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Friday, December 14, 2012

Explain the anatomy Ovary

Explain the anatomy Ovary

Ovarian is a member of reproduction first in women, its shape resembles a grain of almonds or beans, and different size from woman to woman, but at the same Alnroh, ranging size between 3.5 - 5 cm in length and 2.5 cm wide, and 1 - 1.5 cm thicker, and weighs 5 - 10 g.

Before puberty the ovarian surface smooth soft, but after puberty, and repeat the process of ovulation ovarian surface becomes wrinkled because of the scars left behind by the Houselat failed Dograv.
After menopause wither and shrink and bears the size of ovarian

Installation of ovarian

Ovary consists of a very large number of raw egg cells are positioned amid a core composed of connective tissue, and the outer surface covered with a single layer of epithelial cells cubic known as "bacterial coating" Germinal epithelium, and often go away this layer in women after puberty.

The bottom of the crust are fibrous portfolio consists of fibers of the connective tissue, called "ovarian white coat" Theca Albuginea.

Ovarian two consists of two layers:
- Pulp Medulla
A central core is rich in blood vessels, which are located between the muscle connective tissue, which is the biggest part of the ovary, surrounded by white coat- Cortex crust
Thin surface layer, generating ovules, white, contain thousands of vesicles initial primordial follicles, size 0.25 - 1 mm, one composed of egg consists of a single layer of cells beloved, including sophisticated cells secrete hormones.
Cortex is located between bacterial coating consisting of cubic epithelial cells from the outside, and white coat from the inside, which surrounds the pulp.
Each month begins a vesicles initial growth into a pod Dograv Follicle of De Graaft, and cells proliferate granulocytes and secretion called "liquid follicular" that drives Balbaadh initial O O Gonium to one aspect of the bursa, and be on the wall of the egg The Primary area transparent zona pellucida and covered in cells trotted called "corona beam" corona radiate. The inner wall of the pod Dograv padded cells grainy are denser be "membrane granulated" Membrane Granulosa, and evolve cells outside this membrane granulated to form a layer called "inside cover" Theca Interna, the secrete hormones, and cells outside of this inside cover constitute portfolio false called "outer shell "Theca Externa has no secretory function. When ovulation pod splits Dograv mature and explode from the corona beam come out from the egg.
Prior to ovulation completed Meiosis in Sperm The Primary so give polar body first, which bore the cells 23 chromosomes, and the egg initial carrying 23 chromosomes, unite this egg preliminary with sperm also contains the 23 chromosomes, become an egg fertilized and contains the 46 chromosomes, including 23 of the raw egg, and 23 of the sperm.
After a process of ovulation Enkmus pod Dograv, darling cells to Milotna cells Luteal, and turns the inside cover to cover Ojtny Theca Lutein Cells, yellow and shows the body of the hormone secretion process estrogen and progesterone. If we do not succeed egg bears the yellow body and disappears within 10 days, and menstrual bleeding occurs, and turns to the so-called body is a white scar dead.
As if pollination occurs, the body continues to grow yellow and secretion amounts to size 3 cm ², and continue in the secretion of the hormone progesterone until the third month of pregnancy, a time when the placenta takes the role of secretion from the corpus luteum.

Contains ovarian girl newborn about 2 - 3 million egg previews, and at the age of 7 years reduced the number to about 300,000 egg, and at puberty about 5 - 6 thousand egg, cooked them and go out to the fallopian tube and one each month alternately throughout the stage of sexual activity. For a total eggs mature that is excreted when the female about 360 eggs, and when menopause remains in the ovary few hundred eggs mature, and noted that some vesicles Dugrav grow and mature but do not explode rather than leaving it eggs, and thus does not consist yellow body, and here dries liquid follicular, and vesicle is transformed into fibrous mass.
Ovarian functions

The ovary two main functions:
- Be the eggs have already explained
- Secretion of sex hormones, namely:
A - estrogen (Alaustradiol) Estrogen: daily excretion rate 0.07 mg at the start of the follicular phase, and 0.6 mg immediately prior to ovulation and is working to increase the size of the genitals, and increase sexual arousal (الليبيدو Libido), and this is called the hormone of love and compassion
B - Progesterone Progesterone: average in the blood when the man 0.3 ng / cm ³, and when women 0.9 ng / cm ³ during stage follicular or stage reproduction, either through welcoming Allutinah or glands standing, secretion of ovarian him 20 times goes up an average of blood to 15 ng / cm ³It works to create the lining of the uterus to receive the egg and embryo implantation in the womb, and so-called "pregnancy hormone"
C - androgen
D - Alrulaksin
Changes associated with the process of ovulation in the lining of the uterus = menstrual
Uterus consists of three layers from outside to inside: serous layer, a thick muscle layer, and a layer called mucosa lining of the uterus Endometrium.
Occurs in the lining of the uterus changes the impact of ovarian hormones lead to bleeding from the lining of the uterus called "menstrual", passing the mucous membrane lining of the uterus during the menstrual cycle following phases:
1 - reproduction stage proliferative phase:Starts from the fifth day of the descent of menstrual blood and lasts until the fourteenth day, in the fifth day be membrane lining of the uterus accurate no more than thickness 2 mm, and begin Troyth vessels and thickness increasing, and glands are straight and cells cylindrical high, then take the arrogance and aliasing. This phase tracking the growth of follicles Dograv in ovarian defines "follicular phase"
2 - stage secretion or Albroogesteronih stage secretory or progesterone phaseStretch between day 15 - 28 of menstruation: multiply through thick lining of the uterus, becomes thick 4 to 5 mm, and increase the size of the glands and frequently Tarjha, and swell lining more, and take arterioles spiral emerge and continue to increase in size and clarity, and the volume Algjaj and arterioles and cells in peak in the twenty-eighth day
3 - menstrual phaseIn the absence of fertilization of the egg flaking swollen membrane lining of the uterus, leaving the inner layer intact, and happens is menstrual bleeding, and lasts from the first day until the fifth day

Explain the anatomy trip urine

Explain the anatomy trip urine

When gather urine in cups, shrinking muscles soft (smooth) in the walls Smooth Muscles
Pay a urine to the kidney basin and shrinking soft muscles in the wall to push the urine to the ureter, which when inflated the arrival of urine, soft shrinking muscles in the wall sequentially from top to bottom to push the urine into the urinary bladder.

When up the volume of urine in the urinary bladder from 200 to 300 milliliters, inflate the bladder and pulls neurons in the wall, which gives the feeling of the need to urinate and this leads to the bladder muscle contraction and relaxation urethral valve muscle to push urine out of the body through the urethra.

Explain the anatomy of the ureter in human

Explain the anatomy of the ureter in human
The length of the ureter in humans around (Cm 25) centimeters, and half is located in the abdomen and the other half in the tub.

And ureter Basin up the urinary bladder and kidney enters the urinary bladder in an aberrant and being in the wall before opening inside the combine and serve as a valve, especially when bladder muscle contraction so close ureter slot completely to prevent the reflux of urine in the ureter.

Urinary bladder Urinary Bladder is a store of Paul, and is located in the front part of the basin and form shape of the front of the ship if cut, has four surfaces and four corners.

Alaleutan angles right hind involving the right ureter and left the left ureter.

Bottom corner out of the urethra Urethra and a length in the female (Cm 4) centimeters and in the male (Cm 20) centimeters, the urethra opens outside the body in the female and the male and it comes out urine out of the body

Explain the anatomy of college

Explain the anatomy of college
Everyone Cletnan Kidney (number 2 of the kidney) right and left
Kidney and located at the back of the abdomen into (space) is called space beyond Alberotawan (peritonitis) Retroperitoneal space for the second paragraph ten pectoris (Thoracic Vertebra 12) and lumbar spine first and second and third (Lumbar Vertebrae 1, 2, 3) of the spine.

And from the rear surrounds the upper part of the kidney ribs tenth and eleventh and twelfth of the rib cage
(Thoracic Ribs 10, 11, 12). College takes the form of beans and bean be towards the top of the kidney inward (ie towards the spine).

Kidney left top of the right kidney half (In 1/2) inch any around (Cm 11/2) centimeters, and the presence of liver in the right side of the abdomen where you pay the right kidney down a little bit.

Located above each of the left and right kidneys endocrine gland called adrenal gland Adrenal Gland, and the most important hormones produced by the adrenal gland is cortisol Cortisol and Aldosterone Hormone Aldesterone and adrenaline Adrenaline and hormone noradrenaline NorAdrenaline and sex hormones weak Androgens.

The length of the upper pole kidney to lower pole about (Cm 12) centimeters, and displayed around (Cm 6), and the thickness of approximately (Cm 3) centimeters, and weighs kidney in the adult male (125 gm) to (170 gm) grams, and in adult females (115 gm) to (155 gm) per gram.
Enters (Leroy) both kidneys left and right artery called artery renal Renal Artery artery and right artery Acer, and renal artery branches of the aorta in the abdomen Abdominal Aorat and out of each kidney and Reed Callaway Renal Vein and ureter Ureter and ureter is a tube up between the kidney and urinary bladder.
Unity actors and consisting kidney which originally is Alinveron Nephron, and numbering from 300,000 to more than one million (we will explain Alinveron later), and accumulate these Alinveronat to form pyramids kidney Renal (Kidney) Pyramids and is a pyramids Menkosh where peak bound towards Basin kidney (center kidney), and can be regarded as these pyramids are unity actors large kidney, and pour into cups secondary Minor Calices which combine to be Cups Home Major Calices, which in turn combine to be swimming kidney Renal (Kidney) Pelvis, and basin a kidney ureter Ureter up kidney urinary bladder. These cups are considered synagogues hemofiltration product through Alinveronat and that a urine Urine to pour in kidney basin and through the ureter to the urinary bladder to put outside the body.

Alinveron sequentially consists of:

Glomerulus renal Glomerulus and is a bundle of capillaries, which consists of two evils contained Afferent Arteriole (arterioles contained consists of "forest" split renal artery that enters the kidney), unite bristles when he graduated from the glomerulus to be evils of Efferent Arteriole, and arterioles issued combine to be the renal vein that comes out of college was in the inferior vena cava Inferior Vena Cava in the abdomen and it moves blood to the heart.
Bowman capsule Bowman's Capsule, a specialized cells takes Bkababh and allow the nomination of water and other substances from the blood which, except red blood cells and platelets and white large protein molecules.
Twisted tube proximal (near) Proximal Convuluated Tubule Bowman capsule and these tubes absorb certain substances such as glucose and small proteins that ran through the Bowman capsule, and also secrete certain substances, such as chloride and hydrogen atoms and bicarbonate according to the needs of the body.
Henle's loop Henle's Loop, is through this loop absorption and excretion of various salts such as sodium, chloride and hydrogen atoms according to the needs of the body. And consists of part slim bearish and bullish thick part.

Collecting Tubules University tubes combine product hemofiltration (urine) during Alinveronat and transmitted through the kidney cortex and pour into cups via secondary papillae.
Glomerulus and Bowman capsule and the bulk of the tube twisted near the upper part of the arm upward of Henle's loop and twisted pipe run and part of the university pipe located in the kidney cortex and the falling arm from Henle's loop and a large part of the pipe university located in the heart of the kidney.

And kidney functions:

Rid the body of toxic substances and most importantly ammonium derivatives (urea), as well as drugs and toxins.
Maintaining the composition of extracellular fluid Extracellular Fluids in terms of salt concentration and size (the water), and by absorption or secretion of these salts as its concentration in the blood that passes through the glomeruli and also absorb water or put out of the body through tubes university.
Regulate blood pressure by increasing or decreasing the hormone renin Renin device near the glomerulusJuxta - Glomerullar Apparatus, which is a specialized cells in the tube twisted run near the renal glomerulus so embody blood pressure, the amount of blood that reaches the kidney (ischemia), where as any condition that causes a drop in blood pressure (for example, in the case of shock or severe bleeding or dehydration) increase kidney renin secretion tastiest working on other substances in the blood that would eventually contraction of blood vessels to raise blood pressure.
To maintain a balance of acid - alkali Blood Blood Acid-Base Balance and by increasing the secretion of atoms (ions) hydrogen + H and to increase bicarbonate absorption-HCO3 when increasing the acidity of the blood and vice versa when increased blood alkaline.
Hormone secretion Artherobiotin Erythropoeitin and which plays an important role in the induction of marrow (marrow) bone on the manufacture of red blood cells and deficiency causes anemia.
Convert vitamin D. Vitamin D to its active form and without this conversion does not work and this causes rickets Rickets.

Glomerular filtration rate is the amount of Aarashahh tapered (small-sized materials) Ultrafiltrates who run from the blood into the cavity renal tubules in a specified period of time, and the rate used in medicine as a measure of the work of the kidney. And by measuring urea Urea and creatinine Creatinine in the blood and in the urine was collected within 24 hours, and measured Palmlilir in every minute ml / min, filtration rate less than in cases of kidney failure (renal failure).

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Explain the anatomy submandibular glands submandibular gland

Explain the anatomy submandibular glands submandibular gland

Is triangular in shape, weighing between 7-8 g, and is located in the region under the hyoid, within the lower jaw.

Include serous alveoli and mucosa, accounts for a small Avsasa portfolio of connective tissue, and also surrounded by dense fibrous portfolio, issued capsulatum class of deep cervical fascia.

Consists of two lobes:

lobe surface: Located in the region triangular bottom body the lower jaw, and separated from the parotid gland from behind Association jaw needle (Rabat mandibular needle) stylomandibular ligament, and is located in front of muscle stylohyoid stylohyoid muscle and Association jaw needle, and there on the side hole submandibular , and the class capsulatum of deep cervical fascia, and muscle tablet (the skin of the neck muscle) Platysma Muscle and skin.

deep lobe: extends forward between hyoid jaw muscles from the bottom and sides, and in the middle of the muscles under the linguistic and linguistic needle.

Explain the anatomy of the glands under the linguistic sublingual gland

Explain the anatomy of the glands under the linguistic sublingual gland

Smallest salivary glands, located beneath the mucus mouth base.
Containing serous alveoli and many mucous alveoli.

Located within the gap in the jaw bone.

It is located between the group members are:

high epithelial membrane base of the mouth where highlights a fringe problem.
from the lower jaw muscle Lamaism.
Imam lingual gland from the other side.
from behind the deep part of the submandibular gland.

Excreted extracts in under-lingual channels, channel number from 8-20, open up the inside of the mouth, on top of sublingual extrusion, but some of them may open in the channel under the jaw.

Plump the blood of the branches of verbal and facial arteries and veins accompany the arteries and carry the same names.

Taatasb fiber counterpart friendly mobility - secretory branching of the seventh cranial nerve.

Explain the anatomy and functions of the digestive juices

Explain the anatomy and functions of the digestive juices

Salivary glands

Fluid Allbeckrboonatih Bicarbonate Fluid
Helps to swallow food during chewing

Salivary amylase Salivary Amylase
Working on the preparation of carbohydrates (starches) for digestion

Infectious secretions

Pave the way for the digestion of protein also works to kill bacteria

Pepsin Pepsin
Help in the process of digestion of protein and Ext

Libbys gastric Gastric Lipase
Pave the way for the process of digestion of fat

Mucus Mucus
Helps Glide also serves to protect the stomach tissue

Intrinsic factor Intrinsic Factor
Helps in the process of absorption of vitamin B-12 through the small intestine

Hepatic secretions

Bile acids Bile Acids
These acids in the process of dissolving fat

Phosphate fat helps to absorb fat

Cholesterol Cholesterol
Secreted through bile

Antibodies Immunoglobulins
Working on protection from bacteria and other organisms harmless membership

Mucus Mucus
Works on protection of the bacteria also

Pancreatic secretions

Bicarbonate HCO3
Working to neutralize acids and protection of digestive enzymes

Water and Ketrolitat Water & Electrolytes
And serves as a device to deliver fluid to the digestive enzymes

Amylase Amylase
It yeast in pancreatic juice also found in saliva are also working to convert starches (carbohydrates) into sugar

Libbys Lipases
Helps dissolve fat

Protease Proteases
Dissolved yeast protein

Explain the anatomy of the digestive system

Explain the anatomy of the digestive system


The digestive system is a series of hollow member connected to a long pipe quirky extends from the mouth to the anus and line the inside this tube membrane known as the mucosa.

This membrane located in each of the mouth, stomach, and small intestine on small glands working on the secretion of juices help to digest food. As each of the liver and pancreas, which is one of solid organ secrete juices digestive flowing through small tubes (channels) to the upper part of the small intestine as also play a vital role in the control and control operations metabolism that occur within the body (see Table 1) in addition to the flow of a large amount of food and fluids in a healthy person through these hollow tubes for the digestive system.

The cells of the mucous membrane of the small intestine contain multiple private systems and working to ensure the completion of the process of absorption of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and water, and salts (see Table 2).

In the colon (also known as the large bowel) organized cells to absorb water from the intestinal contents so as to enable the disposal of feces that occur in a timely and appropriate format.

And coordination system

While it seems the digestive system is a combination simplified but its functions and its interaction with other devices is complex and is essential for the continuation of life, where is the walls Members Hollow is a group of muscles ROM organized in layers, working through peristalsis Owalthoi or what is known as idiomatically movement worms in the intestines and is a set of involuntary contractions that occur in the form of successive waves you pay the contents of the digestive tract to the front and from the mouth to the stomach and the small intestine and then the colon.

This payment and management of foods and liquids by worms movement is organized and coordinated with the secretion of digestive juices of the salivary glands, stomach, liver, pancreas, and small intestine by hormones and the nervous system

Explain the anatomy of the pharynx, esophagus

Explain the anatomy of the pharynx, esophagus

Pharynx is a muscular tube, a length of about 12 cm, heading down, calling seven slots: slot mouth, opened a nose hind, Two Astekeus slots, and slot throat.
Pharynx common corridor for air and food.Pharynx located beneath the skull and behind two Almnkharan slots and touches the back of the intervertebral which serves as the basis sliding pharynx and esophagus during swallowing processes and move the neck.
Pharyngeal wall consists of a thin circular fibers longitudinally and three sphincter muscles, allowing him to carry out the function of swallowing, where she works circular muscle fiber, where open pharynx muscle to bite and then constrict it Vtdfha to fall forward toward the esophagus.
Pharyngeal wall consists of two types of fabric by function, Valjze throat - nasal - consists of mucous tissue (epithelial) Emadi fringed as in the respiratory tract, while the rest of its parts Vmbtna squamous membrane applied as in the gastrointestinal tract.
Pharynx longitudinally consists of three parts:• Part throat - nasal: It is a solid base to roll open the front to breathe, either from the rear pharyngeal remains stiff Association, Central, which remains free breathing passage. In this section opens Fallopian Awstakeos on the side wall above the soft palate.• Part throat - oral: from the back consists of three muscles sphincter, and closes after swallowing a bit of food, either out of swallowing remains open for breathing and the front closes one third back of the San and separating it from the mouth Algndbtan front (column throat front) and separated from throat epiglottis.• Part throat - laryngeal: the back wall consists of three Aasrat growths hanging until the level of the vocal cords. And on each side of the epiglottis mucous membrane extends up the side wall of the pharynx, and this membrane is what is known herewith pharynx - Almes tongue, and separating the pharyngeal opening - oral and pharyngeal opening - laryngeal. And from the bottom Atafr p into two branches, one gastrointestinal and respiratory esophagus and second, a throat.
Knows the bottom surface of the part throat - nasal soft palate SOFT PALATE, and consists of peritonitis (membrane) Powered by muscles, cause a change in the shape and location, and is characterized by the presence of a large number of mucous glands, serological, and muscle dynamics are:1 - muscle substance palate2 - crane palate muscleAnd covers the soft palate squamous membrane applied to the oral surface and the back of the nasal surface, and includes oral sewn on some taste buds, while sewn nasal respiratory membrane covered include small mucous glands, and epithelial tissue Emadi fringed.
And the soft palate valve function, where he closes the oral part of the pharynx from the mouth during chewing so as not to be impeded breathing and separates the oral part of the nasal part of the pharynx during swallowing so as not to pass some food particles into the nose. It also plays a role in changing the sound quality during a speech, and man can not speak for not connect to the mouth, pharynx, it is not possible to output speech from the nose.
Receives pharynx arteries of lateral carotid artery and maxillary artery.Itasb pharynx nerve fibers of the sympathetic nervous system and the great of nervo - pharyngeal, and nerve disease - contagious, and from the spinal cord.

Explain the anatomy of the gallbladder and bile ducts

Explain the anatomy of the gallbladder and bile ducts


Is a bag Levy - prolonged muscular, contain smooth muscle fibers, and wall consists of epithelial tissue Lovejoy quilted fabric epithelial Emadi, and folds earned perforated honeycomb, but wrapped in a spiral manner more complex in the neck.
It does not contain glands, so in case of illness, the epithelium Emadi is secreted mucus and become cells sepals form as in other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

The gall bladder is divided into:
1. Bottom "Fundus":
A circular shape, and the widest part, located behind the sharp front edge of the liver, and touches the wall Albirituan at the ninth rib cartilage, and at the beginning of the transverse colon.
2. Body:

It is narrower than the bottom, and elongated, and comes into contact with the first part of the duodenum (duodenum).
3. Neck:
A narrower part of the gall bladder, and graduated bile duct - bile which combine with hepatic duct to be together bile duct.The bile duct is located bile "Cystic Duct" right in front of the main branch of the hepatic artery.
Plump the bitterness of one of the branches of the hepatic artery, which passes behind the bitterness and channel is divided into many branches on the surface of the gallbladder, and back blood Stenotypist through intravenous bile which flows into the portal vein. And Taatasb sympathetic nerve and vagal.
The gallbladder is a storage function surplus from the sap of the liquid produced by the liver biliary outside mealtimes, and secreted when necessary during mealtimes, especially fatty substances, and this means that it can dispense with bitterness.

Biliary Bile Ducts

1. Hepatic bile ducts:
There is a very small channels within Alavsas, clustered together are given more channels, related to portal channels, then composited two Qaibditan channels right and left,, two their Taathaddan have hepatic bile duct.
2. Biliary bile duct (vesicle gallbladder):
Issued from the neck of the gallbladder, liver and meet the channel public at the entrance to the liver lest bile duct.
3. Bile duct:
3 inches in length, starting from the free edge of the Therb infectious hepatitis and extends up behind the head of the pancreas, and located inside a deep furrow or groove on the back surface of the pancreas.
Combine this channel with the pancreatic duct Home (Channel Versng) in ampulla of Vater "Ampulla Of Vater" which opens on the wall East back for the second part of the duodenum just 10 cm from the doorman, and takes slot channels valve Audi Sphincter Oddi, and no channel valve own so that it can open each individual and independent of other

Explain the anatomy of the soft palate, uvula

Explain the anatomy of the soft palate, uvula

Uvula is the emergence of muscle consists of glandular epithelial tissue, conical, hanging from the soft palate soft palate, with a length of 15 - 35 mm. And is located near the back of the throat
It hung at the top of the back of the mouth.

The origin of the word Uvula derived from the Greek word "uva" means grape, because the shape of the uvula resemble grapes

In the case of recurrent inflammation of tonsillitis uvula exposed to severe acute, and if it turns chronic inflammation to the situation becomes chronic swelling of the soft palate may need to process resections

And in the case of injury to the throat الدفتيري it could covering membrane liar.

Most references of medical neglect of the soft palate, but it is not without interest, are: -

1 - contribute to the process of taste

2 - as well as to raise vomiting, and this is useful if you want to empty the stomach in cases of poisoning

3 - have a role in the creation of human voices

4 - play an important role in the output of consonants, especially in Arabic, German and French

Long uvula dangling may cause problems in sleep كالشخير (when shaken) and apnea, which may claim to partial or total Astsal of the epiglottis

The birth of a child with cleft palate is rare and may be associated with cleft palate also

Explain the anatomy of the spleen Spleen

Explain the anatomy of the spleen Spleen

Spleen member lymphoma thin sponge, which is part of the lymphatic system and the circulatory system, a rectangular, a dark red, and weighs about 180 grams, a length of about 12 - 15 cm, width about 7 - 10 cm.
The spleen is located in the upper-left side of the abdomen, behind the stomach and below the diaphragm and the last rib.
Spleen crisp and fast damage and disruption, and despite Oheetmh and benefits but that the body can do without it, especially after the age of 7 years, so it is not essential to life, especially in the cases of the individual certain diseases requiring resection (in the case of damage or hyperactivity or cancer of the lymphatic system or accidents ), and the liver and bone marrow blood nomination on behalf of the spleen, however, suffered some people (in the absence of the spleen) bacterial infections or the blood, and may require patients to Ttiam reduce infection.
Spleen injuries are more common than other members because of its location in the abdomen, were injured due to a car accident

The functions of the spleen:
Did not come to know all the functions of the spleen but it is based:
1 - contributes to the spleen with the liver in the manufacture of red blood cells in the embryo, and loses job after birth
2 - is a major spleen stored blood (it can store 1/5 to 1/4 human blood), where the storage of blood on the focused image, and pour it in the circulatory system in case of emergency
3 - The spleen organizing the amount of blood passing in the blood vessels
4 - works spleen cleanses the blood of impurities and microbes thanks pockets and voids many bloody lining cells phagocyte
5 - The spleen cemetery erythrocytes, and should be referred to a red blood cells die before they reach the spleen and not in it, but bury the
6 - The spleen collects red blood cells and eradication of aging and this important function where degrade hemoglobin and used by the liver to make bile and go iron contributes to the formation of new hemoglobin
7 - plays spleen role in immune thanks to the lymph nodes (Kiryat ) that make white blood cells lymphocytes, as the spleen contains clots of white blood cells called lymphocytes launches special proteins in the blood, and called these proteins b antibodies that fight bacteria and viruses and any other materials cause infection, and the spleen is the extermination of parasites and bacteria by macrophages (large cells found in the blanks spongy)


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