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Friday, December 14, 2012

Explain the benefits and functions of the device friendly in the human body

Explain the benefits and functions of the device friendly in the human body

It consists of the spinal nerves that come from paragraphs or pieces thoracic and lumbar which are similar in function, and consists of the nerves and incoming friendly, and nerves outgoing and friendly.
contained issued guts and pass through friendly contract without working intertwined, and then enter the spinal nerve and reach the root nodes in the back of the spinal cord, then to the posterior horn of the gray matter, and there (intertwined) with neuron Penny ( connector), and this may be the fact that the first part of the Department of the local reflex.But some nerves follow its progress to higher self-centers in the brain.
Lama issued stockpiles nerve cells connected in the side of the century gray substance of the spinal cord in the area between the first paragraph bra to the second lumbar vertebrae.
Neurons Alennkainip graduated from the root front then pass branches white them to existing nodes directly on the side of paragraphs and called this fiber b fiber by Streptococcus a short, and there follow its progress with spinal nerves front of intolerance muscle visceral smooth like blood vessels and sweat glands, and members of the urinary and reproductive systems, and these are called nerve fibers after nodal a long time.
Chemical carrier in tangles is noradrenalin.

Anticholinergic device:

Consists of cranial nerves, and sacral spinal nerves in the second, third and fourth. And the other is composed of the nerves of the incoming and outgoing nerves.

Fiber contained Alennkainip comes from the guts to neurons located either in the contract in the sensory cranial nerves, or in a posterior root of the spinal cord. Then enters the neuron East to the central nervous system, and it becomes part of the Department of the local reflex, or he walks to higher self-centers in the brain.
The outgoing fiber are found cells in the nuclei of cranial nerves III and VII and IX and X, and in the gray matter of the sacral spinal nerves second, third and fourth. It is enough to make a century in the gray matter similar to the Horn of sympathetic nerves in the device.
Neurons Alennkainip graduated from the spinal cord through the spinal nerve roots forehand to reach nodes located away from the spinal cord, in User wall, so these neurons before the initial Streptococcus long unlike short neurons friendly, and intertwined with ganglion cells stimuli after very short.
Chemical carrier counterpart in the complexity of the nerves friendly is .
What should be noted that the work of the two devices friendly and anticholinergic , thereby reducing the effects of the other, usually the role of the sympathetic system instigator, alarm or sexy, while the role of the anticholinergic negative or inhibitory.
Friendly device increases the strength of the heart muscle or increase the number of heart beats, and causes blood vessels to narrow peripheral, and expands bronchial or pupil and raise blood pressure, but it relieves the spiral movement of the intestines, and narrows vesical sphincter and anal.
The device anticholinergic is energy recovery, it reduces the number of heart rate and increases the spiral movement of the intestines and gland activity, and opens vesical sphincter, and narrows the airways and the pupil.

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