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Friday, December 14, 2012

Explain the benefits and functions of the autonomic nervous system

Explain the benefits and functions of the autonomic nervous system

This device is called Balmata because Aasbha members show self-cramps when placed in the appropriate compromise of perfusion and ventilation is totally separated from the body, and because the contract has its own exist outside the nervous system.

It consists of nerve central and nerve terminals, and works on the innervation member involuntary in the body such as the heart, smooth muscle (such as members of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, and reproductive systems ... etc.) and glands, it is responsible for the organization and the balance and stability of the middle interior of the body.

The different nerves of the nervous system among self-anatomically and functionally, and in usability alarm and various stimulants excitement, and based on different jobs or places of presence, the autonomic nervous system is divided into two parts:

- The sympathetic nerve
- Anticholinergic nerve

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