Health benefits of the
Qur'aan is a healing and a
mercyQuran and anxietyDirection and approach of
thoughtHealing the communityRestore calm to the sameCures diseases
says [And We send down from the Qur'an that which is a healing and a mercy for
believers and not more than the oppressors but only Loss] (Isra
Quran revealed by God Almighty for His Messenger Muhammad peace be upon him not
only a book religion or book of jurisprudence, a book collector prodigious
collection integrates all kinds of science, and all forms of wisdom, and all
paths of ethics and ideals, as well as all categories of literature, and as he
said Almighty
baheerah [We have neglected in the book of thing] (38), and between what
collection Quran sciences collection also the science of medicine and healing,
was really a guidance and healing and a mercy as described by writer Almighty [O
people may جاءتكم admonition from your Lord and a healing what
is in the breasts and a guidance and a mercy for the believers (Younis
is a healing and a mercy to those who immerse faith in their hearts and souls,
Vocherqt and blossomed and turns in humans and optimism to receive what is in
the Qur'an of serenity, tranquility and safety, and tasted bliss unless you know
the hearts and souls of the richest kings of the earth. Let
us listen together to these verses and let us see its impact on ourselves as a
living experiment:If
you read the Quran is recited, listen to ye may obtain mercy and remember your
Lord within yourself humbly and wary and without pronouncing say morning and
evening and do not be one of the heedless Those who are with thy Lord are not
too proud to worship and praising, and has worshiped](Customs 204 -
is truly plug impervious man can shelter him from the risks of each successive
attacks on himself and his heart, Viqi heart diseases that are exposed as it
Anekaya of diseases which were suspended by Kalhoy and greed, envy, and the
promptings of the devil and malice and hatred .. etc, it's non-curriculum
revealed Lord of the Worlds the
heart of Muhammad, peace be upon him to be a guide and a harbinger of slaves and
a healing for what is in the breasts.It
is well known that recite the Koran by the rules of intonation helps a lot to
restore rights to psychological balance, he is working on self-regulation, which
leads to significantly ease the tension, and the movement of the muscles of the
mouth associated with proper intonation reduce fatigue, and earn mind renewed
says [and right sent down and to the right hostel We sent thee not promising and
a warner and read فرقناه to read on people stayed and نزلناه Downloads Say
believe in it or not true that those who were given knowledge before when it is
recited to them, fall down in humble prostration and say Glory of our Lord that
was promised Lord for effect and their faces crying
and increases them humility (Isra 105 - 109)
says in Sura era: the era, that man is in lost, except those who believe and do
good deeds and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to patience]
In this sura short with three verses is curriculum full of human thought as he
wants God Almighty, and bring it to us landmarks personal Muslim also wanted
Creator ,
Over the decade in all ages, and on the road to human life with the progress of
age there is only a single approach, and only one win is always at the end and
only one way is the road to salvation, that the curriculum and the way are the
ones who described by Sura and describes Maalmanma everything and beyond loss
and loss, Faith
and good deeds and worship Allah in truth and worship Allah patience are the
foundations of this approach and features of this road, it left it to one of the
losers. So
emphatically and clearly, so by all sunshine meanings and accurately words and
eloquently unparalleled reach the Koran to the heart of the idea, Fahda to by
right thinking and approach work rectum, and so always has been words of the
Koran to reach the heart of the facts and essence from the nearest road and most
eloquent words and least.
Quran brings the hearts of Muslims to love the Almighty one, and up between
their hearts and the rest eternal excelled this presence, Faalmanm how they
believe in the unseen, without his vision, instead, merely the effects of his
creation and creativity on a page vast universe, and teaches them trust him in
all their affairs, and cultivated them altruistic and plaisanterie compassion
and interdependence, Vtltaki lives and elevate them and familiarize their hearts
bond transparent fabric love of God and scruples of his ability Almighty, fabric
overlay of fear and hope, of paper feeling and high vigor, she gloss deep
Etcherbha heart believer of the verses of the Koran leads to the growth of the
Muslim community natural growth toward strength, maturity and
continued progress[Muhammad
is the Messenger of Allah and those with him are severe against disbelievers and
merciful among themselves see them bowing prostrate seek bounty from Allah and
Good Pleasure Simahm in their faces from the traces of prostration that like
them in the Torah and the same in the Bible Kzra out شطئه فآزره فاستغلظ فاستوى
on its market dislikes farmers to spite their infidels God promised those who
believe and work righteous righteousness,
for them forgiveness and a great reward (opening 29)
results of research conducted on a group of volunteers in the United States when
listening to the Koran impressive, has been recording a calming effect for the
reading of the Koran on the ratio stood at 97% of the total cases, and despite
the presence of a large proportion of the volunteers do not know Arabic;
however, been monitoring involuntary
physiological changes many occurred in the nervous systems of these volunteers,
leading to ease the tensions that have significantly.Not
only that, it has been the experience of minute work diagram of the brain while
listening to the Koran, and found that while listening to the book of God
transmitted brainwaves of Layout quick your vigilance (13 - 12) wave / second to
Layout slow (8 - 18) wave /
sec, a state of deep calm within oneself, and also non-Arabic speakers felt
reassured and comfort and serenity while listening to the verses of the book of
God, despite their lack of understanding of the meaning!! This
secrets Azeem, has removed the Prophet peace be upon him unveiled some when he
said: "What people who met in the house of God Almighty reciting the Book of
Allah and studying them but I got them quiet and Gshethm mercy and angels and
God who has mentioned" Narrated by Muslim
do not think that there is on the face of the earth who deny that the Koran
removes the causes of tension, and imparts self serenity and tranquility, is
limited to the impact of the Quran in just souls? God
Almighty says in Surat Al-Isra [and go down from the Quran which is a healing
and a mercy for believers] permission Koran healing in general as I mentioned
verse, but healing and medicine for believers Almtdberan of the meanings of the
verses of Allah, converts guided him Almighty and the Sunnah of the Prophet
peace be upon him, those believers are who
came from them in the Al-Anfal [Believers are those who, when Allah and whose
hearts when they hear His signs strengthened, faith and put their trust, who
reside prayer, and provided them spend, those are the believers they have grades
of dignity with their Lord, and forgiveness, and generous sustenance] (verse 2 -
4)If we wondered how the Koran
Chweoua hull? It
is known medically conclusively that stress and anxiety lead to a decrease in
the body's immune against all diseases, and that whenever the situation was
mental and neurological human unstable whenever opportunities exposed to attacks
of diseases more, and so clear to us the truth clear, the Quran heal physical as
it heal spiritual and psychological ,
because it works on rebalancing the psychological and nervous for the believer
constantly read and listen to him and ponder its meanings, and thus increases
the immunity of his body and believes its defenses interior, it becomes safe
continuous breakthroughs disease has, God willing, and resist those forces of
Light flowing microbes and bacteria that attack at every moment of his body
in successive waves desire to abort in the clutches of the