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Monday, March 19, 2012

American writer admired by the Prophet and wrote a book about his life

American writer admired by the Prophet and wrote a book about his life

The famous British highlighted American writer Lesley Hazleton interested in topics concerning politics, religion and history, the life of the Prophet, peace be upon him, in her new book "first Muslim".

And wrote an article in the newspaper "havingnton post" America "7 things" they will amaze you in during the discussion and read for life biography of Prophet (PBUH) found it more influential world leaders, and make them aware that the West must know the most amazing truth to correct their erroneous image of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad.

Hazleton began describing these facts announcing authorship of a new book about the Prophet's life titled "Muslim", noting that it had prepared a list of the most important West know about life in her book.

Leslie highlighted in her article a number of points about the Prophet's life, growing up as an orphan and was raised by his uncle and how he grew up and became a boy wanted to work and eat the work of his hand, grazing sheep to his uncles worked and then he married Khadija (RA), in accordance with mutual respect and love continued until her death, revelation is forty years old and the feelings of fear and dread that demise, and then he invited each of which documented for the worship of God and Islam, the secret For three years, and then recites the call in public.

In the book, 320 pages, $ 27.95 price fighting the Prophet, corruption and arrogance, and establish strong social and economic life in justice reform, events and how to deal with it in a way that is smart and wise until his death


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