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Friday, December 14, 2012

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis:
dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin. Contact any because of contact.
Inflammation of the skin due to an allergic reaction:Is a skin reaction after it comes into contact with the substance raises the sensitivity and reaction called Article (allergen) any felt by the body as something strange and works allergic reaction against it. Sensitivity called allergic contact dermatitis, Or that comes into contact with the skin thing irritant irritant sensitivity called irritant contact dermatitis, and there is a kind of sensitivity due to exposure to sunlight Phototoxic dermatitis.
Due to contact dermatitis allergic contact dermatitis with a particular substance foreign to the body and be the outer layer of the skin is where interaction occurs any in the epidermal layer and the outer layer of the dermis ie those under the skin. This lasts for days and then disappear with the disappearance contact with irritating material.Sometimes be a large reaction in the skin and painful and the itching and possible to take days to weeks to heal.The first contact with the irritating material interaction but does not work body Sathss in contact next interaction will happen. Area of ​​affected skin often specific location contact.Reasons: types of soap (soap Attorvi), cosmetics and cleaning and ornaments made of certain metals such as nickel, and some plastic plants or paws, citrus, and even certain medications if in contact with the skin as possible to operate sensitivity.
For kind of reaction in the body due to an irritant irritant contact dermatitis get because of contact with an irritant such as detergents and other chemicals. The area of ​​affected skin may be significant.
Symptoms:- A red rash appears immediately after contact with irritating material (for sensitivity, it may appear after a day or two).- Bubbles may appear in the skin or a red rash high for the rest of the skin, called hives.- Itching and feeling like burning. Article irritants cause more symptoms and be more painful and itchy.- Article irritants affect most often hands because it is being of chemicals such as detergents.- If it seemed the interaction of the body may take four weeks to heal.- If your symptoms do not go you go to the doctor, especially if allergies on the rise.

Treatment:Beyond the things that cause allergies. And possible to be difficult to know which material is the reason. Possible that we examine the sensitivity to know what the article.If touched article irritants wash place with soap and water in order to distance it from the skin.Do not put powders or materials on the skin to relieve symptoms because it is possible that the increase it possible to put Calamine lotion a Chidelah material relieve itching and pain. Doctor will prescribe antihistamines such as antihistamines, and الكورتزون.Must rub the area because it increases inflammation.If your doctor described treatment Valtzm to heal.If I knew the reason, avoid it.

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