Genes and the genome
A lot of talk the last few days about genes and solution complete human genetic code, or what is known as the gene map or the human genome.In order to understand what the gene and intended cryptographic genetic must take the idea of a simplified first on the work of the cell and let our simplified model and in the urgency of an organism with a single cell, a microbe E. coli and a single cell organism is one of 100 the size of a human cell.Can you imagine this cell, such as a plastic bag with water float where some sediment from the routines and other enzymes in addition to spiral wrapped bar of life acid DNA ATAs in the shape of the cell is described bar consists DNA in the cell E. coli than four million base pairs and these rules stacked in about 1000 Jane.The gene is simply a form protein and is usually the model enzyme used in a chemical reaction of the enzyme is a protein that speeds up the process of a particular chemical reaction.For example one of the thousandth enzyme (Jane) in a molecule of DNA Aya AT coli is broke molecule maltose to two molecules of glucose and as the simplicity of this interaction, but it is vital for the object, which could not benefit from maltose only after the turn into glucose through this enzyme and then post cell ÇáÇě coli convert glucose into energy by other enzymes, HA has begun understand what the gene and when there is a defect in a specific gene or the absence of this gene here happens imbalance (illness)The disease is often caused by a genetic defect which dubbed genetic diseases such as the absence of an enzyme specific necessary to convert pulses to material benefit body occurs a problem that causes the occurrence of allergens and bleeding and problems that may threaten the lives of the infected person in order to make the cell enzyme needed for the interaction of certain they are doing copy of the gene, which holds the required form on DNA bar AT(Any gene described or model leads to interaction to perform a job and should be already exists Any inherited Any character that appears this interaction already exists, but will not be interaction and thus will not appear adjective)For the printing of this enzyme could make thousands of copies of a particular enzyme and several copies of the last but total thousandth Jane ÇáÇě coli contain different species that need the cell to work jobs that enable them to life, which to eat and drink and multiply ....So in any living organism and any living cell, the DNA bar any which contain the genetic material that makes enzymes that are chemical reactions needed for the life of the cell is the right material to life. I think things have become clear! Right? ...Sexual reproduction bacteria multiply asexually.This means that when divided bacterial cell, the two halves be identical ie they Ahoian same version of the bar DNA AT (reincarnation) as he does two types of cells are complementary Any male and a female and I think that some of you who wonder about reincarnation or reproduction knew now that reincarnation is asexual reproduction Any production version of the copied cell means when Dolly the sheep was cloned cell were taken non-sexual cells(Any egg is not taking)And copied Any make it a divided asexual reproduction Flaeugd here a father and son also output a replica of the motherland.Supreme Lama objects and finest, they reproduce sexually, such as insects, plants and animals and man, of course.That sexual reproduction (as opposed to asexual reproduction, which produces a replica of the Father) produces tremendous diversity in genetic traits in species for example when there is a couple with many children All these kids are different from each other and from their parents in اشيا many eye color, for example, skin and hair and platoon blood, how did this happen?!Instead of a long strip as in the case of ÇáÇě coli, the insects, animals and plants and humans have chromosomes bearing strips that any parents in arrange baseline متوالى.Rights has 23 or 46 chromosome pair, Drosophila has 5 pairs and dogs have 39 pair and some plants have 100 pairs of chromosomes in pairs matrix, each chromosome is a row Mdcock of DNA bar any.There two bands of DNA AT meet together in a knot called Sntermar to configure the form x arm of the mother and the arm of the Father because there two arms of the (two bands) of DNA AT, it means that animals (including humans) have two copies منكل Jane Unlike bacteria such as E. coli, which to have a single copy when manufactured male sperm and the female egg, the DNA bar any must meet in one bar.Any that every sperm from the father and an egg from the mother contribute to create a copy of each chromosome and Atkabla to give the new baby two copies of each gene! Without understanding need?!To form a single tape in sperm or egg at the beginning of the composition must prefix number of chromosomes means half to 23 and simply so that number at fertilization 46 (23 of sperm and the same egg)Since the normal cell in human 46 chromosome it to manufacture sperm or egg must prefix number to 23 in a split Maozy meaning that it will be half the number of chromosomes to load a new cell (sperm or egg)Here are Achtiarginat without other at random pairs of genes in each chromosome(Simply means if you have 46 people from all sorts of people standing with some in any mode Ibnakhadd half from any direction is important half)These qualities transmitted selected to the new baby note that all sperm(Each egg)Carries different genes from other there genes are similar but inevitably there different genes and therefore find that the brothers there are some similarities, but inevitably there are many differences Every child carries a mix of genes different from his brother, though they of the same father and the same mother, but they are not of the same sperm or Sperm gene as previously mentioned not only a model for the synthesis of an enzyme that is necessary for the completion of a chemical reaction.This means that any animal or plant there two models of each enzyme often are similar and sometimes differ, but that they disagreed, the one prevails over the other example for plant peas along pill described prevalent and Palace pill called recessive means if if met recipe cm (Jane) Recipe palace(The other version of the gene)Prevail recipe cm means be pill resulting long and are not pill resulting short only in the case coincides with the presence of qualities Almtnhatin (minors) together and can happen in the generation that followed or Agile other distant by random selection grade genes with each other at Meiosis to shorten the number chromosomal halfUnderstanding the genetic map of the typeTotal diversity in all qualities in a particular sex is a genetic map of this type also announced for deciphering the genetic code complete genome of humans, which we will talk about this later.Our model here to understand the genome is the fruit fly, there are some facts about this fly is that bar de that any where consists of 5 chromosomes and there about 250 million base pairs in the tape genetic salary so that they are exactly 13,601 Jane (any recipe) Any that the total gene map in the fly (all possible qualities) is 13601.Each gene appears at a particular place on a particular chromosome and there are two copies of each gene as previously knew.Increases type genome when mutation occurs and the success of this surge makes it inherited in filial new Kjan!!And it influences environmental and mating تباعدى and other but if faced type endangered the genome much less low number of individuals remaining, leading to a lack of diversity and the emergence of genetic diseases that were unclear or attributed to emerge a few because for example, that Janha recessive either have fewer genes van opportunity to meet Mtnhyan genes became high hence the advice to keep away from marriage relatives to avoid the accumulation of genetic map in a negative direction while the breadth of genetic map lead to reverse an increase in the diversity and the lack in genetic diseasesMap of the human genome untangled symbols of the book of life:Been announced for deciphering genetic factors to the Book of Life and completeness of the final map of the human genome, Maryland America and the presence of 6 countries are Germany, Britain, China, France and Japan in addition to America includes genome 3 billion characters of symbols genetic and that control and represents all the functions and human life, which led to becoming paving the way for treatments genetic and which is the title of this century! and Bdibalfl much research and appeared promising results from the use of this map in revolutionizing the treatment of cancer, diabetes and neurological diseases, infertility and some Pediatric especially after the announcement of the development of this information and symbols genetic bank information making it easier for scientists all over the world have access to these symbols without restrictions, thereby benefiting the human health, a McCann Chimera a few years ago began the first of these steps reaching to read content Genetic cell human and which contains the 23 pairs of chromosomes comprising the strip of acid de that any length about 2 meters and consists of 3 billion of incremental nuclear bases(Symbols genetic) hence can understand the work human cells and their functions vital complex more accurately, as well as understanding the causes of diseases and tumors and other as well as to stand on the causes mutations that lead to genetic diseases and treatment also remains hope for gene therapy in cases of infertility and Pediatric for reemployment gene or purified !Or even case Bakhrslam or rate can even prevent genetic disease or control as well as control of certain genes that have been detected it causing some oncology and diabetes but that it arrived with some pharmaceutical giants it has produced a small slice can on the way to identify and select appropriate medication for a person alone!!As pharmaceutical companies raced to produce a drug for leukemia building on the basis of accurate Genet which revolutionized the field and Mamak Alabdaih
A lot of talk the last few days about genes and solution complete human genetic code, or what is known as the gene map or the human genome.In order to understand what the gene and intended cryptographic genetic must take the idea of a simplified first on the work of the cell and let our simplified model and in the urgency of an organism with a single cell, a microbe E. coli and a single cell organism is one of 100 the size of a human cell.Can you imagine this cell, such as a plastic bag with water float where some sediment from the routines and other enzymes in addition to spiral wrapped bar of life acid DNA ATAs in the shape of the cell is described bar consists DNA in the cell E. coli than four million base pairs and these rules stacked in about 1000 Jane.The gene is simply a form protein and is usually the model enzyme used in a chemical reaction of the enzyme is a protein that speeds up the process of a particular chemical reaction.For example one of the thousandth enzyme (Jane) in a molecule of DNA Aya AT coli is broke molecule maltose to two molecules of glucose and as the simplicity of this interaction, but it is vital for the object, which could not benefit from maltose only after the turn into glucose through this enzyme and then post cell ÇáÇě coli convert glucose into energy by other enzymes, HA has begun understand what the gene and when there is a defect in a specific gene or the absence of this gene here happens imbalance (illness)The disease is often caused by a genetic defect which dubbed genetic diseases such as the absence of an enzyme specific necessary to convert pulses to material benefit body occurs a problem that causes the occurrence of allergens and bleeding and problems that may threaten the lives of the infected person in order to make the cell enzyme needed for the interaction of certain they are doing copy of the gene, which holds the required form on DNA bar AT(Any gene described or model leads to interaction to perform a job and should be already exists Any inherited Any character that appears this interaction already exists, but will not be interaction and thus will not appear adjective)For the printing of this enzyme could make thousands of copies of a particular enzyme and several copies of the last but total thousandth Jane ÇáÇě coli contain different species that need the cell to work jobs that enable them to life, which to eat and drink and multiply ....So in any living organism and any living cell, the DNA bar any which contain the genetic material that makes enzymes that are chemical reactions needed for the life of the cell is the right material to life. I think things have become clear! Right? ...Sexual reproduction bacteria multiply asexually.This means that when divided bacterial cell, the two halves be identical ie they Ahoian same version of the bar DNA AT (reincarnation) as he does two types of cells are complementary Any male and a female and I think that some of you who wonder about reincarnation or reproduction knew now that reincarnation is asexual reproduction Any production version of the copied cell means when Dolly the sheep was cloned cell were taken non-sexual cells(Any egg is not taking)And copied Any make it a divided asexual reproduction Flaeugd here a father and son also output a replica of the motherland.Supreme Lama objects and finest, they reproduce sexually, such as insects, plants and animals and man, of course.That sexual reproduction (as opposed to asexual reproduction, which produces a replica of the Father) produces tremendous diversity in genetic traits in species for example when there is a couple with many children All these kids are different from each other and from their parents in اشيا many eye color, for example, skin and hair and platoon blood, how did this happen?!Instead of a long strip as in the case of ÇáÇě coli, the insects, animals and plants and humans have chromosomes bearing strips that any parents in arrange baseline متوالى.Rights has 23 or 46 chromosome pair, Drosophila has 5 pairs and dogs have 39 pair and some plants have 100 pairs of chromosomes in pairs matrix, each chromosome is a row Mdcock of DNA bar any.There two bands of DNA AT meet together in a knot called Sntermar to configure the form x arm of the mother and the arm of the Father because there two arms of the (two bands) of DNA AT, it means that animals (including humans) have two copies منكل Jane Unlike bacteria such as E. coli, which to have a single copy when manufactured male sperm and the female egg, the DNA bar any must meet in one bar.Any that every sperm from the father and an egg from the mother contribute to create a copy of each chromosome and Atkabla to give the new baby two copies of each gene! Without understanding need?!To form a single tape in sperm or egg at the beginning of the composition must prefix number of chromosomes means half to 23 and simply so that number at fertilization 46 (23 of sperm and the same egg)Since the normal cell in human 46 chromosome it to manufacture sperm or egg must prefix number to 23 in a split Maozy meaning that it will be half the number of chromosomes to load a new cell (sperm or egg)Here are Achtiarginat without other at random pairs of genes in each chromosome(Simply means if you have 46 people from all sorts of people standing with some in any mode Ibnakhadd half from any direction is important half)These qualities transmitted selected to the new baby note that all sperm(Each egg)Carries different genes from other there genes are similar but inevitably there different genes and therefore find that the brothers there are some similarities, but inevitably there are many differences Every child carries a mix of genes different from his brother, though they of the same father and the same mother, but they are not of the same sperm or Sperm gene as previously mentioned not only a model for the synthesis of an enzyme that is necessary for the completion of a chemical reaction.This means that any animal or plant there two models of each enzyme often are similar and sometimes differ, but that they disagreed, the one prevails over the other example for plant peas along pill described prevalent and Palace pill called recessive means if if met recipe cm (Jane) Recipe palace(The other version of the gene)Prevail recipe cm means be pill resulting long and are not pill resulting short only in the case coincides with the presence of qualities Almtnhatin (minors) together and can happen in the generation that followed or Agile other distant by random selection grade genes with each other at Meiosis to shorten the number chromosomal halfUnderstanding the genetic map of the typeTotal diversity in all qualities in a particular sex is a genetic map of this type also announced for deciphering the genetic code complete genome of humans, which we will talk about this later.Our model here to understand the genome is the fruit fly, there are some facts about this fly is that bar de that any where consists of 5 chromosomes and there about 250 million base pairs in the tape genetic salary so that they are exactly 13,601 Jane (any recipe) Any that the total gene map in the fly (all possible qualities) is 13601.Each gene appears at a particular place on a particular chromosome and there are two copies of each gene as previously knew.Increases type genome when mutation occurs and the success of this surge makes it inherited in filial new Kjan!!And it influences environmental and mating تباعدى and other but if faced type endangered the genome much less low number of individuals remaining, leading to a lack of diversity and the emergence of genetic diseases that were unclear or attributed to emerge a few because for example, that Janha recessive either have fewer genes van opportunity to meet Mtnhyan genes became high hence the advice to keep away from marriage relatives to avoid the accumulation of genetic map in a negative direction while the breadth of genetic map lead to reverse an increase in the diversity and the lack in genetic diseasesMap of the human genome untangled symbols of the book of life:Been announced for deciphering genetic factors to the Book of Life and completeness of the final map of the human genome, Maryland America and the presence of 6 countries are Germany, Britain, China, France and Japan in addition to America includes genome 3 billion characters of symbols genetic and that control and represents all the functions and human life, which led to becoming paving the way for treatments genetic and which is the title of this century! and Bdibalfl much research and appeared promising results from the use of this map in revolutionizing the treatment of cancer, diabetes and neurological diseases, infertility and some Pediatric especially after the announcement of the development of this information and symbols genetic bank information making it easier for scientists all over the world have access to these symbols without restrictions, thereby benefiting the human health, a McCann Chimera a few years ago began the first of these steps reaching to read content Genetic cell human and which contains the 23 pairs of chromosomes comprising the strip of acid de that any length about 2 meters and consists of 3 billion of incremental nuclear bases(Symbols genetic) hence can understand the work human cells and their functions vital complex more accurately, as well as understanding the causes of diseases and tumors and other as well as to stand on the causes mutations that lead to genetic diseases and treatment also remains hope for gene therapy in cases of infertility and Pediatric for reemployment gene or purified !Or even case Bakhrslam or rate can even prevent genetic disease or control as well as control of certain genes that have been detected it causing some oncology and diabetes but that it arrived with some pharmaceutical giants it has produced a small slice can on the way to identify and select appropriate medication for a person alone!!As pharmaceutical companies raced to produce a drug for leukemia building on the basis of accurate Genet which revolutionized the field and Mamak Alabdaih
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