Patterns common disorder in
Have common patterns. A. Generalized peripheral neuropathy. B. Sensory roots. C. Single lesion in the dorsal column (reception has a sense of deep and some touch). D. Transverse lesion in the thoracic spinal cord. E. Funicular lesion and unilateral (Brown - ): a bug in the dorsal column (movement) in the approval with thalamic dysfunction complained truck on the opposite side. F. Central lesion in the spinal cord: spinal thalamic loss of the diffusion "Cape Cape". G. Lesion in the middle of the brain stem, the sense in the approval facial with a sense of loss in the bottom of the head body on the opposite side. H. Lesion in the cerebral hemisphere (hypothalamic): the sense in the face and body unlike the scourge.
1. Lesions of peripheral nerves: Symptoms are usually in the peripheral nerve lesions are the humiliating sense and simple (pins and needles). The lesions in a single peripheral nerve will cause as expected disruption in the distribution of sensory nerve. In neurological disorders longer scattered neurons are first affected by giving distributed (gloves and socks) Featured.
If small nerve fibers are preferentially infected (as is the case for example in alcoholic neuropathy) the sense of heat and pain (pin prick) lose while Tsttnya sensations borne the largest sensory nerves (sense of vibration and the status of the joint).
On the other hand, the largest sensory nerves get especially if neuropathy of demyelinating type (eg Gillan syndrome - GBS).
2. Lesions of the nerve roots Nerve Root Lesions: Pain is often a manifestation of nerve roots lesions within thorns Spine or braids nerve in the party. Is often pain in the muscles supplied by nerve root in the sector muscular Myotome more than the leather sector Dermatome. Can be inferred where the lesion in the nerve root of the sectoral pattern leather has sense, although this is often smaller than might be expected because of the sensory areas overlap.:
3. Spinal cord lesions Spinal Cord Lesions: Ascend somatosensory information from the parties to the nervous system via two Tharihieddin devices separate but differentiate in any of these two lies the injury has often diagnostic benefit (the Anzer Figure 16).
Figure 16: main somatosensory ways.
The fiber from the members of proprioception and fiber-mediated delicate touch (including vibration) enter the spinal cord at the posterior horn and pass without intertwined to the rear column in the approval. The fibers that transmit sensory information from the pain and the heat they are intertwined with second order neurons that cross the middle line of the spinal cord before they ascend in the spinal tract anterolateral in the opposite direction to the brain stem.
Lead transverse Transverse lesions in the spinal cord to the loss of all sensations under the hyperbolic level despite the desinger level determined clinically may vary 2-3 pieces. Often be at the top of the bar dotted demise sense of humiliating or hyperesthesia Hyperaesthesia. If the origin of the lesion under review and Aaúaa (though be caused, for example, the anterior spinal artery thrombosis), the third rear of the spinal cord (and hence the feelings of the dorsal column) may be excluded from the injury.
The pests that hurt one side of the spinal cord will lead to a loss of sensory per sensations spinal thalamic (pain and temperature) in the opposite direction and the dorsal column sensations (vibration and the status of the joint) at the same point of the lesion.
The lesions in the center of the spinal cord (such as syringomyelia Syringomyelia) spared columns Alzarien but infect fiber fork thalamus that cross Cross spinal cord from both sides and the infection along the region occupied by the lesion only, which is why have lost the sense of Afterakie Dissociated (in terms of sensations infected) and suspended Suspended (because the pieces above and below the lesion be excluded from the injury). And is often associated with the demise of reflexes If fiber is contained reflective of the arc within the infected bone.
May become the dorsal column alone, particularly in multiple sclerosis, and leads to a sense of malaise annoying Join the injured party with the proprioception, which may severely affect the function party without any sense heat injury or pain.
4. Brainstem lesions: The second order neurons Second-Order in the dorsal cord of the sensory system cross the middle line in the upper part of the bulb to ascend to the brain stem. In the brain stem located these neurons directly to the medial spinal thalamic tract (which may be just decussatio). Therefore, brain stem lesions cause sensory lost both sensations on the opposite side of the body, but the sense in the face caused by brain stem lesions depends on the anatomy of trigeminal fibers within the brain stem.
فالألياف from the rear section of the face (near the ears) fall within the brain stem to the upper part of the spinal cord before then express intertwined second order neurons median line and then ascend with thalamic fiber fork. The fibers that transmit a sense of the areas the front face of it landing a shorter distance within the brainstem therefore have a sense of the face caused by pests brainstem low take distributed "helmet Albalakava Balaclava Helmet" ("a hat woolen covers the entire head and surround the neck)" because fibers trigeminal landing a longer distance within the brain stem that are infected.
5. Hemisphere lesions: Ends columns Alzarian and Sbalan Alhuckaan Almhadian in the thalamus From there Earslan to chaff internal wall across the portfolio, and that is why the cerebral hemispheres lesions affecting all kinds of sense.
Can separate lesions in the thalamus (as can happen in strokes lacunaris small Lucunar) that cause lost for common sense in the entire half of the body on the opposite side. Must be sensory lesions in a Nutshell is very small, (and thus affect only a limited area). To avoid injury motor ways deeper in the cerebral hemispheres.
Occurs in lesions large parietal chaff (as is the case in the big strokes) has severe proprioception and even conscious awareness of the existence of the party (parties) infected. It may be impossible to distinguish loss of function resulting in paralysis Party....
Have common patterns. A. Generalized peripheral neuropathy. B. Sensory roots. C. Single lesion in the dorsal column (reception has a sense of deep and some touch). D. Transverse lesion in the thoracic spinal cord. E. Funicular lesion and unilateral (Brown - ): a bug in the dorsal column (movement) in the approval with thalamic dysfunction complained truck on the opposite side. F. Central lesion in the spinal cord: spinal thalamic loss of the diffusion "Cape Cape". G. Lesion in the middle of the brain stem, the sense in the approval facial with a sense of loss in the bottom of the head body on the opposite side. H. Lesion in the cerebral hemisphere (hypothalamic): the sense in the face and body unlike the scourge.
1. Lesions of peripheral nerves: Symptoms are usually in the peripheral nerve lesions are the humiliating sense and simple (pins and needles). The lesions in a single peripheral nerve will cause as expected disruption in the distribution of sensory nerve. In neurological disorders longer scattered neurons are first affected by giving distributed (gloves and socks) Featured.
If small nerve fibers are preferentially infected (as is the case for example in alcoholic neuropathy) the sense of heat and pain (pin prick) lose while Tsttnya sensations borne the largest sensory nerves (sense of vibration and the status of the joint).
On the other hand, the largest sensory nerves get especially if neuropathy of demyelinating type (eg Gillan syndrome - GBS).
2. Lesions of the nerve roots Nerve Root Lesions: Pain is often a manifestation of nerve roots lesions within thorns Spine or braids nerve in the party. Is often pain in the muscles supplied by nerve root in the sector muscular Myotome more than the leather sector Dermatome. Can be inferred where the lesion in the nerve root of the sectoral pattern leather has sense, although this is often smaller than might be expected because of the sensory areas overlap.:
3. Spinal cord lesions Spinal Cord Lesions: Ascend somatosensory information from the parties to the nervous system via two Tharihieddin devices separate but differentiate in any of these two lies the injury has often diagnostic benefit (the Anzer Figure 16).
Figure 16: main somatosensory ways.
The fiber from the members of proprioception and fiber-mediated delicate touch (including vibration) enter the spinal cord at the posterior horn and pass without intertwined to the rear column in the approval. The fibers that transmit sensory information from the pain and the heat they are intertwined with second order neurons that cross the middle line of the spinal cord before they ascend in the spinal tract anterolateral in the opposite direction to the brain stem.
Lead transverse Transverse lesions in the spinal cord to the loss of all sensations under the hyperbolic level despite the desinger level determined clinically may vary 2-3 pieces. Often be at the top of the bar dotted demise sense of humiliating or hyperesthesia Hyperaesthesia. If the origin of the lesion under review and Aaúaa (though be caused, for example, the anterior spinal artery thrombosis), the third rear of the spinal cord (and hence the feelings of the dorsal column) may be excluded from the injury.
The pests that hurt one side of the spinal cord will lead to a loss of sensory per sensations spinal thalamic (pain and temperature) in the opposite direction and the dorsal column sensations (vibration and the status of the joint) at the same point of the lesion.
The lesions in the center of the spinal cord (such as syringomyelia Syringomyelia) spared columns Alzarien but infect fiber fork thalamus that cross Cross spinal cord from both sides and the infection along the region occupied by the lesion only, which is why have lost the sense of Afterakie Dissociated (in terms of sensations infected) and suspended Suspended (because the pieces above and below the lesion be excluded from the injury). And is often associated with the demise of reflexes If fiber is contained reflective of the arc within the infected bone.
May become the dorsal column alone, particularly in multiple sclerosis, and leads to a sense of malaise annoying Join the injured party with the proprioception, which may severely affect the function party without any sense heat injury or pain.
4. Brainstem lesions: The second order neurons Second-Order in the dorsal cord of the sensory system cross the middle line in the upper part of the bulb to ascend to the brain stem. In the brain stem located these neurons directly to the medial spinal thalamic tract (which may be just decussatio). Therefore, brain stem lesions cause sensory lost both sensations on the opposite side of the body, but the sense in the face caused by brain stem lesions depends on the anatomy of trigeminal fibers within the brain stem.
فالألياف from the rear section of the face (near the ears) fall within the brain stem to the upper part of the spinal cord before then express intertwined second order neurons median line and then ascend with thalamic fiber fork. The fibers that transmit a sense of the areas the front face of it landing a shorter distance within the brainstem therefore have a sense of the face caused by pests brainstem low take distributed "helmet Albalakava Balaclava Helmet" ("a hat woolen covers the entire head and surround the neck)" because fibers trigeminal landing a longer distance within the brain stem that are infected.
5. Hemisphere lesions: Ends columns Alzarian and Sbalan Alhuckaan Almhadian in the thalamus From there Earslan to chaff internal wall across the portfolio, and that is why the cerebral hemispheres lesions affecting all kinds of sense.
Can separate lesions in the thalamus (as can happen in strokes lacunaris small Lucunar) that cause lost for common sense in the entire half of the body on the opposite side. Must be sensory lesions in a Nutshell is very small, (and thus affect only a limited area). To avoid injury motor ways deeper in the cerebral hemispheres.
Occurs in lesions large parietal chaff (as is the case in the big strokes) has severe proprioception and even conscious awareness of the existence of the party (parties) infected. It may be impossible to distinguish loss of function resulting in paralysis Party....
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