The art of massage the vagina, massaging the vagina and clit fun thrill
The goal of massage the vagina to create comfort for the wife, and enters into a State of high excitement and gives it great fun and a great thrill it is an excellent activity to build trust and intimacy between husband and wife.
There are practical steps to prepare for the massage and massage of the blown to walbz the husband and wife are also concerned to come to the objective of this fun women's sexuality:
Improves the couple bathing and perfume and brushing teeth. Then sit in a quiet place, candles, pillows, etc. , Or the like. This makes the couple the best vibe and feel the romance. Dear husband get ready with enough time during this process welatstagl
I go to the bathroom before beginning the massage. The best results occur when the bowel and bladder empty and avoid unnecessary experience massage province to go to the bathroom by either spouse.
In bed with your spouse by embracing, annexation, updates with Al Ain (look in the eyes of each other for a long time), relaxing and wife sit on pillows under her head back so you can look down at her genitals and up at her husband. Place a pillow covered with a towel under her legs and rear. wide-open and assembled by bow some thing (pillows or Bolsters under the knees will help too) to appear clearly genital massage
Husband sits cross-legged between the wife's legs. If the husband wishes to sit on a pillow or palm rest, this website allows full access to the vagina and other parts of the body. Before contacting the body, start breathing deeply.
Both husband and wife must continue to breathe deeply and slowly and relaxed during the entire process. The husband should urge his wife gently to start deep breathing again if stopped or started taking the same more shallow. Watch out deep breathing, gasping, does not mean that this is very important here. Stemwood and knead her stomach, her chest, etc., subtribes gently, to relax the wife and the husband is ready to touch your vagina. Pour a small amount of oil or high-quality body oil on the top of her vagina.
Pour just enough to distill down the blades and cover the outside of the vagina. (There are several excellent sexual body oils are available for this purpose in many lingerie stores, pharmacies, etc. and that these oils or creams are safe.) . Start gently knead the vulva and vagina external codes.
Spend some time and do not rush. Relax and enjoy during a massage. External code crush gently between your thumb and forefinger, move them apart the entire razor up and down. Do the same for the internal codes of vagina. take your time and don't rush. The wife can massage her chest or just relax and breathe deeply.
Helpful husband and wife look at each other's eyes as much as possible. Wife husband news could if necessary increase or decrease (pressure, speed, depth, etc.) to adjust your talk and focused on the sensations pleasurable (from my experience I found that talk the most necessary reduces compatibility wife during the massage and thus reduces the level of pleasures left and Dunya)
Clit gently knead the polarity that exists at hand and counterclockwise circles Squeeze gently between your thumb and forefinger. I work as a massage your wife will become very raised. in this situation, then you should not stop and continued to relax deeply, slowly wetttnfs wobhars, enter the right hand middle finger into her vagina, very gently roam and knead into her vagina with your finger, take your time, don't hurry, be nice, touch up, down and to the side, but the depth, speed and pressure.
Remember, this massage and courtesy of the vagina. The XFX amsd above the vagina, and middle finger inside the vagina, move the middle finger back and forth, you will be in touch with the spongy tissue area under pubic bone behind the clitoris area called point g spot (there are many books aalraeah and much of the detail about this area). Your spouse may feel they want to urinate, you may feel some pain but at the same time much of fun and pleasure.
But a second pressure, speed and movement pattern to reach the most fun method, you can move right left, back and forth, or in circles with your finger.
You can enter the finger between the middle finger and your pinkie, Stecher your wife first before inserting the fingers together so not surprised.
Most certainly, they will not feel any problem and they would be offered a massage from two fingers, take your time and be very nice.
You may use the right thumb to massage her clit, using creams, be very gentle.
But what works with your left hand all this time:
You can use it to massage the chest, abdomen, or clitoris, if you want to massage the clitoris is usually preferable to use your thumb movement up and down, and the rest of your hand and rub on the outside, dual hand massage will increase greatly pleasures left, I don't recommend using your left hand to touch your genitals it may remove your focus from the wife, then just try to start the process to exercise masturbation or tstmni because this will distract from your efforts and know that the purpose of this massage is a fun and useful are Only in first class.
Continue to massage, try different speeds and pressures and different movements, breathing and will look into the eyes of each other, he noted that may have powerful emotions it amounted to a cry of excitement, just be nice, give your wife something intimate and a bit of patience can have a great impact on them.
If you reach orgasm, let her breathe deeply and hold the massage if you want orgasms more events, and make sure that every orgasm more exciting it accepted by (needs to patiently).
Massage continued to ask you a