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Monday, January 7, 2013

The Koran dawn was remarkable

The Koran dawn was remarkable
God said (and reading in the morning that the Koran was known for Dawn) Isra verse 78
Thus us our Islam to wake up at dawn
Why the time of Fajr???Giebna this question:Holy Prophet peace be upon him
It was narrated that
He said (Burke my Pkorha)Said (two rak'ahs Dawn better of Aldnyaoma)
So if you want the pond and all goodness
You Fajr prayer
But where interest attributable to our health from this????Hallelujah .... He commands us to our Islam witnesses this time for more than 1400 yearsWe are encouraged by the pool and goodness we find scientists today recognize this through their studiesThey discovered that human reap the many health benefits vigilantly dawn including:
1 - the highest percentage of ozone gas (O ³) in the air at dawn and gradually less soDecays at sunriseIt has been proven recentlyThat ozone gas to come down to the lower classesIn contact with the surface of the earthAt dawn and then rise with the sunrise.
What is ozone gas???
Is a Nzaúraloxgen
Located in the upper atmosphere to protect the earthFrom some harmful radiation

The doctors were surprised strange for its therapeutic effects.It cures Kthermen
Mental and physical illnessesAnd does not have any side effects.To this Tathermvid gas JhazalasbaThe tonic for the intellectual work and muscularSo that makes the height of human activity AlvkriawaladilahIn the early morning hoursThis detects when a person inhalesDawn breeze pleasure and euphoriaDo not like her at any hour of hours Alnharo night
2 - The sun at sunrise close to the red
It is known Tatherhma colorExciting the nerves and the motive for vigilance and movementThe proportion of ULTRAVIOLETCan be greater at sunriseThey rays that induce skinTo make vitamin - D - required for the growth of the body.

- Waking up early goes a long sleep has been shown that the human

Who sleep long hours exposed to heart disease

Because sleep is only

Absolute stillness If a long-standing

This led to the deposition of fatty substances on the walls of blood

Arterial and coronary artery heart Coronarya

Perhaps the prevention of worker

Factors of vascular disease

Is one of the benefits that accrue to believers who

Wake up in the depths of the night of Mottagrbin to their Creator prayers and prayer

He says in Surat

(Criterion): (those who spend the Lord, prostrate and standing)

4 - scientifically established that the highest percentage of corticosterone in the blood

Is the time where the morning (7-22) micrograms / 100 ml plasma

The lower rate has to be pm where they become less than

(7) micrograms / 100 ml plasma

It is known that cortisone is the active substance

Which increases the activities of the body and activated by general

And increases in blood sugar

Which provides the body with the energy it needs.

Who among us after today Savute Fajr prayer????

Demolition of the Big Bang theory of inspiration verses Alim expert

Demolition of the Big Bang theory of inspiration verses Alim expert
Introduction:I know that a lot became the Big Bang theory for him something unpalatable scientifically as well as logical and does not contradict his view with Quran virtue that the Koran does not conflict with scienceBut stoppedPromise and with the utmost honesty and integrity after reading this issue will not have any argument or religious mentality linkage between the Big Bang and the Quran neverThen I promise after providing the correct theory that talked about Quran really confused on our esteemed scholars who تعمقوا study science west until they came together to the degree of certainty and depth was more than Tamgahm in the study of Quranic verses and thus followed the similarity in order construedI know that some people will not Trogah this way of outright defiance, which I have done already ..... But I His case you Almkadon dear readersHow accept to enter the information in your head without that Taatvkr and how incredible all woven around the Quran such simplicityPain never ask yourself how strayed Shiites?Pain never ask yourself what reason multiple teams Muslims?Clearly why gentlemen that most of us take from the world and God forbid someone who takes God AlmightyRepeat for the other only Ntasb and Nthzb and we split around them rather than to unite on the book of God himself and according to all scholars subject of right and wrong toThe result is that any famous flubs sweater and followers to help him do not pay any attention to his mistakes and accepted as part of the debt because of following him, follow him follow slaves to Mr.These are not prophetsHola they Menzhen wrongAnd I'll show you the mistakes wholesaler in this topic inconsistent with the Quran and states God AlmightyWhen assessing a theory that place has to be the first to knock down the theory beyond any doubt that we need to another theorySorry to prolong provided Let's start with the blessing of God
There is a saying legal rule is built on falsehood is false

Says the Lord of the Worlds: "The sky built by raising thick Fssoaha"
He also says "the sky and built"
He also says "the sky built hands and I Musaon"
So sky building (architecture)
And now
Try to answer questions like these that you can
Look at the picture and then duty
Is building explosion or collapse?
Look at this picture and then duty
This picture does the cosmic fabric texture explosion like the one shown in front of you at all?
To see the next picture to make sure
See the picture below and duty
They say that the universe had a critical mass and then exploded central permission explosion of this explosion point and then dispersed and spacing, how composed fabric then? Then it was the Big Bang theory to explain the expansion of the universe does all expansion picture creation is based on the explosion that growth?What feature that characterize both the creation of living creatures is Alfq cellular? Plant Cell تتفتق a sense divided in the sense of breathing into two cells as well as animal cell?Did not the Lord of the Worlds, "what you see in the creation of the Merciful disparity" There is no difference in the way creatures every Atflq any Afq "all praise Daybreak" (Daybreak = creation)Says the Lord of the Worlds, "Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were sewn together and made from water every living thing IFLA believe"What is your evidence for the Big Bang of this verse, but you know the meaning of the word darn? But you know the meaning of the word hernia? Darn thing integrated in part Kesbek the example external fabric skin, followed by fever followed by tissue bones as atresia tree branch applicable layers on top of each ... and cellular Kalfq hernia ...... Can you recruit word meaning hernia burst?Do you dress sense hernia burst dress or defected?Are taper buds burst buds sense or sense the process of spacing between the layers of fabric tree branch then Aktnazha water then Alfq cell which leads to the formation of buds in the first vegetative developed? Is hernia explosion? Are Altflq explosion? See here in the dictionary meanings Li Hadtha sense collapsed or explodedAre building كالاهرامات building very weak or build a solid?Let alone built the heavens Is this structure breakdown structure (explosion), "and the creation of heaven the most" "and we raised above you the seven Hdada?Lord over all things really, but you said in writing or hinted explosion happened in the genesis of the universe?
And last but not leastIs there an explosion produced by human led to the formation of new autonomous structure So how inferred one thing is not available to him that did not believe in the Creator but he wants to tell you it's coincidence that created it, gentlemen?Do you know that this theory is spoken by atheists and deniers religion originally Is Creation explosion?

How is the process of sleep

How is the process of sleep
... You may wonder always How is the process of sleep ... and how overlooked Oaaanna and leave to another world every night
Sleep is the nature of the condition of the human subconscious needs to complete its vital functions, if we did not go to sleep to have lost a large part of our memory and disrupted the process of our growth and our inability to simpler tasksWhen we want to go to sleep brain stem sends signals frustrated by hormone Asertonin to RAS (network device activated)A center of attention and stimulation in humans and its activity is important to maintain awareness and vigilance and when there is any defect by people become what is known as comatose and during sleep concentration increased hormone Almlatonin in the brain (which helps us to continue to sleep) to reach the highest concentration in the last stages of sleep .. When the morning sun shines .. Light stimulates certain cells in the retina to send signals to the centers in the brain to frustrate the secretion of the hormone
Sleep cycle

: Sleep cycle takes about 120 minutes and pass in the following stages
First: drowsiness and sleep onsetWhen we feel sleepy so severe we can not resist sleep .. Begin our eyes close yourself this stage not only takes 5 to 10 minutes in most humans
Second: light sleepAccounts for about 50% of sleep per night and where the muscles of the body starts to relax in preparation for deep sleep
Third and fourth: deep sleepAnd is the deepest stages of sleep and it takes anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes of each session bedrooms
REM: fifthAnd is the stage in which they are involuntary eye movement .. Then we have entered into the world of dreams ... and increase the number of heart and respiratory rate and blood pressure .. Stop the movement of the muscles of the body so do not do what we dreamThis stage is one of the most important stages of sleep increases peace of mind the previous stages are only for the convenience of the bodyIt takes about 20% of sleep .. And gradually decreases with increasing age, while they take Okprand time infants

How to fool your brain

How to fool your brain
1 - If injury from itch or tickle in the throat, rub your ear! Why?There stimulating nerves in the ear, and when Knit ear is doing reaction in the throat can cause muscle spasm, this nagging cramping relieves itching or Tickle.* Dr. Scott Shaffer, president of the Center for the ear, nose and throat in New Jersey.

2 - How to benefit from your ears?If you're in a restaurant with loud music and I wanted to hear well what is being said, use your ear Yemen, they are best left to follow the rapid rhythms of speech. If you want to distinguish the song that plays in the background, use the left ear because they are better at capturing musical tones.* According to researchers from the Faculty of Medicine David Gavin.

3. In order not to feel pain ...Are you afraid of the syringe? It is not afraid of them. But now you can get rid of the fear and pain together by coughing during the injection.Where German researchers found that cough during injection reduces pain because cough causes sudden temporary rise in pressure chest and spinal canal and prevents installation procedures pain in the spinal cord.* Taras Aozhenko, author of a study the phenomenon.

4. Relieve nasal congestion ...Do you suffer from chronic nasal congestion no use medications with you, Here's a way cheaper, faster and easier to relieve sinus pressure Push your tongue against the roof of your mouth alternately, and then press between your eyebrows with one finger. This causes shook the greatness Fumr that pass through the nasal passages to the mouth, and this move congestion caused tremors, after 20 seconds, you will feel that the tension start degradation.* Lisa unique voice, an assistant professor in the College of Michigan State University.

5. Heartburn struggled without water ...Do you bother burning when you sleep. Has become the easiest solution.Studies have shown that sleep on the left side reduces the feeling of heartburn. Where linked to the esophagus and stomach compass around the corner, when you sleep on the right stomach becomes higher than the esophagus, allowing food and acid to leak into the esophagus and throat. While when you sleep on the left side becomes lower stomach from the esophagus and thus become gravity to your advantage.Anthony Starbula, specialized diseases of the stomach and intestines and adjunct professor at New York Medical College.

6. Treatment of dental pain without opening your mouth ...Try rubbing a piece of ice on the soles of your hand, the membrane area in the form of v between your thumb and index finger.Why ... Because there are no nerve pathways that stimulate the brain and prevents the pain signals from the face and hands.Canadian study.

7. Get rid of the effects of burnsWhen you burn your finger accidentally on a gas oven, clean the skin and press lightly on the place of burning the fingers of your other hand. Ice will relieve your pain more quickly. But the natural way would burnt skin to its normal temperature, skin becomes less distorted.Lisa unique voice, an assistant professor in the College of Michigan State University.

8 - so you do not get dizzyPut your hand on something stable because the hand containing brain nerves give you balanced index. Unlike the reference sent by the cochlea, part responsible for the balance in the ear.As part floats responsible for the balance in the liquid of the same density of blood. While relieves alcohol (for example) the blood becomes less dense and rises cochlea, causing dizziness.Dr. Scott Shaffer, president of the Center for the ear, nose and throat in New Jersey.

9. Tempered tingling pain in your right sideDo you feel a painful twinge when running, that's because you graduated air 'breathe' while hitting your right foot earth. It puts pressure on your liver (located on the right side of the body), and cause Shada of the diaphragm, which sends a signal tingling sides. Simply know that you breathe when your left foot hits the ground.Book home treatment for men

10. Get rid of the wrenIf you feel that your hand or your foot Nmnmt, move your head from side to side. Vanish feeling pins painlessly in less than a minute.Why? Pass in the neck major nerves package, if you move your neck muscles will reduce the pressure on the nerves.Lisa unique voice, an assistant professor in the College of Michigan State University.

12. Read your brainIf you have an exam the next day, was reviewed before going to sleep. Why?Because the process of strengthening the memory occur during sleep, anything that you read immediately before sleep encodes long-term memory.Candy Himgartner, trained Biological Sciences at the University of Idaho

Ways to treat abdominal gas

Ways to treat abdominal gas
Treatment and gas in the abdomen back flatulence or what is known as greenhouse abdomen into the air formed in the stomach as a result of eating fast and swallow large amounts of air, it can also be a result of drinking drinks carbonated or smoking or chewing gum or talking and your mouth full of eating or eating certain foods natural that cause abundance of certain gases, such as beans. The body of trying to remove these gases from one body openings, causing the accumulation of air stretched abdomen or rather flatulence.

And infants either fed them milk or who are breastfed through breastfeeding swallow air as they breastfed may be required that none of harassment if not expelled air through Altkira so that placed the baby on the shoulder of his mother or wet nurse and patting his back gently twice during infancy and again completion. And sometimes it is the presence of air in the abdomen in adults reaction to new foods and many hot or spoiled foods or eating person tired or in a state of tension passionate person feels harassment, pain and pain can be severe even diagnosed sometimes that heart attack.

The problem can be solved gas abdominal pain takes to fill a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate dissolved in filling a glass of water. And should not be used enemas and laxatives and other methods of treatment as it is useless and harmful.


Are there any herbs or animal derivatives for the treatment of flatulence?- Yes, there are a large number of herbal derivatives used gas against the abdomen, such as:

Anise ANISE:From Almaourv fruits anise anti-colic and expelling the gases and the way be taken to fill a tablespoon of anise and boil for 5 minutes in a pot containing fill a glass of water and then cooled and filtered and drink after a meal.

- Chamomile Chamomile:Use of chamomile flowers that resemble Ozharaloqahoan where is repellent to gas and Mhima and salted and against colic also way be taken half teaspoon large flowers and added to fill the cup of boiling water and leave for five minutes covered and then filtered and drink after eating only once a day.

- Orange blossom water Orange flower water:There orange blossom water ready for some Attarin taken five points of orange blossom water and added to fill a glass of water and drink immediately after eating once a day which is very helpful for the expulsion of gases.

- Dill Dill:Dill very good for the expulsion of gases and Zgueth where package taken Dill and wash well and then cut into small pieces with roots and then boiled with half a liter of water and then drink the cup filling of boiled and eaten dill.

- Fenugreek Fenugreek:The ring of excellent material for the expulsion of stomach gas and the way that boiled fill hanging eat with filling a glass of water for five minutes then strain and drink twice a day once after breakfast and again after dinner.

- Coriander Coriander:Use the fruits of coriander repellent gas is used to fill a large spoon and boil for a minute with filling a glass of water then describes and drink once after breakfast or dinner or when feeling gases in the abdomen.

- Cumin Cumin:Used cumin (fruits) for the treatment of abdominal cramps and expulsion of flatus and gas taken fill a tablespoon of cumin and fruits are placed in about a liter of water and bring to boil on the fire for three minutes. Then cooled and taken from this boiling filtered cup half an hour before eating three times a day (one dose before each meal) for a period of two weeks.

- Caraway CARAWAY:Caraway seeds used widely for the treatment of abdominal gas where taken to fill a teaspoon and added to fill a cup of boiling water and leave for five minutes and then filtered and drink once or twice a day.

- Marjoram Origanum:And knows Palmrdqosh and Baldoh Wazzab and Mistirnco and is used for the expulsion of gases where taken to fill a tablespoon full of grass and added to fill a cup of boiling water and then left to extend the 5 - 10 minutes and then filtered and drink an average cup after each meal directly. Ret can also be used fresh of Albrooqosh.

- The fruits of juniper Junper fruit:Used the fruits of juniper either by eating slowly (Asthalabha) or drinking ăŰáíĺÇ to treat flatulence and the way that chewed a few grains of the fruits of juniper and swallow or be taken to fill a teaspoon of crushed fruits and added to fill the cup of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes and then filtered and drink an average cup after each meal.

- Olive oil olive oil:Italians depends on olive expel the abdomen where the gas to soften the wall of the stomach and helps digestion, where putting a sizeable amount with power or drinking a teaspoon of oil through eating.

- Anbroc papaya:I used Anbroc several centuries to the expulsion of gases where eaten fruits Anbroc immediately after eating a delicious fruit and is one of the refreshing fruits.

- Thyme Thyme:Romanians have used the rich drink thyme tea after meals as taken fill teaspoon of thyme powder and added to fill a cup of boiling water and leave for five minutes and then filtered and drink after meals and can add fill tablespoon honey for dessert.

- Honey Honey:Honey has stated in the Koran and the Torah and used honey therapy for thousands of years to treat many diseases and foremost as an abdominal chased greenhouse where taken to fill a tablespoon honey after meals.

- Clove Clove:Contains clove (screw) the substance Aleugenol as the main material in the volatile oil which Tools Thread Tools which stimulates digestive enzyme, known as trypsin (Trypsin) a repellent good for gas and the way be taken to fill a teaspoon to fill the cup of boiling water and leave for between 10 - 20 minutes and drink an average of three times a day any time after each meal.

- Cinnamon Cinnamon:Chinese scholars used or cinnamon as a folk remedy for thousands of years to treat digestive problems, especially against gases, or flatus taken teaspoon of cinnamon powder and added to the Chinese fill a cup of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes and then drink once after lunch.

General tips:- A person must when eating food not talk much as he with modern swallowed amount of air be the cause of abdominal gas.- Must chew chewy well with the closure of the mouth with chewing.- Must reduce high-fat red meat.- Drink water immediately after the food and not drinking within two hours after eating because the stomach in this busy period to digest food entrusted to digest.- Do not eat whatever amount between meals, as well as not eating too much food.The proverb has ratified toddler who says "home of disease and stomach wisdom or medication." There is also another argument is "filled the son of Adam and bowl worse than his stomach."

Iron and manganese food real hair

Iron and manganese food real hair
Common among people that hair cut or whose services increase the speed of its growth and Ghazarth But this belief is not true scientifically have proven research that hair growth is not affected by cutting or shaving, but noted an increase in the speed of growth of beard after shaving a few hours and this speed in growth followed by a period subsidence and slow growth in equivalent period of the previous increase, bringing the rate of growth after shaving unchanged.
- The impact of nutritional factors on the growth of hair: affected hair growth factor feeding has been proven scientifically as malnutrition, anemia and weakness are all factors that cause hair loss in animal and human private shortage of certain types of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids in the nutrition Valcar living cells grow as long as we are alive and hair like the rest of the body, especially the skin reflects what we eat.
In our power to make this hair fully nourished food and this depends on what we eat and scalp are hairline and strengthens fueled.
But in fact blood is the soil in which the hair grows and reliable in its composition and strength or weakness and we define what we eat that it carries blood to the hair roots of different metals needed even grows naturally and become a crown boast.
Poetry is growing every day and is in particular need to mineral salts and can be obtained only through blood and blood does not carry only what we get from our food and if we analyze a single hair analysis laboratory and found to contain four different metals which silicon - sulfur - iron - manganese If our food included foods containing these metals, we have extended the hair what it needs from the important elements for growth.
There silicon in barley whole is ground, strawberries, radishes, cucumbers peeled, wheat is milled, figs, cabbage, lettuce, spinach.
The sulfur-rich food: they radishes, cabbage, onions, broccoli, carrots, turnips, apples. There manganese and iodine in fish, shellfish and crab and cod liver oil, artichokes, garlic, and it must be balanced food contains a mixture of carbohydrates and Synovial and fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and water.
Because hair is not feeding through creams and paints that are placed on him but thrives as explained by the blood that carries him biomaterials that have been represented and absorption of the food we eat.
And vitamins necessary for the safety of hair directly are vitamin A and vitamin B complex because the lack of vitamin A causes hair loss also lack Albanntotenyik acid a member of the vitamin group (b) compound lead to changes in hair color.
The available vitamin A in carrots, green beans, peas, spinach, tomatoes, vegetables, milk, eggs, cheese and liver. The iron is the most important element necessary for making red blood cells and resistance to anemia and general weakness one of the important factors to keep the integrity of the hair.
And iron-rich foods: which can resist anemia are fish, liver, molasses and apricots, peas, almonds, hazelnuts and Alqrasia spinach, eggs, figs, cocoa and chocolate. As well as iodine is an important element of the thyroid gland functioning even so that if iodine deficiency disrupted thyroid function and hair loss occurs.
The most important source of iodine is: ocean water, seaweed and fish rich in iodine, vegetables and fruits that are fed contain iodine.
Now that we know the food of high value for the benefit of hair and strengthen we must work to connect this rich blood to the hair follicles and it can use the brush, not a hair brush coarse or Lena even be a compromise between this and that to be the use of butterfly morning and evening to reverse hair Do not use the brush strongly that lead to damage to hair and scalp and vulnerable to diseases and can use vegetable oils such as olive oil or almond oil or coconut.
- The impact of aging on hair growth: activates hair and increase growth at a certain age example frequently hair growth between the ages of 15 - 30 less then gradually also increases hair growth in the legs at the age of fifty and less then the growth of pubic hair and eyebrows, it is not affected by a factor of Age .
The effect of pregnancy on hair loss: in the first months of pregnancy increased hair loss, and in recent months become more invaders and softer during pregnancy .. Configuration least peel hair and there will be an increase in the rate of appearance of acne.
- Herbal hair wash: at first turned out to be not something that benefits only food and hair washing not Aldhunh or herbal. Some herbs nourish hair, and gain luster and vitality and are used in the form of drenched hair rinse .. And placing grass in boiling water for 15 minutes, then cover the pot, and leave for three hours to increase the concentration of soaked and then filtered, and be ready for use.
Herbs useful for hair: mint, parsley and celery. Is food important in the beauty of your hair? Most hair types respond to a healthy and balanced food, pure grain and yeast extracts, eggs and organic meats such as liver, kidney and other, are especially useful because they are rich in vitamins (b), which plays a crucial role in the health of the hair at the installation level.
It should be noted that veterinarians prescribe vitamin (b) was widely used to strengthen weak wool animals. After that regressive diet and Tadlah where needed and necessary Udi yourself to eat bulgur with soups, cereals, power Alejana, to improve the status of your hair....

Benefits sniffing roses

Benefits sniffing roses
German researchers found that they could use odors to re-activate new memories in the brain during sleep,The volunteers remember things better after that ...

The researchers wrote in the journal Science scientific ... The study showed that memories are indeed consolidated during sleep,And smells and perhaps other stimuli can reinforce learning pathways in the brain ...

The 74 volunteers learn to study researcher Jan Born and colleagues at the University of Luebeck in Germany,Play games similar to the game (focus) in which they must find matched pairs of objects or cards ...

While they were doing this task, some of the volunteers inhaled the scent of roses ...After volunteers then agreed to sleep inside a special tube which can monitor brain MRI during sleep,At various stages during sleep, Born's team wafted same scent of roses ....

The volunteers were tested again the next day on Matzkrōh researchers wrote:(After the odor night, participants remembered 97.2% of the playing cards they had learned before sleep) ...

This while shrunk ratio Matzkrōh to 86% only if they did not get roses during sleep ..The researchers said the discovery will add to the debate over whether people learn while they slept in the same way that demonstrated some of the animals ..

Fleshy nose causes, symptoms and treatment

Fleshy nose causes, symptoms and treatment
Fleshy nose

It is a swelling of the mucous membranes lining the sinus, especially in pocket Nasfoa.
In most cases appear adenoids in Tjoafa nose together, but if any one side only be a different kind of fleshy nose or a disease is benign, and in this case must supply specialist immediately.

Fleshy nose reasons:
Allergic rhinitis may be causes of this disease, especially when there is inflammation of the sinuses.

Fleshy nose symptoms:
Swells the mucous membranes lining the sinus because of the pool water, leading to the emergence of adenoids.
And adenoids takes the form of granules grapes, which lead to a stuffy nose and poor sense of smell and a water infiltration from the nose, has be infiltration Mkhattiya, and be accompanied by attacks of sneezing and itchy nose, especially if the cause sensitivity in the nose.

Treatment for Diet nose:
Start treating sarcomas excluding sensitivity reasons, if known to the patient, or the work of the necessary sensitivity tests.
The drug therapy Vićabh largely with the treatment of allergic rhinitis may be successful in some cases.
But the primary treatment is surgical intervention to remove the adenoids, though necessary to note that the return to the Diet nose can happen too and that's part of the nature of the disease.
Stromal and frequently rebound in the case of inadequate surgical intervention. If the cause of adenoids is an inflammation of the sinuses as an essential medicine is Jerahiz intervention

Note: to avoid blowing your nose severe because this helps to spread inflammation in the sinuses and ears, especially if there is a cold or acute inflammation of nose, and if necessary be blowing your nose quietly and kindness for each slot of the nose on the unit.

Herb large cucumbers, and the benefits

Herb large cucumbers, and the benefits
Cucumbers, herbaceous plant around the creepy agricultural lobed leaves and small yellow flowers and fruit long somewhat similar to the option. Know cucumbers several names realizes in Arabic "Alqfairsara" known in the Levant as "Almgueta and Algueta", so called Alqt. Knows cucumbers scientifically as Cucumis sativus of the platoon Alqraeih. Has mentioned cucumbers in the Qur'an in the verse number "61" in Sura. As mentioned in some of the conversations or had been received from the Prophet, peace be upon him, he was eating wet Balqthae and Roy Aa'ishah saying "Smonona everything did not fatter, Vsmnona Balqthae wet Vsmont".
And poets Arabs as it is what the poet Ibn Proud: I look at him Onabeba table of emerald green as her paper if overturned his pant Mlaanh and became reversed I you "trust" and said the poet secret raphe: The عقفاء like crescent sky but six Sandsa Iraqi no Ivb Her body هزالا did not embody in جسا Sbergdh improved stock or Kavorh refrigerate texture on top flower lush star dark if Asas Aaljze user of cucumbers is the fruit contents cucumbers Chemical: contain cucumbers vitamins (A, B, C) and calcium and phosphorus, iron, sulfur and manganese. It alkaline cooler.
What did ancient medicine for cucumbers: Ibn al-Bitar in cucumbers that is lighter than the option and faster digestible which cools and moistens, and cucumbers, cucumbers and pumpkins from Food Mahroran and hurt Alambrddan and should not multiply it. Ibn al جزلة "cucumbers dwell heat and yellow and agrees bladder and generates urine and dwell thirst and Shamma person who was unconscious refreshes of temperature and paper with honey urticaria Albulgma, and eat it benefit from dog bite. "
Ibn Sina said: "cucumbers tuff Alndaj, the generation and softening benefit from Almmakir pain is OK for bladder."
Razi said, "cucumbers lighter and faster option down and heats up the body." But what modern medicine for cucumbers: the description of modern medicine cucumbers, said that the properties properties such properties option is moist blood cleaner solvent for urinary acids and salts diuretic. Cucumbers are used internally to reduce the temperature and against poisoning and intestinal colic and irritation, and against increasing the yellow and bleeding and gout, coliform bacilli.
And using cucumbers externally against severe itching and Alqhoba and skin care skin. And used cucumbers to treat freckles where blends juice cucumbers with fresh milk and washing the place freckles. Also used for the skin greasy, especially the face, where cooking cucumbers in water without salt and washing the face. As used cucumbers to within face and make slices of Alqth and placed on the face a few minutes a day. Is there damage to the cucumber? There are no side effects of the cucumber, except that the owners of the stomach weak tired when eating cucumbers raw, but they can use cucumbers every 24 hours once after that add them nautical salt (my salt).
Proved a number of studies and research that option contains mineral salts important and necessary for the construction of the body such as sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and it is rich in vitamin A and has a small percentage of vitamin B and concentrated the largest proportion of these vitamins in the crust so recommended capturing shell .
According to scholars of modern medicine that option generates urine and purifies the blood and lives headaches, and is useful in cases of poisoning and colic, intestinal irritation and gout and arthritis. As extracted from the seed of drinks benefit coughing, burning urine and chest diseases and infections. The option with chopped milk or yogurt dwell thirst of people who follow diets, it also relieves unrest nerve, and use the peel to make compresses up front to treat headaches and used externally to treat many cases including: herpes, scabies, severe itching, rough skin and swollen eyelids, sore face, The juice is nutritious and Mnkie facial and skin in general. And can eat large amounts of it during food regulation it fills the stomach and hunger away without high calories. Studies warns of eating children and the elderly as well as people with indigestion, liver disease and digestive weakness for difficult to digest.
Researchers are advised to maintain the beauty of skin and health resort to nature and components .. In this context, studies have shown that the choice cosmetic and health benefits in addition to multiple nutritional benefits.
The beauty experts that option contains several important elements of the function skin including sulfur which maintains the freshness of the skin and Taraute, and vehicles Clausaides sugary that nourish the facial muscles asserting that he has the characteristics of moisturizing and antiseptic and soothing, Molina, and is one of the materials to suit all skin types.
And reviewed these in a report published in the journal (and Women World) some of the natural recipes involving option to get rid of skin patches caused by birth or exposure to the sun, including wiping the face Berh cucumber mixed with milk by Qatanna twice daily for several consecutive days and can boil option with water and wiping the face by hot and cold if the facial skin of the fatty kind.
I mask option has proven to be effective in pulling spaces skin wide through blending cucumber seeds and a similar amount of seed melon milled milk skimmed then put the mixture on the face for half a minute to dry and then be removed by plain water or rose water and use the same way the previous for dry skin with the replacement of fresh milk cream.
And advised option also for the treatment of acne and blackheads by taking a little cucumber juice and one teaspoon of fresh cream and spoon another of rose water or orange blossom water and egg white and one Whipped can also use cucumber juice in the evening to continue its effect throughout the night where makes a face blond color with repeating this process .
It is known that eating option dwell thirst and cools the body and reigned alleviate neurological disorders as well as it contains cellulose fibers that facilitate the process of food digestion and expel toxins and clear the bowel.
In general, the option is one of the vegetables that are frequently addressed option which is one of the palliative vegetables in hot weather and refreshing for the skin, and the option is known as can be eaten without cooking or without shell.
The benefits of option therapeutic remember books competent that used to treat digestive disorders, and given that the option is considered baseline for this he is working to balance the acid-base in the body, as it is used to treat the sand and gravel urinary or option is generating good Paul this benefit people with disorders and urinary infections urinary tract.Studies indicate that it contains an enzyme Alaarebsan which digests protein, as it is rich in mineral elements Kalbotaseyoum which is necessary to regulate the arterial blood pressure, and is considered the option of vegetables rich in vitamin C, and due to the containment shell some food for this try eating option shell of in order to take advantage of the full its nutritional and therapeutic properties.Option is used as an adjunct to relax on the one hand and condition the skin on the other hand can be used slices of it and put it above the eyes and facial skin as it maintains the purity of the skin and the continued vitality.

Vinegar treated malignant germ stomach

 Vinegar treated malignant germ stomach
Illuminated medical discoveriesD. Abdullah Nasrat: vinegar treated malignant germ stomachWorship Noah

D. Abdullah Nasrat new treatment has been recently discovered to eliminate malignant germ stomach, this treatment is natural and simple and easily accessible and named "vinegar". And this treatment can be adopted in principle but needs to re-evaluate therapeutic method for circulation.
The owner of this treatment is Muslim Researcher d. Abdullah Nasrat who received a Master of General Surgery of the University of Cairo.What d say. Abdullah about treatment?The germ stomach is primarily responsible for disorders and stomach infections, and represent a challenge medically serious so as to responsibility for the majority of infections and ulcers of the stomach lining, and macular cellular and collapse functions of the stomach, and so on for gastric cancer and lymphoma in the stomach wall. Modern medicine has thought that the fight against MRSA is a vital necessity.فعلاج MRSA represents a clear conflict between triple and quadruple therapy or only symptomatic treatment, anti-acidity or must be disposed of to ward off the potential for ulcers and cancer, especially that MRSA back, and back with strains resistant to treatment .. What medicine do, is a way to waste time, effort and money.The vinegar affects MRSA in the killing and depriving it of energy sources required for movement and breathing and diet, and offers so platform integrated to treat all the problems caused by MRSA, whether symptoms are satisfactory, or complications or Artgaa infection or prevention of infection, and that the simplest reasons.Valkhal contributes to the healing of symptoms perfectly, and get rid of pools germ stomach or at least overlap with the ability of bacteria to accumulate and form caucuses in the stomach prevent symptoms and complications, as well as docking approach and protective of any infection is infected by food.Vinegar can be defined as a composite of heat and cold, strong drying, prevent the effusion of materials, and softens nature.The research included 33 patients infected with, where all patients were given a simple diet treatment for ten days is a white vinegar food "acetic acid concentration of 5%", and for the treatment of gatherings MRSA stomach and mouth. The results were immediate and decisive in terms of satisfaction of symptoms according to the interpretation of the patients, and thus is phase Xlenkia of MRSA, has happened in 30 patients between the seventh day and the tenth day of the start of treatment.It was noted that attendance meals or foods containing vinegar on an almost regular basis helps a lot on prevention of infection or reflux symptoms.The symptoms of the bacteria is to continuous pain and distress the top of the abdomen, with a sense of constant bloating and fullness, as well as a sense of increasing acidity.The MRSA colonizes and stabilizes the form colonies under the mucous layer of dense that line the wall of the stomach, and is associated rate gatherings MRSA accumulation old patient, along with the MRSA very weak, where exposure to low concentrations of stomach acid can kill her completely.Also known as severe fraud, where hiding in the wall of the stomach under the thick mucus layer that represents divine protection to the stomach wall and dedication of more severe acid content focus.I appeal to the need to re-evaluate this approach, which takes sacrifice Holy Prophet in hospitalization vinegar so that circulation, and benefit from it in to resolve the dilemma medical posed by treating germ stomach, so that evaluation wider range of patients, depending on the means of accurate assessment of treatment, such as detection Ammonia in the patient's exhaled breath.He recommended the importance of taking care reasons necessary for the prevention of infection reflux patient self-same, or transmission to others by bacteria found in the organic waste of the disease, and to clean hands with vinegar after washing with soap and water, wash your mouth and teeth with vinegar.This is all a confirmation of the words of the Prophet peace be upon him: "Yes vinegar Aladam, God bless in vinegar, not the House lacks vinegar."__________________He says:
(We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits and preached the patient)

Amber wonderful benefits

Amber wonderful benefits
Amber knew Ktaib of hundreds of years and this substance is used in the preparation of the most expensive and finest perfumes.
Amber comes out of the gut colloquially known as Whale Sperm Whale and scientifically as Bilaenopetra musculus.
The sperm whale lives vast oceans swallow the food of fish and neighborhoods seas what swallow shall be what it irritates the intestines do not Anhim Faihat this thing Haig intestines material protects them from evil thrown eventually to the sea Vliqvha rights and benefit the people, that this article is amber that asset Otari animal of the few assets.
And amber material strength wax gray and white and yellow and black which often combine more than color also brings marble Vijra.
Of properties that very Altafrih and strengthens الباه and benefit other diseases of the brain, especially madness and sister, and is used in the Champions magic eaten and drink. Should owners of high blood pressure to reduce their doses.

Chemical contents amber:
Contains amber about 25% a substance called (ambrein) and this compound smells like musk and the value of this compound large in the preparation of the finest and best quality perfumes as giving special smell and prolongs survival smell this perfume for a long time and can not prepare perfumes expensive without Amber. Uses amber :
Using amber internally to open the appetite and weight gain and sexual ability, relieves arthritis pain, is also used as a facilitator and repelling gas intestinal internally and paint from the outside and an antidote to several poisons a good for the stomach and intestines, liver and bladder and increases breathing and heartbeat.
Used by smell of hemiplegia and tetanus Allqoh.
Smoke is used for the common cold and tonic for the brain.
Used Kdhan vertebrae nerve pain and numbness.
Used internally for the treatment of paraplegia and facial paralysis and الرقاص disease, tetanus and migraine headaches, chest pain, cough and asthma.
Used in some parts of the Kingdom frequently sexually Brod.
Used for the purpose of former mixed with honey three times a day.
Used in the Jizan region after mixing ghee and honey to the bites of snakes and scorpions ..

Fermented Milk has improved liver function and prevent cancer

Fermented Milk has improved liver function and prevent cancer

WASHINGTON: Recent studies have confirmed the positive impact of eating natural fermented dairy and containing strains Allambrobsells protection and prevention of liver cancer.
The researchers pointed out, that the study showed an improvement in the liver of mice fed on fermented dairy and containing Allambrobsells, and Alpfidobktrella, as there has been an increase in the number of lymphocytes, including evidence of activating the immune system

The researchers explained that given DMBA in groups that did not address Fermented Milk hit by widening blood vessels and cavities Bsitoblazem hepatocytes and splatter hemorrhagic and analyze some parts of textile liver, as shown by experiments in the incidence of carcinogenic substances protect hepatocytes sound when feeding on milk and do not occur natural degradation, as there is no improvement cells in the late stages of the liver

The study concluded the effectiveness of eating dairy those in protection from liver cancer and limit the spread of the body, and conducts experiments in order to obtain a healthy product for cancer patients.


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