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Friday, December 14, 2012

Baldness: Alopecia

Baldness: AlopeciaAlopecia areata is hair loss in patches in the body, usually the scalp.Alopecia totalis is hair loss of all scalpAlopecia universalis is the loss of all body hair
Alopecia areata: occurs in young people, for example, adolescents and young adults with show spot or bald spots in the scalp. But can occur at any age, and have infected people do not complain of a particular disease is, they generally healthy.Types: diffuse alopecia areata any scalp, Alopecia areata monolocularis any one spot, Alopecia areata multilocularis any in multiple spots, Alopecia areata barbae any in the beard area g
Reasons: not infect baldness. It seems that the role genetics. Also seems to be linked to autoimmune disease autoimmune diseases where it is believed that the cause of hair loss is that the body attacks itself Fahajm onions and inhibits the growth of hair hairs. Observed the presence of T cells T cell lymphocytes clusterAbout these places.

Symptoms: soft spots free of hair and shape of any form but mostly rounded. Be on the scalp or beard but can infect any other place in the body where hair.Possible that the situation will improve on its own for some time and perhaps the disease disappears.Shape of the hair like any exclamation mark (!) Exclamation point hairs and this means that the hair be thinner in its near part of the surface of the skin and thicker as we got to the top. Therefore can Nshabha easily Venqtaha.
Treatment: Because the reason is not clear, the non-specific treatment. Almost half of the patients will grow hair on his own within a year without any treatment, and 90 percent of them will return hair to grow in that place.
Also used Minoxidil, topical immunotherapy cyclosporine irritants, anthralin or topical coal tar.Grain الكورتزون possible that a temporary benefit but its impact and its side-effects.Hair transplant is possible, but the problem is that the bald area as possible to get bigger.Wigs can help
Predictions: more influence for baldness is myself lost for humans to catch depression, tension and awkwardness of meeting people. As well as those people have a greater susceptibility to happen they have asthma, allergies, lack of action of the thyroid gland. Lose the hair that protects the head from the heat of the sun. And loss of nose hair increases the symptoms of allergies, possible that they have defects in the nails as well.

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