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Friday, December 14, 2012

Causes of hair loss

Causes of hair loss:Flaking hair naturally grows in place new hairBut others most hair loss is normal prayers when pregnancy and childbirth, certain medications, blood type, genetics, anemia, lack of vitamins, thyroid disorder work, use of hair dyes incorrectly, pulling hair continuous and others. Said to be the type of shampoo has nothing to do with the fall of hair and God knows.Scalp differs from the rest of the body:The rich blood processing, heavy fatty substance from the sebaceous glands, onions T. hair grow long hair to become. Are exposed to the sun, cold and heat more than the rest of the body. As well as for cosmetics such as hair dye and relaxing more than other parts of the body.Sometimes there are scales on the scalp:Reasons:Crust: Dandruff: The scientific name is pityriasis capitis. The situation is rife. What happens is that the skin consisting of in accordance with T cells are falling dead cells, and other cells replenished. There dandruff fungus named Pityrosporum ovale, but multiplies faster in people who complain of the crust as well as the fall of the skin cells is faster than normal and cells Taatlasq with each other and cortex that we know works.Treatment with anti-dandruff shampoo that contains a substance that destroys the parasite, and if the case is severe you review the doctor.You can try the following method: Take one teaspoon of olive oil and mix with two tablespoons of milk and put it on your hair for an hour and then wash it and you'll see a good result, God willing.

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