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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Explain the anatomy submandibular glands submandibular gland

Explain the anatomy submandibular glands submandibular gland

Is triangular in shape, weighing between 7-8 g, and is located in the region under the hyoid, within the lower jaw.

Include serous alveoli and mucosa, accounts for a small Avsasa portfolio of connective tissue, and also surrounded by dense fibrous portfolio, issued capsulatum class of deep cervical fascia.

Consists of two lobes:

lobe surface: Located in the region triangular bottom body the lower jaw, and separated from the parotid gland from behind Association jaw needle (Rabat mandibular needle) stylomandibular ligament, and is located in front of muscle stylohyoid stylohyoid muscle and Association jaw needle, and there on the side hole submandibular , and the class capsulatum of deep cervical fascia, and muscle tablet (the skin of the neck muscle) Platysma Muscle and skin.

deep lobe: extends forward between hyoid jaw muscles from the bottom and sides, and in the middle of the muscles under the linguistic and linguistic needle.

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