of hemorrhoids ... Without Surgery
Is a vascular stretch pockets expand and swell inside or outside the anal muscle, due to constipation or diarrhea or local pressure on the veins, and sometimes there is reason Dalma
To prevent:
Warns against eating peppers, spices and foods that cause constipation also advised to make a lot of foods that contain fiber abundance such as brown bread, bran, fruits and vegetables
Of the most beneficial treatments for the disease private honey and honey and honey pine oak and honey Curculionidae municipality where they are mixing three tablespoons of honey with three of dry figs, ground with a glass of water until the honey dissolves completely and then drink twice a day
And uses of herbs
Three beads from a thermos with a glass of water every morning,
Chicory drink of boiled roots tender with three tablespoons milk or soak the leaves, flowers and drink the multiple doses per day
For Tlbej:
Boil some cabbage leaves and stained patches is also used as well as the heads leeks in boiling six liters of water and water after abated and cools placed in a vase sitting patient.
To uproot hemorrhoids:
Caraway seed and burns heal hemorrhoids.
. Process Hemorrhoids
That your treatment is not in frequent surgeries not agree to the surgery only after it has ascertained that the surgeon has a good experience and Amina does not betray his profession and patients
Because frequent surgical procedure means taking part of the muscles of the director, and whenever they took filmmaker muscles may lead to muscle weakness that can not meet the director strongly slot, so impurity continual discharge of director
So preferred drug on the process.
Is there a cure for hemorrhoids herbal or animal products?
Yes there is a cure herbal and animal products.
Onion ONION and the way that the Lishui onions and then runs over with fat and then painted by hemorrhoids, it is very useful and continue the patient to use this recipe a day until your hemorrhoids, you should not use this recipe if hemorrhoids have started bleeding, you should wait until the bleeding stops and then use the recipe, can also boil half a medium onion for three minutes in a liter of water and then filtered and cooled so that the flat and then injected anally.
Suppositories eggplant EGGPLANT eggplant herbaceous plant Muammar height ranges between 2870 cm his papers mystical large lobed and flowers purple and fruits large violet color. Knows eggplant scientifically as Solanum melongena and part of the plant used suppositories fruit and fruit juice, fruit and leaves. Contains the fruits of eggplant on a protein and carbohydrate and vitamins A , b, b 2, Jtstaml fruit fresh eggplant mash and placed on the hemorrhoids once a day, either Cones fruit eggplant He grabbed with bitter almond, almond green and then used on hemorrhoids painter.
Banana BANANA Banana perennial plant known scientifically as Musa spp where there types of this race and the user benefits. Use bananas for the treatment of hemorrhoids where taken pills and divided into two parts and then cook steamed half-baked Bakcherha even be soft too and then eaten twice a day once in the morning on saliva and once before bed and this recipe is one famous Chinese recipes.
Teen FIG and user part of the fig is the fruit is mature and securities where boiled leaves the fig tree in the water by three papers in one liter of water, then cooled and washed by hemorrhoids or can sit in it, also eaten grain to TWO of figs immature on an empty stomach daily.
Herb hemorrhoids PILEWORT herbaceous plant reaches a height of between 10 and 30 cm his leg hollow soft carrying papers large Khtafah heart shape, flowers yellow shiny know scientifically as Ranunculus Ficaria part of the plant used: aerial parts, contains plant substances soap and proto أنيمونين and أنيمونين and materials Afsip and vitamin c. Use plant in the form of an ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids and plant should not be used by mouth.
Sowing Qtona PSYLLIUM and knows this plant also known as hashish fleas and there are three types of this plant and part of the plant used seeds and seed husks. Seeds contain fluid materials and the most important compound in the gel is Arapinnocsaalan and also contains fixed oil rose 2 5% and carbohydrates and used sowing Qtona to treat hemorrhoids where scientific studies have shown the U.S., German and Scandinavian seeds Qtona have a softening property and anti-diarrhea, and there is a preparation of seeds Qtona sold in Chidagliat for this purpose
Alhmamils (joint syphilis) WITCH HAZEL perennial tree height of about 6 meters and grows humid forest on the outskirts, has been named the witch hazel tree that magicians Indians imparts supernatural magical power. Known scientifically as Hamamelis Virginiana user part of the tree leaves and peels. Contain Securities and cobalt materials Afsip by 8 10% flavonoids and materials once and volatile oil (Securities only). Use peels and leaves to treat hemorrhoids, inflammation and stop internal and external bleeding and use boiled leaves and peels after cooling bit where can a person who piles sit in this solution, and there is another way, which is that dipped pieces of cotton into the solution and then placed in the refrigerator and after patient takes a bath, put cotton saturated solution and chilled in the refrigerator into the rectum to hews blood vessels expanding, it can work ointment extract cobalt and paint the hemorrhoids, and recipes are plant effective Alhmamils to this purpose.
Handal Colocynth herbaceous plant Muammar outrigger on the ground his papers lobed covered Bsairat white, flowers yellow to whitish, his fruits big green striped green light and at maturity turns to yellow. Knows Handal scientifically as Citrullus colocynthus and user part of it fruits. Contain fruit Handal on the core is the active ingredient and contains pulp resin materials and the most important compounds Aalatirin (A) and Aalateresin (B) also contains alkaloids and pectin and materials soap used Handal as facilitating strong, but for hemorrhoids, the use varies where taken fruit before maturity while still green and then divided into four cut and used every piece of fat hemorrhoids and this tried and tested recipe.
Linseed LINNSEED small herbaceous plant height ranges between 30 - 100 cm has beautiful blue flowers, and scientifically known as Linum usitatissium Part user sowing and oil seeds .. Seeds contain fluid materials and Gelokozydat phenolic and enzymes and pectin and fixed oil and protein also contains Flavo Nadat and Sterolz. Uses linseed oil for the treatment of hemorrhoids where paint hemorrhoids if external or dipped pieces of cotton in the oil and interference in the anus and this recipe useful..
Acol ALHAGI a herbaceous plant stacker Muammar known scientifically as ALHAGI GRAECORUM one of endemic plants in Saudi Arabia and the user from all its parts. Contains Gelokozydat انثراكينونية and materials gall and resin and سيترولات unsaturated materials soap and carbohydrate. Use all parts of the plant drink or incense or coating even cold One hundred to treat hemorrhoids, also used the plant كضمادات to treat hemorrhoids to ease her pain.
* Important Note for patients with hemorrhoids: hemorrhoids patients must work any kind of sport and best walking, as it should treat constipation because it is the basis of the problem and should limit the intake of fish, beef, citrus and hot spices and continue in the fat of the anus
Is a vascular stretch pockets expand and swell inside or outside the anal muscle, due to constipation or diarrhea or local pressure on the veins, and sometimes there is reason Dalma
To prevent:
Warns against eating peppers, spices and foods that cause constipation also advised to make a lot of foods that contain fiber abundance such as brown bread, bran, fruits and vegetables
Of the most beneficial treatments for the disease private honey and honey and honey pine oak and honey Curculionidae municipality where they are mixing three tablespoons of honey with three of dry figs, ground with a glass of water until the honey dissolves completely and then drink twice a day
And uses of herbs
Three beads from a thermos with a glass of water every morning,
Chicory drink of boiled roots tender with three tablespoons milk or soak the leaves, flowers and drink the multiple doses per day
For Tlbej:
Boil some cabbage leaves and stained patches is also used as well as the heads leeks in boiling six liters of water and water after abated and cools placed in a vase sitting patient.
To uproot hemorrhoids:
Caraway seed and burns heal hemorrhoids.
. Process Hemorrhoids
That your treatment is not in frequent surgeries not agree to the surgery only after it has ascertained that the surgeon has a good experience and Amina does not betray his profession and patients
Because frequent surgical procedure means taking part of the muscles of the director, and whenever they took filmmaker muscles may lead to muscle weakness that can not meet the director strongly slot, so impurity continual discharge of director
So preferred drug on the process.
Is there a cure for hemorrhoids herbal or animal products?
Yes there is a cure herbal and animal products.
Onion ONION and the way that the Lishui onions and then runs over with fat and then painted by hemorrhoids, it is very useful and continue the patient to use this recipe a day until your hemorrhoids, you should not use this recipe if hemorrhoids have started bleeding, you should wait until the bleeding stops and then use the recipe, can also boil half a medium onion for three minutes in a liter of water and then filtered and cooled so that the flat and then injected anally.
Suppositories eggplant EGGPLANT eggplant herbaceous plant Muammar height ranges between 2870 cm his papers mystical large lobed and flowers purple and fruits large violet color. Knows eggplant scientifically as Solanum melongena and part of the plant used suppositories fruit and fruit juice, fruit and leaves. Contains the fruits of eggplant on a protein and carbohydrate and vitamins A , b, b 2, Jtstaml fruit fresh eggplant mash and placed on the hemorrhoids once a day, either Cones fruit eggplant He grabbed with bitter almond, almond green and then used on hemorrhoids painter.
Banana BANANA Banana perennial plant known scientifically as Musa spp where there types of this race and the user benefits. Use bananas for the treatment of hemorrhoids where taken pills and divided into two parts and then cook steamed half-baked Bakcherha even be soft too and then eaten twice a day once in the morning on saliva and once before bed and this recipe is one famous Chinese recipes.
Teen FIG and user part of the fig is the fruit is mature and securities where boiled leaves the fig tree in the water by three papers in one liter of water, then cooled and washed by hemorrhoids or can sit in it, also eaten grain to TWO of figs immature on an empty stomach daily.
Herb hemorrhoids PILEWORT herbaceous plant reaches a height of between 10 and 30 cm his leg hollow soft carrying papers large Khtafah heart shape, flowers yellow shiny know scientifically as Ranunculus Ficaria part of the plant used: aerial parts, contains plant substances soap and proto أنيمونين and أنيمونين and materials Afsip and vitamin c. Use plant in the form of an ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids and plant should not be used by mouth.
Sowing Qtona PSYLLIUM and knows this plant also known as hashish fleas and there are three types of this plant and part of the plant used seeds and seed husks. Seeds contain fluid materials and the most important compound in the gel is Arapinnocsaalan and also contains fixed oil rose 2 5% and carbohydrates and used sowing Qtona to treat hemorrhoids where scientific studies have shown the U.S., German and Scandinavian seeds Qtona have a softening property and anti-diarrhea, and there is a preparation of seeds Qtona sold in Chidagliat for this purpose
Alhmamils (joint syphilis) WITCH HAZEL perennial tree height of about 6 meters and grows humid forest on the outskirts, has been named the witch hazel tree that magicians Indians imparts supernatural magical power. Known scientifically as Hamamelis Virginiana user part of the tree leaves and peels. Contain Securities and cobalt materials Afsip by 8 10% flavonoids and materials once and volatile oil (Securities only). Use peels and leaves to treat hemorrhoids, inflammation and stop internal and external bleeding and use boiled leaves and peels after cooling bit where can a person who piles sit in this solution, and there is another way, which is that dipped pieces of cotton into the solution and then placed in the refrigerator and after patient takes a bath, put cotton saturated solution and chilled in the refrigerator into the rectum to hews blood vessels expanding, it can work ointment extract cobalt and paint the hemorrhoids, and recipes are plant effective Alhmamils to this purpose.
Handal Colocynth herbaceous plant Muammar outrigger on the ground his papers lobed covered Bsairat white, flowers yellow to whitish, his fruits big green striped green light and at maturity turns to yellow. Knows Handal scientifically as Citrullus colocynthus and user part of it fruits. Contain fruit Handal on the core is the active ingredient and contains pulp resin materials and the most important compounds Aalatirin (A) and Aalateresin (B) also contains alkaloids and pectin and materials soap used Handal as facilitating strong, but for hemorrhoids, the use varies where taken fruit before maturity while still green and then divided into four cut and used every piece of fat hemorrhoids and this tried and tested recipe.
Linseed LINNSEED small herbaceous plant height ranges between 30 - 100 cm has beautiful blue flowers, and scientifically known as Linum usitatissium Part user sowing and oil seeds .. Seeds contain fluid materials and Gelokozydat phenolic and enzymes and pectin and fixed oil and protein also contains Flavo Nadat and Sterolz. Uses linseed oil for the treatment of hemorrhoids where paint hemorrhoids if external or dipped pieces of cotton in the oil and interference in the anus and this recipe useful..
Acol ALHAGI a herbaceous plant stacker Muammar known scientifically as ALHAGI GRAECORUM one of endemic plants in Saudi Arabia and the user from all its parts. Contains Gelokozydat انثراكينونية and materials gall and resin and سيترولات unsaturated materials soap and carbohydrate. Use all parts of the plant drink or incense or coating even cold One hundred to treat hemorrhoids, also used the plant كضمادات to treat hemorrhoids to ease her pain.
* Important Note for patients with hemorrhoids: hemorrhoids patients must work any kind of sport and best walking, as it should treat constipation because it is the basis of the problem and should limit the intake of fish, beef, citrus and hot spices and continue in the fat of the anus
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