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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The art of massage and physical therapy

The art of massage and physical therapy

Massage and this science, I personal convictions such methods of treatment and I find fun to read, has excluded from such topics because the concerns of life, but I accidentally had to return to him, and I wanted to lines some lines about here in the forum beloved and be a thematic one who has homosexual passion in such matters .. Ragia of God Almighty to be where the interest and benefit a lot ..
What is the massage:Massage: method for prevention and treatment and rehabilitation for many diseases and injuries, based group methods Tdlakih carried out by the hands of the masseur or (rarely) special devices to influence the tissue and members of a person in order to influence the various organs in the body, especially the circulatory system and muscle and lymph glands in order to rid the body the effects of fatigue, injury and certain diseases, whether athletes or others
Massage is the manipulation of superficial layers of muscle and connective tissue to enhance the function and relaxation and well-being.And is said to also massage, and the origin of the word «massage-massage» The term is derived from the Latin word «massa» What means (gluing fingers), and the Greek word «masso» What means (pressure with hands), and does not rule out some linguists derived from the Arabic word 'Touch' (ie pressure gently), and in the French «masser» (rubbing or scrubs). All these concepts, to some degree true, expresses the essence of 'massage' or 'massage'.
The massage is a massage by clicking on the body, whether this pressure structured, unstructured, fixed, mobile (either tension or movement or vibration), and this is done by hand or with a mechanism. And tissue massage that address the include muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, joints, or other connective tissue, and Uchml also lymphatic vessels, and members of the gastrointestinal system. How massage uses massage to the hands, fingers, elbow, knee, forearm, and foot. There are more than eighty massage pattern is recognized.
  Massage increased interest in recent years as an important component of integrated treatment. In fact massage is used in a variety of fields (therapeutic massage - in medicine, sports massage - in sports, cosmetic massage - in beauty salons, massage health - in business and in life, and so on).

History and origin:Some historians medicine massage first treatment used human since ancient times, has its roots in massage to the old, when life was primitive man of nomadic and hunting and weapons and agriculture caused him fatigue and exhaustion and injuries, note the rights that scans and تمسيد place of injury , hide the pain. Bringing the resort to this method as a remedy.
March Chinese massage since ancient process of health and therapeutic targets, and it moved to the neighboring countries of Japan and Korea ... Etc.
Massage was known in ancient Egypt, this is what is indicated by the incensed of writings and drawings and engravings. In the year 1841 AD was discovered papyri campaign fees due for 12 centuries BC, show methods Altdlakih in ancient Egypt.
As used primitive tribes in South Africa massages thousands of years BC.
The idea of ​​using massage for therapeutic purposes seemed clear in the Greek civilization In 460 BC wrote Hippocrates, «Abu Medicine»: ((the doctor must be an expert in many things, and including in massage, Valtdlak can strengthen joints few cohesion as it Yellin joints solid)).
As the Arabs have known Arab-Islamic civilization a number of senior doctors, including world Abu Bakr al-Razi and President Sheikh Ibn Sina. His book (law) and is the most famous books on medicine in the Arab civilization. Turning Ibn Sina massage methods and which Ibn Sina wrote about massage: ((massage varies: Kaci strengthens the body, light calms the body, Long reasoned skinny, average revitalize the body)).
Note of interest and the exercise of all the world's civilizations massage health and therapeutic targets, and has evolved over the ages.To become a massage material taught in universities and institutes of the world, his place in the world of medicine. Practiced in hospitals, clinics and convalescent centers and hospitalization and in sports clubs and beauty salons and others.Relying in order to drawings found in the temples and monuments of ancient Egyptians, as well as the Greeks and the Chinese show the massage process.

This requires tools and special purposes, such as different types of oils from creams to body massage and other tools and purposes.

The benefits of massage:Massage therapy is an important and effective part in physical therapy, where he can cure a lot of cases of disease and the most common ones:
Treat injuries and muscle crampsLigaments and tissue injuriesPoor circulation partiesBack and neck injuries that always accompanied severe muscular contractions as a natural result of the pain and be therapeutic massage in this case an effective complement to physiotherapyIs also used to bring relaxation and rest after hard work or strenuous exercise.

Research has shown that medical benefits massage include pain relief, and reduce anxiety and depression, and lower blood pressure and heart rate temporarily, drain excess fluid, increase blood circulation to areas of the body Kmufasl and muscles, balance hormonal activity and chemical in the body, as well as cases of anxiety. As proven theories benefit massage to prevent the process of nociception (theory gate control), and activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which may stimulate the release of endorphins and serotonin, preventing fibrosis or scar tissue, increasing the flow of lymph vessels, and improve sleep, but these effects are still supported by clinical studies well-designed.
Principles and rules effective massage:Necessary masseur to abide by the rules and the following basis:
Be masseur conversant with the knowledge of anatomy and physiology to the human body.Be always towards the heart massage (example: when do Bdlk one lower limb masseur will massage foot and leg, thigh and heading always from the bottom to the top (Keep in mind that a person is to be rubbed always in a comfortable position and completely relaxed.Must begin masseur massage light and harmonious movements for 10 15 minutes, and then begins deep Baltdla an important therapeutic point of view, and then end the massage in the same way it started.To be more effective massage masseur must not stop massage until the end of the massage process completely.

Precautions:There are no diseases arise in the case of non-compliance with the above rules, but there may be complications or an increase in pain in the affected area due to the wrong massage
He warns the masseur the following points:
Action modern massage fractures.Work at a massage dislocated joints, especially modern and swollen.Massage work for people with diseases of the blood.A massage for women during the menstrual cycle.A massage for people with infectious skin diseases for fear of moving the massager itself.

Types of massage
Massage varies according to need and the most prominent types of massage: Massage health, therapeutic massage, sports massage and cosmetic massage, baby massage, massage Spell.
1 - health massageUsed for disease prevention, wellness, increase the ability to work, remove muscular fatigue, psychological and relaxation.Where it is a full body massage or certain parts of it.The session lasts from 40 to 90 minutes.One session a week is enough to achieve the desired objectives.
2 - therapeutic massage (medical)Aims to address the injuries and illnesses that can be treated by a massage is an important element of integrated treatment.Therapeutic massage has shown its effectiveness in removing back pain, neck and muscle spasms, incomplete cure paralysis, correct spinal deformities, and fractures of the rehabilitation of the affected area, and other cases.You should consult your doctor before receiving this massage.Therapeutic massage uses in conjunction with therapeutic exercises.The number of therapeutic massage sessions from 12 to 18 meetings, and related to the type of disease and its stages, at the rate of 3 sessions per week. Therapeutic session returned if necessary after 15-30 days.
3 - Sports MassageSports Massage is used to prepare athletes for sports practices, which is an important part of the training process.An important physical effort of hospitalization and re-activate the body's functions, and remove fatigue, and then raise the ability to work and the prevention of injuries of the musculoskeletal system.Add to that sports massage is important in the rehabilitation and treatment of athletes after injury.At present, it is an important element within the masseur sports teams and teams such as the coach and doctor.
4 - cosmetic massageFind obsession for beauty and perfection of the human preoccupation at all times past and present.Vastaml massage to bring outer beauty and preserve the beauty and youth of the skin and combat premature old age, as well as the treatment of the skin of the face and neck abnormal.- Areas that are scrubbed in the process of cosmetic massage often are:
Scalp hairFaceThe front section of the neck.

5 - baby massageMethod of massage aimed at children from the age of one month to 7 years is used for preventive purposes and health, and also in the event of a defect in the physical growth or atrophy and obvious weakness in the muscles and joints.
Impact on the child's body massage:Helps in the growth of muscles and bones and nerves alert surface and deep and raise.Some cases may appear sick early in the child's age, intervened massage process as one of the methods of treatment.The masseur massage specialist or mother after learning the way of massage from masseur.Massage after consulting your physician.Conditions that enters massage within the treatment:
RicketsUmbilical herniaFoot flatfish,Poetry (disease in the neck it difficult to pay attention),Cerebral palsy childrenSpinal deformities.

6 - Massage SpellMassage is for the treatment of diseases and spiritual complement to treatments used in the prophetic medicine program

Massage oilsSesame oil is suitable for work tonic for the body massage and gives the skin a strong shineAnother very important oils such as jojoba oil, avocado oil, olive oil and soybean oilAs well as of the most famous massage oils also aromatic oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint, jasmine and Roses and Alafindr and basil, chamomileAlmond oil is the oil nourishing for the skin and convenient massage and has a soft touchWell as sandalwood oil, ginger, oil, sage leaf and coconut oil be more willing to use in the summer because of the cold effect on the body and can use talcum powder for children in the case of aging can also use special types of creams or lotions kidsThere is also dry and massage intended massage without the use of auxiliary materials on the slide, and we resort to this type when you need to activate the fast of the bloody cycle can not be used this type for a long time.

General Technical Guidelines for Massage:Requires skilled masseur to identify some of the instructions that facilitate doing a massage session successfully and which may be summarized in the following steps:· Massage hand from palm to elbow and elbow to the underarm area.· Massage the leg from the foot to the knee joint and the knee joint to the groin area.· Massaged back from the backbone in the direction of the neck until the hairline heading to the clavicle.· Massage the rib cage from the breastbone, heading side to the underarm area.· Prevents massage lymph gathering areas.· Must begin masseur massage parties (hand or leg) nearby for the neck, back, chest and buttocks muscles always starts massaging the remote with him.· Massage begins large parts of the body in order to accelerate blood circulation and lymph in general, as it helps to absorb the blood and lymph from the lower parts of the body.· Ensure that the masseur is on excludes him any tension of the muscle and the body is in the state of relaxation.· Should not cause pain massage massager.· Do not eat any meals massage about two hours before and after the massage about three hours.
When prevents massage:Despite all the advantages that we have mentioned for a massage, but there are some places warns massage her final work, namely:o below the neck in front of the shoulders.o down armpits where no lymph cells.o behind the knees where the lymph nodes.o and all joints in the body is not a massage only massages survey.There are also cases where warns massage what caused negative results,And can monitor these cases are as follows:o high body temperature than normal.o bladder stones.o heart disease, cancer and diseases.o certain skin diseases and abscess, festering boils.o cases of diarrhea, hernia.o pregnancies and during the menstrual cycle, and the case of bleeding.o inflammation of the veins and superficial lymph vessels and clots.o state of extreme fatigue after a violent effort athlete.o cases of neurological diseases and mental health.
How massage for yourself:Pour oil in the palm of your hand and then rub the skin to absorb the oil and repeat it several reiterates these are point as many times as needed.Used movements massage circular areas and joints circular Kaloctav facilities and hips, chest and abdomen, as well as on the long bones and regions straight and legs, arms and thighs, rubbed well as gently ears and scalp with a circular given enough time unforgettable massage the soles using pressure thumb and between the fingers, and after 20 minutes taking a hot bath, for a long time because it leads to a better result
Best massage times: in the morning before you take warm bath or before going to sleep

How age when human?

How age when human?
Number of teeth in humans .. 32 age in the normal state and natural ..
In the period of human life .. 52 age

The increase is 20 teeth ^ ^ ..
32 permanent teeth

In this paragraph kept introduce to you the names of teeth And who the 20 [10 in all FCC
And the names of permanent teeth .. And who is number 32 [16 per FCC

> Of course I Badrs England and the reality of what Baraf all teeth in Arabic names
Teeth Pencmiha English .. primary
And permanent Mnsmiha .. permanent

What we have is important Negi teeth names

And then the names of permanent teeth

What we have is important Negi teeth names


General tips for maintaining your teeth

General tips for maintaining your teeth .. : ~
1: First review I Love tell them is siwaak of course, is a confirmed Sunnah and a large reward,But violin Elly Aki_fh not talk experience and references concluded,That Bahassan case gums and removes plaque (which is originally why each Albulaoi) and Bithr mouth odors ^ ^
For how to use itPlaced in a way that is perpendicular to the teeth and begins to move it from top to bottom not the other way around!!From above to below the mean of the root of the Age of head Age (mean in terms of the first gum)And comfortable Moo strongly and roughness Anu possible cause periodontal wound ^ ^
2: necessary to wash your teeth before you sleep .. Anu most Almassaab happen at what time you Fame in it!If washed before you sleep and forget that you washed waxing violin ^ ^
3: In some people highly Alinkahh's Ashan Chil leftovers who between the teeth and are usually unhealthyBest alternative to Pick .. Flossing
4: how to use the brush ..Of course sure many of you .. Osnano brushes quickly .. Kano costume Bsabak Bmarzn xDFor your information .. You need at least two minutes .. To clean the teeth properly!!So Khdhu your time .. What claimed becomes Shi if Okhrto minutes ČÓ Ashan health of your teeth:
Tip seconds for brush .. What Tdgto brushing the teeth .. Comfortable means xDAnu possible Zbbo inflammation .. Anto richness Ano D:
And برضو Vrashw from top to bottom (in terms of the gums)Possible some of you asking, Why gums hand!!Anu in many small vacuum between the tooth and gum and gum if Frsto towards ..Possible this vacuum becomes a place to collect bacteria ^ ^
5: Havdo on the tongue for field Anu possible be to collect bacteria .. Gusloh regularly ^ ^
6: prefers to use toothpaste ratio of fluoride to increase protection from tooth decay:

Five false beliefs about studying medicine

Five false beliefs about studying medicine

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم سأتحدث معكم عن اهم المعتقدات

I will talk to you about the most important myths about studying medicine

الخاطئة عن دراسة الطب 1- طول الدراسة ” الطب طويل

1 - The length of the study

"Medicine is long and life"
Perhaps the most common beliefs and a very wide reputation ..
When someone tells you that he wants to study medicine!
The first thing that comes to your mind then those seven long years!
Like years, peace be upon him ..
But let's separate these seven years clearly even clear what they are!

First year:
Year preparatory shared by most colleges now.

The second year and the third and fourth:
These foundational years Academy student studying medicine
Science basic Kaltharih and tissue pathology and microbiology
The physiology and pharmacology, community medicine and others.

Fifth and sixth year:
These two years of Clinical Sciences
Kalpatna and surgery of all kinds, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology and psychiatry and other
Is what the future will see what will specialize later
The beneficiary undoubtedly those three years Constituent
In understanding the study of these disciplines and absorbed.

Seventh year:
Is the year of excellence
No study does not test whether the test medical specialties
The doctor chooses excellence hospitals that wish application
The details of this is not replaced explained.

وعُمر “ لعلها من أبرز المعتقدات الشائعة وذات صيت واسع

So this is the detail for years MedicineWhich is in the eyes of some long and take human life muchPerhaps surprisingly, that some specialists say for sure that it is short for the study of the human body!And that this body needs study and care of long years!So if we look good and we found that the difference between him and the only two other colleges!- Given that purely practical excellence years and received by the doctor twice a reward college student six times! -These two may be a wait for the results of acceptance and employment opportunities for holders of other certificates!The long wait for some even hoping that he entered college study takes ten years!Exchange for guaranteed employment relatively large after graduation!,,,

2 - the nature of the work"Anatomy and surgery and blood bear"This belief may be a very large obstacle, especially among girls!Because they are thinner and gentler sense of emotion from the men ..Initially only be "autopsy room" is a room horror and excitement for everyone!I have seen many people gather around and pushing each other to enter it!When entering cover their noses prophylaxis of stinging smell of formalin!Then go to one of the coffins and raising them cautiously Faisrkhoun and flee!!The irony is that it does not come the end of the year until you see the medical studentsHave brought their eating and drinking and put it next to the bodies and ate relentlessly!Though the sensitivity of these positions were below zero!This regards the autopsy

جداً .. حينما يخبرك أحدهم أنه يريد دراسة الطب !

As regards blood and surgery
It is enough to say that there are a lot of disciplines and foremost Batinah, children and psychological
Not set foot in the operating room and do not know her way!
I am not bound by accessing medicine to be a surgeon opens bellies and Akhitha!
There are people who are fond of it and they love
There are also people who do not work
All geared to creating it!
Authorized do not be afraid!

فأول ما يتبادر لذهنك حينها تلك السنين السبع الطوال !

3 - Medicine does not accept the co-wives!
"24 hours busy and losing all my relationships and personal hobbies daily" Perhaps this point is one of the most things that you have asked about
How Medicine seeker to have a blog
He has several other interests could fill his time!
Even if one of the sisters in the Twitter says:
"What has been Qbluk college and all that heralded a say: Yewoh mean what claimed Nchovk! "
And if a medical student will close the door and retire between his books and papers!
This undoubtedly is true never ..
I know many of my colleagues have various interests ..
Some passionate about their football is played twice a week
They should not leave any favorite teams match only watched
And others Department of Social ties and wide
At the end of the week the situation has busy!

وكأنها سنين يوسف عليه السلام .. ولكن دعونا نفصل هذه

Time constant 24 hours a day
There is no human beings in the universe spent confined in a single activity!
There is no humans can afford to cut off from everything
Even if it's for his future and his life!
So what's the solution?
Solution are as follows:
Great priority undoubtedly to your studies and lectures ..
Attend lectures that you find useful and benefit from you ..
Do not let any activity of your various activities negatively affect your studies
Before testing period declared a state of alert and cut off all Interests
He focused on only Great Ouluetk ..
Even survive the remorse and reprimand your family and relatives ..
Many asked me how I combine several concerns and I am a medical student!
Was my answer to them I am a person sitting in front of the TV does not exceed an hour a week
Also it may take several days and did not get out out of the house!
Was my time divided between the university and the study and sleep, parents and the net!
In short, so as not to dwell on this point
If your time distributor like this:
6 hours of sleep, 8 hours University, 3 hours of study,
Two hours with the family, two hours Net, two hours in front of the television, and an hour to eat
You can withdraw my watch TV and an hour of sleep
Exercise where your interests and activities
Time is fixed and we controls how exploited


السنين السبع بشكل أوضح حتى تتضح ماهيتها ! السنة الأولى
4 - way of study and receiving
"English language and medical terminology! "
Initially will never dictionary Evariqk ..
And you'll find yourself busy tens of medical terminology and abbreviations!
And will find it difficult may discourage your determination and your desire to continue ..
We all well ..
And we are all over this same period and Sabutea ..
Always difficult beginnings!
And assure The first lecture may not understand them only 10%
But the lecture number five, for example, will understand 50%, and so on ..
First read translated twenty word, for example!
Then translate only 3 Strange words!
In the second year may not use the dictionary only once a day!
However progress in the years will cut him fully
Important not to weaken in the first place!
Be strong determination and vigor


: سنة تحضيرية تشترك فيها معظم الكليات الآن . السنة
5 - people with very high portfolio
"Medicine = Save! "
So have dealt with high school students, it was like conservation enters Human Medicine
It was inclined to understand it for engineering and sciences closer!
Perhaps this belief Vogue to the point should be clear
Is it true or not?
Of the income of the turmoil of medicine and started reading and studying and practicing
Knows that this is not true at all!
In every science there basics and laws must be kept!
And there are many things to be understood!
On the contrary, it saves without understanding Those always in the last row
The stumble much class failure!
Valhfez example would be in the names of the bones and muscles, nerves and blood vessels
But if you do not understand the way of movement and association with some of the work of each one of them
Vsngab mind a lot of detail is very important!
As well as in the pharmaceutical name may save or antibiotic compound medicine!
But if you do not understand the mechanism of action and how it works and when given ..
You will not know the when Stsrvh and will not know how to behave with him if the dose is increased!
Thus in every science must be link conservation with understanding the

الثانية والثالثة والرابعة : هذه سنين تأسيسية أكاديمية يدرس فيها
Medicine of the wealth of science and the huge
And that you need to mind the yoke sighted and think!
And undoubtedly enjoy the pleasure of identifying God's power and wisdom in His creation!
It is very important that conjures faith to God Almighty!
Even be rewarded for every minute you spend in college and hospital
And even between the pages of books and lectures

طالب الطب العلوم الأساسية كالتشريح و علم الأمراض و الأنسجة

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Beware kill mosquitoes through as he stood on the skin ...

Beware kill mosquitoes through as he stood on the skin ...
U.S. medical study warned of killing mosquitoes through as he stood on the human skin.

The study, which was published in England Journal of Medicine: The killing mosquitoes during

And he stood on the human skin can affect humans infected. The study,

... Prepared by doctors from Einstein College of Medicine in New York, after the death of a woman in

Seventh session of old after suffering from fungal infection in the muscles.

Doctors believe it infected after killing a mosquito was standing on

Her body causing that part of the insect enters the skin and signs of infection appear.

Aava God and you ... !

Article is

The child to his mother smile Kalmkhaddr

The child to his mother smile Kalmkhaddr
Proven scientific experiments conducted in the Houston Institute for Medical Research smile child raises in his mother's brain centers themselves raised by some substance.
According to scientists who supervised the experiments and monitored the impact of a child's smile on his mother by survey Altomograve which monitor the reactions of mothers, they face different psychological states when Mshahdthen pictures of their children and children of strangers.
The one of the researchers at the institute to influence the vital relationship between the child and his mother on growth, considering that this relationship is determined by the level of growth, and that for some reason there are impediments to grow this relationship naturally.
He added that the mother-to-child neglect and ill-treatment has a negative impact on growth, which could result in a devastating impact on a child's growth and its subsequent development.
The scientists that certain centers in the brain are active dopamine responsible for moving pulse of nerve to another, and specifically in the vicinity of the forehead, when you look or the image of the child, based on the experiences made by scientists to mothers aged 28 years and their children in the age of 5 to 10 months, making a child smile affect the natural mother as an anesthetic.
The researchers said the level of disparity lies in the level of impact the child's face on his mother, according to the expression that laid down on his face, while proved that the baby's face smiling enjoys influence strongest on his mother, he also proved that effect at least associated words face sad or neutral to the child.
Scientists say a link between a child's smile and their impact on his mother could pave to reach the roots of the mystery of emotional attachment between mother and child, as well as reaching the reasons that may lead to imbalances which may distort communication between them ..

Fish eye bubble is a luxury types of goldfish

Fish eye bubble is a luxury types of goldfish

Reared in ponds home,

But what sets it apart is the presence of two eyes Mottaghtan higher

Msahuptan Bfaqaotain large bursting with liquid!

These bubbles are fragile and could easily explode

So fish should be kept away from harmful fish species

Acute and trims in ponds that can hurt the bubble

Although these bubble grow again if it exploded

. . سمكة فقاعة العين هي أحد أنواع السمكة الذهبية

الفاخرة التي تربى في الأحواض المنزلية ، و لكن ما

يميزها هو وجود عينين متجهتان للأعلى مصحوبتان بفقاعتين كبيرتين مملوئتين

بسائل ! هذه الفقاعات هشة و يمكن أن تنفجر بسهولة

لذلك يجب أن تبقى السمكة بعيدة عن أنواع الأسماك المؤذيةو الديكورات الحادة في الأحواض التي يمكنها أن تؤذي الفقاعة

Diagnose vision problems in children by age group

Diagnose vision problems in children by age group

In the first year if your child can not focus in the consideration or doubted his ability to vision, you should consult your pediatrician.
- If the pupil one or both eyes always veer to the inside or the outside, it is normal otherwise temporary deviation in the pupil is a dangerous deviation.
- Can children after the age of 3 months follow things that are moving in front of them within walking distance and if a child can not do that should be presented to the doctor.

In pre-school
If you notice any of the following signs should be displayed your child to the doctor:
- If you notice the presence of strabismus (eye pupils are not in a normal situation), because amblyopia may be simple and corrects through eyeglasses or may be a sign of other problems in the eye.
- If the color white pupil may be a sign of an eye disease such as: white water, tumors, etc., must be rapid detection of the child.


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