of the diet followed by respondents in small, private dairy, protein, calcium and fat on the current performance and the ability for these kinetic persons in old age.
The respondents underwent a series of activities including walking and the ability to do tests and sit back and measure the balance of the body.
It was found that eating foods rich in calcium and protein and dairy products in childhood associated with motor ability in old age.
The researchers also found that children who accept to drink milk in small retain this habit in old age, which has significant health benefits over a person's life.
Among the many health habits that should start at a young age, the researchers usually eat breakfast.
Several studies have shown that people who are accustomed to drinking milk and eating breakfast every morning follow a diet rich in nutrients beneficial than those who do not drink milk not adhere to a breakfast meal.
The present study indicated that the milk in the morning is usually in young healthy supplies nutrients they need throughout the day, and may extend its impact to a later period of life.
Much research has confirmed the importance of dairy products precedent in building bones, but this is the first study that talk about the benefits of physical performance caused by milk and continue throughout the life of the person.

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Bags magnificence blocks of the university

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Beautiful winter clothing for Sabaya 2014

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Menopause or age Aldaha Menopause needs to be treated

Menopause or age Aldaha Menopause needs to be treatedD. Loay KhaddamTqterban Madam age Aldaha, or as it was called in the past menopause "Almenobuz" and maybe and Salta him, must and that many of the questions revolve Bmkhiltk:
What changed this age?Can it be treated?Where are the benefits of hormone therapy Almaad?Is there a risk resulting from taking this treatment?Do equalized all forms of hormone therapy Almaad?Is it true that there are no other treatments equivalent hormone therapy Almaad regarding hot flashes and night sweats?

Although age Aldaha is a natural phenomenon, and can not be classified as a disease. Not that it does not differ from the disease something.
Based on the definition of the World Health Organization, the human good health when they do not suffer from physical problems, mental and social. But age Aldaha accompanied by hormonal coup peppered with many annoying symptoms that change the quality of life of Mrs. and most important of hot flashes and night sweats.

For this Madam, began Balmaanat of hot flashes and annoying problems your daily life, your doctor can advise you to resort to treatment Almaad after confirmation of the absence CONTRAINDICATIONS.
Having made promised scientific studies have played a role at the instigation doubts about the possibility of a potential threat to this treatment, she returned Other studies have shown the safety of natural hormonal compounds and within therapeutic methods take into account how you can use correctly.
On the other hand, it is your purpose of the use of this medical treatment allow your doctor to conduct the necessary tests for early screening for many diseases, and can provide you with advice many areas, areas of physical activity to food systems. And will help you to quit harmful addiction like smoke and alcohol.
When comes and what changed the enactment Aldaha

Age, which comes age Aldaha:

Age Aldaha is a natural phenomenon or stage of a woman's life, can not be avoided, up to Ms. when approaching the age of fifty, with a great diversity from one woman to another. But 90% of the cases the intervention Ms. this stage between the ages of 45 and age 55 years.
And rarely come what may age Aldaha before forty, is called early Almenobuz, or may come after the age of 55 and is called late.
The age at which intervention by Ms. this Age by various factors, including genetic factors. It often comes of age tight between mothers and daughters.
And other factors of smoking, as it was noted that smoking and for a long period accelerates from the age of onset of symptoms caused by the force of estrogen.
This may come early age for medical reasons such as chemotherapy for some cancers or situation surgical removal of the ovaries.
Mention here that menopause after hysterectomy does not mean judgment entry age Aldaha, it depends on the ovaries, which often leave the place when hysterectomy that was intact.
What happens age Aldaha:
Cause access to this stage due to the force of the ovaries stock of eggsMapai explained the function, and we said that Mkhdhun ovarian follicles secrete hormones and eggs is limited, and must not be carried out.And as a result of such force stops the menstrual cycle and non-existent with the possibility of procreation, and stop the secretion of female hormones. Any estrogen and progesterone.
Age Aldaha is if a complete depletion of these hormones.

How pretends age Aldaha
Of the main symptoms: hot flashes and is located on the depletion of the hormone estrogen in particular, rests responsibility for.And in the long term, and given the role of estrogen install lime on the bones, this depletion also cause osteoporosis thereby increasing the risk of bone fractures.
These symptoms Bashdtha vary from one woman to another. While some people suffering from these symptoms so differ with them greeted them daily while another pass at the other is almost unnoticeable.
Discomfort this stage and manifestations are not limited to hot flashes, and that may come day and night. Also suffers Ms. this age of a number of other disturbances:
Night sweats and that you are suffering from 85% of women, but to varying degrees.
Vaginal problems vaginal Kjvav and pain during sexual intercourse.
Skin problems skin Kjvav and fragile.
Weakness and general fatigue.
Mood disorders such as jittering, anxiety and frustration with the drop capricious.
Sleep disorders, especially insomnia.
Sexual disorders, such as lack of desire and ten intercourse.
Problems such as urinary incontinence.
Joint pain.
Change strength of the lady with or without increasing weight.

As we said above, the total of such symptoms, varies from one woman to another Bashtdh and step down after which may range from several months to several years.
Osteoporosis:Accompanied by age Aldaha with the phenomenon of bone loss of a large part of their mass and particularly built limestone which exposes them to the risk of fractures, especially the enactment of sixty wrist and after the age of 65 spine, which suffers from compressive paragraphs TASSEMENT and and then come the most important of these fractures, any fractional femoral neck loose lady to her death.Suffers from osteoporosis millions of women, and an estimated prevalence of10% fifty-enactment20% age sixty40% age 75

The goal of treatment AlmaadVarious proposed remedies aims to compensate for the hormones that decrease and medicines containing estrogen and progesterone.
These drugs are available in different forms and many brand names.
Estrogenic compound this medication is essential and is a different strive above symptoms, and is of help Ms. maintain bones and basic mass.But women need to compound progesterone to maintain the basic balance, which will prevent estrogen from working alone.
It is known that estrogen induces the growth of mucous lining of the uterus from the inside
When working estrogen alone will grow overly this lining, which may increase the thickness, and this leads to increase the amount and duration of menopause and may cause hemorrhages between Tmthen as may This lining Almaidh exposed thickening to carcinogenesis. And must therefore be accompanied by treatment with estrogen, progesterone, and may be exempt from the ladies who conducted undergone hysterectomy.
Try eating estrogen 25 to 28 days per month, and may advise the lengthening of the period and use it daily.
Estrogen available in several pharmaceutical forms, can be taken by mouth pills, or through skin creams daily or stamps are affixed to the body and changed once or twice a week.
The progesterone comes as pills can be taken by mouth or through the vagina.

Some commercial vehicles are available, which includes compounds Aldoaúaan together pills can be taken by mouth or stamps are affixed to the skin.
By frequency for taking the medication and the presence of two compounds daily dose Aldoaúaan or bi-monthly, some regimens associated with menstruation and others that remain the same compounds Aldoaúaan fixed dose they are not associated with menstruation.
Advised to adjust the dose when each woman so dealing with the lowest dose sufficient to stop the symptoms and particularly hot flashes. And excessive doses cause abdominal distension, breast pain, a sense of discomfort, and bleeding may be heavy.
Benefits of hormone therapyThe fact that the symptoms result from a lack of estrogen, it would seem logical to compensate this shortage will repair symptoms.
And that's really what happens. Studies have proven modern, with stop hot flashes and night sweats after nearly a month of starting treatment.
As declining gradually other symptoms, such as sleep disorders, mood disorders and depression, fatigue, and articular pains.
All this reflects positively on the quality of life of this old woman.
Situation also improve vaginal dryness and urinary problems. This improvement is reflected positively on the sexual life of the mirror.
Hormone therapy also provides protection case of osteoporosis as hormonal therapy helps Almaad to maintain the basic mass of bones. This is noted in practice, since statistics proved that the risk of these fractures decreased when using this drug. And osteoporosis due to walking normal after stopping treatment.
Remaining interest preventive promoter of hormone therapy against osteoporosis better when treatment is started early and the longer its duration. And in all cases, the interest exists even if treatment is started too late .. But diminished with the cessation of treatment.

Do equalized each therapeutic methodsTreatment Aermona Almaad is a drug, and like any drug him and anti-indicated indications must be respected, and side effects are inevitable.
The role of the doctor to evaluate the desired amount of interest and Ikarnaha with risk factors for each woman and relied upon by the therapeutic potential complications.
Rallied several studies in order to assess the potential benefit of treatment and comparing the potential dangers.
And hormone therapy Almaad suffered from decline on the impact of these findings, published in 2002.
Received two studies scathing criticism for being stretched to women Almuammrat, as the median age for women these two studies was approximately 63 years old. With a high rate of obesity. All this is known to be increased risk factors for diseases that accused as a result of this treatment.
And the fact that the pharmaceutical compounds and regimens differ from what is used in France, the French team probe last statistical study and named E3N study involved nearly 55,000 thousand lady.
Followed by another study called ESTHER
And results provided by these studies are encouraging contrast to previous studies due to the use of treatment programs that are close to natural hormones installed and dosage and methods to be addressed. With the notable benefit of the skin by taking estrogen.

How can a woman who does not wish to take hormone therapy Almaad, alleviate symptoms of age Aldaha?
Lady can and some simple actions that reduce the relative importance of symptoms age Aldaha and Azaaajath, can, for example, for the alleviation of hot flashes repast and night sweats to avoid a situation of distress and sudden temperature changes, and sleep with the windows open without heating.

Why include the periodic inspection to monitor hormone therapy Almaad:A full physical examination.Heart rhythm and blood pressure "pressure."Weight.Gynecological examination for the rapid screening for women's problems, the size of the uterus and ovaries.Mammography for screening for breast cancers.Vaginal smear to screen for cervical disease.
And by clinical orientation can request other tests, such as bone density testing in doubt osteoporosis.

Strength of the mirror and its enactment Aldaha formWe mentioned above that the strength of the mirror changed this age. Much of this shift is due to progress in life, and the inevitable.This change, come from fat mass increase. Located This increase is particularly on the abdomen.This increase fat mass often come at the expense of muscle mass which weaken.
On the other hand, the body will decrease its thermal energy needs, and this means that failure to reduce the amount of food will lead to store surplus food, causing weight gain.
The decrease in the body's energy consumption associated with the consumption of thermal less fat stored in the body. This explains the difficulty that you may experience this old woman in order to lose weight this stock-wasting.

Lady can change the course of these things change diet andPreference for foods low heat content. Which means reducing contained warming of the body.Maintain continuous physical activity. Best thing to allow this old lady that keeps the strength is to pursue continuous physical activity, such as walking and bike, swimming and various kinds of sports. And results depend on the regularity and the duration and intensity of this activity.
Raised the age Aldaha on a hair and skin:Can a hormonal disorder that accompanies age Aldaha that affects the skin and hair. When neglected Mrs. different ways to take care of the skin becomes latter more Triqqa, and dry. Thus lose its elasticity.And regarding hair, note and continuously, decreased hair density Bana and underarms. It also increases hair loss. While thinning hair may grow on the chin and upper lip.These changes not only back caused age Aldaha, but are also due to aging. And it is not free from other factors that acceleration of aging and particularly smoking and alcohol.
Regarding sexuality, Snfred to this special topic.

Conclusion:Age Aldaha is a natural phenomenon, but substantial decrease ovarian hormones, particularly estrogen, reflected negatively on the health of Mrs. physical and psychological. Switching to a negative quality of their daily lives and sexuality.
To the fact that every woman is unique history and character and their family and professional circumstances, the arrival age Aldaha and how intolerable side effects, varies from one woman to another. And treatment is not limited to medicine, but must be extended to all areas of public health, and in particular the nutritional and physical activity. And do not forget the need to quit bad habits such as smoking and alcohol.
Due to the advent of many disturbances associated with age Aldaha, and resulting from hormonal deficiencies, drug therapy may be necessary and under regular medical supervision. Benefit from this treatment of great value. Urging us to allow to give each woman requested and suffer from this phenomenon. And the earliest time possible.
Taking great interest earned by the mirror of the treatment into account, and with the usual respect Contraindications and resorting to drug treatment programs and vehicles near natural, did not prove the existence of any additional risk worth depriving Ms., which could earn from this treatment.
Danger indicated by the American and British study is very, very small, and can be overcome most adapted therapeutic systems.

Vaginal Sponge vaginal sponge

Vaginal Sponge vaginal sponge

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة 
نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة
نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة
Is one of the barrier methods of contraception. And is like a sponge round, soft, and hanging from the bottom surface thread (episodes) of nylon is used when removing the sponge from the vagina. And are placed in the vagina to cover the cervix. And do not reduce the likelihood of vaginal sponge incidence of sexually transmitted diseases Sexually Transmitted Diseases.نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة 
Modus operandiVaginal sponge covers the cervix and prevent sperm from entering. Also contain a substance spermicidally Spermicide is continuously secreted during the period in which they reside sponge vagina.

EffectivenessThe vaginal sponge is less effective in women already their childbearing (natural birth) compared with those who have never childbearing before. Is due because of the changes that occur in the cervix after natural childbirth (vaginal).Ranging efficiency in the ladies that have never childbearing by 84% - 91% per annum. This means that out of every 100 women using the sponge as a contraceptive method, between 9 - 16 Stsubhn lady pregnant during the first year of use.The women who have already childbearing (natural birth) ranging efficiency 68% - 80% annually. This means that out of every 100 women using the sponge as a means of preventing pregnancy, between 20 - 32 Stsubhn lady pregnant during the first year of use.FeaturesIt has no effect on the various body organs or on Ms. fertility.Can be used to prevent pregnancy for 24 hours where intercourse can occur more than once during that period.Can be used immediately before intercourse or a few hours earlier.DefectsSome women find it difficult to use.May lead in some cases to the sensitivity.Should not be left in the vagina more than 30 hours.ContraindicationsThe sensitivity of the material as a sponge or lethal substances sperm.During the menstrual cycle or the presence of vaginal bleeding.The presence of urinary tract infections in Urinary Tract Infections.Immediately after birth or after an abortion even allows the doctor to do so.How to useAre placed immediately before intercourse or up to 24 hours before intercourse.Wet sponge with clean warm water (at least 2 teaspoon of water) where they become deadly material of sperm active when wet sponge.The sponge is squeezed gently.Drape both sides of the sponge and inserted into the vagina so that the surface from which hangs the thread to the bottom of the opening of the vagina and the other surface to the highest point of the cervix. And are entered to the fullest extent until you reach the cervix.Postcoital drugSponge should be left at least 6 hours (no more than 30 hours) after intercourse. And intercourse can occur more than once during that period.Can work shower during a vaginal sponge vagina.Directed vaginal spongeIs attracting string hanging in the vagina gently until the sponge is ejected.Is to get rid of vaginal sponge.

Chaste tree ... Regulate female hormones and inhibit the action of male hormones!

Chaste tree ... Regulate female hormones and inhibit the action of male hormones!
Alleviate the symptoms of menopauseA. D. Jabir bin Salem Al QahtaniTree chastity chaste tree plant height of up to 7 meters vehicle leaves and finger Riqatha Figure thin and purple flowers blooms in summer and fruits Aliqih to blackish brown color and the size of the black pepper.The home of the original plant Mediterranean and Western Asia.Know chaste tree several names learn Balarthd to, and love of loss, ground pepper and pepper monks and Benjnkst.Scientifically known as Vitex agnus of the platoon Verbenaceae. The part of the plant used fruit.I think Europeans since time immemorial that the fruits of the tree of chastity small dark-colored pepper-like reduce sexual desire in women. Was who devote their lives to religious purity using this plant to discourage urgency of sexual desire to have, and it came to designate the tree. Plant was well known in ancient times, and mentioned in the epic "Iliad" of Homer in the sixth century BC as a symbol of chastity in a position to pay evil. It was believed as its name suggests that it reduces sexual desire, and chew monks to reduce libido have. The chaste tree is known to doctors Greeks were recommended by Hippocrates, known as Abu medicine as a treatment for wounds and infections. Has been known Dalloskurides author of the first book herbalism in the West, the impact of the tree on the reproductive system of women especially its ability to increase the generation of milk in nursing mothers, chaste tree has recommended for the treatment of breast problems, and the expulsion of the placenta from the uterus and control bleeding after childbirth. I take it Roman scholar Pliny in the first century AD that chastity exciting tree sexually Although most ancient thought it was sexy inhibitor. In the Middle Ages was chaste tree flowers scatter on the ground before entering the monks to their monasteries, and if they bring them to enter the lives of purity. Monks eat the fruits of the tree of chastity to suppress their sexual desires and a common plant names "Pepper monks".

Fatigue disease for women only!

Fatigue disease for women only!

Do you feel tired permanently. Do you know whether this Alaaianatja illusions live, or a real disease? Acute get tired, find it difficult to determine the status of real pain, and the whole reason that their body is exposed to bouts of pain.
While fatigue symptoms continue for more than six consecutive months, can not be talking about transient Viewer, while the patient forgets taste of sleep, and feel increasingly digestive problems, and pain in the joints, go from one doctor to another to know the cause of many health problems. But unfortunately, turn the patient's visit to what looks like a dialogue of the deaf. Because the doctor will try to search for a significant cause of illness, through tests and diagnoses may be long ... Before knowing that the real reason behind the sporadic pain is extreme tiredness.

"Explain why fatigue is not easy always. Could Vhsoat blood to show us whether iron deficiency in the blood is the cause, or even a surplus in iron. Could be the reason also to malfunction thyroid, or even pick up a viral infection," explains doctor.

Ironically, the symptoms of fatigue often affects women, but not men. .. The optimal treatment, according to Abu Chakra is to show the patient a little selfish! "When you get tired man, sleeps, relaxes, and assigns tasks to work for someone else. While sick women, continue to work either in or outside the home, this is no wonder that get sick,"

But what is the solution? "Sleep is not always the only remedy for fatigue. Sometimes be caused by fatigue real high blood pressure, or anemia, as we said. Sometimes the reason medication is appropriate that contains cortisone. Often have fatigue inevitable result of depression," explains the doctor. In the light of this diagnosis, doctor can choose the most appropriate specialist treatment for physical and psychological problems ...


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