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Friday, December 14, 2012

Explain the benefits and functions of neurological diseases Neurological disorders

Explain the benefits and functions of neurological diseases Neurological disorders

Mid-facial paralysis (Bell's palsy)

Is paralysis affects the facial nerve (nerve cerebral VII), and it is lost the ability to control facial muscles aspect infected, and there are many reasons causing facial paralysis, such as brain tumors, or strokes, and other reasons are manifold, but when you do not know the reasons called facial paralysis paralysisface migraine or paralysis Bill is the kind we eat in our topic now.

The Bell's palsy more types of facial paralysis common and it happens by 25 per 100,000 per year, which paralysis occurs suddenly in one area of the face, and has no specific reason is a more neurological disorders that affect nerves cerebral cranial nerves, and usually heals the disease automatically, Although this syndrome has been described by Scottish surgeon Charles Bell Charles Bell since 1821, but he was still debate has been so far about the causes of the disease, and treatment.
And accompanied by the onset of the disease the patient's fear that the disease is due to a stroke, or a tumor or facial deformity incident will be ongoing, and the diagnosis of this case, the exclusion of similar cases, which can identify the cause of facial paralysis. And facial paralysis occurs slightly higher percentage of those who are of Japanese descent, also occurs at a higher rate between 10 to 30 years of age, and is common when over seventy years of age.
Anatomy of nerve

Consists facial nerve (nerve cerebral VII) of fiber mobility which that stimulate the muscles of facial expression, which represent the bulk of the nerve, and the smaller part, is composed of fibers carrying sensation taste of two-thirds front of the tongue, also carries fibers of the gland lacrimal and salivary glands,and some fibers that transmit pain sensation.

Nerve pathThe course of the facial nerve complex, and perhaps that is the reason behind the ease of picking up a groin injury. And starts out of the brain nerve in two parts when the angle between the cerebellum and brain Bridge cerebellopontine angle. And expresses nerve after that posterior fossa skull posterior cranial fossa and into slot internal channel audio internal acoustic meatus, then passes through the channel facial facial canal in temporal bone temporal bone, and then going back at a steep angle as it passes behind the middle ear, and out of the skull through stylomastoid foramen stylomastoid foramen, then passes from the parotid gland parotid gland is divided into two parts, and then final stretch parties of parotid plexus, to feed the muscles of facial expression.

Signs and symptoms of migraine facial paralysis (Bell's palsy)

Approximately 80% of patients recover within a few weeks or months.
Symptoms occur suddenly, and infected up muscle weakness than after 48 hours.
Pain behind the ear may precede paralysis a day or two.
Loss of sensation may occur in half of the tongue taste only, and one-third of patients complain of sense of taste disorder, while four-fifths of the patients complained of loss of sense of taste.
May occur excessive sensitivity of the votes that have certain frequencies hyperacusis, because stapedius muscle paralysis.
Occurs when two-thirds of patients flood of tears, because affected orbicularis kind, and its failure to turn in the conduct of tears, not be due to increased secretion of tears, as may happen dryness of the eye.
In some cases, there is an increase in lymphocytes white blood cells spinal cerebrospinal fluid lymphocytosis.
May reveal MRIs for the presence of nerve swelling and jams in the temporal bone.
May help drawing electrical muscle Electromyography in the evaluation of the condition and to predict their fate, has given this test evidence of the disappearance of nerve denervation, and this means damage axon, and regeneration of nerve could take a long time up to 3 months, it is possible to have regenerative incomplete . While a renewed incomplete in the first week means a good prediction for the fate of the case.
Facial paralysis be Metzaml and conjugated with the first type of herpes virus simplex herpes simplex virus HSV type 1 has to be activated the virus responsible for the occurrence of facial paralysis With this possibility, but it has not been proven, have occurred after vaccination against influenza through the nose.

Similar cases of facial paralysisLyme disease Lyme disease: which causes facial paralysis district, or respects, and in the settlement areas of the disease, about 10% of cases of facial paralysis, be due to the type of bacteria pathogenic spirochetes, called Borrelia Bergdovry Borrelia burgdorferi.Syndrome Ramsay Hunt Ramsay Hunt syndrome, which arise from the reactivation of the Ring of Fire herpes zoster knot jockeys of the facial nerve geniculate ganglion, and is accompanied by a rash channel external audio, or it may be rash throat, or anywhere head, and in most cases get too nerve cerebral VIII.

Most cases of leprosy affects the facial nerve, as may happen inflammation of the facial nerve in patients with diabetes, or connective tissue disease, which include syndrome Sjojran Sjogren's

syndrome, and amyloidosis amyloidosis.
Malkerson syndrome - Rosenthal Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome rare, which is a paralysis of the face repeatedly, and swelling of the lips and face for a long time as a result of the accumulation of fluid between cells may also occur cracked tongue.
Acoustic neuroma Acoustic neuromas, which is pressing on a nerve and causing facial paralysis in the face.
Bridge area of ​​the brain injury or brain arch Pons, and that interrupt the path of the facial nerve, due to lack of blood supply, and the death of some cells Infarcts, and remove myelin membrane (myelin) because MS multiple sclerosis.
Tumors that affect the temporal bone and causing facial paralysis, be the beginning of a sudden, with the growing paralysis over time.
When the infection brain above the level of nerve supranuclear type, the muscle frontal frontalis muscle, and orbicularis kind orbicularis oculi muscles, be affected less than affected muscles down the face - and it is due to the nerve fibers come from both sides of the cerebral cortex to the nerve-fed to them, while muscles lower face fed only in terms of the corresponding brain - also lose facial expressions, and involuntary movements of the facial muscles, the patient may develop a degree of paralysis arm or leg, or lose the ability to speak.
Migraine diagnosis of facial paralysis (Bell's palsy)
Facial paralysis is diagnosed migraine symptoms, signs, and after excluding similar cases, and helps magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to confirm the diagnosis, they are found in the majority of cases and there is swelling of the facial nerve.Mid-term complications of facial paralysis (Bell's palsy)In cases that do not heal completely, psychiatric disorders may occur, and functional, and sensual, in the form of partial paralysis, and involuntary movements associated with voluntary movements, and tears involuntarily.

Treat migraine facial paralysis (Bell's palsy)

Avoid dryness of the cornea and cut eyelid during sleep.
Massage weak muscles.
Gradually over the next five days, and it seems that this improves cases in less time.

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