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Friday, March 1, 2013

Are there still in the universe?

Are there still in the universe?

Are we alone in the universe? If the answer is Yes, are we alone in existence? It necessarily has no presence on that one.
If we are not alone is it in other cosmic beings like us? Or are we all unique of our species, even that proved the existence of other intelligent life
Questions may roam the sake a normal one can wander to thoughts of scientists and philosophers and clergy

Greece, for example, including Pythagoras believed that there is on the Moon "Lunar", in the 19th century it was believed that some planets of the solar system are inhabited.Although modern and probes NASA denies this but has not denied the possibility of life elsewhere amid all those billions of galaxies

And address this topic in various submissions, whether religious or philosophical or physical

And start with a religious point of view where he answers some muftis, that we are not alone citing by saying: "not kneel to God who comes out الخبء in the heavens and the Earth" (Sura an-Naml, No 25) والخبء: is a plant, because the pill hiding in the Earth, and then planted out, i.e. that God remove the plant into the ground, as well as narrated in the sky, this means the presence of vegetation,
There is evidence of another marriage, but there are in heaven, where the Almighty says to ask: "and its verses created the heavens and the Earth and what their usual TV and is them if he wills Kadeer" (SC, No 29) emphasize the verse there are in heaven, not on Earth.

The Drake Equation

Drake equation

The world Frank Drake in 1961 to put an equation describes the approximate number of intelligent civilisations in our Galaxy (the milky way), named after the Drake Equation and equation called the Green Bank equation
Formula equation is:

N = R* Fp Ne Fl Fi Fc L

The equation above can be explained logically will presumably develop as follows:

N: number of civilizations capable of communication.

R *: the number of stars in our Galaxy (believed to number close to 125 billion).

Fp: number the stars around which planets (current census puts the ratio between 20% and 50%).

Ne: number of planets possible presence of life on them (all star with a planet can a life-supporting planets between one planet and 5 planets).

Fl: part of the Ne to develop life (for 100% and as low as higher than 0% a little).

Fi: part of Fl that could appear intelligent life (between 100% and higher low 0% a little).

Fc: part of Fi Ragheb or capable of communication with others.

L: the time period during which a smart culture capacity to send signals in the universe before they perish (could be the answer in part a billion lives planet located him that civilization can be ppm).

Different variables as scientists estimate the final score ranging from one to a billion civilization in the milky way only

British astronomer Perry Jones says: there must be life on other planets, because it is not reasonable that we are alone in this universe, not scientifically that human life in the universe, and may resolve this issue in 1995 when scientists discovered that Swiss police Mayor wekioloz Earth-like planet in the group known as 51 begast, and that the planet the size of Jupiter and Saturn, the stars and the interplanetary systems like the solar system, and that a total of 134.
It is true that these planetary systems is not entirely clear to us, but they are there, and that's enough, as long as these planets similar to the Earth, it must be as life on Earth, and life must be for the planet Earth, and it must be the expanses of water, this water create an atmosphere, it must be attractive to the planet Earth and stuck stuck air too, thus creating an environment for life, Mars is not its strong attraction, not the life of this gravity is weaker than that stuck The atmosphere, the environment for the existence of life and to the life it must be carbon and non-carbon lives.
If there are living beings elsewhere it must mind to think, and have eyes close to the brain, and must have the arms and the arms of fingers stuck to things, how many arms and how many fingers we don't know

Why not communicate with us

Against the possibility of not having another life we rely on similar arguments including
That there were civilizations superior or rational why not communicate with us
The idea that water is essential for life and until now has not been monitoring the water out of the ground

Modern applications to edit videos on smart phones

Modern applications to edit videos on smart phones

I bet that your Smartphone is full of video images, which is the kind of scenes you like. May be so, but it is not ideal for cinematic art. And instead of leaving it in its raw applications use refined, deleting unnecessary parts, or merge snapshots all together, or add special effects.
* Cut deftly
* One known video editing applications for devices operating system IOS» of «Apple» called «cut» «Cute cute Cut. And feel this app, as if it is intended for professional users with graphics (graphics) clean, clear duties regulations designed intelligently. And highlights the special Windows to provide advice and guidance on display to help you startup. Click on the Add button «Palace» to start a new video, and choose whether the editor will be the final movie HD or standard normal, whether natural or displayed on a plate.
Then highlight the main editing window of the application, and here you can add and edit video clips. And each section was organized by showing the timetable for the application, so it can be stackable stacks of several shots, or sections, gathered together in order to produce the final movie.
And lets you double-click each section harvest and trim size, length, or modify other properties, such as high original soundtrack. You can add transitions and changes, which are the special effects, such as fading, or offset between the sections. There are also options to add music and comments, text frames, and even static images.
Application «cute Kate» is very effective, but the list also functions may raise confusion and obfuscation. I have found it awkward to add changes between clips and stills, tools that are not clear, various icons and buttons for the application.
The basic application is free in iTunes, but leaves water Edition entitled «making with (cute cut)» videos, limiting the length. And update cost 4 dollars via purchase applications, which would remove such barriers and constraints.
Similar application effective hardware operating system Android, with friendly interaction based interface icons, called «andromidia video editor» (Andromedia Video Editor), and is free to play, Google can add transitions and changes, the introduction of static images, and audio editing. And this application interaction interface much simpler than «cute cut. For example, each section, or snapshot is added, is represented by an icon on list of key tasks. Show transformations of special effects in the form of different icon among icons sections. To edit a snapshot, or a video clip, or modify one of these shifts and changes, clicking on the icon. When you're done you can save the movie, or sharing immediately in «YouTube».
* Art work
* To check the videos in a simpler and more direct to the IOS, I prefer "video edit" (Video Edit), free on iTunes», due to the simple design and easy-to-use interaction interface. But it has its limitations, all you can do is styling stills and video clips from the video archive, and put them together in one big production. But it allows you to trim each section, without smart changes and shifts similar to the cinema available to link these sections.
Upon completion of each, one click on the check mark to save your movie website, or share it via email, or «Facebook», or «YouTube».
There is an alternative application for the majority of the film artwork and named «magisto-magical video aidtor» (Magisto — Magical Video Editor), free to the IOS and Android. It is used to produce nice movies and covered with special effects, choose your desired clips, stills and video special effects that will add color and blur and sparkle, and so on. You can add songs from the short list of music for the application. And the final website video production, it would take more than a few minutes. You can also share it with family and friends on Facebook, but you definitely win the Academy Award. But on the other hand, this application may be confusing to use, and requires you to open an account, before you can save your movies.

«PlayStation 2». A games developer coming before the end of the year

«PlayStation 2». A games developer coming before the end of the year

«Sony» company decided that the time has come to announce the electronic gaming machine «PlayStation 2» after 7 years a «PlayStation 3» and sold more than 70 million units in the world. The company said the device and all the companies which will be supported by a special conference in the US city of New York «» Wednesday evening, reviewing the new controller. The company confirmed that the device will be available in the market before the end of this year. It is expected to reveal more details in «entertainment» E3 Electronics Show in June next, especially the final device design.
The announcement comes in a proactive step to announce Microsoft for its forthcoming device experts predict coming in almost the same period, and after the launch of a «u» Nintendo Nintendo Wii Wii U in the end of last year, which did not have the success expected. This, and will continue to support Sony» «hardware «PlayStation 3» for an additional period after the sale of more than 70 million, with the promise of many game development companies to continue supporting your «PlayStation 3» for years to come.
* New features
* Features a «PlayStation 2» by highly developed technical specifications that will allow to make games more realistic and enjoyable, and support for playing games through CDs or through cloud services, and download games from the Internet even after you turn off the device and charging control after the tool connected to the device and stop work completely. New control tool, its name is "4 forks functions» DualShock 4, a similar design tool control device «PlayStation 3», but adds a touch-sensitive area in the middle to resemble a" PlayStation Vita» mobile, with the ability to click on them to interact with games. And the device will recognize the style games player plays out or their choice of Internet, it proposes a new downloadable games, and resemble proposals shop «Amazon».
The tool also contains the flare in the front area of the baseboard to allow cameras to follow their high resolution and interacting with the game world. You can connect headphones to the remote control tool, providing another outlet to add extensions, the ability to charge the battery Compact through socket "micro USB (can be shipped with the device, even if switched off), plus deliver a built-in headset into the controller. The company also added a special button allows the user to download recordings for another 15 seconds played out to the Internet and share with friends without stopping the game. The user can stop the machine at any moment and the game at any other time desired from the same place that stopped him from playing. The device will use a dual-sensor cameras looking website tool control and can determine depth, and interaction with them accordingly, and contains 4 high sensitive microphones for voice interaction with hardware and games.
And contains additional slide to perform operations in the background without the player feels, like uploading videos to the Internet and download files from the Internet, and others. This, and does not need «PlayStation 2» to connect to the Internet to function as rumors swirled, but «Sony» information on whether the machine can run games from different geographical areas, as is the case with your «PlayStation 3».
* Technical specifications
* Technical analysts that the graphics capabilities of your «PlayStation 2» (1.84 Teraflop Teraflop, 1.84 trillion calculations per second per client) is the strongest by 4 and a half times compared to the capabilities of the graphics device «PlayStation 2» (400 ghighaflob, 400 thousand million calculations per second), more than 7 times compared with graphics device «Xbox 360» (240 ghighaflob).
The new device uses a Wizard works with 8 nuclei x86 technology, 64-bit, 8 GB shared memory (compared to 512 to main memory and graphics processor in your «PlayStation 3», i.e. the new larger device memory by 16 times, which is a very important element of electronic games) can transfer data at a rate of 175 GB per second, with 18 units of specialized graphics mathematical, using DVDs Blu-ray» that can store a very large volume of data. This, the company will provide a solid compact disk, but did not announce its storage capacity, yet. The device supports networks of «Bluetooth» and «and», and «socket USB 3.0» high speed, exit «HDMI» HD screens and another for regular TVs, a producer of audio technology, Optical S/PDIF. The device can download games from the Internet even after you stop working. This device will support technical, 4K to display an HD picture, but for video only, not for electronic games.
Since the device uses a technology different from that used in a «PlayStation 3», players will be able to drive games «PlayStation 3» on the new device, but will be able to enjoy those games through the service «ghaikay» GaiKai cloud purchased «Sony» summer last year for us $ 380 million, and start playing before the download is finished, plus the ability to play games» PlayStation 2 computers and 1» also through this service later.
* Support game companies
* Reacted positive games development companies, especially the technology of «x86» are used in personal computers, to support the device easily and without complicated software such as what happened with your «PlayStation 3» and the concomitant need to learn a new programming style and exclusive hardware development tools and hardware versions competition or personal computers. She welcomed the many companies developing games with 8 GB of memory, it is very important for them.
«Sony» confirmed that it is possible to use a mobile gaming device «PlayStation» PlayStation Vita Vita additional screen to play and interact with the game world in which new creative ways. The company will be mobile application allows the user to interact with the store and games in many ways.
The company reviewed the Conference 11 future game, such as Watch Dog and Knack, Driveclub and Diablo III and Destiny and Infamous: Second Son and Killzone: Shadow Fall and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, with the support of 148 games development company famous, such as Electronic Arts and Bungie and Quantic Dreams, Sega and Square Enix and Ubisoft and Activision, Tecmo, Konami and Capcom and Namco and Ascii and Nippon, Bethesda and LucasArts, Disney, Take-Two and Telltale and Rovio.

Microsoft adds automatic translation to its network of companies

Microsoft adds automatic translation to its network of companies

"Maykrsoft group" American Informatics that social network for "order" will have a translation function for automated messages in the hope of increasing use by global companies.
The group said in a statement that it will allow users to instant translation of conversations across + ordering + mother tongue. "
This job will be added "as of the end of March 2013" is used translation system adopted in the Informatics group, known as "maykrsoft translitr" which covers 39 languages.
It was designed "ordering" in 2008 and bought Microsoft year 2012 at $ 1.2 billion and social networks, especially oriented to companies where employees can communicate with one another. It is available in the basic version is free and paid for improved versions of more supervision, security and communication management accounts and other services.
The service emphasizes "orders" that has seven million users, 65 percent of them outside the United States and hopes that this machine translation to "the adoption of their services at the international level".

Application of Accor cell phones bring more than 10 million visitors in 2012

Application of Accor cell phones bring more than 10 million visitors in 2012

Accor finished leading hotels in Europe, renew mobile solutions enable clients to the hotel reservation under any circumstances, especially thanks to geographical locations, with videos and documents indicating the possibilities.

The company said in a statement today, that the use of these innovative solutions make sales up to 20 times in only four years in 2012, and apply the Accor mobile phones and the Internet more than 10 million visitors, which pay the company a few weeks ago to launch products to their customers and business clients.

Products include a new version of the application multi-branding, which allows users to book accommodation in hotels of the Accor 3500 in more than 90 countries, this application was renewed to provide a better experience for customers with customized search, new design easier, and video and Photo previews and booking service.

These products include a new specialized applications of Ibis, which allows users to book a stay at Ibis hotels the 1600 (Ibis, Ibis Stiles waibis budgett), this application is smooth and very simplified, especially as it includes the functions of operation such as geographic location and hotel for easy previews and effective reservation, is part of a strategy group to update and renew the three brands, represents a new and important phase in the campaign of Ibis to become digital standard in hotels by 2015.

These are applications available for Android 1,-iPhone and BlackBerry operating systems, sites and and mobile refurbished to make them more easily and are also available for more than 7,500 device of mobile phones that support the Internet.

New booking provides customers, and pledged to ensure the best available prices and discounts for members of Club loyalty programme for Accor hotels or business travelers, and is also available in several languages (15 languages available for mobile applications).

Isabel said Bayram, first Vice President of direct sales and Accor hotels loyalty programme, the mobile solutions offered allow customers the opportunity to find a hotel under any circumstances at the best price, with the system completely safe and without any surprises, and describes his necessary directions to reach the hotel from the shortest possible way, pointing to the launch of this new mobile solutions is the first stage of effective mobile strategy, and will help to develop stronger relationships with customers.

Nokia unveils new family of smart phones "lumia"

Nokia unveils new family of smart phones "lumia"

Removed the Finnish Nokia, the mobile phone giant in the world, unveiled two new versions of "smart phones" lumia and cheaper cell phones at all, during the exhibition Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain.

New Nokia phone joins the "lumia 720" and "lumia" to 520 series phones "smart" lumia "lumia 620 and 820 lumia" and "lumia 920", launched by Nokia last year.

Estimated price starts from $ 139, "lumia" 520 more smartphones based OS "weindosvon 8" at the cost of "Apple". The phone features a "lumia 520" a tactile display size 4 inches, and a digital camera with a resolution of up to 5 mega pixel with auto focus feature, which offers the same properties and characteristics of lenses in higher phone technical specifications and performance "lumia 920".

Besides the approximately 130 000 applications available to them via Windows phone app store 8 store, users will be able to access the Nokia services, such as Nokia Music service "free music streaming, as well as geographical locations, Nokia services here."

Can increase the internal storage for the new phone, which now stands at 8 GB to 64 GB external storage card locked "microSD".

Either phone "lumia 720" comes from larger-screen wvga 3.2 inch-previous "ABS" and Claire black, plus a digital camera back with a resolution of 7, 6 mega pixels, and exposing a large optical lenses from Carl Zeiss type "to brilliant pictures in day and night lighting conditions.

Besides all the features other phones "lumia", like my Nokia Music Nokia "and" here "," lumia "720 phone also supports Wireless charging technology across the lid attachment." lumia phone will come in five colors 720, rate my starts from us $ 249, Nokia will begin in put on the markets of Hong Kong and Viet Nam and Singapore during the first quarter of 2013, before expanding in key markets in China and Europe, Asia, Africa and India during the second quarter.

Either phone "lumia 520" will come in five different colors, and the rate of appreciation from 139 USD, and will reach customers in Hong Kong and Viet Nam during the first quarter, before expanding in the markets of Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa and the United States.

Nor forget the Finnish giant Nokia phone SME sector performance and low cost, seeking to dominate the States experiencing an increase in demand for mobile phones, such as China and India.

And the company disclosed an uncovered phone "Nokia 105" which is designed to slide from using cell phones for the first time, which starts at US $ 15.

The phone comes with colorful provides all the core functionality of a mobile phone, such as the Internet and e-mail, along with FM radio, alarm clock and Brail and Finder light.

Nokia phone also features 105 "that is resistant to dust and water, and the company claims that its battery lasts for 5, 12 hours in talk mode or up to 35 days in standby mode, it says" Nokia "that would be perfect for those seeking a back-up. Nokia phone will be 105 "black and blue, Nokia intends to put in major markets during the first quarter, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Russia and Viet Nam, next to other markets in Africa and the Middle East, Asia and Europe.

Ericsson Unveils 5th generation features for mobile phones

Ericsson Unveils 5th generation features for mobile phones

Ericsson revealed on the Web in 2020 community features, custom displays of fifth generation G5 technology, through their participation in the World Conference for mobile phones in the area "Vera Gran via" in the Spanish city of Barcelona, which concludes Feb. 28.

Ericsson referred to how to manage 50 million hits in a sustainable way, also made presentations about major cities, show information and communication technology capacity to develop safety and innovation and sustainability in the cities will be 70% of the world's population by 2050.

The company has said the project, which tested the idea of exploratory connect glass to improve the coverage, and enable services like curtains, ventilation control, through cloud computing technologies.

She said that after 7 years of mobile data size will be a thousand times more and will speed the user's custom data 100 times faster, than it is today, as more devices will be between 10 and 100 times.

The networks will need to deal with the enormous quantity of connected devices, and much more data traffic than today.

The company said it's working to identify new technologies, to complement current and developing technologies to provide more efficient networks and can be expanded and used in multiple domains.

Examples were mentioned on the application of high density environments, such as public libraries and universities where cloud services will play a crucial role in meeting the needs of low-cost communications and sustainable way.

She sees the fifth generation technology as a means through which users have experience exceptional networking.

The fifth generation will not contain a single technology or a few techniques from radio communication techniques. But by adopting the methodology will focus on experience, rather than technical, to provide an exceptional experience by integrating multiple radio access techniques.

She by 2050, 70% of the population will live in cities, compared to 50% today. And many will be living in urban areas who called major cities.

She added that this growth will lead to a dramatic increase in the need for social, economic and environmental issues more efficiently and in a more sustainable way.

She said she views the strategy on information and communication technology and mobile communications technology as a major factor in the face of these challenges, it is critical to future infrastructure and city planning.

And around the city, asserted that it will highlight how city life and highlight the benefits of collaborative and proactive practices and pointed out three main scenarios, is the first in the city, and the second in the city and the third in green city.

"HTC" unveils a new version of the smart phone "

"HTC" unveils a new version of the smart phone "
Company "HTC Corp., a leading manufacturer of mobile phones in the world, unveiled an updated version of the smart phone," HTC ", says it will supply users with unsurpassed experience.

The new phone comes equipped with a high definition display "full HD" girth 4.7 inches, and Qualcomm's Snapdragon "processor 600" Quad speed 1.7 GHz, based on a customized version of Android operating system called HTC sense.

The phone supports wireless technologies across the near field communications (NFC) and Bluetooth 2.0 t 4 ", plus a" de "to the Visual content to your television or computer. The phone also works as a remote "remote control" on the devices supported by the company, the new device also contains an port micro USB 2.0 2.5 "HD video to link cell phones to connect via USB" ports "and" HDMI. "

The new phone also features a camera "ultra" new PIX added to feature HTC Zoe new capture high-resolution photos in three seconds, plus the ability to transfer those pictures to videos with music interludes and effects.

Either the camera itself contains optical exposure rate lenses f/0 t 2, and ultra sensitive pixels "collecting light by more than 300 percent on sensor smart phone cameras, front camera also supports video capture at a rate of luminous intensity" 1080 ", it also features phone cameras to feature vibration blocker, plus there's an improvement in the feature to capture panoramic images 360 °, and remove unwanted items in a photo.

The company said that phone, "HTC" new will be available globally through 185 of telephony service providers in more than 80 countries and regions starting next March.

Is not yet advertise the price of the new phone will be available in silver and black.

Samsung Unveils her Tablet "Galaxy 8.0

Samsung Unveils her Tablet "Galaxy 8.0
"سامسونج" تكشف عن حاسبها اللوحي "جالاكسي نوت 8.0"
Removed the company Samsung, the South Korean consumer electronics giant in the world, unveiled her new Galaxy Tablet 8.0 ".
And supports your tablet, touch screen with 8 inch (display resolution 1280 I 800 pixels), the Android operating system version 4.1 "codename" jelly bean ", with internal storage, 16 GB or 32 GB, up to 64 GB increase over external storage card locked" microSD ".
The new machine has a 9 "processor quad-core 1.6 GHz, digital camera with a resolution of up to 5 mega pixels, plus other forward at a resolution of 1.3 megapixels, 2 GB of RAM yabet, it also supports Samsung electronic pen" bin ".
Other features include, support contacts "HSBC no place", and "band 802.11 functions" and "WiFi" and "Bluetooth".

The antelope. Personification of the forces of God in nature. !!

The antelope. Personification of the forces of God in nature. !!

Mother nature, the real art theater and the magic nature scenery, pictures may find their way easily to the wall of your home, a place where the forces of God embodied in nature:
Antelope Valley "Antelope Canyon is one of the most spectacular canyons in the southwestern United States in Arizona.
Long ago the herds of deer roam freely in the Valley centuries which explains the name "Antelope Valley", where the cattle graze in winter.
The valley formed over millennia by the torrents that wasted from time to time, the wind is one of the factors contributing to the sculpture, which led to the refinement of fantastic forms, rocks and high Canyon walls up to about 120 feet above the River.
The valley landscape is constantly changing with the movement of the Sun, the rays reflected quietly on stone walls with constantly changing angle of the Sun creates an impressive presentation of colors and shadows.

Over the years has become a favorite gathering place for Valley photographers and tourists and visitors from around the world, and needed a guide to cross the Valley with arrangements for a guided tour, and required permits for camping, walking and hiking.

Pictures kilauia the most active volcano on Earth

Pictures kilauia the most active volcano on Earth

Of the most active volcanoes on Earth and the most visited. Kilauia volcano "Kilauea":
And you will learn it today through this tour catalog:

Kilauia volcano "Kilauea" one of five volcanoes that make up the Hawaiian Islands.

Before the volcano eruption tremors from earthquakes that cause cracks which facilitates flow of lava, and usually follows the activity of the volcano kilauia smog range up to the other islands, in other words, we are seeing horrors of geological effects combined.
The volcano is not violence had imagined both watched the movie "Dante's Dante's Peak Summit", yet it is powerful enough to eliminate some of the villages and burning several houses, as happened when it erupted in 1990, it was the largest eruption in 1920 as the lava to rise 20 ft in the air.

You can enjoy the scenery in relative safety, although the continuing volcanic activity leaving the volcanic Observatory in a permanent concern.

Look lava magma morphology as exotic lamps, but they hide behind gravity hardness is very high, often are not stable as addition form suggests it remains hot for a long time.

Flowing lava to reach the ocean. When the confluence of water and fire. And when their cohesion. Only then. Break the laws of physics!
At the confluence of water and fire one dominates the other. But!! .. A raging fire and water together and the laws don't work!! .. Sobhan Allah almighty saying "If the sea sgert", while he stated in writing each of water and fire 20 times.

Giant strawberry milk Lake photos

Giant strawberry milk Lake photos

Lake (Retba or Lac rose) located to the North of Cap Vert peninsula of Senegal, North East of the Lake changes color from light purple to deep scarlet color day after day, the reason for this unusual coloring is non-harmful bacteria that thrive in an environment of high salinity in the Lake, and Alon more obvious during the dry season.
Strawberry color produced by salt-loving article (Dunaliella salina), producing red dye which uses energy from sunlight to create more energy to turn water into pink, covering an area of about 3 km, 35km Lake is located about to the northeast of Dakar, Senegal. Since 1970.

Mosaic in the stomach: strange parts found inside a sea turtle

Mosaic in the stomach: strange parts found inside a sea turtle

Offered some assets in the sea turtle's stomach, and looks to the viewer like a colored mosaic Panel but from plastic.

Yes found in stomach sea turtle and presented Alladahon damage to marine resources as a result of the apathy of some unsuspecting than committed hands, and in the article list of the events of the story.
All these assets are extracted from the stomach after water ZERROUKI Turtle Beach after losing its battle to stay within its perimeter and are resisting the growing tide of environmental pollution. The story is that the jellyfish is one of the favorite foods of this type of turtle is not able to distinguish between food and stuff plastic bags nylon, plastic has blocked intestines within the digestive system causing the slow death from hunger, little turtle was found in Argentina and that are known to grow up to 44, and that the latest statistics reported that 75% of marine life is low because of its material (plastic, glass, nylon bags) If this case has gotten the All the mortalities of marine animals and eliminate this wealth that sophistication in Bari was not created in vain.

All marine creatures are already exist to serve our environment, and to preserve the planet and that we at some point in time we are not aware of what inevitably change human service behavior, the recently released report indicates that more than one billion plastic bags are distributed free each day to consumers and that three out of every thousand find their way towards the sea. The sea turtle have been found in the oceans and seas more than 100 million years and is working to clean up the oceans from pollution and increasing pollution level has lost this battle that will inevitably lead to extinction.
Some European countries and North America a quotation on the empty plastic bag and an attempt to reduce pollution. Although conservation is a moral duty, shall we our core ethics of religion.


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