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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

حصريا فيلم Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi

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انفراد تام فيلم على واحدة ونص للكبار فقط

انفراد تام فيلم

على واحدة ونص

للكبار فقط نسخة اصلية جودة عالية 700 ميجا ميديافاير ‏

فيلم على واحدة ونص بطولة راقصة وانتاج راقصة وقصة راقصة لاول مرة معا

تدور احداث الفيلم حول قصة صعود راقصة والمشاكل التي تواجهها في المجتمع و في الوسط الاستعراضي
للكبار فقط نسخة اصلية جودة عالية 700 ميجا ميديافاير ‏

فيلم على واحدة ونص بطولة راقصة وانتاج راقصة وقصة راقصة لاول مرة معا

تدور احداث الفيلم حول قصة صعود راقصة والمشاكل التي تواجهها في المجتمع و في الوسط الاستعراضي
للكبار فقط نسخة اصلية جودة عالية 700 ميجا ميديافاير ‏

فيلم على واحدة ونص بطولة راقصة وانتاج راقصة وقصة راقصة لاول مرة معا
تدور احداث الفيلم حول قصة صعود راقصة والمشاكل التي تواجهها في المجتمع و في الوسط الاستعراضي
تدور احداث الفيلم حول قصة صعود راقصة والمشاكل التي تواجهها في المجتمع و في الوسط الاستعراضي

حصريا تحميل فيلم ليلة ساخنة فلم نادر جدا للكبار فقط

Did you know???!!! .....Food. ...

Did you know???!!! .....Food. ...

Lord of Thy mercy and our bodies we hurry rational

There is no God but you subhaanaka of oppressors, so forgive me, forgive sins except you

Oh Lord have mercy, have mercy
Oh Lord have mercy, have mercy
Oh Lord have mercy, have mercy
Oh Lord have mercy, have mercy

Blogs by keerthi GA & aghanni o Allaah, and save those you
Did you know that a mixture of lemon juice, 2 cloves of garlic, ginger and 1 tablespoon of pure olive oil is an excellent mixture to clean the liver, where the cup of the mixture on an empty stomach before breakfast hours. ... You are advised to use this process every six months.
Know that Strawberry is useful to heart, because it is one of the best antioxidant, rich in dietary fiber, soluble fiber reduce cholesterol in the blood, increasing the efficiency of circulation.

Did you know that excess salt = osteoporosis, thought all that excessive salt intake would affect the blood pressure, but salt is not due to hypertension only 30 per cent of those infected with the disease. However, the salt damage happening in our bones, when your body gets rid of excess salt, with calcium, impair bone. Speed up excessive salt intake to osteoporosis. Therefore we limit our consumption of salt to 2,400 milligrams per day, in one piece of American cheese 300 milligrams of salt, and two pieces of white bread, 269 milligrams of salt, and half a cup of canned tomato sauce 740 milligrams.
Learn antnaol quantity of fiber between 25 to 35 grams a day reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and diarrhea.
Learn to fish oil pills may be useful in getting rid of rheumatoid arthritis disease symptoms which include a lot of pain, fatigue and stiffness of joints in the morning add to swollen. Rheumatoid arthritis affects people in different ages, and even children, the disease is diagnosed by special blood analysis. It has been found that these pills contain anti-inflammatory and get rid of the inflammation can get rid of the pain associated with arthritis.
Know that one medium carrot contains four times the human daily need of vitamin-a. .. There are other foods that contain much of the vitamin, such as pumpkin, yams (sweet potatoes, some type), cantaloupe, spinach and cabbage.
Do you do half sweet red bell pepper dish contains more than twice the recommended daily dose of vitamin c. the following foods rich in this vitamin (Orange, guava, green broccoli and peas).
Do half a kilo grams of fish-halibut contains gay human need daily vitamin d, followed by herring.
Did you know that one dish of cooked dry beans, provide human b 90% of human daily need of folate, followed by cooked soybean.
Learn the three marine molluscs from albetalimos steam cooked provides full human need daily of iron and matchless in any other food, knowing that there are many foods that contain good amounts of iron, but not compete with albetalimos in abundance of iron.
Know that herbal tea ineffective way to get rid of obesity. But the only effective way to get rid of obesity is the practice of sport and the quality and quantity of the food that we eat daily.
Did you know that garlic and onions and effective cure for many diseases, as they contain alslvaid compounds (sulfur), and these vehicles operate on blood clot risk dimensions, as it reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, especially the harmful LDL type type, it also works to reduce the risk of cancer.
Do you eat bananas to five lamb Shanks in today is the risk of high blood pressure, and can lower high blood pressure to normal within one week only and without pressure depressor drugs, banana contains a high concentration of potassium and low in sodium and is found in table salt, it should be noted that the food containing the element potassium helps to get rid of sodium to high blood pressure.
Did you know that you can now diagnose the disease through the IRIS, called iridology IRIDOLOGY and from which the wizard can diagnose many genetic diseases and infections that affect the body. Where a small spot or mark on the IRIS known as physician location and type of disease, science on disease diagnosis and treatment.
Learn the nutritional benefit of thermos make it similar to other types of grains such as peas or beans. This class of pills contains huge amount of protein up to 30% of its weight. The thermos is rich in fiber, which play a major role in mkaonh through trhaid bowel constipation, in addition to other amounts of minerals. The bitterness in the taste of the thermos, which can be removed when you boil a good thermos and soaked for a few days, receive effective to get rid of worms in the intestines especially if eating a thermos with honey. And were they grind him out and add minutes to wheat flour.
Did you know that research has shown that peppermint oil helps get rid of bowel disorders, because of its effectiveness as an antispasmodic and convulsions, and is working to relax the muscles of the stomach and intestines, and also acts as an anti bacterial.
Did you know that a bunch of almond weighs about 25 g almond kernels up to about 25 grain provides about 12% of human proteins required for his health every day, and about 35% of the vitamin E and 25 grams of calcium. Almonds are also rich in dietary fiber, iron, zinc and copper, which are necessary for the proper and healthy diet.
Learn effective material has been drawn from the MOSS alsistozira vigriata can eliminate stomach cancer cells with experimentation on laboratory rats infected with stomach cancer and has grooves into the article cancer cells and caused a laceration the cellular wall, this was when injected mice with less focus article. While high concentrations (500 mg/kg) analyses the cancer cells themselves. It has been observed in the absence of any toxic effects of the treatment, both injected mice with low or high concentrations

فيلم العالم سنة 2000 لبنانى ممنوع من العرض

فيلم العالم سنة 2000

لبنانى ممنوع من العرض نسخة DVBRIP بحجم 900 ميجا ميديافاير

بطولةحسن يوسفسهير رمزىزياد مولوىاديب قدورةمنى واصفنجاح حفيظعبداللظيف فتحى
التأليفقصه وسيناريو وحوارعلى الزرقانى
الإخراجأحمد فؤاد
والفيلم الجميلالعالم سنة 2000هههههههههههالكلام ده طبعا كان سنة 1972

ملخص الفيلميشعر الشاب بأنه غير قادر على الزواج من حبيبته الثريةفهو لا يملك سوى قسط ضئيل من المهر المناسب لهايدفع والد الفتاة بابنته للزواج من شاب ثرى ربما يصدم الحبيبالذى يحاول استخدام المهارات العلمية لدى اخيهيقوم هذا الأخ باسقاط أشعة عليهاحداث الفيلم جميله و مشوقهوللكبار فقط

Monday, April 2, 2012

فيلم عاريات بلا خطيئه لـ اغراء للكبار فقط+28

فيلم عاريات بلا خطيئه

للكبار فقط+28 DvdRip جودة عالية 850 ميجا ميديافاير

بطولةفهد بلانمحمد منير حلاونىدلال سخالىإغراء فهد بلانفتنةنصير قرطباوىأديب شمادة
جوزيف جبرايل
قصة و سيناريو و حواراغراء
اخراجكونستنتين كوستاف

ملخص الفيلمسهير وسلمى وحنان ثلاث شقيقات مات والدهن، تتزوج سهير من حمدى العربيد وصار سيد البيت، تصاب سهير فى حادث، وتسعى حنان إلى العمل، وتهرب سلمى بعد أن حاول حمدى مغازلتها، تموت سهير بعد أن يسرق زوجها من مالها، تعمل سلمى خادمة، تتعرف حنان على امرأة تدعى عواطف.. وتتوالي أحداث الفيلم المثيرة

فيلم عرائس الطين لـ هند صبرى للكبار فقط+28

فيلم عرائس الطين

للكبار فقط+28 DvdRip جودة عالية 700 ميجا ميديافاير

بطولةهند صبرىلطفى عبداللهأحمد الحفيانأميمة بن حفيصة

ملخص الفيلمفتاة تجيد صنع عرائس من طينتغرق فى عالم خيالى يسمح لها بإنقاذ طفولتهاعمران، فى الأربعين، سكير يحاول إخراج بنات قريته من عالمهنويتفق مع الأسر الفقيرة أن يأخذ البنات إلى تونسويعملن فى البيوت وتتوالى الاحداث


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