of yeast home to eliminate cancer?
The world on the brink of a new era based household yeast to eliminate cancerRevived Research Professor Mamdouh Ghoneim world in immune diseases hopes of millions of cancer patients following the discovery of the ability of yeast home on elimination of cancer cells through to eat for yeast and then self-suicide.And Ghoneim, who serves as chairman of the scientific research at Charles University is contained in Los Angeles in the United States of, stressed the importance of the findings of discoveries about the treatment of cancer on the one hand, and prevention on the other hand, considering that the world, with this discovery, close to the beginning a new era for the completion of the cancer, which is a terrifying obsession any man Maava or for millions of people living with the disease.Being Professor Ghoneim, an Egyptian origin and reside in the United States, currently research to determine the dose yeast appropriate for a person with cancer after the vote several successful experiments on mice, which proved that cancer cells gobble yeast binge and then explode and ends her without any negative side effects.
In experiments on mice infected with cancer, conducted Ghoneim operations cure for cancer cells injected in a group of mice, and after nearly 4 weeks the rats were treated with yeast recovered and improved health and increased weight, and lack of size cancerous tissue rate ranged between 50 - 80% according to the dose yeast given, compared to a range of cancer-bearing mice and untreated yeast.And between Ghoneim that treatment with yeast still in the experimental stage to the bodies of animals to now, pointing out that it would be the trend for the treatment of patients with cancer of the liver and lung, which promise of cancers bacillus that stump modern medicine incapacitated, adding that the use of yeast is by being injected into the cancerous tissue directly or through an intravenous dripGhoneim advised cancer patients not to start yeast treatments that are advertised by the competent authorities.The following is the text of the interview:Cancer is a disease of modern?
- Cancer is not a disease fashionably, have discovered ancient Egyptians several cases of breast cancer patients, and it should be noted that the cancer has spread to many countries of the world such as the United States, China, Jordan, Egypt, and proved to the latest statistics, there are nearly half a million Americans spend annually due to cancer , research also proved the existence of a close relationship between smoking and the appearance of cancer, Smoking usually modern bad and promoted by manufacturers promotion tremendous increase sales and spend money for the sake of appearance known actor and loved by the masses which smokes making his fans and his fans Ikldonh and this pest has spread in the rising generation the new states Many, such as Japan and China, there are certain types of cancers is closely linked to smoking, such as cancer of the tongue and gums, throat and lungs, and quite true to say to drink alcohol.
Tell us about the beginning of discovery about the possibility eliminate yeast cells, which announced since the beginning of this year?
- Can be yeast beginning of the era of the end of cancer and this is what I see before me, have started this discovery in one day in July (June) of the year 1986, through the remarkable microscopic using the light microscope, and where we found the cancer cell embraces and eat brewer's yeast (yeast household) After several hours, we found that the cancerous cell break down and die.
What type of yeast most effective to kill cancer cells and reached by the overall experiences?
- There are various types of yeast and mostly bad except yeast we are talking about a brewer's yeast (or yeast household used food), and that of coincidences strange that yeast is a fungus, and penicillin (an antibiotic known) extract of mushroom is another mushroom Penicilli who kills species Many of the bacteria, while yeast fungus is characterized by his amazing ability to kill cancer cells.
Can you explain the mechanism of action?
We boiled the yeast for an hour until you die before you put them and mixing them with cancer cells, when death yeast will move cancer cells at them and swallowed, then crumble the cancer cell immediately after and within a maximum period a few hours, and we found a marked increase in the level of calcium within the cell cancer after ingested yeast was this reason to destroy the cancerous cell.
How direct experiences proved that scientific discovery and medical important in the ability of yeast to eliminate cancer cells?
I noticed that cancer cells eat yeast called this phenomenon Balaltham (Phagocytosis). We began to conduct experiments on three stages, the first stage is to work out of the body, which showed that cancer cells are attracted strongly to the yeast, then start the cancer cells to digest the yeast cells, and then explode a cancer cell, and the second phase was conducted experiments on animals with cancer in areas inaccessible (such as cancers that formed under the skin).
The third phase is the testing of an infected animal cancers as far away as lung cancer.
Any type of cancer cells kill the yeast more than others?
- Brewer's yeast destroy many kinds of cancers, such as breast cancer, tongue, skin, colon, prostate and others, all Sticky scientifically and published in international journals since 2005.
How can reach injection yeast to cancer lies within the area of the body can not be reached directly lung Kmentgueta and liver?
- I think that the problem of modern medicine that stands helpless before the cancers remote such as lung cancer and liver which are difficult to treat, so we work experiences primitive and published in the conference of the American Association for Cancer Research in the first of February 2010 to prove access yeast of cancer cells located in the lung, We found that when injected animal yeast tail region carried by the blood to various areas, including the lungs cancer cell فتراها and assaulted them to eat.
When a cancer patient, where are the injection process to eliminate the cancer cells?
- Treatment with yeast still at the stage of animal so far, and when the time comes the opportunity in the future for the treatment of patients with liver cancer or lung using yeast will trend then by injecting yeast inside cancerous tissue directly or intravenous, and advise cancer patients not to begin treatments yeast even been announced by the competent authorities.
Are these safe way to non-infected cells of the body?
're Trying to reach the dose that destroy cancer cells do not cause collateral damage. And we have conducted a test to make sure only kill cancer cells, yeast Fodana on normal breast cells and found that breast cells do not eat.
What is the scientific explanation for that?
- The reason that the body's cells natural his condition normal where there is no phenomenon engorgement only two types of white blood cells called cells Alokolh It (Maikarovaj and Newtrovilz), and normal cell when it begins the transition to a cancerous cell under the influence of what, begin to acquire new features, including property engorgement. While not have that property when it was a normal cell.
But remaining in the final stages of those experiences, can you tell us about that?
- We can now use the yeast in the treatment of domestic dogs with cancer to the similarity of the way in which cancer develops in dogs as in humans, but it is also possible to enter into the application stage treatment yeast cancer patients without reference to the dogs.
Do you eat food yeast by giving the same interest?
- Yeast intervention on the stomach and break them by enzymes infectious, it becomes a role limited to the role of the activator of the immune system, but in our research this our, you on the cancer cell to be close to yeast, where attracted desperately located بالفخ, so call this phenomenon "fatal attraction."
How can conduct confirmatory tests to prove the validity and effectiveness of this treatment?
- The results of this research were published in international journals, namely:
1 - International Journal of Oncology
Cancer Immunology
Immunotherapy -2
Anti-cancer research -3
In vivo-4
Cancer detection and prevention-5
Since most of this research provider numerous microscopic images showing details engorgement and the death of cancer cells.
How long the treatment of cancer cells by yeast?
Took the mixing process in the tube (experiments outside the body) about four hours. We found that most cancers responded. As for the treatment of cancer within the body it takes from two to four weeks. This depends on the size of the dose and frequency, and also on the size of the cancerous tissue.
What about your attempts to get support by the authorities concerned to support scientific research and medical discoveries, especially for the development of research on yeast to address the growing cancer in our time?
We send our reports and the results of our tests for the National Association of Health, which is responsible for the support of scientific research in the United States, to try to get support. Since 2004 until now, read by world experts and appreciated the results and content, but unfortunately without the support material.
What do you think the reason for not receiving unsolicited support for your research of these stakeholders in America?
- In my opinion, the alternative medicine do not receive much attention in the United States, especially since the budget devoted to the study of alternative medicine is estimated at only $ 700 million, with an estimated budget for the rest of the treatments several billions of dollars.
What about the University, who heads the Department of Immunology, not to support certain research of this kind?
- Cost the university to conduct a scientific report photographer about scientific discovery of the yeast and its ability to eliminate cancer cells at a cost of 24 thousand dollars, and this report photographer posted on "YouTube" and a 4 and a half minutes and anyone can review by searching his personal words "Cancer Ghoneum", The university has also delivered the substance of this research to other destinations in order to attract donors.
What are the obstacles that confront you to complete this research and be used to treat cancer patients?
- Now we are faced with a large deficit in the completion of our research result a noticeable lack of financial support which has led to a standstill at the moment for the completion of this research.
* What is the scientific explanation that links between cause stress and injury to the body nervous cancer?
Proven through testing laboratory for more than 20 years on the white blood cells, particularly nature killer (NK), that these cells escape toward the bone marrow for the duration of stress, anxiety and depression and remain inside whatever the time frame, thereby leaving the body vulnerable to attack diseases, as well as the length of survival of these cells in the bone marrow loses borne genes, the genes responsible for the attack cancer cells, exposing the body of cancer.
Does the same interpretation applies to the link between those cells exposure to different kinds of pollution, whether polluted hydraulically or pneumatically or food, and causing disease?
- Also in the event that the white blood cells nature killer (NK) of contamination, either through the air or water or food, they lose their genes, and thus lose their ability to attack cancer cells, and emphasize the need for attention anyone to stay away from all stress factors, smoking and exercise even for 30 minutes, in addition to spirituality that supports the health of the soul and body.
The world on the brink of a new era based household yeast to eliminate cancerRevived Research Professor Mamdouh Ghoneim world in immune diseases hopes of millions of cancer patients following the discovery of the ability of yeast home on elimination of cancer cells through to eat for yeast and then self-suicide.And Ghoneim, who serves as chairman of the scientific research at Charles University is contained in Los Angeles in the United States of, stressed the importance of the findings of discoveries about the treatment of cancer on the one hand, and prevention on the other hand, considering that the world, with this discovery, close to the beginning a new era for the completion of the cancer, which is a terrifying obsession any man Maava or for millions of people living with the disease.Being Professor Ghoneim, an Egyptian origin and reside in the United States, currently research to determine the dose yeast appropriate for a person with cancer after the vote several successful experiments on mice, which proved that cancer cells gobble yeast binge and then explode and ends her without any negative side effects.
In experiments on mice infected with cancer, conducted Ghoneim operations cure for cancer cells injected in a group of mice, and after nearly 4 weeks the rats were treated with yeast recovered and improved health and increased weight, and lack of size cancerous tissue rate ranged between 50 - 80% according to the dose yeast given, compared to a range of cancer-bearing mice and untreated yeast.And between Ghoneim that treatment with yeast still in the experimental stage to the bodies of animals to now, pointing out that it would be the trend for the treatment of patients with cancer of the liver and lung, which promise of cancers bacillus that stump modern medicine incapacitated, adding that the use of yeast is by being injected into the cancerous tissue directly or through an intravenous dripGhoneim advised cancer patients not to start yeast treatments that are advertised by the competent authorities.The following is the text of the interview:Cancer is a disease of modern?
- Cancer is not a disease fashionably, have discovered ancient Egyptians several cases of breast cancer patients, and it should be noted that the cancer has spread to many countries of the world such as the United States, China, Jordan, Egypt, and proved to the latest statistics, there are nearly half a million Americans spend annually due to cancer , research also proved the existence of a close relationship between smoking and the appearance of cancer, Smoking usually modern bad and promoted by manufacturers promotion tremendous increase sales and spend money for the sake of appearance known actor and loved by the masses which smokes making his fans and his fans Ikldonh and this pest has spread in the rising generation the new states Many, such as Japan and China, there are certain types of cancers is closely linked to smoking, such as cancer of the tongue and gums, throat and lungs, and quite true to say to drink alcohol.
Tell us about the beginning of discovery about the possibility eliminate yeast cells, which announced since the beginning of this year?
- Can be yeast beginning of the era of the end of cancer and this is what I see before me, have started this discovery in one day in July (June) of the year 1986, through the remarkable microscopic using the light microscope, and where we found the cancer cell embraces and eat brewer's yeast (yeast household) After several hours, we found that the cancerous cell break down and die.
What type of yeast most effective to kill cancer cells and reached by the overall experiences?
- There are various types of yeast and mostly bad except yeast we are talking about a brewer's yeast (or yeast household used food), and that of coincidences strange that yeast is a fungus, and penicillin (an antibiotic known) extract of mushroom is another mushroom Penicilli who kills species Many of the bacteria, while yeast fungus is characterized by his amazing ability to kill cancer cells.
Can you explain the mechanism of action?
We boiled the yeast for an hour until you die before you put them and mixing them with cancer cells, when death yeast will move cancer cells at them and swallowed, then crumble the cancer cell immediately after and within a maximum period a few hours, and we found a marked increase in the level of calcium within the cell cancer after ingested yeast was this reason to destroy the cancerous cell.
How direct experiences proved that scientific discovery and medical important in the ability of yeast to eliminate cancer cells?
I noticed that cancer cells eat yeast called this phenomenon Balaltham (Phagocytosis). We began to conduct experiments on three stages, the first stage is to work out of the body, which showed that cancer cells are attracted strongly to the yeast, then start the cancer cells to digest the yeast cells, and then explode a cancer cell, and the second phase was conducted experiments on animals with cancer in areas inaccessible (such as cancers that formed under the skin).
The third phase is the testing of an infected animal cancers as far away as lung cancer.
Any type of cancer cells kill the yeast more than others?
- Brewer's yeast destroy many kinds of cancers, such as breast cancer, tongue, skin, colon, prostate and others, all Sticky scientifically and published in international journals since 2005.
How can reach injection yeast to cancer lies within the area of the body can not be reached directly lung Kmentgueta and liver?
- I think that the problem of modern medicine that stands helpless before the cancers remote such as lung cancer and liver which are difficult to treat, so we work experiences primitive and published in the conference of the American Association for Cancer Research in the first of February 2010 to prove access yeast of cancer cells located in the lung, We found that when injected animal yeast tail region carried by the blood to various areas, including the lungs cancer cell فتراها and assaulted them to eat.
When a cancer patient, where are the injection process to eliminate the cancer cells?
- Treatment with yeast still at the stage of animal so far, and when the time comes the opportunity in the future for the treatment of patients with liver cancer or lung using yeast will trend then by injecting yeast inside cancerous tissue directly or intravenous, and advise cancer patients not to begin treatments yeast even been announced by the competent authorities.
Are these safe way to non-infected cells of the body?
're Trying to reach the dose that destroy cancer cells do not cause collateral damage. And we have conducted a test to make sure only kill cancer cells, yeast Fodana on normal breast cells and found that breast cells do not eat.
What is the scientific explanation for that?
- The reason that the body's cells natural his condition normal where there is no phenomenon engorgement only two types of white blood cells called cells Alokolh It (Maikarovaj and Newtrovilz), and normal cell when it begins the transition to a cancerous cell under the influence of what, begin to acquire new features, including property engorgement. While not have that property when it was a normal cell.
But remaining in the final stages of those experiences, can you tell us about that?
- We can now use the yeast in the treatment of domestic dogs with cancer to the similarity of the way in which cancer develops in dogs as in humans, but it is also possible to enter into the application stage treatment yeast cancer patients without reference to the dogs.
Do you eat food yeast by giving the same interest?
- Yeast intervention on the stomach and break them by enzymes infectious, it becomes a role limited to the role of the activator of the immune system, but in our research this our, you on the cancer cell to be close to yeast, where attracted desperately located بالفخ, so call this phenomenon "fatal attraction."
How can conduct confirmatory tests to prove the validity and effectiveness of this treatment?
- The results of this research were published in international journals, namely:
1 - International Journal of Oncology
Cancer Immunology
Immunotherapy -2
Anti-cancer research -3
In vivo-4
Cancer detection and prevention-5
Since most of this research provider numerous microscopic images showing details engorgement and the death of cancer cells.
How long the treatment of cancer cells by yeast?
Took the mixing process in the tube (experiments outside the body) about four hours. We found that most cancers responded. As for the treatment of cancer within the body it takes from two to four weeks. This depends on the size of the dose and frequency, and also on the size of the cancerous tissue.
What about your attempts to get support by the authorities concerned to support scientific research and medical discoveries, especially for the development of research on yeast to address the growing cancer in our time?
We send our reports and the results of our tests for the National Association of Health, which is responsible for the support of scientific research in the United States, to try to get support. Since 2004 until now, read by world experts and appreciated the results and content, but unfortunately without the support material.
What do you think the reason for not receiving unsolicited support for your research of these stakeholders in America?
- In my opinion, the alternative medicine do not receive much attention in the United States, especially since the budget devoted to the study of alternative medicine is estimated at only $ 700 million, with an estimated budget for the rest of the treatments several billions of dollars.
What about the University, who heads the Department of Immunology, not to support certain research of this kind?
- Cost the university to conduct a scientific report photographer about scientific discovery of the yeast and its ability to eliminate cancer cells at a cost of 24 thousand dollars, and this report photographer posted on "YouTube" and a 4 and a half minutes and anyone can review by searching his personal words "Cancer Ghoneum", The university has also delivered the substance of this research to other destinations in order to attract donors.
What are the obstacles that confront you to complete this research and be used to treat cancer patients?
- Now we are faced with a large deficit in the completion of our research result a noticeable lack of financial support which has led to a standstill at the moment for the completion of this research.
* What is the scientific explanation that links between cause stress and injury to the body nervous cancer?
Proven through testing laboratory for more than 20 years on the white blood cells, particularly nature killer (NK), that these cells escape toward the bone marrow for the duration of stress, anxiety and depression and remain inside whatever the time frame, thereby leaving the body vulnerable to attack diseases, as well as the length of survival of these cells in the bone marrow loses borne genes, the genes responsible for the attack cancer cells, exposing the body of cancer.
Does the same interpretation applies to the link between those cells exposure to different kinds of pollution, whether polluted hydraulically or pneumatically or food, and causing disease?
- Also in the event that the white blood cells nature killer (NK) of contamination, either through the air or water or food, they lose their genes, and thus lose their ability to attack cancer cells, and emphasize the need for attention anyone to stay away from all stress factors, smoking and exercise even for 30 minutes, in addition to spirituality that supports the health of the soul and body.
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